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Using a 5-d controlled internal drug-release (CIDR)-Cosynch resynchronization protocol, the objective of this study was to determine the effect of the initial GnRH injection on pregnancy per artificial insemination (P/AI) to the second artificial insemination in lactating Holstein dairy cows. On 37 ± 3 d (mean ± standard deviation) after the first artificial insemination, and upon nonpregnancy diagnosis (d 0 of the experiment), lactating cows eligible for a second artificial insemination (n = 429) were enrolled in a 5-d CIDR-Cosynch protocol. On d 0, all cows received a CIDR insert and were assigned randomly to receive the initial GnRH injection (GnRH; n = 226) of the protocol or no-GnRH (n = 203). Blood samples were collected from a sub-group of cows (n = 184) on d 0 and analyzed for progesterone (P4) concentration. On d 5, CIDR inserts were removed, and all cows received 1 injection of PGF. On d 6 and 7, cows were observed once daily by employees for tail-chalk removal, and cows detected in estrus on d 6 or 7 received artificial insemination that day (EDAI), and did not receive the final GnRH injection. The remaining cows not detected in estrus by d 8 received GnRH and timed artificial insemination (TAI). Pregnancy status was confirmed by transrectal palpation of uterine contents at 37 ± 3 d (mean ± standard deviation) after the second artificial insemination. Eliminating the initial GnRH injection had no effect on P/AI compared with cows receiving GnRH (27 vs. 21%), respectively. Similarly, method of insemination (EDAI vs. TAI) and its interaction with treatment had no effect on P/AI. Primiparous cows had greater P/AI than multiparous cows (31 vs. 21%). Mean P4 concentrations (n = 184) at the initiation of the protocol did not differ between treatments (4.51 ± 0.35 ng/mL no-GnRH vs. 3.96 ± 0.34 ng/mL of GnRH). When P4 concentrations were categorized as high (≥1 ng/mL) or low (<1 ng/mL), P/AI tended to be greater for high P4 concentrations (n = 136) compared with low (n = 48) P4 concentrations (26 vs. 16%, respectively). No differences were observed in the proportion of cows with high or low P4 between treatments. Collectively, these results provide evidence that eliminating the initial GnRH in a 5-d CIDR-Cosynch resynchronization protocol for lactating dairy cows did not reduce P/AI in this study.  相似文献   

Ovulatory response to the first GnRH of Ovsynch is the critical determinant for successful synchronization of ovulation in dairy cows. Our objective in this study was to develop a pre-Ovsynch treatment that increased the percentage of cows that ovulated in response to the first GnRH injection of Ovsynch. To accomplish our goal, we evaluated a hormonal strategy that consisted of PGF2α and GnRH before the first GnRH of Ovsynch. Lactating dairy cows (n = 137) were assigned to receive either no treatment before Ovsynch (control) or 25 mg of PGF2α (PreP) followed 2 d later by 100 μg of GnRH (PreG), administered 4 (G4G), 5 (G5G), or 6 (G6G) d before initiating the Ovsynch protocol. Transrectal ultrasonography was performed to assess follicular size and resulting ovulation, and blood samples were collected to measure circulating concentrations of progesterone and estradiol immediately before each hormonal injection. Cows were inseminated at a fixed time 16 h after final GnRH of Ovsynch. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed 35 d later by palpation per rectum of uterine contents. Proportion of cows that ovulated to first GnRH of Ovsynch was 56.0, 66.7, 84.6, and 53.8% for G4G, G5G, G6G, and controls, respectively, and was greater for G6G than for control cows. Luteolytic response to PGF2α of Ovsynch was greater in all treated than control cows (92.0, 91.7, 96.2, and 69.2% for G4G, G5G, G6G, and control, respectively). Synchronization rate to Ovsynch was greater (92 vs. 69%, respectively) in G6G than in control cows. In addition, cows that ovulated in response to first GnRH of Ovsynch had greater response to PGF2α of Ovsynch (92.7 vs. 77.1%, respectively) and greater synchronization rate to the overall protocol (87.9 vs. 62.9%, respectively) than those that did not ovulate. Concentrations of progesterone at PGF2α of Ovsynch, and estradiol and follicle size at final GnRH of Ovsynch, were identified as significant predictors of probability of pregnancy 35 d after artificial insemination. In summary, a PGF2α-and-GnRH based pre-Ovsynch strategy consisting of a 6-d interval between PreG and first GnRH of Ovsynch resulted in a greater ovulatory and luteolytic response to first GnRH and PGF2α of Ovsynch, respectively, compared with control cows. This, in turn, optimized synchronization rate to Ovsynch.  相似文献   

Objectives were to evaluate 3 resynchronization protocols for lactating dairy cows. At 32 ± 3 d after pre-enrollment artificial insemination (AI; study d −7), 1 wk before pregnancy diagnosis, cows from 2 farms were enrolled and randomly assigned to 1 of 3 resynchronization protocols after balancing for parity, days in milk, and number of previous AI. All cows were examined for pregnancy at 39 ± 3 d after pre-enrollment AI (study d 0). Cows enrolled as controls (n = 386) diagnosed not pregnant were submitted to a resynchronization protocol (d 0-GnRH, d 7-PGF, and d 10-GnRH and AI) on the same day. Cows enrolled in the GGPG (GnRH-GnRH-PGF-GnRH) treatment (n = 357) received a GnRH injection at enrollment (d −7) and if diagnosed not pregnant were submitted to the resynchronization protocol for control cows on d 0. Cows enrolled in CIDR treatment (n = 316) diagnosed not pregnant received the resynchronization protocol described for control cows with addition of a controlled internal drug release (CIDR) insert