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An experimental study was conducted on a diesel engine fueled with ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD), palm methyl ester (PME), a blended fuel containing 50% by volume each of the ULSD and PME, and naturally aspirated hydrogen, at an engine speed of 1800 rev min−1 under five loads. Hydrogen was added to provide 10% and 20% of the total fuel energy. The following results are obtained with hydrogen addition. There is little change in peak in-cylinder pressure and peak heat release rate. The influence on fuel consumption and brake thermal efficiency is engine load and fuel dependent; being negative for the three liquid fuels at low engine loads but positive for ULSD and B50 and negligible for PME at medium-to-high loads. CO and CO2 emissions decrease. HC decreases at medium-to-high loads, but increases at low loads. NOx emission increases for PME only but NO2 increases for the three liquid fuels. Smoke opacity, particle mass and number concentrations are all reduced for the three liquid fuels.  相似文献   

The combustion of hydrogen–diesel blend fuel was investigated under simulated direct injection (DI) diesel engine conditions. The investigation presented in this paper concerns numerical analysis of neat diesel combustion mode and hydrogen enriched diesel combustion in a compression ignition (CI) engine. The parameters varied in this simulation included: H2/diesel blend fuel ratio, engine speed, and air/fuel ratio. The study on the simultaneous combustion of hydrogen and diesel fuel was conducted with various hydrogen doses in the range from 0.05% to 50% (by volume) for different engine speed from 1000 – 4000 rpm and air/fuel ratios (A/F) varies from 10 – 80. The results show that, applying hydrogen as an extra fuel, which can be added to diesel fuel in the (CI) engine results in improved engine performance and reduce emissions compared to the case of neat diesel operation because this measure approaches the combustion process to constant volume. Moreover, small amounts of hydrogen when added to a diesel engine shorten the diesel ignition lag and, in this way, decrease the rate of pressure rise which provides better conditions for soft run of the engine. Comparative results are given for various hydrogen/diesel ratio, engine speeds and loads for conventional Diesel and dual fuel operation, revealing the effect of dual fuel combustion on engine performance and exhaust emissions.  相似文献   

Overcoming diesel engine emissions trade-off effects, especially NOx and Bosch smoke number (BSN), requires investigation of novel systems which can potentially serve the automobile industry towards further emissions reduction. Enrichment of the intake charge with H2 + N2 containing gas mixture, obtained from diesel fuel reforming system, can lead to new generation low polluting diesel engines.  相似文献   

This paper aims at studying the effect of hydrogen induction on engine performance, emission and combustion behaviour of a diesel engine fuelled with the emulsion of used palm oil (called as WCO-waste cooking oil) as pilot fuel and hydrogen as primary fuel. A single cylinder water-cooled direct injection diesel engine was tested at 100% and 40% loads. Results were compared with neat diesel, neat WCO and WCO emulsion at both loads in single fuel operation. WCO emulsion in single fuel mode indicated improvement in performance and reduction in all emissions as compared to neat WCO. Dual fuel operation with hydrogen induction further reduced the emissions of smoke HC and CO with WCO as pilot fuel at all power outputs. However, hydrogen induction resulted in reduced thermal efficiency at 40% load. WCO emulsion showed higher ignition delay as compared to neat WCO. Dual fuel operation with hydrogen induction increased the ignition delay further. Heat release pattern showed higher premixed combustion rate with hydrogen induction mainly at high power outputs. Premixed combustion rate became very high at higher rates of hydrogen admission mainly at high power output. In general, hydrogen induction showed superior performance at high power output and inferior performance at low power output with WCO emulsion as injected fuel.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation of the effects of separate hydrogen and nitrogen addition on the emissions and combustion of a diesel engine was performed and the results are presented in the current paper.  相似文献   

A direct injection diesel engine fueled by a diesel/biodiesel blend from waste cooking oil up to B100 (a blend of 100% biodiesel content) indicated a combustion efficiency rise by 1.8% at full load. The soot peak volume fraction was reduced by 15.2%, while CO and HC concentrations respectively decreased by 20 and 28.5%. The physical and chemical delay periods respectively diminished by 1.2 and 15.8% for engine noise to pronounce 6.5% reduction. Injection retarding by 5° reduced NOx to those original levels of B0 (a blend of zero biodiesel content) and combined respective reduction magnitudes of 10 and 7% in CO and HC at 75% load. Increasing the speed reduced CO and HC respectively by 26 and 42% at 2.36 times the droplet average strain rate. By coupling the turbulence model to the spray break-up and chemical kinetics models, increasing the injection pressure simultaneously reduced CO, HC and NOx at 17% exhaust gas recirculation ratio.  相似文献   

