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The effect of preliminary feed intake on responses to diets containing alfalfa silage or orchardgrass silage was evaluated using 8 ruminally and duodenally cannulated Holstein cows in a crossover design experiment with a 14-d preliminary period and two 15-d treatment periods. Responses measured were intake, digestion, and utilization of N. Cows were 139 ± 83 (mean ± standard deviation) days in milk at the beginning of the preliminary period. During the 14-d preliminary period, 3.5% fat-corrected milk yield ranged from 23.9 to 47.6 kg/d (mean = 36.9 kg/d) and preliminary voluntary dry matter intake (pVDMI) ranged from 14.2 to 21.3 kg/d (mean = 18.6 kg/d). Treatments were a diet with alfalfa silage as the sole forage (AL) and a diet with orchardgrass silage as the sole forage (OG). Alfalfa silage contained 20.5% crude protein (CP; dry matter basis) and orchardgrass silage contained 20.4% CP; AL contained 18.3% CP and 5.6% estimated rumen-undegraded CP, and OG contained 18.8% CP and 6.3% estimated rumen-undegraded CP. Mean N intake was similar between treatments, ruminal N digestibility was greater for AL (30.4%) than for OG (17.7%), and whole-tract N digestibility did not differ between treatments. Intake and duodenal flow of N depended on a treatment × pVDMI interaction; both N intake and duodenal flow increased more for AL than for OG as pVDMI increased. Duodenal flow of microbial N and the efficiency of microbial N production from OM also depended on a treatment × pVDMI interaction in a manner similar to N intake and duodenal flow. However, treatment × pVDMI interactions also indicate that as pVDMI increased and N intake increased for AL compared with OG, a decreasing proportion of the additional N consumed from AL was digested and used for increased milk protein production or body tissue gain. Therefore, when feeding less-filling diets, such as those containing large proportions of legume forage, to high-producing cows, reducing dietary N concentration could increase the efficiency of N utilization and reduce the extent to which greater DMI leads to greater N excretion.  相似文献   

A large data set derived from total diet digestibility assessments on lactating dairy cows (535 Holstein-Friesian and 29 Norwegian) was used to examine effects of dietary and animal factors on manure (feces and urine) nitrogen (N) output and to develop mitigation strategies and prediction equations for manure N output in lactating dairy cows. Manure N output was positively and significantly related to live weight, milk yield, dietary crude protein (CP) concentration, dry matter intake, and N intake. Reducing the dietary CP concentration or increasing the milk yield decreased manure N output per kilogram of milk yield. Prediction equations for manure N output using live weight and milk yield, either alone or combined, had relatively low R2 (0.227 to 0.474) and large standard error (70.6 to 85.6) values. Addition of dietary CP concentration to these relationships considerably increased R2 to 0.754 and reduced the standard error to 48.2. Relating manure N output to N intake produced a very high r2 (0.901) and a very low standard error (30.6). The addition of live weight and milk yield to this relationship as supporting predictors only marginally increased R2 to 0.910 and reduced the standard error to 29.3. The internal validation of these equations revealed that use of N intake as the primary predictor produced a very accurate prediction of manure N output. In situations in which data on N intake are not available, prediction equations based on dietary CP concentration, live weight, and milk yield together can produce a relatively accurate assessment of manure N output.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to determine whether varying times at which a partial mixed ration was fed, either before or after grazing, affected N utilization from rye pasture and thus affected milk yield and components. Sixteen Holstein cows were fed a partial mixed ration (PMR) either at 0700, 0830, or 1100 h. Cows were milked at 0900 h and turned out to graze at 0930 h. Treatments represented feeding times 2.5 h and 1 h before grazing and immediately after grazing. The study was conducted as a 3 x 3 Latin square with three 17-d periods. There were no significant differences among treatments for pasture intake or yield of milk or milk components. Milk yield, fat %, and protein % were 29.4, 29.6, and 29.3 kg, 3.5, 3.5, and 3.4%, and 3.4, 3.5, and 3.4% for treatments, respectively. The milk urea levels were 15.6, 15.1, and 15.5 mg/dl, and were not different among treatments. Blood samples were collected on the last day of each period at 0645, 0845, 1045, 1200, and 1400 h. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) was measured as an indicator of ruminal N capture. Concentrations were not significantly different among diets before grazing; however, they were significantly different among all treatments approximately 1 h after cows were removed from pasture. Cows fed at 0700 h, 2 h before grazing, maintained lower BUN levels across the 7 h during which the blood samples were collected. Cows that ate the PMR immediately after grazing maintained the highest BUN. Feeding a PMR to cows that graze at different times before and after grazing affected the capture of ruminal N, as indicated by differences in the levels of BUN, but there was no effect on yield of milk or milk components.  相似文献   

