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The present study undertakes an exergy analysis of earth to air heat exchanger (EAHE) and applies to a local one in Turkey. Namely, the exergy performance of an EAHE has been evaluated in a demonstration in Solar Energy Institute of Ege University, Izmir, Turkey. Exergetic efficiencies of the system components are determined as an attempt to assess their individual performances. The daily maximum heating coefficient of performance (COP) value for the system is obtained to be 6.18. The total average COP in the experimental period is found to be 4.74.  相似文献   

Renewable Energy Sources (RES) represent an attractive way to save natural resources and improve the overall impact of power systems on the environment. A continuous increase of share of RES in national energy mixes is observed, and due to the energy policy of the European Union and many other countries, further increase is expected. A disadvantage of RES is their random, weather-dependent availability, which requires energy storage. A promising method of integrating RES with the energy system is the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier (e.g. coupling RES with electrolyzers in order to directly use the renewable electricity for production of hydrogen). In the present work, a simulation of cooperation of a photovoltaic power plant with a gas piston engine fueled by hydrogen was performed, with and without the presence of energy storage. The aim of the analysis is twofold. First, the “compensation losses” due to forced part-load operation of the engine coupled with RES are evaluated and compared with “storage losses” resulting from the thermodynamic imperfectness of the storage; this allows to calculate the minimum round-trip efficiency of storage required for positive energy effect. The “compensation losses” have been determined to be of the order of magnitude of 2%, and the minimum round-trip efficiency of storage to be at the level of 85%. Second, a thermo-ecological analysis was carried out to determine the impact of the source of hydrogen on the overall ecological effectiveness of the system. Contrary to the commonly used measure of “energy efficiency” describing a local balance boundary, thermo-ecological cost (TEC) evaluates the consumption of non-renewable exergy within a global balance boundary. The analysis confirmed that comparing various hydrogen production methods (especially renewable and non-renewable) in terms of local energy efficiency is inadequate, because it does not tell much about their sustainability. For a hydrogen energy system basing on the water electrolysis – hydrogen transport/storage – combustion in a gas piston engine pathway to be considered sustainable, the input electricity to the electrolysis process should be characterized by TEC lower than ∼0.15 J1/J, a value which even some renewable energy sources fail to achieve.  相似文献   

The use of two axes tracking systems has been widely implemented because of the higher rates in energy production that these systems can achieve. However, the reduction of the PV modules cost makes the economic advantage of these tracking systems not so evident and this has aroused the interest of analysing them from other points of view such as efficiency or energy performance and environmental impact.Most of the existing LCA studies related to Photovoltaic systems are focused in the comparison of the different technologies used for cell production; some reports include also the module assembly, but there is little information regarding the environmental impact caused by the complete solar photovoltaic plant.In this paper, a Life cycle analysis of two types of installations (with and without solar tracking) in different geographic locations is presented. The methodology, based on recognized international standards, provides the best framework for assessing the most relevant factors causing the environmental impacts and gives relevant information for further improvements. The results also allow the comparison of different solutions and the calculation of the Energy and Environmental Payback time of both configurations.  相似文献   

Andreas Poullikkas   《Energy Policy》2009,37(9):3673-3680
In this work a feasibility study is carried out in order to investigate whether the installation of large photovoltaic (PV) parks in Cyprus, in the absence of relevant feed-in tariff or other measures, is economically feasible. The study takes into account the available solar potential of the island of Cyprus as well as all available data concerning current renewable energy sources (RES) policy of the Cyprus Government and the current RES electricity purchasing tariff from Electricity Authority of Cyprus. In order to identify the least-cost feasible option for the installation of 1 MW PV park a parametric cost–benefit analysis is carried out by varying parameters such as PV park orientation, PV park capital investment, carbon dioxide emission trading system price, etc. For all above cases the electricity unit cost or benefit before tax, as well as after-tax cash flow, net present value, internal rate of return and payback period are calculated. The results indicate that capital expenditure of the PV park is a critical parameter for the viability of the project when no feed-in tariff is available.  相似文献   

In this paper, an energy planning optimisation procedure of a selected territory is illustrated and applied using an energy flow optimisation model. The developed approach takes into account various electricity generating options to meet the energy needs of various demand sectors. Energy saving techniques and hybrid technologies are considered and various scenarios are developed by assessing the contribution of renewable energy technologies over the planning period. The procedure aims to reduce the total actualised cost of energy generation over selected time horizon and predicts the additional installations required along with the existing facilities to meet the energy demand. At the same time the role of renewable energy technologies and of energy saving measures is evaluated by imposing suitable constraints on CO2 emissions and primary energy sources exploitation. The procedure is applied to the territory of Tamil Nadu state (India) by considering different energy planning scenarios.  相似文献   

