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对红外AOTF的分光原理和两级衍射光波长特性进行了理论与实验分析.结果表明:AOTF的驱动频率与衍射光波数基本成线性关系;入射角小于57.6°时,两级衍射光波长不等,波长差随驱动频率的增加而减小.分析了影响AOTF分辨率的主要因素,提出了改进方法. 相似文献
一种新型农药浓度荧光测量系统的研究 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
根据声光可调滤波器(Acousto-Optic Tunable Filters,AOTF)的分光原理研制了一种新型的农药浓度荧光俭测系统,系统以高压短弧氙灯为激发光源,以AOTF为分光元件,利用光纤探测传输荧光,采用数据采集卡实现数据接收和A/D转换,由微机进行数据存储和显示,并且利用该系统实现了对西维因农药浓度的荧光持性的测量。结果表明:系统测量光谱范围为230nm~750nm,光谱分辨率为10nm,在激发波K319nm、荧光波长650nm、西维因溶液浓度为0.0~120.0μg/L时系统具有较好的线性关系,线性相关系数r为0.9991,该系统达到了荧光检测的指标。 相似文献
The potassium tunable excited state Stark anomalous dispersion optical filter (SADOF) at 532.33 nm was studied theoretically and experimentally. The theoretical model of SADOF was deduced and the transmission of SADOF was calculated. The transmission spectra of potassium SADOF in different electric fields were measured and the experimental frequency shifts of SADOF versus the strengths of the electric field were given. Furthermore, the comparison between the experimental results with the corresponding theoretically simulated results has been completed. The comparison shows that our experimental results agree with the theoretically simulated results in general. 相似文献
AbstractAn acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF) causes the diffracted angle and wavelength to spread, leading to loss of resolution. The light intensity detected by a CCD pixel equals the true intensity plus the stray light caused by the spread of the wavelength and diffraction angle. Here, the true intensity is obtained using neighbourhood estimate recursive correction iteration, improving the spectral and spatial resolution. The spread of acoustic wave angles caused by diffraction is analysed. The reason for the spreads is analysed and derived. A method is reported for measuring the correspondence between the wavelength and diffraction angle spread, using an AOTF, an angle measurement spectrometer and a fibre spectrometer. The iterations’ stop condition is analysed. The improved theory is verified by an AOTF spectral imaging experiment. 相似文献
Effat Yahaghi Mahdi Mirzapour Amir Movafeghi Parisa Mohammadi Matin Behrouz Rokrok 《Research in Nondestructive Evaluation》2019,30(2):80-88
Testing and detecting potential defects in works of art is usually required to cause minimal or no damage; industrial Radiography Testing (RT) is often the method of choice provided the images are of the required high quality and yield high defect detection sensitivity. Various digital image processing methods can be employed to achieve improved image quality and information extraction as required. The level and nature of the noise in the RT images is usually unknown. In addition to the different noises, the image quality is degraded by the blurring effect. In this study, a modified form of the Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm (FISTA) with quadratic regularization strategy was developed and applied to remove the blurring. The output of the application of the method to number RT images of five art objects was evaluated by industrial radiography and antiquities experts. It was confirmed that the applied method was efficient and improved image quality and defect detection. 相似文献
十字线目标作为调焦系统中的常见目标,其调焦精度是影响调焦系统测量结果的关键因素。传统的调焦函数在灵敏度和实时性方面不能完全满足自动调焦要求。基于调制传递函数(modulation transfer function,MTF)的自动调焦算法通过连续测量多幅图像在固定频率下的MTF值绘制调焦曲线,得到调焦曲线的唯一极值点即正焦位置;在Matlab运行环境下,与现有算法进行比较,结果表明,基于数字图像MTF的调焦函数可实现单张图片的清晰度值计算仅用0.01s,该算法实时性更好、灵敏度更高,具有应用价值。 相似文献
Asmatullah Chaudhry Asifullah Khan Asad Ali Anwar M. Mirza 《International journal of imaging systems and technology》2007,17(4):224-231
We present an intelligent technique for image denoising problem of gray level images degraded with Gaussian white noise in spatial domain. The proposed technique consists of using fuzzy logic as a mapping function to decide whether a pixel needs to be krigged or not. Genetic programming is then used to evolve an optimal pixel intensity‐estimation function for restoring degraded images. The proposed system has shown considerable improvement when compared both qualitatively and quantitatively with the adaptive Wiener filter, methods based on fuzzy kriging, and a fuzzy‐based averaging technique. Experimental results conducted using an image database confirms that the proposed technique offers superior performance in terms of image quality measures. This also validates the use of hybrid techniques for image restoration. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 17, 224–231, 2007 相似文献
利用铌酸锂晶体为压电换能器,熔石英为声光互作用介质,研制出调制速度为32MHz、工作频率为180MHz、渡越时间为15ns、用于RGB彩色合成中的的声光调制器,文中主要讨论和分析了Q参数与调制器中心工作频率、换能器长度的关系;讨论了R参数对衍射光束形状的影响及与衍射效率的关系,还讨论并确定了换能器最佳尺寸,经测试,高速率声光调制器衍射效率为47%,并测试了调制速度。 相似文献
一种基于改进PCNN模型的图像分割方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过对传统脉冲耦合神经网络(PCNN)模型的改进,在模型的输入端加入目标区域的边缘数据,使最高灰度级不同的非连通神经元同期点火,实现了多目标区域同时分割。给出了影响同期点火激励范围的主要参数β的自动设定方法,并设计了基于图像最大熵准则的自动分割算法。用分割精度评价准则验证了所提出方法的有效性。实验证明,对于低噪声污染的图像,改进的PCNN模型在多目标识别中的正确接受率达到95%以上,明显优于经典的Fastlinking模型。 相似文献