containing progesterone (P4) from d 0 to 7. In a subgroup of cows, ovaries were scanned and blood was sampled for P4 concentration on d 0 and 7. After resynchronized AI, cows were diagnosed for pregnancy at 39 ± 3 and 67 ± 3 d (California herds) or 120 ± 3 d (Arizona herds). Cows in the GGPG treatment had more corpora lutea than CIDR and control cows on d 0 (1.30 ± 0.11, 1.05 ± 0.11, and 1.05 ± 0.11, respectively) and d 7 (1.41 ± 0.14, 0.97 ± 0.13, and 1.03 ± 0.14, respectively). A greater percentage of GGPG cows ovulated to GnRH given on d 0 compared with CIDR and control cows (48.4, 29.6, and 36.6%, respectively), but CIDR and control did not differ. At 39 ± 3 d after resynchronized AI, pregnancy per AI (P/AI) was increased in GGPG (33.6%) and CIDR (31.3%) cows compared with control (24.6%) cows. At 67 or 120 ± 3 d after resynchronized AI, P/AI of GGPG and CIDR cows was increased compared with control cows (31.2, 29.5, and 22.1%, respectively). Presynchronizing the estrous cycle of lactating dairy cows with a GnRH 7 d before the start of the resynchronization protocol or use of a CIDR insert within the resynchronization protocol resulted in greater P/AI after resynchronized AI compared with control cows.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate effects of 2 resynchronization protocols beginning at different intervals after artificial insemination (AI) on the pattern of return to estrus, ovarian responses, and pregnancy per AI (P/AI) to reinsemination. Lactating cows from 2 dairies, located in Texas (n = 2,233) and Minnesota (n = 3,077), were assigned to 1 of 4 timed AI (TAI) protocols 17 ± 3 d after AI. All cows were examined for pregnancy 31 ± 3 d after previous AI. Cows assigned to early Ovsynch56 (E-OV56) or OV56 received the Ovsynch56 protocol starting 24 or 31 d after AI, respectively. Cows assigned to early GnRH-GnRH-PGF-GnRH (E-GGPG) or GGPG received a presynchronizing GnRH injection 17 or 24 d after AI, respectively, 7 d before the start of the Ovsynch56 protocol. Cows observed in estrus after enrollment were inseminated on the same day. Ovaries were examined and blood was sampled for progesterone concentration on the day of first GnRH and PGF injection of the Ovsynch56 protocol. Pregnancy was diagnosed at 31 and 66 d after resynchronized AI. On the day of the first GnRH injection of the TAI, a higher percentage of cows on E-GGPG and GGPG protocols had a corpus luteum (E-GGPG = 83.8, GGPG = 91.2, E-OV56 = 80.4, and OV56 = 75.5%) and progesterone concentration >1 ng/mL (E-GGPG = 62.5, GGPG = 76.0, E-OV56 = 53.6, and OV56 = 60.8%) than cows assigned to other protocols. However, the percentage of cows ovulating to the first GnRH injection of TAI was not affected by treatment. Fewer E-GGPG and more OV56 cows were reinseminated in estrus (E-GGPG = 23.7, GGPG = 49.0, E-OV56 = 41.6, and OV56 = 57.6%). Treatment did not affect P/AI at 31 or 66 d for cows reinseminated in estrus. However, cows reinseminated in estrus had greater P/AI at 31 (40.0 vs. 27.5%) and 66 d (36.0 vs. 23.9%) than cows completing the TAI protocols. Among cows completing the TAI protocols, initiation of GGPG at 24 d after AI increased, whereas initiation of Ovsynch56 at 24 d after AI decreased P/AI at 31 d after reinsemination (E-GGPG = 30.6, GGPG = 28.3.0, E-OV56 = 22.3, and OV56 = 28.7%). Pregnancy per AI did not differ across treatment at 66 d after TAI (E-GGPG = 26.6, GGPG = 24.4, E-OV56 = 20.0, and OV56 = 24.1%). Overall, type of resynchronization protocol and protocol initiation time did not affect P/AI 66 d after reinsemination (E-GGPG = 29.7, GGPG = 30.5, E-OV56 = 26.1, and OV56 = 30.4%). In conclusion, GGPG resynchronization protocols and initiation of resynchronization protocol 24 d after AI reduced the number of cows reinseminated in estrus but neither the timing of initiation of resynchronization nor presynchronization with GnRH affected overall P/AI.  相似文献   

Lactating Holstein cows were assigned randomly to treatments to improve fertility after first postpartum timed artificial insemination (TAI). In Experiment 1, cows received no treatment (control; n = 9), a controlled internal drug releasing (CIDR) insert from 5 to 12 d after TAI (CIDR; n = 9), or 100 μg of GnRH 5 d after TAI (G5; n = 7). Although treatments did not affect circulating progesterone (P4) concentrations from 5 to 19 d after TAI, there was a tendency for CIDR cows to have greater P4 compared with control or G5 cows within 24 h after treatment. In 2 field trials, cows received either control (n = 223), CIDR (n = 218), or G5 (n = 227) treatments (Experiment 2), or control (n = 160), G5 (n = 159), or treatment with 100 μg of GnRH 7 d after TAI (G7; n = 163; Experiment 3). Treatment did not affect pregnancies per AI (P/AI) in Experiments 2 or 3; however, when data were combined to compare control (n = 383) and G5 (n = 386) treatments, P/AI tended to be greater for G5 (49.1%) than for control (45.8%) cows. This effect resulted from a GnRH treatment × cyclicity status interaction in which P/AI for noncycling cows receiving G5 was greater than for noncycling control cows (45.5 vs. 31.1%). In conclusion, treatment with CIDR inserts after TAI had no effect on P/AI, whereas treatment with GnRH 5 d after TAI improved P/AI for noncycling, but not for cycling cows.  相似文献   

