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The objective of our study was to investigate the effects of sources of calcium salts of fatty acids (FA) on production, nutrient digestibility, energy balance, and carryover effects of early lactation grazing dairy cows. Treatment diets were offered from 3 to 16 wk postpartum (the treatment period), in which all cows grazed elephantgrass (Pennisetum purpureum ‘Cameroon’) and treatments were added to a concentrate supplement. The treatments were (1) control (concentrate without supplemental fat); (2) concentrate with calcium salts of soybean FA (CSSO); and (3) concentrate with calcium salts of palm FA (CSPO). From 17 to 42 wk postpartum (the carryover period), all cows received a common diet fed as a total mixed ration. During the treatment period, CSPO increased milk yield, milk fat yield, 3.5% fat-corrected milk, energy-corrected milk, and cumulative milk yield compared with control and CSSO. Treatment CSSO increased the yield of milk but did not affect 3.5% fat-corrected milk or energy-corrected compared with control. Also, CSSO decreased milk fat yield, dry matter intake, neutral detergent fiber digestibility, and body weight and body condition loss. Compared with control, both CSSO and CSPO increased feed efficiency (3.5% fat-corrected milk:dry matter intake), and CSPO increased feed efficiency compared with CSSO. When considering energy partitioning (as % energy intake), CSPO increased energy partitioning toward milk and increased energy mobilized from body reserves compared with control and CSSO. Furthermore, CSSO tended to reduce the mobilization of energy from body reserves compared with control. In the carryover period, no differences in milk composition were observed among treatments. A treatment by time interaction was observed during the carryover period for milk yield because cows on CSPO maintained higher production compared with control and CSSO cows until 30 wk postpartum; CSSO had a lower carryover effect sustaining higher milk yield compared with control until 25 wk postpartum. In conclusion, supplementation with CSPO was an effective strategy to increase energy intake and yields of milk and milk solids and it had a greater carryover effect. Supplementation with CSSO resulted in lower mobilization of reserves and less variation in body weight and body condition throughout lactation.  相似文献   

Enrichment of milk fat with n-3 fatty acids, in particular eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), may be advantageous because of their beneficial effects on human health. In addition, these fatty acids play an important role in reproductive processes in dairy cows. Our objective was to evaluate the protection of EPA and DHA against rumen biohydrogenation provided by Ca salts of fish oil. Four Holstein cows were assigned in a Latin square design to the following treatments: 1) ruminal infusion of Ca salts of fish oil and palm fatty acid distillate low dose (CaFO-1), 2) ruminal infusion of Ca salts of fish oil and palm fatty acid distillate high dose (CaFO-2), 3) ruminal infusion of fish oil high dose (RFO), and 4) abomasal infusion of fish oil high dose (AFO). The high dose of fish oil provided ∼16 and ∼21 g/d of EPA and DHA, respectively, whereas the low dose (CaFO-1) provided 50% of these amounts. A 10-d pretreatment period was used as a baseline, followed by 9-d treatment periods with interceding intervals of 10 d. Supplements were infused every 6 h, milk samples were taken the last 3 d, and plasma samples were collected the last day of baseline and treatment periods. Milk fat content of EPA and DHA were 5 to 6 times greater with AFO, but did not differ among other treatments. Milk and milk protein yield were unaffected by treatment, but milk fat yield and DM intake were reduced by 20 and 15%, respectively, by RFO. Overall, results indicate rumen biohydrogenation of long chain n-3 fatty acids was extensive, averaging >85% for EPA and >75% for DHA for the Ca salts and unprotected fish oil supplements. Thus, Ca salts of fish oil offered no protection against the biohydrogenation of EPA and DHA beyond that observed with unprotected fish oil; however, the Ca salts did provide rumen inertness by preventing the negative effects on DM intake and milk fat yield observed with unprotected fish oil.  相似文献   

Ruminal biohydrogenation of fatty acids (FA) was studied in vivo in relation with the fermentation pattern in the rumen and milk secretion. Calcium salts (Ca salts) of palm oil (diet 1) or rapeseed oil (diet 2) were given to dairy cows (about 650 g day?1) in a diet based on maize silage. Significant variation in propionate concentration was observed among diets. Rumen pH and total volatile fatty acids (VFA) did not change. Duodenal FA pattern was analysed throughout the day. With diets 1 and 2, linoleic acid was to a large extent biohydrogenated: calculations of ruminal biohydrogenation were equal to 63.6 and 74.0% for diets 1 and 2, respectively. No difference between diets was observed in milk production, fat and protein percentages. The percentages of stearic and octadecenoic FA in milk were higher and the percentage of palmitic acid was lower with Ca salts of rapeseed oil FA than with Ca salts of palm oil FA.  相似文献   

