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"Lipsitt's… [see 34: 4134] Self-Concept and Ideal-Self scales and two Sociometric scales were given to fourth, sixth, and eighth grade subjects… Acceptance of others, acceptance by others, and acceptance by best friends were curvilinearly related to self-concept scores… . trends were not significantly different in different grades or sexes… . Acceptance by others was more strongly related to self-concept than was acceptance by best friends… . The sociometric measures were not significantly related to the discrepancy between ideal-self and self-concept scores suggesting that the discrepancy score obtained by subtraction may not be a valid measure of self-acceptance." From Psyc Abstracts 36:04:4FF72R. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

What are those Marine officers who appear for sick call seeking medical care like? Personality test scores, sociometric ranking of pilot efficiency, officer-like qualities, and social acceptability in their squadron were related to an index of frequency of sick call visits. Some traits were related to frequency of sick bay visits. Those having the lowest sociometric ratings appeared most often. Educational level and intelligence were unrelated. "Primary personality, and temperamental traits may be the underlying factors related to the tendency to seek frequent medical consultation and to lower sociometric ratings." From Psyc Abstracts 36:01:3LD04K. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

It is hypothesized that sociometric choice is, in part, affected by social factors. One evaluates his own feelings about a person by comparing his feelings with those of others. First borns, who are characterized as dependent, are assumed to be more influenced by such social determinants of sociometric choice than are later borns. Implications of these assumptions are tested in a sociometric study of 15 fraternities and sororities. Within these groups, first borns choose more popular people and exhibit greater similarity of sociometric choice than do later borns. In addition, the data indicate that first borns are considerably less popular than are later borns. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that, except for paranoid schizophrenics, similarity in diagnostic category has little effect on sociometric choice among patients. A sociometric study was conducted employing MMPI scales as well as diagnostic categories on 84 hospitalized psychiatric patients. When diagnostic labels from the patients' charts were used, results showed no relationship between sociometric choice and diagnosis. However, patients classified by highest MMPI scale or by MMPI code type made positive sociometric choices among themselves. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"A review of representative studies of the relation between ability and sociometric status among normal children, institutional retarded children, and noninstitutional retarded children, indicated high agreement with the generalization that individual ability is positively and significantly associated with choice status… . Studies that attend exclusively to the relation between intelligence and status should be avoided, while efforts to predict status within groups undergoing formaton or change should be increased." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"This study was designed to test the generality of the positive relationship between perceived similarity and valuation of others." The results indicate that highest sociometric choices tend to be perceived as more similar to self than are lowest sociometric choices and also more similar to self than they actually are. The proposition is suggested that the positive relationship between perceived similarity and valuation of others is a function of the need to be similar to valued persons. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"Cartwright and Harary's graph-theoretical extension [see 31: 6811] of Heider's theory of balance was tested in… three possible balanced sociometric triads. Three theoretical predictions were made from these triads… . The results indicated that unsolved problems exist regarding the intensity of relationships, the social context in which the relationships occur, and the effect of structures composed primarily of negative relationships. Experimental and theoretical implications of the findings are discussed, including the particular need for research on the growth and decay of sociometric structures." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

