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Filler materials for welding V-1461 alloy, ensuring high cracking resistance, corrosion resistance and mechanical properties, are selected. The results of tests of the welded joints in static tensile loading and bending and the impact toughness of the weld metal and low-cycle fatigue strength are presented. The experimental results show that the application of impact ultrasound treatment increases by an order of magnitude the values of low-cycle fatigue resistance of the welded joints as a result of the formation of the nanostructured surface layers. The level of residual stresses in welded joints is determined.  相似文献   

《Acta Materialia》2003,51(18):5447-5466
A novel extension of the cellular automata technique for microstructural modelling is presented, allowing simulation of the evolution of the complex three-dimensional morphology of porosity during the solidification of an aluminium–silicon alloy. The complex morphology arises due to the restriction of the growth of the pores by the developing solid phase. The model predicts the average properties of the porosity formed, together with the distribution in size and morphology.The model is used to determine the influence of a variety of applied conditions (e.g. thermal history, pressure, hydrogen content) and material properties (nucleation behaviour, alloy composition) upon the pore morphology, as characterized by the average and extreme dimensions. The relative magnitude of the effect of each parameter and the interactions between parameters upon the porosity are statistically analysed. The simulated pore size shows the largest sensitivity to applied pressure, hydrogen content and solidification time, together with interactions between solidification time and pressure. These results are in good agreement with previously reported experimental behaviour.  相似文献   


Microstructural characterisation of 2A97-T4 aluminium–lithium alloy was carried out using electron probe microanalysis and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy facilities has been employed to examine localised corrosion sites after immersion in sodium chloride solution. A dual beam microscope, which integrates a focused ion beam and an electron beam in one powerful instrument, has also been employed to investigate the development of intergranular corrosion from both surface and cross-section. It was found that localised corrosion is generally initiated at θ phase particles, which represents only 8.4% of the intermetallic (IM) particles in 2A97-T4 aluminium–lithium alloy. θ phase particles exhibit preferential dissolution of aluminium during corrosion testing, with trench formed at their periphery as well. Initiation of intergranular corrosion is relatively late with respect to the attack of IM particles. Owing to the presence of θ phase particles at intergranular corrosion sites and non-uniform distribution of T1 (Al2CuLi) grain boundary precipitates, it is supposed that dealloyed θ phase particles and grain boundary precipitates cooperate to provide the driving force for grain boundary attack.  相似文献   


In this study, the corrosion mechanisms of the AA2024-T3 and the AA2098-T351 were investigated and compared using various electrochemical techniques in 0.005?mol?L?1 NaCl solution. The severe type of corrosion in the AA2098-T351 was intragranular attack (IGA) although trenching and pitting related to the constituent particles were seen. On the other hand, the AA2024-T3 exhibited severe localised corrosion associated with micrometric constituent particles, and its propagation was via grain boundaries leading to intergranular corrosion (IGC). Electrochemical techniques showed that the corrosion reaction in both alloys was controlled by diffusion. The non-uniform current distribution in both alloys showed that EIS was not a proper technique for comparing the corrosion resistance of the alloys. However, local electrochemical techniques were useful for the evaluation of the corrosion resistance of the alloys.  相似文献   

《Acta Materialia》1999,47(8):2323-2330
The tensile and compressive stress–strain behaviour of closed cell aluminium alloy foams (trade name “Alulight”) has been measured and interpreted in terms of its microstructure. It is found that the foams are anisotropic, markedly inhomogeneous and have properties close to those expected of an open cell foam. The unloading modulus and the tensile and compressive yield strengths increase non-linearly with relative density. The deformation mechanisms were analysed using image analysis software and a d.c. potential drop technique. The scatter in results is attributed to imperfections within the foam. These include non-uniform density, weak oxide interfaces, and cell faces containing voids and cracks.  相似文献   

Investigations were carried out to develop a method of determining the density of the heat flow from plasma to the surface of a wire–anode depending on the wire feed rate, the thickness of the molten metal film at the end surface and the angle between the axis of the wire and the molten metal surface. It is taken into account that the heat flow, arriving from plasma to the end of the wire, is used to change the enthalpy of the metal not only in the solid but also liquid state. It is shown that the mean mass temperature of heating the metal film is 2/3 of the change of temperature in the height of the film. In the conditions investigated in these experiments, the superheating of the metal film above the melting point was 283 K. The surface temperature of molten aluminium was considerably lower than the boiling point so that the evaporation of metal was ignored when calculating heating of the wire.  相似文献   