Measurements of energy balance (EB) require the use of respiration chambers, which are quite expensive and laborious. The GreenFeed (GF) system (C-Lock Inc.) has been developed to offer a less expensive, user friendly alternative. In this study, we used the GF system to estimate the EB of cows in early lactation and compared it with EB predicted from energy requirements for dairy cows in the Finnish feeding standards. We also evaluated the association between milk fatty acids and the GF estimated EB. The cows were fed the same grass silage but supplemented with either cereal grain or fibrous by-product concentrate. Cows were followed from 1 to 18 wk of lactation, and measurements of energy metabolism variables were taken. Data were subjected to ANOVA using the mixed model procedure of SAS (SAS Institute Inc.). The repeatability estimates of the gaseous exchanges from the GF were moderate to high, presenting an opportunity to use it for indirect calorimetry in EB estimates. Energy metabolism variables were not different between cows fed different concentrates. However, cows fed the grain concentrate produced more methane (24.0 MJ/d or 62.9 kJ/MJ of gross energy) from increased digestibility than cows fed the by-product concentrate (21.3 MJ/d or 56.5 kJ/MJ of gross energy). Nitrogen metabolism was also not different between the diets. Milk long-chain fatty acids displayed an inverse time course with EB and de novo fatty acids. There was good concordance (0.85) between EB predicted using energy requirements derived from the Finnish feed table and EB estimated by the GF system. In conclusion, the GF can accurately estimate EB in early-lactating dairy cows. However, more data are needed to further validate the system for a wide range of dietary conditions.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine the effects of supplementing chopped ryegrass hay with 0, 1.5, 3, 6 or 12% calcium salts of fatty acids (CaSFA; Megalac) on digestion in the rumen of cannulated cows and on nutrient digestibility by sheep. In-situ ruminal disappearances of dry matter (DM) and cell wall fractions (acid detergent fibre, ADF, and neutral detergent fibre, NDF) were measured by the nylon bag technique. The DM, ADF and NDF disappearances were reduced for diets containing CaSFA at the 1.5, 3 or 6% levels after 48 h of rumen exposure. For diets containing 12% CaSFA, irrespective of the time of rumen incubation, DM disappearance was decreased, while ADF and NDF breakdown was improved. CaSFA supplementation did not influence invitro fermentation characteristics (pH, volatile fatty acid patterns). A digestibility experiment with six mature sheep showed no difference in nitrogen digestibility between unsupplemented and CaSFA-supplemented diets. However, digestibilities of DM, ADF and NDF were higher relative to the basal for the 12% CaSFA: 63.1 versus 60.6%, 63.8 versus 58.7% and 67.4 versus 62.7%, respectively. Ether extract digestion was enhanced by increasing the level of CaSFA, the corresponding values being 49.1, 66.5, 78.6, 81.9 and 77.9% at 0, 1.5, 3, 6 and 12% CaSFA, respectively. Apparent digestibility of energy was higher for the 12% CaSFA than the control diet 68.8 versus 62.1%). Nitrogen and energy retention was improved due to the decreases in urine and faecal excretion, respectively.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(4):2828-2839
The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of fat and protein supplementation to dairy cattle rations on milk fat triacylglycerol (TAG) composition, fatty acid (FA) positional distribution in the TAG structure, and milk solid fat content (SFC). Fifty-six lactating Holstein-Friesian cows were blocked into 14 groups of 4 cows and randomly assigned 1 of 4 dietary treatments fed for 28 d: (1) low protein, low fat, (2) high protein, low fat, (3) low protein, high fat, and (4) high protein, high fat. The high protein and high fat diets were obtained by isoenergetically supplementing the basal ration (low protein, low fat) with rumen-protected soybean meal and rumen-protected rapeseed meal, and hydrogenated palm FA (mainly C16:0 and C18:0), respectively. Fat supplementation modified milk TAG composition more extensively compared with protein supplementation. Fat supplementation resulted in decreased concentrations of the low molecular weight TAG carbon number (CN) 26 to CN34 and medium molecular weight TAG CN40, CN44, and CN46, and increased concentrations of CN38 and the high molecular weight TAG CN50 and CN52. Increased contents of C16:0, C18:0, and C18:1cis-9 in TAG in response to fat supplementation were related to increases in the relative concentrations of C16:0 and C18:0 at the sn-2 position and C18:0 and C18:1cis-9 at the sn-1(3) positions of the TAG structure. Increased concentrations of high molecular weight TAG species CN50 and CN52 in response to fat supplementation was associated with increased milk SFC at 20, 25, and 30°C. Our study shows that important alterations in milk TAG composition and structure occur when feeding hydrogenated palm FA to lactating dairy cattle, and that these alterations result in an increased SFC of milk fat. These changes in milk SFC and TAG composition and structure may improve absorption of both fat and minerals in milk-based products for infants and may affect processing of milk fat.  相似文献   