Our objective was to evaluate time to pregnancy after the first service postpartum and pregnancy per artificial insemination (P/AI) in dairy cows managed with 2 resynchronization of ovulation programs. After first service, lactating Holstein cows were blocked by parity (primiparous vs. multiparous) and randomly assigned to the d 32 Resynch (R32; n = 1,010) or short Resynch (SR; n = 1,000) treatments. Nonpregnancy diagnosis (NPD) was conducted 32 ± 3 d after AI by transrectal ultrasonography. Nonpregnant cows in R32 received the Ovsynch protocol: GnRH, PGF 7 d later, GnRH 56 h later, and timed AI (TAI) 16 to 18 h later. Cows in SR with a corpus luteum (CL) ≥15 mm and a follicle ≥10 mm at NPD received PGF, PGF 24 h later, GnRH 32 h later, and TAI 16 to 18 h later. Cows in SR without a CL ≥15 mm or a follicle ≥10 mm at NPD received a modified Ovsynch protocol with 2 PGF treatments and progesterone (P4) supplementation (GnRH plus CIDR, PGF and CIDR removal 7 d later, PGF 24 h later, GnRH 32 h later, and TAI 16 to 18 h later). Blood samples were collected from a subgroup of cows at the GnRH before TAI (R32 = 114; SR = 121) to measure P4 concentration. Binomial outcomes were analyzed with logistic regression and hazard of pregnancy (R32 = 485; SR = 462) with Cox's proportional regression in SAS (SAS Institute, Cary, NC). For P/AI analysis, the TAI service was the experimental unit (R32 = 720; SR = 819). Models included treatment and parity as fixed effects and farm as random effect. The hazard of pregnancy was greater for the SR treatment (hazard ratio = 1.18; 95% confidence interval: 1.01–1.37). Median time to pregnancy was 95 and 79 d for the R32 and SR treatments, respectively. At NPD, 71.3 and 71.2% of cows had a CL for the R32 and SR treatments, respectively. Treatment did not affect overall P/AI 32 ± 3 d after AI (R32 = 31.0% vs. SR = 33.9%) or for cows with a CL at NPD (R32 = 32.7% vs. SR = 32.8%). For cows with no CL at NPD, P/AI was greater for the SR treatment (36.9%) than for the R32 treatment (28.6%). Pregnancy loss from 32 to 63 d after AI was similar for all services combined (R32 = 8.3% vs. SR = 10.4%) and for cows with no CL at NPD (R32 = 13.2% vs. SR = 7.2%) but tended to be affected by treatment for cows with a CL at NPD (R32 = 6.8% vs. SR = 11.9%). Treatment affected the proportion of cows with P4 ≤0.5 ng/mL at the GnRH before TAI for all cows (R32 = 68.4% vs. SR = 81.8%), tended to have an effect among cows with a CL (R32 = 70.0% vs. SR = 81.8%), and had no effect for cows with no CL (R32 = 64.7% vs. SR = 81.8%). We concluded that the SR program reduced time to pregnancy because of a reduction of the interbreeding interval for cows with a CL at NPD and greater P/AI in cows with no CL at NPD.  相似文献   

The objectives of the current study were to evaluate the efficacy and field safety of GnRH HCl administered at 3 doses in fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) programs (Ovsynch) in dairy cows. A common protocol was conducted at 6 commercial dairies. Between 188 and 195 cows were enrolled at each site (total enrolled = 1,142). Cows had body condition scores ≥2 and ≤4, were between 32 to 140 d in milk, and were clinically healthy. Within pen and enrollment day (enrollment cohort), cows were assigned randomly in blocks of 4 to each of 4 treatments: (1) 25 mg of PGF on d 7 with FTAI 72 ± 2 h later (control); (2) 100 μg of GnRH on d 0, d 7 a dose of 25 mg of PGF, and the second administration of 100 μg of GnRH (T100) administered either at 48 ± 2 h (d 9) after PGF with FTAI 24 ± 2 h later or 56 ± 2 h (d 9) after PGF and FTAI 17 ± 2 h later; (3) same as T100 with both injections of 150 μg of GnRH (T150); and (4) same as T100 with both injections of 200 μg of GnRH (T200). Three sites selected the first option and 3 sites selected the second option for the timing of the second injection of all doses of GnRH. Cows were observed daily for signs of estrus and adverse clinical signs. Cows not returning to estrus had pregnancy diagnosis between 42 and 65 d following FTAI. Pregnancies per FTAI (P/FTAI) were analyzed as a binary variable (1 = pregnant, 0 = not pregnant) using a generalized linear mixed model with a binomial error distribution and a logit link function. The statistical model included fixed effects for treatment, random effects of site, site by treatment, enrollment cohort within site, and residual. Parity (first vs. second or greater) was included as a covariate. For demonstration of effectiveness, α = 0.05 and a 2-tailed test were used. Fifty-two cows were removed from the study because of either deviation from the protocol, injury, illness, culling, or death. Among the remaining 1,090 cows, 33.9% were primiparous and 66.1% were multiparous. Back-transformed least squares means for P/FTAI were 17.1, 27.3, 29.1, and 32.2% for control, T100, T150 and T200, respectively. The P/FTAI for each GnRH dose differed from that of the control. No differences were detected in P/FTAI between GnRH doses. No treatment-related adverse events were observed. Mastitis was the most frequently observed adverse clinical sign, followed by lameness and pneumonia. This study documents the efficacy and safety of doses of 100 to 200 μg of GnRH as the HCl salt when used in Ovsynch programs.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate an accelerometer system (Heatime; SCR Engineers Ltd., Netanya, Israel) to manage reproduction in lactating dairy cows. In experiment 1, lactating Holstein cows (n = 112) were fitted with an accelerometer system and were treated with GnRH followed 7 d later by PGF to synchronize estrus. A total of 89 cows that had a follicle >10 mm in diameter and a functional corpus luteum at the PGF injection that regressed by 48 h after induction of luteolysis were included in the analysis. Overall, 71% of cows were detected in estrus by the accelerometer system and 95% of cows showing estrus ovulated within 7 d after induction of luteolysis. Of the cows not detected in estrus by the accelerometer system, 35% ovulated within 7 d after induction of luteolysis. Duration of estrus activity (mean ± SD) was 16.1 ± 4.7 h and was neither affected by parity nor milk production. Intervals (means ± SD) from induction of luteolysis, onset of activity, peak raw activity, and peak weighted activity to ovulation was 82.2 ± 9.5, 28.7 ± 8.1, 20.4 ± 7.8, and 16.4 ± 7.4 h, respectively, and the interval from AI to ovulation was 7.9 ± 8.7 h, but ranged from −12 to 26 h. In experiment 2, cows were assigned randomly to receive an intramuscular injection of GnRH at artificial insemination (AI) after detection of estrus by the accelerometer system or receive no treatment (control). Nine hundred seventy-nine AI services from 461 cows were analyzed. Treatment with GnRH at AI did not affect fertility at 35 or 65 d after AI, and no interaction was detected between treatment and season or treatment and AI number. Overall, two-thirds of the cows that were considered properly synchronized were inseminated based on the accelerometer system and ovulated after AI. The remaining cows either were not inseminated because they were not detected in estrus or would not have had a chance to conceive to AI because they failed to ovulate after estrus. Furthermore, mean time of AI in relation to ovulation determined by the accelerometer system was acceptable for most of the cows that displayed estrus; however, variability in the duration of estrus and timing of AI in relation to ovulation could lead to poor fertility in some cows. For lactating dairy cows detected in estrus by the accelerometer system, treatment with GnRH at the time of AI without reference to the onset of estrus did not increase fertility.  相似文献   

The effects of naturally occurring subclinical chronic or clinical short-term mastitis on time of ovulation, plasma steroid and gonadotropin concentrations, and follicular and luteal dynamics were examined in 73 lactating Holstein cows. Cows were sorted by milk somatic cell count and bacteriological examination into an uninfected group (n = 22), a clinical mastitis group (n = 9; events occurring 20 ± 7 d before the study), and a subclinical chronic mastitis group (n = 42). In addition, uninfected and mastitic cows were further sorted by their estrus to ovulation (E-O) interval. About 30% of mastitic cows (mainly subclinical) manifested an extended E-O interval of 56 ± 9.2 h compared with 28 ± 0.8 h in uninfected cows and 29 ± 0.5 h in the other 70% of mastitic cows. In mastitic cows with extended E-O interval, the concentration of plasma estradiol at onset of estrus was lower than that of uninfected cows or mastitic cows that exhibited normal E-O intervals (3.1 ± 0.4, 5.8 ± 0.5, and 5.5 ± 0.5 pg/mL, respectively). The disruptive effect of mastitis on follicular estradiol probably does not involve alterations in gonadotropin secretion because any depressive effects of mastitis on pulsatile LH concentrations were not detected. Cortisol concentrations did not differ among groups. The preovulatory LH surge in mastitic cows with delayed ovulation varied among individuals, being lower, delayed, or with no surge noted compared with the normal LH surge exhibited by uninfected cows or mastitic cows with normal E-O interval (6.8 ± 0.7 ng/mL). The diameter of the second-wave dominant follicle was larger and the number of medium follicles was smaller in uninfected and subclinical cows with normal intervals compared with subclinical cows with extended intervals (13.4 ± 0.5 vs. 10.9 ± 0.9 mm, and 3.8 ± 0.2 vs. 6.7 ± 0.14 follicles, respectively). Mid-luteal progesterone concentrations were similar in uninfected and mastitic cows. These results indicate for the first time that around 30% of cows with subclinical chronic mastitis exhibit delayed ovulation that is associated with low plasma concentrations of estradiol and a low or delayed preovulatory LH surge.  相似文献   

The influence of amino acid nutrition on the response to milking more frequently, with or without injection of growth hormone, was examined in eight dairy cows in two 4 x 4 Latin squares with 28-d periods. The four treatments were a diet adequate in amino acids with or without injection of growth hormone and a diet inadequate in amino acids with or without injection of growth hormone. For all four treatments, during the last 14 d of each period, one half of the mammary gland was milked three times a day (3x), while the other half remained on twice-daily milking (2x). Both diets were based on grass silage given ad libitum and 4 kg/d of sugar beet pulp together with a supplement containing either fish meal (adequate diet) or feather meal (inadequate diet) as the only protein feeds. The diet containing feather meal is known to be deficient in His, Met, and Lys. On the fish meal diet, the cows responded positively to growth hormone and to milking more frequently and the responses to both treatments were additive. On the feather meal diet, however, even though injection of growth hormone increased the yield of milk protein by around 10%, milking more frequently did not affect milk production. It is concluded that milking more frequently has a weaker effect on the partitioning of amino acid use between body and udder than does growth hormone treatment.