非直喷式增压柴油机燃用生物柴油的性能与排放特性   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
研究了非直喷式增压柴油机燃用柴油一生物柴油混合燃料的性能和排放特性。未对原机作任何调整和改动,研究了不同生物柴油掺混比例的混合燃料对功率、油耗、烟度和NOx排放的影响。结果表明:非直喷式柴油机燃用生物柴油后柴油机功率略有下降,油耗有所上升,烟度大幅下降,NOx排放增加明显。油耗、烟度和NOx的变化均与生物柴油掺混比例呈线性关系,合适的生物柴油掺混比例即可以保持柴油机的性能,又可有效地降低碳烟排放,且不引起NOx排放的显著变化。对于该增压柴油机,掺混生物柴油对外特性下的排放影响最大,影响最小的为标定转速下的负荷特性。不论是全负荷还是部分负荷,燃用生物柴油时低速下的烟度降低和NOx上升幅度均比高速时大,而同转速下高负荷时烟度降低和NOx上升更为明显。  相似文献   

Utilization of the waste products as an alternative fuel could reduce the dependence on fossil fuel. The three types of upgraded waste source fuels discussed in this paper were tire derived fuel (TDF), waste plastic disposal fuel (WPD) and upgraded waste cooking oil (UWCO). The detailed combustion pressure showed that kinematic viscosity and cetane number played an important role in determining the combustion quality. TDF's high kinematic viscosity and low cetane number affected its fuel vaporization process; thus, lengthening its ignition delay. UWCO showed the 14% higher power and 13.8% higher torque compared to diesel fuel (DF). WPD produced the lowest NOx due to its low pressure curve during combustion. TDF had produced the highest exhaust emissions (CO, CO2, NO and NOx). Particulate matter (PM) emissions by UWCO blends were lower than DF. UWCO's soot concentration was 40% lower than DF and increased to 62.5% from low to high engine speed operation.  相似文献   

通过对比研究了柴油机燃用餐饮废弃油炼制的生物柴油、柴油及B50时在高原地区的动力性、经济性及排放特性。研究结果表明:在柴油机不进行任何调整的情况下,全负荷时,燃用生物柴油的发动机动力性降低6.8%,B50降低3%;燃用生物柴油有效燃油消耗率升高了13.8%;燃用B50在高速高负荷时柴油机热效率提高2.5%;无论在全负荷还是在部分负荷工况下,燃用生物柴油均能大幅度降低柴油机烟度、CO和HC排放,但会引起NOx排放量的上升。  相似文献   

Numerical modeling of direct hydrogen injection and in-cylinder mixture formation is performed in this paper. Numerical studies on direct-injection hydrogen engines are very limited due mainly to the complexity in modeling the physical phenomena associated with the high-velocity gas jet. The high injection pressure will result in a choked flow and develop an underexpanded jet at the nozzle exit, which consists of oblique and normal shock waves. A robust numerical model and a very fine computational mesh are required to model these phenomena. However, a very fine mesh may not be feasible in the practical engine application. Therefore, in this study a gas jet injection model is implemented into a multidimensional engine simulation code to simulate the hydrogen injection process, starting from the downstream of the nozzle. The fuel jet is modeled on a coarse mesh using an adaptive mesh refinement algorithm in order to accurately capture the gas jet structure. The model is validated using experimental and theoretical results on the penetrations of single and multiple jets. The model is able to successfully predict the gas jet penetration and structure using a coarse mesh with reasonable computer time. The model is further applied to simulate a direct-injection hydrogen engine to study the effects of injection parameters on the in-cylinder mixture characteristics. The effects of the start of fuel injection, orientation of the jets, and the injector location on the mixture quality are determined. Results show that the hydrogen jets impinge on the walls soon after injection due to the high velocity of the gas jet. The mixing of hydrogen and air takes place mainly after wall impingement. The optimal injection parameters are selected based on the homogeneity of the in-cylinder mixture. It is found that early injection can result in more homogeneous mixture at the time of ignition. Results also indicate that it is more favorable to position the injector near the intake valve to take advantage of the interaction of hydrogen jets and the intake flow to create a more homogeneous mixture.  相似文献   

为改善高原地区车用柴油机的排放,进行了柴油机燃用生物柴油并加装柴油机氧化催化转化器(DOC)的发动机台架试验研究。结果表明,加装DOC后,柴油机烟度、CO和HC排放显著降低,对其动力性能、经济性能和NOx排放影响则很小。  相似文献   