Milk fat was investigated in lactating dairy cows fed diets supplemented with Ca salts of trans fatty acids (Ca-tFA) or Ca salts of conjugated linoleic acids (Ca-CLA). Forty-five Holstein cows (115 days in milk) were fed a control diet (51% forage; dry matter basis) supplemented with 400 g of EnerG II (Ca salts of palm oil fatty acids) for 2 wk; subsequently, 5 groups of 9 cows each were assigned for 4 wk to the control diet or diets containing 100 g of Ca-CLA or 100, 200, or 400 g of Ca-tFA in a randomized block design. Treatments had no effect on dry matter intake, milk production, protein, lactose, or somatic cell count. Milk fat percentage was reduced from 3.39% in controls to 3.30, 3.04, and 2.98%, respectively, by the Ca-tFA diets and to 2.54% by the Ca-CLA diet. Milk fat yield (1.24 kg/d in controls) was decreased by 60, 130, and 190 g/d with increasing dose of Ca-tFA and by 290 g/d with the Ca-CLA supplement. Consistent with increased endogenous synthesis of cis-9-containing CLA from precursors provided by the Ca-tFA diets, total CLA were similar in milk of cows fed Ca-CLA or Ca-tFA. Compared with controls, the Ca-CLA diet increased trans-10, cis-12-18:2 yield in milk, without altering levels of trans-18:1 isomers. In contrast, yields of most trans-18:1 isomers were elevated in milk of cows fed Ca-tFA diets, whereas yields of trans-10, cis-12-18:2 remained similar to control values. We conclude that milk fat depression can occur without an increase in trans-10, cis-12-18:2 in milk and that other components, perhaps the trans-10-18:1 isomer, may be involved.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(1):201-220
The objective was to study the effects of week of lactation (WOL) and experimental nutrient restriction on concentrations of selected milk metabolites and fatty acids (FA), and assess their potential as biomarkers of energy status in early-lactation cows. To study WOL effects, 17 multiparous Holstein cows were phenotyped from calving until 7 WOL while allowed ad libitum intake of a lactation diet. Further, to study the effects of nutrient restriction, 8 of these cows received a diet containing 48% straw (high-straw) for 4 d starting at 24 ± 3 days in milk (mean ± SD), and 8 cows maintained on the lactation diet were sampled to serve as controls. Blood and milk samples were collected weekly for the WOL data set, and daily from d ?1 to 3 of nutrient restriction (or control) for the nutritional challenge data set. Milk β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), isocitrate, glucose, glucose-6-phosphate (glucose-6P), galactose, glutamate, creatinine, uric acid, and N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminidase activity (NAGase) were analyzed in p.m. and a.m. samples, and milk FA were analyzed in pooled p.m. and a.m. samples. Average energy balance (EB) per day ranged from ?27 MJ/d to neutral when cows received the lactation total mixed ration, and from ?109 to ?87 ± 7 MJ/d for high-straw (least squares means ± standard error of the mean). Plasma nonesterified FA concentration was 1.67 ± 0.13 mM and BHB was 2.96 ± 0.39 mM on the d 3 of high-straw (least squares means ± standard error of the mean). Milk concentrations of BHB, glucose, glucose-6P, glutamate, and uric acid differed significantly between p.m. and a.m. milkings. Milk isocitrate, glucose-6P, creatinine, and NAGase decreased, whereas milk glucose and galactose increased with WOL. Changes in milk BHB, isocitrate, glucose, glucose-6P, and creatinine were concordant during early lactation and in response to nutrient restriction. Milk galactose and NAGase were modulated by WOL only, whereas glutamate and uric acid concentrations responded to nutrient restriction only. The high-straw increased milk concentrations of FA potentially mobilized from adipose tissue (e.g., C18:0 and cis-9 C18:1 and sum of odd- and branched-chain FA (OBCFA) with carbon chain greater than 16; ∑ OBCFA >C16), and decreased concentrations of FA synthesized de novo by the mammary gland (e.g., sum of FA with 6 to 15 carbons; ∑ C6:0 to C15:0). Similar observations were made during early lactation. Plasma nonesterified FA concentrations had the best single linear regression with EB (R2 = 0.62). Milk isocitrate, Σ C6:0 to C15:0. and cis-9 C18:1 had the best single linear regressions with EB (R2 ≥ 0.44). Milk BHB, isocitrate, galactose, glutamate, and creatinine explained up to 64% of the EB variation observed in the current study using multiple linear regression. Milk concentrations of ∑ C6:0 to C15:0, C18:0, cis-9 C18:1, and ∑ OBCFA >C16 presented some of the best correlations and regressions with other indicators of metabolic status, lipomobilization, and EB, and their responses were concordant during early lactation and during experimental nutrient restriction. Metabolites and FA secreted in milk may serve as noninvasive indicators of metabolic status and EB of early-lactation cows.  相似文献   