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that increasing concentrations of progesterone (P4) after artificial insemination would increase fertility. Our objective was to assess changes in ovarian structures, incidence of ovulation, and change in serum P4 in response to GnRH, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), or exogenous P4 (controlled internal drug release; CIDR insert) treatment beginning 4 to 9 d after artificial insemination (d 0) and again 7 d later (experiment 1). Blood was collected from 753 cows in 3 herds on d 0 and 7. Ovaries of 162 cows were scanned and mapped to confirm the presence of a corpus luteum (CL), and cows were assigned randomly to serve as controls (n = 41) or to receive a CIDR insert for 7 d (n = 41), 100 μg of GnRH (n = 40), or 3,300 IU of hCG (n = 40). More cows were induced to ovulate in response to GnRH (60%) and hCG (78%) compared with controls (2.4%). Compared with controls, cows treated with GnRH or hCG had more induced CL (d 7) and more total CL (d 7), but serum P4 was increased only in response to hCG. Largest follicle diameters on d 7 were less after GnRH and hCG, but total follicular volume on d 7 was reduced by GnRH, hCG, and CIDR, compared with that of controls. Volume of the original luteal structures was increased by hCG but tended to be reduced by CIDR and GnRH compared with luteal volume in controls. Total CL volume was increased by hCG, but reduced by CIDR, compared with CL volume of controls. Conception rates and pregnancy survival were assessed in response to the same treatments described in experiment 1: controls (n = 708), CIDR (n = 711), GnRH (n = 719), and hCG (n = 714). Tendencies for interactions of treatment × herd and treatment × lactation group were detected, but no 3-way interactions were found. Treatment with hCG increased conception rates in second-lactation cows. The CIDR tended to increase, and hCG increased, conception rates in 2 herds, whereas the CIDR decreased conception rates in 1 herd. Pregnancy survival was reduced by GnRH compared with that in controls. We concluded that GnRH and hCG effectively induced ovulation, and increased number of CL, but only increased serum P4 in hCG-treated cows. Further, treatment with the CIDR or hCG increased conception rates but only in some herds.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(2):1414-1428
This study was designed to evaluate whether the utilization of a second PGF treatment at the end of an estradiol/progesterone (E2/P4)-based protocol with or without GnRH at the beginning of the protocol would improve pregnancy rates of lactating Holstein cows assigned to timed embryo transfer. A total of 501 lactating Holstein cows in 5 farms were enrolled in the experiment. Within farm, cows were blocked by parity and, within block, were assigned randomly to (1) insertion of an intravaginal P4 device (controlled internal drug-releasing device; CIDR) and estradiol benzoate on d ?11, PGF on d ?4, CIDR withdrawal and an injection of estradiol cypionate on d ?2, and timed embryo transfer on d 7 (1-PGF; n = 164); (2) the same treatments as 1-PGF, but with PGF administered on d ?4 and ?2 (2-PGF; n = 171); and (3) 2-PGF with the addition of a GnRH treatment on d ?11 (GnRH+2-PGF; n = 166). Ovaries were scanned by transrectal ultrasonography on d ?11, ?4, and 7, and blood samples were collected on d ?11, ?4, 0, and 7 for P4 determination. Treatment comparisons were performed using contrasts. The proportion of cows with a new corpus luteum on d ?4 was greater in GnRH+2-PGF cows. Cows in 1-PGF had a greater P4 concentration on d 0 but lesser P4 on d 7 compared with cows in the other groups. Cows assigned to receive 2-PGF (2-PGF and GnRH+2-PGF) had greater estrus expression, and a greater proportion of cows ovulated to estradiol cypionate. No further contrast effects were observed for follicle diameter, double ovulation rate, pregnancy per embryo transfer (P/ET) on d 32 and 60, or pregnancy loss. As P4 concentration on d ?4 increased, P/ET on d 60 tended to increase. Cows with P4 ≥3.66 ng/mL on d ?4 had greater P/ET on d 32 and 60 than those with P4 below that threshold. Regardless of treatment, cows with P4 concentration ≥3.66 ng/mL also had a greater pregnancy per synchronized protocol (P/SP) on d 60. Also, a P4 concentration on d ?4 (low or high) × follicle diameter (continuous) interaction tendency was observed when evaluating P/ET. Although P/ET did not differ among cows with different follicles sizes with reduced P4 concentration on d ?4 (<3.66 ng/mL), it increased in cows with larger follicles exposed to increased P4 concentration (≥3.66 ng/mL). When P4 on d 0 was evaluated, P/ET on d 32 and 60 was greater for cows with low (≤0.09 ng/mL) versus high (>0.21 ng/mL) P4; as P4 concentration on d 0 increased, P/ET linearly decreased. In summary, cows with increased P4 concentrations during growth of the ovulatory follicular wave had improved P/ET. Administering a second PGF dose reduced P4 concentration on d 0 and increased ovulatory response to the protocol, but no benefits were observed on P/ET or P/SP.  相似文献   

The primary objective was to determine the variability and repeatability of GnRH-induced LH responses. The secondary objective was to evaluate the associations among plasma LH, FSH, estradiol (E2), and progesterone (P4) concentrations. One hundred lactating Holstein cows (35 primiparous, 65 multiparous) were initially subjected to a presynchronization protocol (d 0, PGF; d 3, GnRH) followed 7 d later by Ovsynch (d 10, GnRH; d 17, PGF; 56 h later, GnRH) and timed artificial insemination 16 h after the last GnRH. Blood samples were collected immediately before the GnRH injection of presynchronization and the second GnRH of Ovsynch to determine plasma concentrations of LH, FSH, and P4. A second blood sample was collected 2 h after each of the above GnRH injections to determine GnRH-induced LH and FSH concentrations. Plasma concentrations of E2 were also determined in samples collected immediately before the second GnRH of Ovsynch. Cows that (1) had higher LH concentrations at 0 h than at 2 h after GnRH, (2) showed an ongoing spontaneous LH surge, (3) did not respond to GnRH, and (4) had P4 ≥ 0.5 ng/mL at GnRH of presynchronization and the second GnRH of Ovsynch were excluded from the analysis. The variability (coefficient of variation) and repeatability [between animal variance/(within animal variance + between animal