Monitoring or accurately predicting manure quantities and nutrient concentrations is important for dairy farms facing strict environmental regulations. The objectives of this project were to determine the daily out-flow of manure nutrients from a free-stall barn using mass balance and to compare results with published excretion models. The project was conducted at the free-stall facility housing the lactating cow herd of the Virginia Tech Dairy Center in 2005. The herd consisted of 142 (±8.9) Holstein and Jersey cows with a mean body weight of 568 (±6.2) kg and average milk yield of 29.8 (±1.7) kg/d with 3.18% (±0.07) true protein and 3.81% (±0.13) milk fat on 18 sampling days. The intakes of dry matter (DM), N, and P were estimated from the formulated ration. Daily consumption averaged 21.7 (±0.27) kg of DM with 17.7% (±0.26) crude protein and 0.46% (±0.03) P. Approximately 110 (± 27.9) kg/d of sawdust was used as bedding; its contribution to manure flow was subtracted. The alleys in the free-stall barn were flushed every 6 h with recycled wastewater, and the slurry was collected. On 18 sampling days the volumes and constituents of the flushwater and the flushed manure were determined for a 6-h flush cycle and extrapolated to daily values. Net daily flow of solids and nutrients in manure were calculated as the differences between masses in flushed slurry and flushwater. Nitrogen and P excretion were also calculated from dietary inputs and milk output. The flow was compared with the American Society of Agricultural Engineers’ (ASAE) standards. Each cow produced 5.80 kg/d of total solids (remainder after drying at 105°C). The ASAE standard predicted DM (remainder after drying at 60°C) excretion of 8.02 to 8.53 kg/d per cow. Recovery of P amounted to 74.8 g/d per cow. Overall, 102% of intake P was recovered; 75.1% in the manure outflow and 26.9% in milk. About 285 g/d and 148 g/d of N per cow were recaptured in manure and milk, respectively; 182 g/d was presumably volatilized. All models of N excretion appeared to underestimate N excretion. Volatilization rate of N amounted to 18.1%/h for the 6-h flush interval. Measured outflow of manure-P from the facility was similar to excretion predictions. Presentation of excreted solids as both total solids and DM is warranted. We conclude that using excretion prediction equations is useful for predicting excretion and outflow of P in a lactating cow facility, but N excretion predictions exhibited bias and have to be used prudently for predicting N outflow and N volatilization.  相似文献   

The objective of the current study was to investigate the effect of N-carbamoylglutamate (NCG) supplementation on milk production and nitrogen (N) utilization in Chinese Holstein dairy cows. Sixty multiparous cows (78 ± 17.3 d in milk, 635 ± 61.00 kg of body weight, and 41.9 ± 7.9 kg/d milk yield; mean ± SD) were blocked by parity, days in milk, and milk yield and randomly allocated to 1 of 4 groups, each of which was fed a dietary treatment containing 0 (control), 10, 20, or 30 g of NCG/d. Milk yield was recorded weekly. Dry matter intake, milk composition, plasma variables, and urea N contents in plasma, urine, and milk were determined every other week. Blood samples were collected from the coccygeal vein. Rumen microbial protein synthesis was estimated based on the purine derivatives in the urine. Dry matter intake was found to be similar between the treatments. Addition of 20 g of NCG/d tended to increase milk yield (40.2 vs. 38.1 kg/d) and increased the content (2.83 vs. 2.74%) and yield (1.12 vs. 1.02 kg/d) of milk protein compared with the control. The yield and content of milk fat were similar between the treatments, whereas the contents of lactose and total solids increased linearly with an increase in NCG. Dietary supplementation of NCG linearly increased the plasma nitric oxide level and decreased the plasma ammonia N level. Compared with the control, the plasma Arg concentration in cows fed 10, 20, and 30 g of NCG/d was increased by 1.1, 10.4, and 16.0%, respectively. The urea N concentrations in the milk, plasma, and urine decreased with the addition of NCG, although the lowest urea N concentrations were observed with the addition of 20 g of NCG/d. The conversion of dietary crude protein to milk protein exhibited quadratic trends of improvement by NCG supplementation, with a peak at 20 g of NCG/d. The rumen microbial protein synthesis was not altered by NCG supplementation, but the metabolizable protein tended to show a quadratic increase in cows fed 20 g of NCG/d. In conclusion, supplementation of 20 g of NVG/d may alter the plasma metabolites, optimize the AA profile, increase the metabolizable protein utilization, and thereby improve the lactation performance and N utilization of high-yielding dairy cows.  相似文献   