The extended particle filter (EPF) assisted by the Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy logic adaptive system (FLAS) is used to design the ultra-tightly coupled GPS/INS (inertial navigation system) integrated navigation, which can maneuver the vehicle environment and the GPS outages scenario. The traditional integrated navigation designs adopt a loosely or tightly coupled architecture, for which the GPS receiver may lose the lock due to the interference/jamming scenarios, high dynamic environments, and the periods of partial GPS shading. An ultra-tight GPS/INS architecture involves the integration of I (in-phase) and Q (quadrature) components from the correlator of a GPS receiver with the INS data. The EPF is a particle filter (PF) which uses the extended Kalman filter (EKF) to generate the proposal distribution. The PF depends mostly on the number of particles in order to achieve a better performance during the high dynamic environments and GPS outages. The T-S FLAS is one of these approaches that can prevent the divergence problem of the filter when the precise knowledge on the system models is not available. The results show that the proposed fuzzy adaptive EPF (FAEPF) can effectively improve the navigation estimation accuracy and reduce the computational load as compared with the EPF and the unscented Kalman filter (UKF). 相似文献
Focusing and defocusing dynamics of weak-light ring-shaped beams in a Λ-type atomic system are investigated. It is found that focusing of weak light is possible due to the quantum interference effect. The focusing or defocusing regime with vanishing absorption can be manipulated by adjusting detunings from the resonant transition. When the fields are tuned appropriately larger than resonant frequencies, the beam propagates in the defocusing regime and diffraction of the beam takes place. Conversely, the beam focuses in the medium when the laser frequencies are tuned smaller than the resonant frequencies. 相似文献
Chung-Feng Kuo Chien-Tung Max Hsu Chih-Heng Fang Shin-Min Chao Yu-De Lin 《国际生产研究杂志》2013,51(5):1464-1476
A coloured filter is a critical part of an LCD panel, especially to present a high quality colour display. At present, the defect detection of colour filters is conducted by manual inspection in the final product stage. However, poor detection efficiency and subjective judgment of manual inspection undermine accuracy. Therefore, this study applied image processing technology and the neural network to detect surface defects of colour filters in order to prevent losses arising from incorrect detection, lower production costs, and effectively improve yield. A back-propagation neural network (BPNN) classifier was selected to train the features. The results showed that the proposed method can be successfully applied in defect detection of colour filters to reduce artificial detection errors. In addition, the Taguchi method was used with BPNN to save time searching optimal learning parameters by the trial and error method, which achieves faster convergence, smaller convergent errors and better recognition rate. The results proved that the root-mean-square error (RMSE) of the Taguchi-based BPNN at final convergence is 0.000254, and recognition rate reaches 94%. Therefore, the proposed method has good effects in detecting the micro defects of a colour filter panel. 相似文献
Modeling and state of charge(SOC) estimation of lithium-ion(Li-ion) battery are the key techniques of battery pack management system(BMS) and critical to its reliability and safety operation.An auto-regressive with exogenous input(ARX) model is derived from RC equivalent circuit model(ECM) due to the discrete-time characteristics of BMS.For the time-varying environmental factors and the actual battery operating conditions,a variable forgetting factor recursive least square(VFFRLS)algorithm is adopted as an adaptive parameter identification method.Based on the designed model,an SOC estimator using cubature Kalman filter(CKF) algorithm is then employed to improve estimation performance and guarantee numerical stability in the computational procedure.In the battery tests,experimental results show that CKF SOC estimator has a more accuracy estimation than extended Kalman filter(EKF) algorithm,which is widely used for Li-ion battery SOC estimation,and the maximum estimation error is about 2.3%. 相似文献
Yanfeng Bai Haiyan Gao Taigang Liu Teng Qiu Haiqing Zhou Xiaoqiang Yu 《Journal of Modern Optics》2013,60(4):360-364
Ghost imaging with a classical thermal source is investigated in a two-arm microscope imaging system. The dependence of the imaging visibility on the aperture of the reference lens is discussed. It is shown that by using large apertures, good visibility as well as enhancing resolution can be obtained. The effects from the distance the object is moved away from the original plane are also studied, and one can obtain good visibility with a well-resolved image by changing the distance. 相似文献
Under certain conditions favouring the growth of cubic grains, a small proportion are formed in which one half is rotated with respect to the other half about an axis normal to their common (100) plane. The projective areas of such grains are much larger than those of normal cubic grains in the same emulsion. Possible angles of rotation and their relative frequency are calculated on t/ie supposition that in the planes of contact of the two halves, some ions, at least, are in their normal positions with respect to their neighbours. Observed angles group closely around the calculated ones and there is broad agreement as regards the relative frequency of occurrence. This demonstrates that the grains are single entities. It is shown that grains possessing a rotation are of low surface-image and high internal-image sensitivity. This situation can be attributed to preferential electron-trapping on or near the plane of rotation or associated regions of lattice misfit. 相似文献