Four ruminally lactating Holstein cows averaging 602 ± 25 kg of body weight and 64 ± 6 d in milk at the beginning of the experiment were randomly assigned to a 4 × 4 Latin square design to determine the effects of feeding whole flaxseed and calcium salts of flaxseed oil on dry matter intake, digestibility, ruminal fermentation, milk production and composition, and milk fatty acid profile. The treatments were a control with no flaxseed products (CON) or a diet (on a dry matter basis) of 4.2% whole flaxseed (FLA), 1.9% calcium salts of flaxseed oil (SAL), or 2.3% whole flaxseed and 0.8% calcium salts of flaxseed oil (MIX). The 4 isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets were fed for ad libitum intake. Experimental periods consisted of 21 d of diet adaptation and 7 d of data collection and sampling. Dry matter intake, digestibility, milk production, and milk concentrations of protein, lactose, urea N, and total solids did not differ among treatments. Ruminal pH was reduced for cows fed the CON diet compared with those fed the SAL diet. Propionate proportion was higher in ruminal fluid of cows fed CON than in that of those fed SAL, and cows fed the SAL and CON diets had ruminal propionate concentrations similar to those of cows fed the FLA and MIX diets. Butyrate concentration was numerically higher for cows fed the SAL diet compared with those fed the FLA diet. Milk fat concentration was lower for cows fed SAL than for those fed CON, and there was no difference between cows fed CON and those fed FLA and MIX. Milk yields of protein, fat, lactose, and total solids were similar among treatments. Concentrations of cis-9 18:1 and of intermediates of ruminal biohydrogenation of fatty acids such as trans-9 18:1 were higher in milk fat of cows fed SAL and MIX than for those fed the CON diet. Concentration of rumenic acid (cis-9, trans-11 18:2) in milk fat was increased by 63% when feeding SAL compared with FLA. Concentration of α-linolenic acid was higher in milk fat of cows fed SAL and MIX than in milk of cows fed CON (75 and 61%, respectively), whereas there was no difference between FLA and CON. Flaxseed products (FLA, SAL, and MIX diets) decreased the n-6 to n-3 fatty acid ratio in milk fat. Results confirm that flax products supplying 0.7 to 1.4% supplemental fat in the diet can slightly improve the nutritive value of milk fat for better human health.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(9):9752-9768
Our primary objective was to perform a meta-analysis and meta-regression to evaluate the effects of diets supplemented with calcium salts of palm fatty acids (CSPF) compared with nonfat supplemented control diets (CON) on nutrient digestibility and production responses of lactating dairy cows. Our secondary objective was to perform a meta-analysis to evaluate whether experimental design affects production responses to supplemental CSPF. The data set was formed from 33 peer-reviewed publications with CSPF supplemented at ≤3% diet dry matter. We analyzed the interaction between experimental design (continuous vs. change-over) and treatments (CON vs. CSPF) to evaluate whether experimental design affects responses to CSPF (Meta.1). Regardless of experimental design, we evaluated the effects of CSPF compared with CON on nutrient digestibility and production responses of lactating dairy cows by meta-analysis (Meta.2) and meta-regression (Meta.3) approaches. In Meta.1, there was no interaction between treatments and experimental design for any variable. In Meta.2, compared with CON, CSPF reduced dry matter intake [DMI, 0.56 ± 0.21 kg/d (±SE)] and milk protein content (0.05 ± 0.02 g/100 g), increased neutral detergent fiber (NDF) digestibility (1.60 ± 0.57 percentage units), the yields of milk (1.53 ± 0.56 kg/d), milk fat (0.04 ± 0.02 kg/d), and 3.5% fat corrected milk (FCM, 1.28 ± 0.60 kg/d), and improved feed efficiency [energy corrected milk (ECM)/DMI, 0.08 kg/kg ± 0.03]. There was no effect of treatment for milk protein yield, milk fat content, body weight, body weight change, or body condition score. Compared with CON, CSPF reduced the yield of de novo milk fatty acids (FA) and increased the yields of mixed and preformed milk FA. In Meta.3, we observed that each 1-percentage-unit increase of CSPF in diet dry matter reduced DMI, increased NDF digestibility, tended to increase FA digestibility, increased the yields of milk, milk fat, and 3.5% FCM, reduced the content of milk protein, reduced the yield of de novo milk FA, and increased the yields of mixed and preformed milk FA. In conclusion, our results indicate no reason for the restrictive use of change-over designs in CSPF supplementation studies or meta-analysis. Feeding CSPF increased NDF digestibility, tended to increase FA digestibility, and increased the yields of milk, milk fat, and 3.5% FCM. Additionally, CSPF increased milk fat yield by increasing the yields of mixed and preformed milk FA.  相似文献   