For students (N = 250) in seven grade-school classes, the frequency of positive and negative sociometric choices was related to scores on the subtests of the California Test of Personality. Frequency of both positive and negative choices was dichotomized into "few" and "many," and the subtest scores were analyzed in a 2 X 2 factorial design created by the four possible combinations of choices. "Seven of the 12 subsections of the… test… produced evidence to indicate a relationship between one's social position among his peers and some aspect of personality adjustment as measured by this test." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"Data relevant to two hypotheses concerned with the evaluation of projective test responses were obtained in this study. The projective test measure was frequency of response in n Dependency on the TAT and on the ISB. A structured clinical interview and a sociometric technique were used as measures of overt Dependent behavior… . Eighty Ss participated in the study… . Frequency of response in n Dependency on the TAT yielded no evidence of relationship to the interview and sociometric measures of overt Dependent behavior… . Frequency of response in n Dependency on the ISB was related to interview and sociometric measures of overt Dependent behavior." From Psyc Abstracts 36:01:1HG99F. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined the hypothesis that psychotic, borderline, and neurotic personality organizations (POs) present a progressive differentiation between self and object representations and an increasing integration of their bad and good aspects. Fifty patients participated in the study. Measures included scales of self and object representations (S. J. Blatt, S. A. Bers, & C. E. Schaffer, 1993; S. J. Blatt, H. Wiseman, E. Prince-Gibson, & C. Gatt, 1991), as well as the Personality Organization Diagnostic Form (L. Diguer & L. Normandin, 1997) and estimations of psychiatric severity. Results showed that PO groups differed in terms of the integration of the object and its valence. It was also observed that although object and self representations were closely intertwined, the latter showed more discrimination between POs than the former. Psychiatric severity was shown to correlate more with object representations than self representations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"Using a 76-item Q sort set, 11 sorters made 4 sorts each describing the personalities of each of 5 political figures… The reliabilities of both unforced and forced sorts were determined and the number of discriminations present in each unforced sort was computed. The heterogeneity of the distributions employed for the unforced sorts indicates that no particular form of distribution was consistently preferred by the sorters… It was found that as more discriminations were made in Q-sort situation, the test-retest reliability of the sort tended to increase. The data suggest that the maximum possible number of discriminations can be made among a set of items with no appreciable loss of reliability. The recommendation is therefore offered that a rectangular distribution be employed for forced Q-sorts." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study "assumed that interpersonal positive affect is a key determinant of interpersonal dynamics and that personality similarity facilitates the mutual expression of positive effect. The hypothesis was that subjects and their unilateral sociometric choices have significantly similar personality profiles prior to acquaintance, while subjects and their sociometric rejections do not." The hypothesis was supported. From Psyc Abstracts 36:02:2GE84I. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop and provide an initial examination of a self-report measure of intervention usage called the Usage Rating Profile—Intervention (URP–I). From an initial pool of 55 items, results of exploratory factor analysis and reliability estimates supported a measure containing 35 items and four factors as relevant toward understanding intervention usage. Those factors were labeled acceptability, understanding, feasibility, and systems support. Limitations and future directions are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of logistical resources on the acceptability of student assistance team consultation to school staff. Elementary and middle school staff (N = 113) completed a measure of the acceptability of prereferral intervention team procedures while also rating the importance of five logistical supports for effective team functioning. A multiple regression analysis showed that the team process was more acceptable to staff who perceived these teams to be effective for helping students and to those who identified three supports for effective teaming: sufficient staff training in team procedures, adequate numbers of staff, and ample time. Results are discussed in the context of prior investigations, directions for future research, and implications for school practice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

As psychoanalytic theory has evolved from the language of ego and drives to the growth and development of the self, the theory of technique has not shifted accordingly. This article begins with a historical survey of the theoretical movement leading to the current emphasis on the self. The argument is then advanced that this theoretical shift requires a correlative change in technique. A theory of psychoanalytic technique is then described that emanates from the analytic goal of restructuring the self. The centerpiece of the proposed technical approach is the application of Winnicott's concept of potential space to the analytic process. The argument is that Winnicott's notion provides psychoanalytic therapy with a theory of technique devised specifically for the creation of new aspects of the self. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The thesis of this article is that self psychology can be construed as a superego psychology in that both involve an intensive study of the self-regulatory and self-evaluative functions of the mind and their precursors in early object relations. Kohut's clinical contribution can be redefined in terms of the structural model as the delineation of the regressive, pathological, and healthy methods through which the ego attempts to restore the approval of the superego. Kohut's grandiose self can be seen as a precursor of the ego ideal and his idealized parent imago as a precursor of conscience. Conflict between the ego ideal and the conscience constitutes a vital aspect of intrapsychic functioning which self psychology has neglected in its focus upon developmental arrest. Sexual and aggressive aims play an important role in regaining the approval of the superego through their unique capacity to evoke a sense of the omnipotence of the corporeal self. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A model of motivation proposed by Atkinson was considered appropriate for the generation of hypotheses about the curricular choices of college students. The selections of areas of concentration by honors and nonhonors students, tested as freshmen, were obtained when the students were seniors. Their choices were related to their n Achievement scores and Test Anxiety scores. The general predictions of the model were borne out for men but not for the women, although this was not unexpected. In regard to the choices of women it was noted that women in the honors program tended to obtain teaching certificates if they had high Test Anxiety scores. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

An assessment of the degree to which cautiousness ("the tendency to behave in a manner designed to avoid potential failure or disapproval experiences… often at the expense of other satisfactions") affected responsiveness to TAT cards and MAPS. Degree of cautiousness was assessed by performance on the Rotter Level of Aspiration Board (see 19: 2261). Ss were then administered a test of social acceptability of attitudes and were either told that they scored low (failure experience), scored high (success experience), or were given no feedback (neutral). Comparisons of cautious (C) and noncautious (NC) Ss revealed that degree of cautiousness distinguished C and NC Ss in the neutral situation only. The finding supported the assumption that cautiousness, as a personality trait, could also be used to describe conceptual behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A different version of a 1206-word two-part lesson on aircraft mechanics was presented to each of 4 groups of 110 Ss. The versions differed with respect to level of human interest ("personal words" and "personal sentences") used in the two halves. "The results… indicate that a high level of human interest… of technical writing produced no significant difference in immediate retention test score, was consistently judged less acceptable, and showed a tendency to produce a greater amount read in a given time, compared to a low level of human interest.… " (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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