Nitrogen balance (NB) experiments allow calculation of N retention in the body by subtracting N excreted in feces (NF), urine (NU) and milk (NM) from N intake (NI). In a previous study, we found that NB data from experiments with lactating dairy cows were generally high and, in the current meta-analysis, we update our earlier study with experiments from the last 2 decades and investigate probable causes of error. A total of 83 publications, with 86 experiments and 307 dietary treatments, were selected from top-ranked scientific journals that reported all NB components. The NB and NB components were analyzed by linear regression with a model that used NI as an independent variable and experiment as a random effect. The NF, NU and NM each represented 27 to 34% of NI, and the remaining N accumulated in the body was equal to 38.5 g/d (overall SD = 43.2 g/d). Retained N (as g/d or % of NI) increased linearly with NI, and this led to unlikely high N retentions, especially at high NI. Both NF and NU (g/d) increased with increasing NI, and we assume that some N in feces and urine were unaccounted. Only ~22% of experiments measured N in wet feces samples and, when analysis used dry samples, no mention of corrections due to potential volatile N losses during drying were reported. No experimentalists preserved feces immediately to prevent volatilization during collection. Moreover, ~27% of experiments estimated urine volumes by concentration of creatinine in spot samples, and in these experiments, NU was ~12% lower than those where total urine was collected (168 vs. 191 g/d). Only 40 experiments reported the volume and concentration of acids used for urine preservation, 33 furnished incomplete information, and the remainder did not describe the urine preservation method. In conclusion, the results of NB experiments using lactating dairy cows overestimate N retention, and the losses of N from feces and urine are the most probable reason.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight (8 ruminally cannulated) lactating, multiparous Holstein cows were blocked by DIM and randomly assigned to 7 replicated 4 × 4 Latin squares (28-d periods) to investigate the effects of different dietary ratios of alfalfa silage (AS) to corn silage (CS) on production, N utilization, apparent digestibility, and ruminal metabolism. The 4 diets contained (dry matter basis): A) 51% AS, 43% rolled high-moisture shelled corn (HMSC), and 3% solvent soybean meal (SSBM); B) 37% AS, 13% CS, 39% HMSC, and 7% SSBM; C) 24% AS, 27% CS, 35% HMSC, and 12% SSBM; and D) 10% AS, 40% CS, 31% HMSC, and 16% SSBM. Dietary crude protein contents were 17.2, 16.9, 16.6, and 16.2% for diets A, B, C, and D. All 4 diets were high in energy, averaging 49% nonfiber carbohydrates and 24% neutral detergent fiber. Intake of dry matter, yield of milk, 3.5% fat-corrected milk and fat, milk fat content, and apparent digestibility of neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber all decreased linearly when CS replaced AS. Effects on fiber digestion and milk fat may have been due to increasing fluctuation in ruminal pH and time the pH remained <6.0 when CS replaced AS. Milk protein content increased linearly with increasing CS, but there were no differences in protein yield. There were linear increases in apparent N efficiency and decreases in N excreted in urine and feces when CS replaced AS. Production was depressed on the diet highest in CS. Quadratic analysis indicated that milk and protein yields were maximal at dietary AS:CS ratios of, respectively, 37:13 and 31:19. No diet minimized N excretion without negatively affecting production. Diet C, with an AS:CS ratio of 24:27, was the best compromise between improved N efficiency and sustained production. Because CS is complementary with AS, it is recommended that CS be fed in AS-based diets to maintain milk yield while improving N utilization.  相似文献   