The influence of Gd and B on the solidification behaviour and weldability of Ni–Cr–Mo alloy UNS N06455 has been investigated by Varestraint testing, differential thermal analysis and microstructural characterisation. These alloys are currently being developed as structural materials for nuclear criticality control in applications requiring transportation and disposition of spent nuclear fuel owned by the US Department of Energy. The Gd containing alloys were observed to solidify in a manner similar to a binary eutectic system. Solidification initiated with a primary L→y reaction and terminated at ~1258°C with a eutectic type L→y+Ni5Gd reaction. The solidification cracking susceptibility of the Gd containing alloys reached a maximum at ~1 wt-%Gd and decreased with both higher and lower Gd additions. Low cracking susceptibility at Gd concentrations below ~1 wt-% was attributed to a relatively small amount of terminal liquid that existed over much of the crack susceptible solid+liquid zone. Low cracking susceptibility at Gd concentrations above ~1 wt-% was attributed to a reduced solidification temperature range and backfilling of solidification cracks. The addition of B above the 230 ppm level leads to the formation of an additional eutectic type reaction at ~1200°C and the secondary phase within the eutectic type constituent was tentatively identified as Mo3B2. The B containing alloys exhibited a three step solidification reaction sequence consisting of primary L→y solidification, followed by the eutectic type L→y+Ni5Gd reaction, followed by the terminal eutectic type L→y+Mo3B2 reaction. Boron additions had a strong, deleterious influence on solidification cracking susceptibility. The high cracking susceptibility was attributed to extension of the crack susceptible solid+liquid zone induced by the additional eutectic type L→y+Mo3B2 reaction and extensive wetting of the grain boundaries by the solute rich liquid. Simple heat flow equations were combined with solidification theory to develop a relation between the fraction liquid f L and distance x within the solid+liquid zone. Information on the phenomenology of crack formation in the Varestraint test were coupled with the calculated f Lx curves and were shown to provide useful insight into composition–solidification–weldability relations.  相似文献   

The possibilities of using laser welding with a filler wire for joining sheet materials made of V-1469 and V-1461 high-strength aluminium–lithium alloys are investigated. The optimum conditions of placing the filler wire in relation to the laser beam in the weld pool are determined. The optimum welding parameters resulting in the high-quality formation of the welded joint with equal sagging and excess metal and the absence of porosity and cracks are also determined. The mechanical properties of welded joints are outlined and the microstructure of the welded joint is investigated. The corrosion resistance of the produced welded joints is studied.  相似文献   

《Acta Materialia》2002,50(17):4275-4292
The microstructure, mechanical properties and weld hot cracking behaviour of a cast Al–Mg–Sc alloy containing 0.17 wt.% Sc were compared with those of a Sc-free alloy of similar chemical composition. Although this level of Sc addition did not cause grain refinement, the dendritic substructure appeared to be finer. There was a significant increase in the yield and tensile strength and the microhardness of the Al–Mg–Sc alloy relative to its Sc-free counterpart. A discontinuous precipitation reaction was observed at the dendritic cell boundaries. Microchemical analysis revealed segregation of Mg and Sc at these interdendritic regions. No improvement was observed in the resistance of the alloy to weld solidification cracking or heat affected zone (HAZ) liquation cracking. This is explained in terms of the inability of this level of Sc addition to refine the solidification structure and to influence the liquation of solute-enriched dendritic cell boundaries of the cast material.  相似文献   

《Acta Materialia》1999,47(8):2367-2376
Constant and varying strain-rate deformation conditions have been applied to an Al–1% Mg alloy using plane strain compression (PSC) testing. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) investigations have shown significant variations in internal microstructural parameters after different strain-rate histories to a strain of 1.0, even though the final flow stress was the same. Detailed investigations have been carried out in the transient regime, and after further deformation at constant strain rate. Considerable attention is given to establishing the errors associated with the experimental observations. The observations illustrate the complexity of the evolution of microstructure with strain. The relevance of the measurements to modelling the evolution of the microstructure is discussed.  相似文献   

T. Al-Samman 《Acta Materialia》2009,57(7):2229-2242
Specimens of a conventional magnesium AZ31 alloy and a binary α-solid solution Mg4Li alloy with similar starting textures and microstructure were subjected to plane strain deformation under various deformation temperatures ranging from 298 K to 673 K. Lithium addition to magnesium exhibited remarkable room temperature ductility improvement owing to enhanced activity of non-basal slip, particularly, 〈c + a〉-slip mode. Furthermore, the addition of lithium to magnesium seemed to reduce the plastic anisotropy, typical for commercial magnesium alloys. This was evident in the flow curves and texture development obtained at 200 °C and 400 °C. At 400 °C prismatic slip gains strong influence in accommodating the imposed deformation. In terms of thermal stability against microstructure coarsening at elevated temperatures, the lithium containing alloy undergoes significant grain growth following recrystallization.  相似文献   