This paper introduces a Diesel/methanol compound combustion system (DMCC) and its application to a naturally aspirated Diesel engine with and without an oxidation catalytic converter. In the DMCC system, there are two combustion modes taking place in the Diesel engine, one is diffusion combustion with Diesel fuel and the other is premixed air/methanol mixture ignited by the Diesel fuel. Experiments were conducted on a four cylinder DI Diesel engine, which had been modified to operate in Diesel/methanol compound combustion. Experiments were conducted at idle and at five engine loads at two levels of engine speeds to compare engine emissions from operating on pure Diesel and on operating with DMCC, with and without the oxidation catalytic converter. The experimental results show that the Diesel engine operating with the DMCC method could simultaneously reduce the soot and NOx emissions but increase the HC and CO emissions compared with the original Diesel engine. However, using the DMCC method coupled with an oxidation catalyst, the CO, HC, NOx and soot emissions could all be reduced.  相似文献   

High-rise in the air pollution levels due to combustion of the fossil fuel gives us the opportunity to discover environmentally friendly and clean fuels for the engines. Biodiesel originated from cashew nut shell oil through transesterification process can be blended or used as a neat fuel in unmodified engines. This work investigates the effect of alumina nanoparticles on emission and performance characteristics of cashew nut shell biodiesel. Neat cashew nut shell biodiesel prepared by conventional transesterification is termed as BD100 and biodiesel prepared by modified transesterification with the addition of alumina nanoparticles is termed as BD100A. Experimental results on unmodified diesel engine revealed that emission parameters such as CO, HC, NOx, and smoke were decreased by 5.3%, 7.4%, 10.23%, and 16.1% for BD100% and 8.8%, 10.1%, 12.4%, and 18.4% for B100A, respectively, compared to diesel fuel. At full load conditions, compared to diesel fuel, the BTE dropped by 1.1% and 2.3%, whereas the BSFC increased by 3.8% and 5.1% for B100A and B100 correspondingly.  相似文献   

Regarding the limited fossil fuel reserves, the renewable ethanol has been considered as one of the substitutional fuels for spark ignition (SI) engines. But due to its high latent heat, ethanol is usually hard to be well evaporated to form the homogeneous fuel–air mixture at low temperatures, e.g., at idle condition. Compared with ethanol, hydrogen possesses many unique combustion and physicochemical properties that help improve combustion process. In this paper, the performance of a hydrogen-enriched SI ethanol engine under idle and stoichiometric conditions was investigated. The experiment was performed on a modified 1.6 L SI engine equipped with a hydrogen port-injection system. The ethanol was injected into the intake ports using the original engine gasoline injection system. A self-developed hybrid electronic control unit (HECU) was adopted to govern the opening and closing of hydrogen and ethanol injectors. The spark timing and idle bypass valve opening were governed by the engine original electronic control unit (OECU), so that the engine could operate under its original target idle speed for each testing point. The engine was first fueled with the pure ethanol and then hydrogen volume fraction in the total intake gas was gradually increased through increasing hydrogen injection duration. For a specified hydrogen addition level, ethanol flow rate was reduced to keep the hydrogen–ethanol–air mixture at stoichiometric condition. The test results showed that hydrogen addition was effective on reducing cyclic variations and improving indicated thermal efficiency of an ethanol engine at idle. The fuel energy flow rate was reduced by 20% when hydrogen volume fraction in the intake rose from 0% to 6.38%. Both flame development and propagation periods were shortened with the increase of hydrogen blending ratio. The heat transfer to the coolant was decreased and the degree of constant volume combustion was enhanced after hydrogen addition. HC and CO emissions were first reduced and then increased with the increase of hydrogen blending fraction. The acetaldehyde emission from the hydrogen-enriched ethanol engine is lower than that from the pure ethanol engine. However, the addition of hydrogen tended to increase NOx emissions from the ethanol engine at idle and stoichiometric conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper, a rotary engine equipped with an n-butanol and hydrogen port-injection system was developed to investigate the combustion and emissions characteristics of a hydrogen-blended n-butanol rotary engine at part load and stoichiometric conditions. A self-developed hybrid electronic control unit was adopted to adjust the injection durations of n-butanol and hydrogen. The rotary engine was run under the conditions of 4000 rpm, a manifold absolute pressure of 35 kPa and a fixed spark timing of 45 °CA before the top dead center during the whole testing operation. The hydrogen volumetric fraction in the total intake was varied from 0% to 6.30%. The test results manifested that the brake thermal efficiency and chamber temperature were simultaneously increased with hydrogen addition. The hydrogen supplement obviously shortened flame development and propagation periods. Both chamber pressure integral heat release fraction versus crank angle were increased when the hydrogen fraction was enhanced. HC emissions were reduced by 54.5% when hydrogen volume fraction was raised from 0% to 6.30%, CO and CO2 emissions were also reduced after increasing hydrogen blending fraction. NOx emissions were mildly elevated due to the improved chamber temperature.  相似文献   