Forty lactating Holstein cows, including 10 with ruminal cannulas, were blocked by days in milk into 8 groups and then randomly assigned to 1 of 8 incomplete 5 × 5 Latin squares to assess the effects of 5 levels of dietary crude protein (CP) on milk production and N use. Diets contained 25% alfalfa silage, 25% corn silage, and 50% concentrate, on a dry matter (DM) basis. Rolled high-moisture shelled corn was replaced with solvent-extracted soybean meal to increase CP from 13.5 to 15.0, 16.5, 17.9, and 19.4% of DM. Each of the 4 experimental periods lasted 28 d, with 14 d for adaptation and 14 d for data collection. Spot sampling of ruminal digesta, blood, urine, and feces was conducted on d 21 of each period. Intake of DM was not affected by diet but milk fat content as well as ruminal acetate, NH3, and branched-chain volatile fatty acids, urinary allantoin, and blood and milk urea all increased linearly with increasing CP. Milk and protein yield showed trends for quadratic responses to dietary CP and were, respectively, 38.3 and 1.18 kg/d at 16.5% CP. As a proportion of N intake, urinary N excretion increased from 23.8 to 36.2%, whereas N secreted in milk decreased from 36.5 to 25.4%, as dietary protein increased from 13.5 to 19.4%. Under the conditions of this study, yield of milk and protein were not increased by feeding more than 16.5% CP. The linear increase in urinary N excretion resulted from a sharp decline in N efficiency as dietary CP content increased.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight (8 with ruminal cannulas) lactating Holstein cows were assigned to 4 × 4 Latin squares and fed diets with different levels of rumen-degraded protein (RDP) to study the effect of RDP on production and N metabolism. Diets contained [dry matter (DM) basis] 37% corn silage, 13% alfalfa silage, and 50% concentrate. The concentrate contained solvent and lignosulfonate-treated soybean meal and urea, and was adjusted to provide RDP at: 13.2, 12.3, 11.7, and 10.6% of DM in diets A to D, respectively. Intake of DM and yield of milk, fat-corrected milk, and fat were not affected by treatments. Dietary RDP had positive linear effects on milk true protein content and microbial non-ammonia N (NAN) flow at the omasal canal, and a quadratic effect on true protein yield, with maximal protein production at 12.3% RDP. However, dietary RDP had a positive linear effect on total N excretion, with urinary N accounting for most of the increase, and a negative linear effect on environmental N efficiency (kg of milk produced per kg of N excreted). Therefore, a compromise between profitability and environmental quality was achieved at a dietary RDP level of 11.7% of DM. Observed microbial NAN flow and RDP supply were higher and RUP flow was lower than those predicted by the NRC (2001) model. The NRC (2001) model overpredicted production responses to RUP compared with the results in this study. Replacing default NRC degradation rates for protein supplements with rates measured in vivo resulted in similar observed and predicted values, suggesting that in situ degradation rates used by the NRC are slower than apparent rates in this study.  相似文献   