The possible uses of biomass for energy provision are manifold. Gaseous, liquid and solid bioenergy carriers can be alternatively converted into heat, power or transport fuel. The contribution of the different utilisation pathways to environmental political targets for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction and energy political targets for the future share of renewable energy vary accordingly to their techno-economic characteristics. The aim of the presented study is to assess the different biomass options against the background of energy and environmental political targets based on a system analytical approach for the future German energy sector. The results show that heat generation and to a lower extent combined heat and power (CHP) production from solid biomass like wood and straw are the most cost effective ways to contribute to the emission reduction targets. The use of energy crops in fermentation biogas plants (maize) and for production of 1st generation transportation fuels, like biodiesel from rapeseed and ethanol from grain or sugar beet, are less favourable. Optimisation potentials lie in a switch to the production of 2nd generation biofuels and the enhanced use of either biomass residues or low production intensive energy crops.  相似文献   

In-Ho Yang  Eun-Ji Nam 《Solar Energy》2010,84(8):1513-1525
The objective of this study is to perform an economic analysis of the daylight-linked automatic on/off lighting control system installed for the purpose of energy savings in office buildings. For this, a building was chosen as a typical example, and the energy cost was calculated by using the daylight and building energy analysis simulation. When the lighting control was utilized, an economic analysis was performed using a payback period that was calculated by comparing the initial cost of installing the lighting control system with the annual energy cost which was reduced thanks to the application of the lighting control.The results showed that the lighting energy consumption, when the lighting control was applied, was reduced by an average of 30.5% compared with the case that there was not lighting control applied. Also, the result for total energy consumption showed that, when lighting control was applied, this was reduced by 8.5% when the glazing ratio was 100%, 8.2% for 80%, and 7.6% for 60% when compared to non-application. The payback period was analyzed in terms of the number of floors in a building; 10 floors, 20 floors, 30 floors, and 40 floors. Hence, the building with 40 floors and glazing ratio 100% resulted in the shortest payback period of 8.8 years, the building with 10 floors and glazing ratio 60% resulted in the longest period of 12.7 years. In other words, the larger the glazing ratio and the number of building floors are, the shorter the payback period is.  相似文献   

In the field of energy savings in buildings, the interest towards the school sector is deeply motivated: schools have standard energy demands and high levels of environmental comforts should be guaranteed. The University of Athens in collaboration with the School Authority of Greece undertook a complete program on energy classification and environmental quality of school buildings. Data on energy consumptions were gathered and analysed with the participation of 1100 schools from all the prefectures of Greece. The data have been provided by the school authority of the country (OSK), in collaboration with the management of each school building. With regards to the size of the building and the external climate variability (HDD-method) energy normalization techniques have been applied in order to homogenize the data set. An energy classification tool has been created through clustering techniques, using the collected data regarding the heating energy consumption and as a result five energy classes have been defined. To evaluate the potential energy conservation for each class, the typical characteristics of school buildings belonging to an energy class have to be identified. A new methodology based on the use of the principal components analysis (PCA) has been developed. The method allows to define in an accurate way the typical building of each energy class and thus to perform analysis on the potential energy savings for the specific group of school buildings. By reducing the dimensionality of the problem, a bi-dimensional graphic in the first two PCs coordinate system promotes the understanding of the correlation between the examined variables, as well as the determination of sub-groups of school buildings with similar characteristics. The typical school of seven variables sample is defined as the closest to the medians in the principal components’ coordinate system.  相似文献   

This paper provides a feasibility analysis of renewable energy supply (RES) for a stand-alone supply large-scale tourist operation (with over 100 beds). The analysis utilises the power load data from a hotel located in a subtropical coastal area of Queensland, Australia. The assessment criteria of the analysis are net present cost, renewable factor and payback time. Due to the limited number of RES case studies in tourist operations and the absence of studies for large resorts, requiring facilities with a higher degree of comfort such as air-conditioning, it is not possible to establish with confidence the viability of RES in this industry. The specific operational characteristics of the tourism accommodation sector, such as 24-h operation, comfort provision and low tolerance for failure necessitates a separate assessment of RES viability for this sector, rather than relying on similar assessments from other commercial sectors. This study uses RES assessment software tools, HOMER (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, US) and HYBRIDS (Solaris Homes, Queensland, Australia), in order to compare diesel generator-only, RES-only and RES/diesel hybrid technologies. HOMER uses hourly load data, whilst HYBRIDS uses average daily energy demand for each month. The modelling results demonstrate that RES, in principle, has the potential to adequately and reliably meet power demand for a stand-alone large-scale tourist accommodation. Optimisation modelling demonstrates that 100% of power demand can be supplied by a RES-only configuration. A hybrid diesel/RES configuration provides the lowest NPC result with a resultant RF of 76%. In comparison to the diesel generator-only configuration, NPC is reduced by 50% and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by 65%. The payback time of the hybrid RES scenario is 4.3 years. Results indicate that wind energy conversion systems (WECS), rather than photovoltaics, are the most economically viable RES for large-scale operations. Large-scale WECS (over 1000 kW) are more efficient and economical than multiple small-scale WECS (0.1–100 kW). Both modelling tools produced similar results, with HYBRIDS producing on average slightly higher NPC results than HOMER. The modelling and resulting data from the analysis indicate that RES is technically feasible and economically viable as a replacement for conventional thermal energy supply for large-scale tourist operations dependent on stand-alone power supplies.  相似文献   