variance)] of GnRH-induced LH response were determined from samples collected 2 h after the GnRH of presynchronization and the second GnRH of Ovsynch. The associations among plasma LH, FSH, E2, and P4 were determined at the second GnRH of Ovsynch. Mean (±SEM) LH concentrations before GnRH were 0.5 ± 0.04 and 0.6 ± 0.03 ng/mL, whereas mean LH concentrations 2 h after GnRH were 9.8 ± 1.0 and 12.1 ± 0.8 ng/mL at GnRH of presynchronization and the second GnRH of Ovsynch, respectively. The variability of GnRH-induced LH was 76.1 and 52.1% at GnRH of presynchronization and the second GnRH of Ovsynch, respectively. The repeatability estimate for GnRH-induced LH concentration between GnRH of presynchronization and Ovsynch assessments was 0.10. Plasma concentrations of LH were positively associated with FSH and E2 (r = 0.61 and 0.30, respectively) and negatively associated with P4 (r = ?0.46) at the second GnRH of Ovsynch. In summary, GnRH-induced LH responses were highly variable and unrepeatable, and LH concentrations were positively associated with FSH and E2 and negatively associated with P4.  相似文献   

Dietary proteins play an important role in reproduction, and increased dietary crude proteins, increased degradability of dietary proteins, and elevated blood or milk urea have been associated with decreased conception and pregnancy in many studies. The aim of this work was to provide a meta-analysis on the relationship between high milk or blood urea and pregnancy or conception, with a focus on defining the appropriate urea threshold associated with this issue. The meta-analysis included 61 different models from 21 papers. The thresholds of urea tested in the various models were built by steps of 1 mM urea. This constructed variable reduced heterogeneity by 61% in the meta-regression. The meta-analysis showed 43% lower odds of pregnancy or conception (odds ratio = 0.57; 95% confidence interval = 0.45–0.73) in cases where urea was ≥7.0 mM in the blood (plasma urea nitrogen = 19.3 mg/dL) or where urea was ≥420 mg/L in the milk compared with where urea values were lower. This threshold is the most suitable with regard to pregnancy or conception success, even if a threshold of 6.5 mM cannot be excluded with certainty. The results also highlighted the possibility of a stronger association between high urea concentrations and pregnancy or conception when high nitrogen exposure occurs before artificial insemination compared with after artificial insemination, but this possibility needs to be further studied. Whether the present results also apply to extensively pasture-based countries remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to investigate the effects of rumen-protected Capsicum oleoresin (RPC) supplementation on feed intake, milk yield and composition, nutrient utilization, fecal microbial ecology, and responses to a glucose tolerance test in lactating dairy cows. Nine multiparous Holstein cows were used in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square design balanced for residual effects with three 28-d periods. Each period consisted of 14 d for adaptation and 14 d for data collection and sampling. Treatments were 0 (control), 100, and 200 mg of RPC/cow per day. They were mixed with a small portion of the total mixed ration and top-dressed. Glucose tolerance test was conducted once during each experimental period by intravenous administration of glucose at a rate of 0.3 g/kg of body weight. Dry matter intake was not affected by RPC. Milk yield tended to increase for RPC treatments compared to the control. Feed efficiency was linearly increased by RPC supplementation. Concentrations of fat, true protein, and lactose in milk were not affected by RPC. Apparent total-tract digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, and crude protein was linearly increased, and fecal nitrogen excretion was linearly decreased by RPC supplementation. Rumen-protected Capsicum oleoresin did not affect the composition of fecal bacteria. Glucose concentration in serum was not affected by RPC supplementation post glucose challenge. However, compared to the control, RPC decreased serum insulin concentration at 5, 10, and 40 min post glucose challenge. The area under the insulin concentration curve was also decreased 25% by RPC. Concentration of nonesterified fatty acids and β-hydroxybutyrate in serum were not affected by RPC following glucose administration. In this study, RPC tended to increase milk production and increased feed efficiency in dairy cows. In addition, RPC decreased serum insulin concentration during the glucose tolerance test, but glucose concentration was not affected by treatment.  相似文献   

Objectives of the experiment were to determine the length of exposure to an acidogenic diet that would elicit changes in acid-base balance, mineral digestion, and response to parathyroid hormone (PTH)-induced changes in blood Ca and vitamin D3 in prepartum dairy cows. Nonlactating parous Holstein cows (n = 20) at 242 d of gestation were blocked by lactation (1 or >1) and pretreatment dry matter (DM) intake and, within block, they were randomly assigned to a diet with a dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) of +200 mEq/kg of DM (DCAD +200) or an acidogenic diet with ?150 mEq/kg of DM (DCAD ?150). Water and DM intake were measured and blood was sampled daily. Urine was sampled every 3 h for 36 h, and then daily. During PTH challenges on d 3, 8, and 13, cows received i.v. PTH 1–34 fragment at 0.05 µg/kg of body weight every 20 min for 9 h to mimic the pulsatile release of endogenous PTH. Blood was sampled at 0 h, and hourly thereafter until 10 h, and at 12, 18, 24, 36, and 48 h relative to each challenge. Acid-base measures and concentrations of