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我和陈元志是十年前在故宫中拍照时认识的,那时他正受聘在故宫中当摄影师,共同的爱好是我们聊不完的话题。后来他调离了故宫,我们见面和聊天的机会就没了,再次见面,是一次我在胡同中拍摄时偶遇他,我看见他手持着一架摇头相机,非常认真的从各个  相似文献   

蒋晨明 《数码》2007,(6):210-215
我对北京胡同的兴趣首先来自专题摄影。几年前在我开始将胡同作为摄影素材后,那些窄窄的、打着弯的、斑驳的胡同,就像一坛醇香的老酒将我灌得如醉如痴。  相似文献   

我和陈元志是十年前在故宫中拍照时认识的,那里他正受聘在故宫中当摄影师,共同的爱好是我们聊不完的话题。后来他调离了故宫,我们见面和聊天的机会就没了。  相似文献   

蔺鑫元 《数字生活》2009,(8):100-103
胡同,一个夹杂着情感、夹杂着历史、夹杂着文化、夹杂着记忆的地方。 我,一个北京人,一个老北京人,一个住在老胡同里面的老北京人。  相似文献   

不是摄影发烧友,也同样可以为家里的宝贝拍出精彩的照片,比如以下的三位爸爸妈妈,他们都是新爸爸们学习的榜样。  相似文献   

逍遥 《数码》2006,(1):205-209
夜拍MM,可以利用灯光、烛光、月光等,把MM的另一种美在光与影中和谐地表现出来。但夜晚的拍摄往往受到客观条件的限制.而给摄友带来一些困难,所以夜间摄影比日间摄影困难多。可夜景光影交错,灯火迷炫,色温屡次丰富,是磨炼拍摄技巧的舞台。而且,对于喜欢给MM拍照的你来讲,“夜拍”充满了挑战和神秘的色彩。想想看,如果你能拍得一堆好片子.她一定乐得合不拢嘴!  相似文献   

那一条条在阳光透过树叶而散满地面且显现斑驳光影的胡同里,有我儿时的身影,记忆中的那些往昔,每每浮现眼前,我都欣赏一笑,胡同——永不忘怀的地方……。  相似文献   

北京是座可以让人坐下来品茶而后津津乐道的城市,不是因为她大,也不是因为她是首都,更多的是因为她有着厚重的历史,  相似文献   

李立 《新潮电子》2005,(21):182-183
一张精美的照片,除了有成功的构图、合适的色彩,更容易让其出彩的要素莫过于抢眼的光感了。对于摄影初学者,拍摄现场的光源运用是最难把握的;而对于一些摄影发烧友来说,如果面对一片美好的景色,却因天空不作美无法给摄影作品添加合适的光影,那岂不是太过遗憾了甲针对这种种的无奈或遗憾,AuLoFX公司为我们的数字暗房开发了一个能产生真实光感的插件滤镜——Mystical Lighting,让我们有了前期不足后期补的机会。Mystical Lighting中集成了16个子滤镜,不要被吓到,要制造逼真的光影,其实只需要用到Surfacelight即可,现在让我们在有限的篇幅中了解一下如何用Mystical Lighting制造光影。[编者按]  相似文献   

现在人人都在谈创新,但大部分都陷入一条狭窄的胡同中,空间有限。真正的创新,应该是思维模式创新,不论是经营企业,还是投资,都是如此  相似文献   

视频的大数据时代已经到来,将视频序列分割成镜头来进行视频内容分析和视频检索是十分重要的研究方向。文中提出一种基于帧间一致(Frame Consistency,FC)模型和光流特征的视频镜头分割技术。利用基于视觉感知的"整体到局部"的思想,首先浏览视频,除去视频的冗余信息,以降低计算成本,并通过提取视频的视觉特征构建帧间一致性函数,以此创建可能的镜头分割集合,并结合运动特征进一步优化分割结果。该技术在评估上,其精确度、召回率和F1值,都呈现出较好的效果。  相似文献   