The effects of supplementation with grass silage and replacement of some corn in the concentrate with soybean meal (SBM) on milk production, and milk fatty acid (FA) profiles were evaluated in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square study using 16 dairy cows grazing pasture composed of ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrass, and white clover. Each experimental period lasted for 3 wk. The 4 dietary treatments were PC, 20 h of access to grazing pasture, supplemented with 6 kg/d of corn-based concentrate mixture (96% corn; C); PCSB, 20 h of access to grazing pasture, supplemented with 6 kg/d of corn- and SBM-based concentrate mixture (78% corn and 18% SBM; CSB); SC, 7 h of access to grazing pasture during the day and 13 h of ad libitum access to grass silage at night, supplemented with 6 kg/d of C concentrate; and SCSB, 7 h of access to grazing pasture during the day and 13 h of ad libitum access to grass silage at night, supplemented with 6 kg/d of CSB concentrate. The concentrate mixtures were offered twice each day in the milking parlor and were consumed completely. Grass silage supplementation reduced dietary crude protein and concentration of total sugars, and dietary SBM inclusion increased dietary crude protein concentration and decreased dietary starch concentration. Milk yield and energy-corrected milk were increased by SBM supplementation of cows with access to grass silage. Milk protein concentration was lower in cows offered grass silage, regardless of whether SBM was fed. Dietary SBM inclusion tended to increase milk fat concentration. Plasma urea N was reduced by silage feeding and increased by SBM supplementation. Supplementation with grass silage overnight could represent a useful strategy for periods of lower pasture availability. Dietary inclusion of SBM in solely grazing cows had no effects on milk production and composition, exacerbated the inefficient capture of dietary N, and increased diet cost. Grass silage supplementation affected milk FA profiles, increasing both the FA derived from de novo synthesis and those derived from rumen microbial biomass, and decreasing the sum of C18 FA (mostly derived from diet or from mobilization of adipose tissue reserves). Milk fat concentrations of conjugated linoleic acid cis-9, trans-11, vaccenic acid (18:1 trans-11), and linolenic acid (18:3n-3) were unaffected by grass silage supplementation, suggesting that partial replacement of pasture by unwilted grass silage does not compromise the dietary quality of milk fat for humans.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(4):2395-2407
The form of a lipid supplement, its degree of saturation, and its fatty acid (FA) profile greatly influence digestibility and cow productive response. The objective in this study was to examine the effect of fat supplements that differ in their form or FA profile on nutrient digestibility and cow performance. Forty-two mid-lactation cows (128 ± 53 d) were assigned to 3 treatment groups according to milk yield, days in milk, and body weight. For 13 wk, the cows were fed rations that contained (on a dry matter basis) (1) 2.4% of calcium salts of fatty acids (CSFA) consisting of 45% palmitic acid (PA) and 35% oleic acid (OA; CS45:35); (2) 2.4% of CSFA consisting of 80% PA and 10% OA (CS80:10); or (3) 2.0% of free FA consisting of 80% PA and 10% OA (FF80:10). Rumen samples were taken to measure the ammonia and volatile FA concentrations, and fecal samples were taken to measure the digestibility. Preplanned comparisons were CS45:35 versus CS80:10 to assess 2 CSFA supplements with different FA profiles, and CS80:10 versus FF80:10 to assess similar FA profiles in different forms. Compared with CS45:35, CS80:10 decreased the milk yields, increased the fat percentage, and tended to increase the energy-corrected milk (ECM) yields. The fat percentage of milk was highest in the FF80:10 cows (4.02%), intermediate in the CS80:10 cows (3.89%), and lowest in the CS45:35 cows (3.75%). Compared with CS80:10, FF80:10 increased milk yields (50.1 vs. 49.4 kg/d, respectively), tended to increase fat percentage, and increased 4% fat-corrected milk (4% FCM; 49.1 vs. 47.7 kg/d, respectively) and ECM yields (49.5 vs. 48.2 kg/d, respectively). Treatment had no effect on dry matter intake (DMI), and compared with CS80:10 cows, the calculated energy balance was lower in the FF80:10 cows. The 4% FCM/DMI and ECM/DMI ratios were higher in the FF80:10 group compared with the CS80:10 group. Compared with the CS80:10 cows, the FF80:10 cows had a lower rumen pH, higher propionate, lower acetate/propionate ratio, and higher total VFA. Compared with CS45:35 cows, the apparent total-tract digestibilities of neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber were higher in CS80:10 cows; whereas, the apparent total-tract digestibilities of dry matter, organic matter, protein, neutral detergent fiber, and acid detergent fiber were higher in the CS80:10 cows compared with the FF80:10 cows. Compared with the CS80:10 group, the apparent digestibility of total FA was 13.0 percentage points lower in the FF80:10 cows (79.1 vs. 66.1%, respectively), and similarly, the digestibilities of 16-carbon and 18-carbon FA were lower in the FF80:10 cows than in the CS80:10 cows. In conclusion, the form, more than the FA profile of fat supplements, influenced digestibility. Further, the CSFA supplements were more digestible than the free fatty acids, regardless of the FA profile. However, energy partitioning toward production appeared to be higher in the FF80:10 cows, although the digestibility of nutrients was lower than in the CSFA product with a similar FA profile.  相似文献   