In this study, an electrolyser was used to supply hydrogen to the SI engine. Firstly, the appropriate operation point for the electrolyser was determined by adjusting the amount of KOH in the electrolyte to 5%, 10%, 20% and 30% by mass, and applying 12 V, 16 V, 20 V, 24 V and 28 V voltages. Tests were first carried out with the gasoline without the use of an electrolyser, followed by operating the electrolyser at the appropriate point and sending obtained H2 and O2 to the engine in addition to the gasoline. The SI engine was operated between 2500 rpm and 3500 rpm engine speeds with and without hydrogen addition. Cylinder pressure, the amount of gasoline, H2 and O2 consumed by the engine and the emission data were collected from the test system at the aforementioned engine speeds. Furthermore, indicated engine torque, indicated specific energy consumption, specific emissions and HRR values were calculated. According to the results obtained, improvement in ISEC values was observed, and CO and THC values were improved by up to 21.3% and 86.1% respectively. Even though the dramatic increase in NOx emissions cannot be averted, they can be controlled by equipment such as EGR three-way catalytic converter.  相似文献   

直喷式柴油机燃用生物柴油燃烧特性的研究   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
研究了柴油机燃用0#柴油和生物柴油的燃烧放热规律。通过对燃烧特征参数的计算分析,发现生物柴油的燃烧始点有所提前,滞燃期缩短;燃烧初期放热尖峰出现时刻对应的曲轴转角有所提前,瞬时放热率峰值下降;燃烧持续期延长。同时还比较了柴油机燃用生物柴油和0#柴油的经济性和排放特性,发现燃油消耗率上升12%左右,而各种排放污染物除NOx略有上升外,CO、HC和颗粒物(PM)均显著下降。  相似文献   

The comparative study on performance of the hydrogen/gasoline and hydrogen/n-butanol rotary engines was conducted in the present paper. Considering the stable operation of the engine, for both hydrogen/gasoline case and hydrogen/n-butanol case, the operating conditions were set at: 4000 rpm (engine speed), 35 kPa (intake pressure) and 30 °CA BTDC (spark timing). The total excess air ratio of mixture was maintained at 1.0 through all the tests. The testing results displayed that hydrogen enrichment improved performance of both gasoline and n-butanol rotary engines. To be more specific, brake thermal efficiency was increased, flame development and propagation periods were shortened, the coefficient of variation in flame propagation period was decreased, and the emissions of HC and CO were decreased. NOx emissions were mildly increased after hydrogen addition. Besides, hydrogen/n-butanol rotary engine possessed the similar performance to hydrogen/gasoline rotary engine.  相似文献   

The blended biodiesel with up to 20% biodiesel in petroleum diesel (B20) is considered nowadays as available in production. Previous studies investigating the effect of B20 on engine emissions led to some contradictory results. The present study continued the investigation on B20, 20% biodiesel (rapeseed methyl esters) blend effects and was also extended on B20 enriched with hydrogen. It was conducted on a conventional tractor diesel engine running alternatively with B20 and petroleum diesel at various speeds and full load and then, with the same fuels enriched with hydrogen, at 60% load and two speeds.  相似文献   

The study of potentially high rated alternative fuel (Methanol) for the IC engines is an exciting topic in the recent research advancement. However, the study of combination of methanol and hydrogen is considered to address both economic and environmental needs. Hydrogen with best combustion characteristics will compensate for the drawbacks of methanol as a fuel. In the present investigation hydrogen enrichment to methanol has shown a significant enhancement in performance and combustion; the overall emission has reduced substantially. The experiments for a different set of trials, including hydrogen enrichment ranging between 5% and 20% with 2.5% increment, the engine is operated with wide-open throttle (WOT) condition for different speeds. The increase in enrichment of hydrogen has shown a rise in BTE, BP, and a reduced BSEC value. The percentage increase in BTE is between 20 and 30%, and an increase in hydrogen beyond 12.5% would affect the volumetric efficiency, and thus performance declines after that. The exhaust emissions have a huge impact on hydrogen enrichment; CO, HC, and CO2 emission are reduced by 30–40%; however, an increase in cylinder temperature due to rapid combustion slightly increases the NOx emission. Thus hydrogen enriched methanol operating at higher compression ratio can improve the overall engine characteristics significantly.  相似文献   

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