The authors find that the optical shot noise and the electrical shot noise in light emitting diodes have the identical fluctuation due to spontaneous emission as far as the quantum efficiency is unity. The 0.45-dB reduction of noise below the standard shot-noise limit is achieved by using such correlation between the two kinds of shot noise  相似文献   

蒙城县有线电视前端机房使用的供电系统采用两路不同供电线路 ,即利用 1台发电机和 1台 6kVA·h在线式UPS电源供电 ,确保有线电视信号 2 4h不间断传输 ,整个供电系统自动切换。1 自动切换供电系统方框图 (如图 1所示 )图 1进入配电房的两路不同供电线路分为 1号线路和2号线路 ,发电机的供电为 3号线路 ,3路供电线路通过 4个交流接触器构成两组互锁的自动切换开关电路 ,完成对 3路供电线路的自动切换。2 具体连接方法(1) 1号供电线路接入 1号交流接触器的进线接点并接牢 ,用导线按图 1所示 ,将 1号交流接触器的线圈、2号交流接触器…  相似文献   

王为秋  陈娇  崔娟  满林涛 《信息技术》2011,(10):189-192
盾构机土仓压力的大小直接影响到掘进工作面的稳定性和地表的变形。根据盾构机土仓渣土的非线性本构关系,建立了土压平衡盾构机土仓压力控制数学模型。采用优化方法,提出了盾构机土仓压力优化控制算法。在实验台上,验证了盾构机土仓压力控制模型和算法的有效性。  相似文献   

Video shot detection and condensed representation. a review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
There is an urgent need to develop techniques that organize video data into more compact forms or extract semantically meaningful information. Such operations can serve as a first step for a number of different data access tasks such as browsing, retrieval, genre classification, and event detection. In this paper, we focus not on the high-level video analysis task themselves but on the common basic techniques that have been developed to facilitate them. These basic tasks are shot boundary detection and condensed video representation  相似文献   

本文报道了一种单次超快成像的新方法,该方法的时间分辨率仅由投影光的脉宽决定。我们用这种方法记录了有机玻璃中激光辐照损伤的全过程。  相似文献   

The circuit is constructed with two cross-coupled DC flip-flops, resulting in a square wave output signal without any external special clock signal. The circuit configuration and operating principle are described. The circuit has been experimentally fabricated and its operating margin has been examined. The analysis successfully explains the experimental results.  相似文献   

Custom computing machines, a class of computational platforms consisting of reconfigurable functional units with reconfigurable interconnection networks, provide a middle-ground between special-purpose hardware, which provide high execution speed, and general-purpose computers, which offer flexibility. The Splash-2 system, one such custom computing machine, is an experimental platform for complex computations requiring the high speed of special-purpose hardware. The reconfigurability and modularity of Splash-2, along with automated synthesis tools, allow for rapid, staged development of applications. This paper demonstrates the applicability of Splash-2 to the image-processing area and gives an introduction to the programming environment used in developing applications. An example image-processing application based upon two-dimensional convolution is described and the operating procedures of custom computing machines are presented. Also presented are the details of directly implementing two-dimensional convolution in a straight-forward, systolic fashion in reconfigurable hardware.This research has been supported in part by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under grant MIP-9308390.  相似文献   

To translate in real time, a simultaneous translation system should determine when to stop reading source tokens and generate target tokens corresponding to a partial source sentence read up to that point. However, conventional attention-based neural machine translation (NMT) models cannot produce translations with adequate latency in online scenarios because they wait until a source sentence is completed to compute alignment between the source and target tokens. To address this issue, we propose a reinforced learning (RL)-based attention mechanism, the reinforced attention mechanism, which allows a neural translation model to jointly train the stopping criterion and a partial translation model. The proposed attention mechanism comprises two modules, one to ensure translation quality and the other to address latency. Different from previous RL-based simultaneous translation systems, which learn the stopping criterion from a fixed NMT model, the modules can be trained jointly with a novel reward function. In our experiments, the proposed model has better translation quality and comparable latency compared to previous models.  相似文献   

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