Forty-four early-lactation dairy cows of mixed parity were used to examine the effect of 4 supplemental concentrate types (n=11) on milk production and metabolic status. Animals were blocked by parity and calving date, and blocks were balanced for previous milk yield and milk protein yield. Cows received grazed pasture plus 5.17 kg of DM/d of 1 of the following isoenergetic (1.1 units of energy for lactation) concentrates: 1) high crude protein (CP) with rolled barley (HP, 19% CP); b) low CP with rolled barley (LP, 15% CP); c) low CP with barley and a supplemental methionine hydroxy analog (HMBi; LP + HMBi, 15% CP); and d) low CP with ground corn (LP-corn, 15% CP). Milk yield was recorded from d 1 to 100 postpartum, with weekly milk sampling, body weight, and body condition score (BCS) measurements. Blood and rumen sampling were conducted weekly from wk 2 to 6 postpartum. Milk yield was lower for cows in the LP treatment compared with those offered other concentrate types (25.2 vs. 27.5 ± 0.39 kg/d). Animals in the HP group had a higher milk yield than those in the LP + HMBi group (28.2 vs. 26.8 ± 0.39 kg/d). Milk fat yield was lower from animals in the LP-corn group compared with those in the LP + HMBi group (0.94 vs. 1.03 ± 0.03 kg/d). Milk protein yield was lower in the LP group compared with those in the HP group (0.88 vs. 0.97 ± 0.02 kg/d). Animal body weight, BCS, and BCS loss were not affected by concentrate type. However, nonesterified fatty acids were higher from animals in the HP group than for those in the LP + HMBi group (0.41 vs. 0.33 ± 0.03 mmol/L), and β-hydroxy butyric acid was higher from animals in the HP group than for those in the other treatments (0.71 vs. 0.59 ± 0.03 mmol/L). Glucose was higher from animals in the LP-corn group than for those in the HP and LP groups (3.3 vs. 3.2 ± 0.05 mmol/L). Blood urea-N was higher from animals offered HP compared with those offered the other treatments (5.49.6 vs. 4.21 ± 0.44 mmol/L). However, rumen NH(3)-N and volatile fatty acid concentration in the rumen were not affected by supplemental concentrate type. Reducing supplemental concentrate CP reduced milk yield. However, milk fat production and energy-corrected milk were not different, reducing the likelihood of an improved energy balance or a more favorable blood metabolic profile in early-lactation dairy cows grazing perennial ryegrass. Offering HMBi with low-CP concentrates or replacing rolled barley with ground maize improves milk production relative to low-CP concentrates and metabolic status relative to high-CP concentrates.  相似文献   

To determine the optimum feeding level of fatty acids of palm oil (PALM; Energizer RP10; 86.6% palmitic acid) on milk production, lactating cows (n = 18) were randomly assigned to a treatment sequence in replicated 4 × 4 Latin squares. Animals were assigned to squares by parity (3 multiparous and 1 primiparous squares with primiparous in the incomplete square). The 4 diets were designed to provide 0, 500, 1,000, and 1,500 g of PALM per day. Cows were fed individually with feed intake measured daily. Each period lasted 16 d with milk production and composition determined the final 2 d. Milk production, milk composition and feed intake data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS. Milk yields were 30.9, 34.0, 34.2, and 34.2 kg/ d (SEM = 1.9) for the 0, 500, 1,000, and 1,500 g levels, respectively. Milk yield was increased by the addition of PALM; however, there were no differences among the levels of PALM. Milk fat percentage was also increased from 3.44% for 0 g to 3.95% (SEM = 0.17) across all levels of PALM but there were no differences among the PALM treatments. Dry matter intakes were 23.3, 26.4, 24.7, and 23.8 kg/d (SEM = 1.4) for the 0, 500, 1,000 and 1,500 g levels, respectively. The addition of PALM increased milk yield and milk fat percentage, and no adverse effects on dry matter intake were observed.  相似文献   

Sixteen Holsteins cows were used in a Latin square design experiment to determine the effects of extruded flaxseed (EF) supplementation and grain source (i.e., corn vs. barley) on performance of dairy cows. Extruded flaxseed diets contained 10% [dry matter (DM) basis] of an EF product that consisted of 75% flaxseed and 25% ground alfalfa meal. Four lactating Holsteins cows fitted with rumen fistulas were used to determine the effects of dietary treatments on ruminal fermentation. Intakes of DM (23.2 vs. 22.2 kg/d), crude protein (4.2 vs. 4.0 kg/d), and neutral detergent fiber (8.3 vs. 7.9 kg/d) were greater for cows fed EF diets than for cows fed diets without EF. Milk yield and composition were not affected by dietary treatments. However, 4% fat-corrected milk (30.5% vs. 29.6 kg/d) and solids-corrected milk (30.7 vs. 29.9 kg/d) were increased by EF supplementation. Ruminal pH