《Acta Materialia》2003,51(16):4751-4760
The relationships between microstructure and strength were studied at room temperature and 300 °C in an Al–2 wt% Mg–0.2 wt% Sc alloy, containing Mg in solid-solution and Al3Sc (L12 structure) as nanosize precipitates. At room temperature, the yield strength is controlled by the superposition of solid-solution and precipitation strengthening. At 300 °C and at large applied stresses, the creep strength, which is characterized by a stress exponent of ~5, is significantly improved compared to binary Al–Sc alloys, and is independent of the size of the Al3Sc precipitates. At small applied stress, a threshold stress exists, increasing from 9% to 70% of the Orowan stress with increasing Al3Sc precipitate radius from 2 to 25 nm. An existing model based on a climb-controlled bypass mechanism is in semi-quantitative agreement with the precipitate radius dependence of the threshold stress. The model is, however, only valid for coherent precipitates, and the Al3Sc precipitates lose coherency for radii larger than 11 nm. For semi-coherent precipitates with radii greater than 15 nm, the threshold stress remains high, most likely because of the presence of interfacial misfit dislocations.  相似文献   

Using a combination of experimental techniques, including anomalous small-angle scattering and atom-probe tomography, the evolution of precipitate microstructures during the different steps of retrogression and re-ageing (RRA) heat treatments of an Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy has been systematically evaluated. Quantitative information on the morphology, scale and chemistry of the precipitates provide new insight into the mechanisms at work during this process. It is shown that both the final chemistry and precipitate size distribution are different in the final RRA temper compared to classical heat treatments, with the presence of small clusters nucleated during the re-ageing step, and an average precipitate composition richer in Cu, together with a matrix enrichment in Zn, related to the difference in diffusivity between the two solute atoms. The mechanisms of precipitate evolution during the reversion and re-ageing steps are discussed in light of the influence of the process parameters.  相似文献   

Binary Fe–40Al and ternary Fe–40Al–0.6C alloys were cast, hot-extruded into rods, annealed at low temperatures to reduce the non-equilibrium vacancy concentration and tested in uniaxial tension at room temperature in air, over a range of strain rates from 4.2×10−1 s−1 to 4.2×10−8 s−1. Yield strength, fracture strength, tensile ductility and the work-hardening behavior in the 0.2–1.0% plastic deformation range were monitored. Resulting fracture surfaces were examined at low and high magnifications, and the change in the fraction transgranular cleavage as a function of test strain rate was correlated with the observed mechanical properties. Prior to testing, both alloys exhibited fairly coarse grain size (∼80–100 μm); whereas the binary alloy was single phase, the ternary alloy contained a dispersion of lath-shaped perovskite carbides (Fe3AlC0.5) in the grain interior and at grain boundaries. In the binary alloy, ductility decreases continuously with decreasing strain rate and this behavior has been previously attributed to an environmental effect. For a given strain rate, over the range of strain rates examined, the ternary alloy demonstrates improved ductility over the binary alloy; furthermore, at the extremely slow strain rates (<4×10−7 s−1), the ductility of the ternary alloy increases with decreasing strain rate after reaching a minimum. Whereas in the binary alloy, fracture mode remains completely intergranular over the entire strain rate regime, in the ternary alloy, fracture mode is completely intergranular at the fastest strain rate but gradually transitions to a predominantly transgranular cleavage mode with decreasing strain rate. A maximum in the fraction transgranular cleavage is reached coincident with the ductility minimum, beyond which (i.e. lower strain rates) the fraction transgranular cleavage decreases sharply. These observations are discussed in terms of the possible role of these carbides as hydrogen traps and their consequential effects on mechanical properties.  相似文献   

《Scripta materialia》2003,48(3):295-300
We observed direct evidence that 18R martensite is induced by carbon atoms in the BCC grains of an Fe–27.0wt.%Mn–5.3wt.%Al–0.1wt.%C alloy via high-temperature quenching. A single BCC phase structure formed 18R martensite in the present study. The lowest carbon content found for the formation of 18R martensite is 0.035 wt.% in Fe–Mn–Al alloys.  相似文献   

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