ionized Ca (iCa) in whole blood, and total Ca, Mg, P, and vitamin D metabolites in plasma were evaluated. On d 2 and 7, Ca, Mg, and P balances were evaluated. Cows fed DCAD ?150 had smaller blood pH (7.431 vs. 7.389) and HCO3? (27.4 vs. 22.8 mM) compared with DCAD +200, and metabolic acidosis in DCAD ?150 was observed 24 h after dietary treatments started. Concentrations of iCa begin to increase 24 h after feeding the acidogenic diet, and it was greater in DCAD ?150 compared with DCAD +200 by 3 d in the experiment (1.23 vs. 1.26 mM). During the PTH challenges, cows fed DCAD ?150 had greater concentration of iCa and area under the curve for iCa than those fed DCAD +200 (48.2 vs. 50.7 mmol/L × hour), and there was no interaction between treatment and challenge day. Concentration of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in plasma did not differ during the PTH challenge, but change in 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 relative to h 0 of the challenge was smaller in cows fed DCAD ?150 than cows fed DCAD +200 (44.1 vs. 32.9 pg/mL). Urinary loss of Ca was greater in cows fed DCAD ?150 compared with DCAD +200 (1.8 vs. 10.8 g/d); however, because digestibility of Ca increased in cows fed DCAD ?150 (19.7 vs. 36.6%), the amount of Ca retained did not differ between treatments. Diet-induced metabolic acidosis was observed by 24 h after dietary treatment started, resulting in increases in concentration of iCa in blood observed between 1 and 3 d. Collectively, present results indicate that tissue responsiveness to PTH and changes in blood concentrations of iCa and digestibility of Ca are elicited within 3 d of exposure to an acidogenic diet. The increased apparent digestibility of Ca compensated for the increased urinary loss of Ca resulting in similar Ca retention.  相似文献   

Parturition is often a stressful period, when the incidence of disease is high after calving, which has been associated with an uncontrolled inflammatory response. Therefore, the objective of this study was to test the effect of the administration of a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (meloxicam) on the behavior, health, and production of peripartum cows. Meloxicam was dosed at 1 mg/kg of body weight, and an empty gel capsule served as a placebo. Both were administered orally with a balling gun. Dairy cows and heifers were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatment groups: (1) meloxicam administration before calving, with a placebo administered after calving (MEL-PRE, n = 60), (2) placebo administered before calving, and meloxicam administered after calving (MEL-POST, n = 69), and (3) a placebo administered before calving and after calving (CTL, n = 65). To identify imminent calving events, a vaginal thermometer was inserted approximately 2 wk before the expected calving date and a drop in temperature was used to identify cows close to calving. Calving events were monitored via video cameras, and the amount of time that elapsed between the appearance of the amniotic sac at the vulva until delivery of the calf was used to determine calving difficulty score. Eutocic calving events were defined as cows that calved in ≤70 min, and dystocia was defined as cows that took longer than 70 min to calve. Milk yield and components were measured for the first 15 wk of lactation and accelerometers were used to record activity and lying behaviors. The effects of treatment, breed, parity, calving difficulty, and, when applicable, a repeated measure, along with interaction terms, were analyzed in mixed models. Regardless of the time of administration, dystocic cattle that received meloxicam were less active than dystocic CTL. Dystocic animals displayed more lying bouts on the day of calving and then displayed fewer lying bouts and were less active during the days following calving. No effect of treatment was noted on any health outcomes. Eutocic MEL-PRE animals produced 6.8 kg/d more milk than eutocic CTL. Regardless of calving difficulty, MEL-PRE animals produced more milk fat, protein, and lactose (kg/d) than CTL. In conclusion, meloxicam administration before calving appears promising in increasing milk yield in eutocic cows.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2019,102(6):5588-5598
Plastic sanitary sheaths over artificial insemination (AI) guns have been used at the time of AI to improve hygiene at AI and fertility in cattle, but fertility responses have been variable in studies when AI was performed by professional inseminators. The aims of this study were to investigate whether the use of a sanitary sheath at the time of AI carried out by nonprofessional (do-it-yourself, or DIY) inseminators improves pregnancy rates to AI in pasture-based dairy cows and whether effects of sheaths are greater in cows with contaminated vulvas and in cows at increased risk of extended calving to conception intervals. Lactating dairy cows located in 10 pasture-based herds in a subtropical region of northern Australia were inseminated by herd-based DIY inseminators and assigned to be inseminated with (n = 3,655) or without (n = 3,969) a sanitary sheath, with potential effects assessed using multivariable logistic regression. Overall, use of a sheath at the time of AI did not significantly affect pregnancy rates to AI (36.3% for those inseminated without a sheath vs. 36.8% for those inseminated with a sheath; odds ratio: 1.02; 95% confidence interval: 0.92–1.11). Effects of using a sheath on pregnancy rates to AI varied by herd, with lower pregnancy rates with the use of sheaths in 1 herd and some evidence of increases in 3 herds. Unexpectedly, there was evidence that the effect of sheath on pregnancy rates was less positive (or more negative) when the vulva was classified as dirty before any cleaning of the vulva before insemination compared with when the vulva was classified as clean (interaction odds ratio: 0.75; 95% CI: 0.56–1.00). Interactions between sheath and other explanatory variables that could affect fertility were not significant; thus, there was no compelling evidence that the effect of using a sheath was modified by any of these variables. We conclude that the use of sheaths during AI of pasture-based dairy cows by DIY inseminators does not, on average, markedly improve pregnancy rates to AI. However, responses may vary between herds, and the response to sheaths may be inferior (i.e., less positive or more negative) when a cow's vulva is contaminated with feces or discharge at the time of AI compared with when the vulva is clean.  相似文献   