and total volatile fatty acid concentration were not influenced by EF supplementation. However, feeding barley relative to corn increased molar proportions of acetate and butyrate and decreased that of propionate. Ruminal NH3-N was lower for cows fed barley than for cows fed corn. Milk fatty acid composition was altered by both grain source and EF supplementation. Cows fed EF produced milk with higher polyunsaturated and lower saturated fatty acid concentrations than cows fed diets without EF. Feeding EF or corn increased the milk concentration of C18:0, whereas that of C16:0 was decreased by EF supplementation only. Extruded flaxseed supplementation increased milk fat α-linolenic acid content by 60% and conjugated linoleic acid content by 29%. Feeding corn relative to barley increased milk conjugated linoleic acid by 29% but had no effect on milk α-linolenic concentration. Differences in animal performance and milk fatty acid composition were mainly due to EF supplementation, whereas differences in ruminal fermentation were mostly due to grain source.  相似文献   

A variable response to fat supplementation has been reported in dairy cows, which may be due to cow production level, environmental conditions, or diet characteristics. In the present experiment, the effect of a high palmitic acid supplement was investigated relative to a conventional Ca salts of palm fatty acids (Ca-FA) supplement in 16 high-producing Holstein cows (46.6 ± 12.4 kg of milk/d) arranged in a crossover design with 14-d periods. The experiment was conducted in a non-heat-stress season with 29.5% neutral detergent fiber diets. Treatments were (1) high palmitic acid (PA) supplement fed as free FA [1.9% of dry matter (DM); 84.8% C16:0] and (2) Ca-FA supplement (2.3% of DM; 47.7% C16:0, 35.9% C18:1, and 8.4% C18:2). The PA supplement tended to increase DM intake, and increased the yields of milk and energy-corrected milk. Additionally, PA increased the yields of milk fat, protein, and lactose, whereas milk concentrations of these components were not affected. The yields of milk de novo and 16-C FA were increased by PA compared with Ca-FA (7 and 20%, respectively), whereas the yield of preformed FA was higher in Ca-FA. A reduction in milk fat concentration of de novo and 16-C FA and a marginal elevation in trans-10 C18:1 in Ca-FA is indicative of altered ruminal biohydrogenation and increased risk of milk fat depression. No effect of treatment on plasma insulin was observed. A treatment by time interaction was detected for plasma nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), which tended to be higher in Ca-FA than in PA before feeding. Overall, the palmitic acid supplement improved production performance in high-producing cows while posing a lower risk for milk fat depression compared with a supplement higher in unsaturated FA.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of supplementation with oral Ca boluses after calving on early-lactation health and milk yield. Cows in their second lactation or greater (n = 927) from 2 large dairies in Wisconsin were enrolled during the summer of 2010. Both herds were fed supplemental anions during the prefresh period and less than 1% of fresh cows were treated for clinical milk fever. Cows were scored before calving for lameness and body condition, and then randomly assigned to either a control group or an oral Ca bolus-supplemented group. Control cows received no oral Ca boluses around calving. Cows in the oral Ca bolus group received 2 oral Ca boluses (Bovikalc, Boehringer Ingelheim, St. Joseph, MO), one bolus 0 to 2 h after calving and the second 8 to 35 h after calving. The oral Ca bolus administration schedule allowed fresh cows to be restrained in headlocks only once daily. Whole-blood samples were collected immediately before the second oral Ca bolus was given and were analyzed for ionized Ca (Ca2+) concentration. Early-lactation health events were recorded and summed for each cow. Only 6 cases (0.6% of calvings) of clinical milk fever occurred during the trial, and only 14% of cows tested were hypocalcemic (Ca2+ less than 1.0 mmol/L) at 8 to 35 h after calving. Mean Ca2+ concentrations were not different between the control and oral Ca bolus-supplemented groups. Blood samples from the cows given oral Ca boluses were collected an average of 20.6 h after administration of the first bolus. Subpopulations of cows with significant responses to oral Ca bolus supplementation were identified based on significant interactions between oral Ca bolus supplementation and covariates in mixed multiple regression models. Lame cows supplemented with oral Ca boluses averaged 0.34 fewer health events in the first 30 d in milk compared with lame cows that were not supplemented with oral Ca boluses. Cows with a higher previous lactation mature-equivalent milk production (greater than 105% of herd rank) and supplemented with oral Ca boluses produced 2.9 kg more milk at their first test after calving compared with cows with higher previous lactation milk yields that were not supplemented. Results of this study indicate that lame cows and higher producing cows responded favorably to supplementation with oral Ca boluses. Supplementing targeted subpopulations of cows with oral Ca boluses was beneficial even for dairies with a very low incidence of hypocalcemia.  相似文献   