This paper presents the methodology and results of the overall energy system analysis of a 100% renewable energy system. The input for the systems is the result of a project of the Danish Association of Engineers, in which 1600 participants during more than 40 seminars discussed and designed a model for the future energy system of Denmark. The energy system analysis methodology includes hour by hour computer simulations leading to the design of flexible energy systems with the ability to balance the electricity supply and demand. The results are detailed system designs and energy balances for two energy target years: year 2050 with 100% renewable energy from biomass and combinations of wind, wave and solar power; and year 2030 with 50% renewable energy, emphasising the first important steps on the way. The conclusion is that a 100% renewable energy supply based on domestic resources is physically possible, and that the first step towards 2030 is feasible to Danish society. However, Denmark will have to consider to which degree the country shall rely mostly on biomass resources, which will involve the reorganisation of the present use of farming areas, or mostly on wind power, which will involve a large share of hydrogen or similar energy carriers leading to certain inefficiencies in the system design.  相似文献   

The potential and utilization of renewable energy technologies (RETs), and energy analysis in Lesotho with emphasis on the contribution of solar energy technologies (SETs) is presented. The heavy reliance of the country on imported fossil fuel coupled with the growing demand for electricity and declining wood fuel supplies call for alternative sources of energy. Taking the average global solar radiation that ranges from 15 to 20 MJ/m2 and cognizant of the short falls of other renewable energy sources in Lesotho, this paper focuses on the application of solar energy and associated developmental issues. The paper provides a statistical analysis of the energy demand and identifies areas of further growth for SETs. Various application areas of solar energy and their contribution to development in Lesotho together with future prospects for use of solar energy are also discussed. An analysis of the relative merits of using photovoltaic (PV) devices over other renewable energy sources in Lesotho is presented. It is argued that with proper economic support and utilization of efficient RETs, developing countries like Lesotho can meet their basic energy demands and alleviate the problems of energy shortages.  相似文献   

Successful energy planning requires substituting the standard economic model with a more transparent public participatory model because people play a fundamental role in climate change mitigation and renewable energy (RE) deployment. This approach requires improving communication with society and enabling smooth delivery of easy to digest information to citizens in both formal and informal educational settings. In this context, education and teachers, as the principal components, are recognized as one mechanism. We conducted a survey-based study, collecting 260 questionnaires from secondary school teachers in Jordan aiming to investigate their knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes toward RE development. The main findings of this study revealed that teachers have limited knowledge of RE and neutral perceptions regarding its use. However, teachers showed clear positive attitudes toward RE development. Overall, male teachers exhibited slightly higher knowledge of RE and female teachers held stronger positive attitudes. A number of socio-demographic and work related factors did not influence the teachers' knowledge and attitudes toward RE. It was also found that teachers require personal training regarding RE before it is introduced into school curricula.  相似文献   

In this paper hour-by-hour computer simulations of cooling load for a public building were carried out under local weather conditions using TRNSYS building computer simulation software. Different passive measures to reduce the cooling load were investigated. These include the envelope insulation, space ventilation, shading, glazing, artificial lighting variation, and evaporative cooling of the structure. The results show as high as 43% reductions in peak cooling load can be achieved using a combination of well-established passive cooling techniques and technologies. The significance of these results stems from the fact that they were obtained under local weather conditions, a matter of importance to building architects, designers, contractors, and builders as well as air-conditioning equipment manufacturers. Although this work was undertaken to improve the thermal performance of school buildings the results were extended to cover the summer school vacation months so that they will benefit public buildings as well. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work, a combined system which is produced electrical energy from both solar radiation via solar cells and wind energy by using wind turbine was studied. For wind energy, measurements of wind velocities at 12 m height were taken. Then, these values were calculated for 42 m by using Hellmann equation. After that, wind energy converted to the electrical energy. However, value of solar radiation from solar cells was taken at the optimum slope angle of collector which provided higher energy production for each 1 h during this application. Thus, obtained data from each system were used together for finding total energy. For this study, measurements, which would be used in calculation of wind energy and solar energy were taken for four years between 1995 and 1998 in Izmir. As a result, energy of the combined system could support each other when one of them produces energy insufficiently.  相似文献   