Multiple metabolic and hormonal factors can affect the success of protocols for ovarian superstimulation. In this study, the effect of acute feed restriction and increased LH content in the superstimulatory FSH preparation on numbers of ovulations, fertilization, and embryo quality in lactating dairy cows was evaluated. Two experiments were performed using a Latin square design with treatments arranged as a 2 × 2 factorial: feed restriction (FR; 25% reduction in dry matter intake) compared with ad libitum (AL) feeding, combined with high (H) versus low (L) LH in the last 4 injections of the superstimulatory protocol. As expected, FR decreased circulating insulin concentrations (26.7 vs. 46.0 μU/mL). Two analyses were performed: one that evaluated the complete Latin square in experiment 2 and a second that evaluated only the first periods of experiments 1 and 2. For both analyses, follicle numbers, ovulation rates, and corpora lutea on d 7 were not different. In the first period analysis of experiments 1 and 2, we observed an interaction between feed allowance and amount of LH on fertilization rates, percentage of embryos or oocytes that were quality 1 and 2 embryos, and number of embryos or oocytes that were degenerate. Fertilization rates were greater for the AL-L (89.4%) and FR-H (80.1%) treatments compared with the AL-H (47.9%) and FR-L (59.9%) treatments. Similarly, the proportion of total embryos or oocytes designated as quality 1 and 2 embryos was greater for AL-L (76.7%) and FR-H (73.4%) treatments compared with AL-H (35.6%) and FR-L (47.3%) treatments. In addition, the number of degenerate embryos was decreased for AL-L (1.3) and FR-H (0.4) treatments compared with the AL-H (2.6) and FR-L (2.3) treatments. Thus, cows with either too low (FR-L) or too high (AL-H) insulin and LH stimulation had lesser embryo production after superstimulation because of reduced fertilization rate and increased percentage of degenerate embryos. Therefore, interaction of the gonadotropin content of the superstimulatory preparation with the nutritional program of the donor cow needs to be considered to optimize success of ovarian superstimulatory protocols.  相似文献   

Two experiments evaluated the effects of the first GnRH injection of the 5-d timed artificial insemination (AI) program on ovarian responses and pregnancy per AI (P/AI), and the effect of timing of the final GnRH to induce ovulation relative to AI on P/AI. In experiment 1, 605 Holstein heifers were synchronized for their second insemination and assigned randomly to receive GnRH on study d 0 (n = 298) or to remain as untreated controls (n = 307). Ovaries were scanned on study d 0 and 5. All heifers received a controlled internal drug-release (CIDR) insert containing progesterone on d 0, a single injection of PGF and removal of the CIDR on d 5, and GnRH concurrent with timed AI on d 8. Blood was analyzed for progesterone at AI. Pregnancy was diagnosed on d 32 and 60 after AI. Ovulation on study d 0 was greater for GnRH than control (35.4 vs. 10.6%). Presence of a new corpus luteum (CL) at PGF injection was greater for GnRH than for control (43.1 vs. 20.8%), although the proportion of heifers with a CL at PGF did not differ between treatments and averaged 87.1%. Progesterone on the day of AI was greater for GnRH than control (0.50 ± 0.07 vs. 0.28 ± 0.07 ng/mL). The proportion of heifers at AI with progesterone <0.5 ng/mL was less for GnRH than for control (73.8 vs. 88.2%). The proportion of heifers in estrus at AI did not differ between treatments and averaged 66.8%. Pregnancy per AI was not affected by treatment at d 32 or 60 (GnRH = 52.5 and 49.8% vs. control = 54.1 and 50.0%), and pregnancy loss averaged 6.0%. Responses to GnRH were not influenced by ovarian status on study d 0. In experiment 2, 1,295 heifers were synchronized for their first insemination and assigned randomly to receive a CIDR on d 0, PGF and removal of the CIDR on d 5, and either GnRH 56 h after PGF and AI 16 h later (OVS56, n = 644) or GnRH concurrent with AI 72 h after PGF (COS72; n = 651). Estrus at AI was greater for COS72 than for OVS56 (61.4 vs. 47.5). Treatment did not affect P/AI on d 32 in heifers displaying signs of estrus at AI, but COS72 improved P/AI compared with OVS56 (55.0 vs. 47.6%) in those not in estrus at AI. Similarly, P/AI on d 60 did not differ between treatments for heifers displaying estrus, but CO S72 improved P/AI compared with OVS56 (53.0 vs. 44.7%) in those not in estrus at AI. Administration of GnRH on the first day of the 5-d timed AI program resulted in low ovulation rate and no improvement in P/AI when heifers received a single PGF injection 5 d later. Moreover, extending the proestrus by delaying the final GnRH from 56 to 72 h concurrent with AI benefited fertility of dairy heifers that did not display signs of estrus at insemination following the 5-d timed AI protocol.  相似文献   

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