Saturated and unsaturated fatty acid supplements (FS) were evaluated for effects on yield of milk and milk components, concentration of milk components including milk fatty acid profile, and energy balance. Eight ruminally and duodenally cannulated cows and 8 noncannulated cows were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design experiment with 21-d periods. Treatments were control and a linear substitution of 2.5% fatty acids from saturated FS (SAT; prilled, hydrogenated free fatty acids) for partially unsaturated FS (UNS; calcium soaps of long-chain fatty acids). The SAT treatment did not change milk fat concentration, but UNS linearly decreased milk fat in cannulated cows and tended to decrease milk fat in noncannulated cows compared with control. Milk fat depression with UNS corresponded to increased concentrations of trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid and trans C18:1 fatty acids in milk. Milk fat profile was similar for SAT and control, but UNS decreased concentration of short- and medium-chain FA. Digestible energy intake tended to decrease linearly with increasing unsaturated FS in cannulated and noncannulated cows. Increasing unsaturated FS linearly increased empty body weight and net energy gain in cannulated cows, whereas increasing saturated FS linearly increased plasma insulin. Efficiency of conversion of digestible energy to milk tended to decrease linearly with increasing unsaturated FS for cannulated cows only. Addition of SAT provided little benefit to production and energy balance, whereas UNS decreased energy intake and milk energy yield.  相似文献   

This study compared flows of odd- and branched-chain fatty acids (OBCFA) at the duodenum with corresponding yields in milk. Four mid-lactation Holstein-Friesian dairy cows were offered 4 dietary treatments, based on different ratios of ryegrass silage and concentrates (80:20, 65:35, 50:50, and 35:65 on a dry matter basis), in a 4 × 4 Latin square design experiment with 4-wk periods. Samples of milk and duodenal digesta were collected during the final week of each period and analyzed for fatty acids. Biohydrogenation of linoleic and α-linolenic acids (C18:2 and C18:3) was extensive for all treatments, with a tendency to be lower for C18:3 with increased concentrate feeding. The proportion of duodenal flows of these fatty acids that appeared in milk declined with increasing concentrate feeding. There was little change in the yield of OBCFA in milk in response to increasing level of concentrate inclusion and no significant relationship with the yield of microbial protein at the duodenum. The efficiency of transfer of iso C15:0 and anteiso C15:0 from the duodenum to milk was similar to that for C18:3, with a reduced proportion transferred into milk at higher flows. Yields of C15:0, C17:0, and iso C17:0 in milk were higher than duodenal flows, confirming synthesis in animal tissues.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(1):710-725
This randomized controlled trial on 4 commercial grazing dairy farms investigated whether treatment with pegbovigrastim (PEG) affected fertility and culling as measured during the full lactation. We also explored the effect of potential interactions of PEG treatment with parity, prepartum body condition score, prepartum nonesterified fatty acid concentration (pre-NEFA), and early-lactation clinical disease on these outcomes. Holstein cows were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 trial arms: a first PEG dose approximately 7 d before the expected calving date and a second dose within 24 h after calving (PEG: primiparous = 342; multiparous = 697) compared with untreated controls (control: primiparous = 391; multiparous = 723). Cox's proportional hazards regression models were used to analyze rate of first insemination, rate of pregnancy [within 150 and 305 d in milk (DIM)], and hazard of culling. Additional analyses were performed on data that were stratified by parity group and pre-NEFA class (low ≤0.3; high >0.3 mM). In high pre-NEFA cows, PEG treatment increased the rate of first insemination [hazard ratio (HR) = 1.15]. Early-lactation clinical mastitis (CM) and uterine disease (UD: retained placenta, metritis, or both) were associated with a reduced rate of pregnancy within 150 DIM (HR = 0.49 and 0.78, respectively). Pegbovigrastim treatment in high pre-NEFA cows with CM and UD increased the rate of pregnancy within 150 DIM (HR = 1.75 and 1.46, respectively). In high pre-NEFA cows, PEG treatment resulted in a lower hazard of culling (HR = 0.79). No treatment effect was detected in low pre-NEFA cows. This study shows that the effect of PEG treatment on fertility and culling interacts with pre-NEFA. In high pre-NEFA cows, PEG treatment increased the rate of first insemination, counteracted the negative association of early-lactation CM and UD with the rate of pregnancy, and decreased the hazard of culling.  相似文献   

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