The EU renewable energy (RES) directive sets a target of increasing the share of renewable energy used in the EU to 20% by 2020. The Norwegian goal for the share of renewable energy in 2020 is 67.5%, an increase from 60.1% in 2005. The Norwegian power production is almost solely based on renewable resources and the possibility to change from fossil power plants to renewable power production is almost non-existing. Therefore other measures have to be taken to fulfil the RES directive. Possible ways for Norway to reach its target for 2020 are analysed with a technology-rich, bottom-up energy system model (TIMES-Norway). This new model is developed with a high time resolution among others to be able to analyse intermittent power production. Model results indicate that the RES target can be achieved with a diversity of options including investments in hydropower, wind power, high-voltage power lines for export, various heat pump technologies, energy efficiency measures and increased use of biodiesel in the transportation sector. Hence, it is optimal to invest in a portfolio of technology choices in order to satisfy the RES directive, and not one single technology in one energy sector.  相似文献   

Algeria plays a very important role in world energy markets, both as a significant hydrocarbon producer and as an exporter, as well as a key participant in the renewable energy market. Due to its geographical location, Algeria holds one of the highest solar potentials in the world. This paper presents a review of the present renewable energy situation and assesses present and future potential of renewable energy sources (RESs) in Algeria. This paper also discusses the trends and expectation in solar systems applications and the aspects of future implementation of renewable energies in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region status. The problem related to the use of RES and polices to enhance the use of these sources are also analysed in this paper. In addition the available capacity building, the technical know-how for each RES technology and localizing manufacturing of renewable energy equipments are defined. The co-importance of both policy and technology investments for the future Algerian markets of RES and competitiveness of the solar/wind approach is emphasized. Some examples of policy significantly impacting Algerian markets are reviewed, and the intention of the new Algerian RES initiative is discussed.  相似文献   

There is a growing, government-led trend of applying renewable energy in Hong Kong. One area of interest lies in the wider use of solar-energy systems. The worldwide fast development of building-integrated solar technology has prompted the design alternative of fixing the solar panels on the external façades of buildings. In Hong Kong, high-rise buildings are found everywhere in the urban districts. How to make full use of the vertical facades of these buildings to capture the most solar radiation can be an important area in the technology promotion. In this numerical study, the potential application of a centralized solar water-heating system in high-rise residence was evaluated. Arrays of solar thermal collectors, that occupied the top two-third of the south and west façades of a hypothetical high-rise residence, were proposed for supporting the domestic hot-water system. Based on typical meteorological data, it was found that the annual efficiency of the vertical solar collectors could reach 38.4% on average, giving a solar fraction of 53.4% and a payback period of 9.2 years. Since the solar collectors were able to reduce the heat transmission through the building envelope, the payback was in fact even shorter if the energy saving in air-conditioner operation was considered.  相似文献   

Rural electrification with renewable energy technologies (RETs) offers several benefits to remote areas where diesel generation is unsuitable due to fuel supply constraints. Such benefits include environmental and social aspects, which are linked to energy access and poverty reduction in less-favored areas of developing countries. In this case, multi-objective methods are suitable tools for planning in rural areas. In this study, assessment of rural electrification with renewable energy systems is conducted by means of goal programming towards fuel substitution. The approach showed that, in the Non-Interconnected Zones of Colombia, substitution of traditional biomass with an electrification scheme using renewable energy sources provides significant environmental benefits, measured as land use and avoided emissions, as well as higher employment generation rates than diesel generation schemes. Nevertheless, fuel substitution is constrained by the elevated cost of electricity compared to traditional biomass, which raises households’ energy expenditures between twofold to five times higher values. The present approach, yet wide in scope, is still limited for quantifying the impact of energy access improvements on poverty reduction, as well as for the assessment of energy system's technical feasibility.  相似文献   

基于太阳能光伏技术的节能建筑系统的设计与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了太阳能光伏发电技术的原理及独立光伏系统和并网光伏系统的组成,总结了两种光伏系统中各组成部分的作用。分析了目前建筑耗能和建筑节能的现状,指出光伏技术与建筑的一体化方案势在必行。分析比较了几种常用的太阳能光伏利用与建筑一体化的实施方式,总结了各种方式的特点。最后提出了几条光伏建筑一体化的基本设计原则。  相似文献   

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