When fed to meet the metabolizable protein requirements of the National Research Council, dairy cows consume an excess of N, resulting in approximately 75% of dietary N being lost to the environment as urine and feces. Reductions in environmental N release could be attained through an improvement in N efficiency. The objective of this study was to determine if the predicted reduction in milk yield associated with feeding a low-protein diet to lactating dairy cows could be avoided by dietary supplementation with 1 or more ruminally protected (RP) AA. Fourteen multiparous and 10 primiparous Holstein cows, and 24 multiparous Holstein × Jersey crossbred cows were used in a Youden square design consisting of 8 treatments and 3 periods. The 8 dietary treatments were (1) a standard diet containing 17% crude protein [CP; positive control (PC)], (2) a 15% CP diet [negative control (NC)], (3) NC plus RP Met (+M), (4) NC plus RP Lys (+K), (5) NC plus RP Leu (+L), (6) NC plus RP Met and Lys (+MK), (7) NC plus RP Met and Leu (+ML), and (8) NC plus RP Met, Lys, and Leu (+MKL). Dry matter intake was not affected by treatment. Crude protein intake was lower for NC and RP AA treatments compared with the PC treatment. No detrimental effect was detected of the low-CP diet alone or in combination with AA supplementation on milk and fat yield. However, milk protein yield decreased for NC and +MKL diets, and lactose yield decreased for the +MKL compared with the PC diet. Milk urea N concentrations were lower for all diets, suggesting that greater N efficiency was achieved by feeding the low-protein diet. Minimal effects of treatments on arterial plasma essential AA concentrations were detected, with only Ile and Val being significantly lower in the NC than in the PC diet. Phosphorylation ratios of signaling proteins known to regulate mRNA translation were not affected by treatments. This study highlights the limitations of requirement models aggregated at the protein level and the use of fixed postabsorptive efficiency to calculate milk protein requirements. Milk protein synthesis regulation by signaling pathways in vivo is still poorly understood.  相似文献   

The effect of the content of lysine and methionine in metabolizable protein (MP) on lactation performance and N utilization in Chinese Holstein cows was determined. A control diet (C) was formulated to be adequate in energy but slightly limiting in MP. The concentration of Met and Lys in MP was 1.87 and 5.93%, respectively. The treatments were as follows (% of Met or Lys in MP): L = diet C supplemented with l-lysine-HCl at 0.49% on a dry matter (DM) basis (Met, 1.87; Lys, 7.00); M = diet C supplemented with 2-hydroxy-4-(methylthio)-butanoic acid (HMB) at 0.15% (Met, 2.35; Lys, 5.93); ML = diet C supplemented with 0.49% l-lysine HCl and 0.15% HMB (Met, 2.39; Lys, 7.10). The diets were fed to 60 Chinese Holsteins in mid-lactation (average days in milk = 120, and milk yield = 32.0 kg/d) for 8 wk. Milk yield was increased by supplementation of either Lys (1.5 kg/d) or Met (2.0 kg/d), and supplementation of both Lys and Met further increased milk yield (3.8 kg/d). There was no significant difference in dry matter intake across treatment groups. Cows on treatments M (3.95%) and ML (3.90%) had higher milk fat content than those on C (3.60%) and L (3.67%), but there were no significant differences in milk protein and lactose contents or somatic cell count among treatments. Supplementation of Met or Lys significantly increased Met or Lys concentration in arterial plasma. Treatment ML had a higher conversion of intake N to milk N and lower urea N concentrations in serum, urine, and milk than did treatment C. Supplementing HMB and l-lysine-HCl to provide approximately 2.3% Met and 7.0% Lys of the MP in diets slightly limiting in MP increased milk production, milk protein yield, and N utilization efficiency.  相似文献   

Three corn hybrids (Pioneer 36F30, Mycogen TMF2450, and Mycogen TMF2404) were compared for yield and quality traits, and lactation performance and apparent digestibility by Holstein cows. The three corn silages were harvested at a target of 33 to 35% dry matter. Before harvest, six corn plants were randomly selected for plant fractionation. Grain-to-stover ratios were 0.92, 0.70, and 0.95 for the 36F30, TMF2450, and TMF2404 corn plants, respectively. Fifty-two multiparous Holstein cows were placed on a 120-d lactation trial after a 21-d covariate diet. Cows were blocked by calving date and randomly assigned within block to one of three dietary treatments, containing approximately 40% (dry matter basis) corn silage. Milk yield, milk components, and dry matter intake did not differ among dietary treatments. In vitro true and neutral detergent fiber digestibilities were numerically higher for TMF2404 than the other corn silage hybrids. Apparent total-tract crude protein and neutral detergent fiber digestibilities, as measured by acid insoluble ash, were higher for TMF2450 than the other two hybrids, but starch digestibility was not different between the corn silage dietary treatments. Although small differences in nutrient content and digestibility existed among corn silage hybrids, inclusion of these leafy hybrids in lactating cow diets at 40% of the dietary dry matter did not have a significant impact on lactation performance of dairy cattle.  相似文献   

Effects of conservation method of corn grain and dietary starch concentration on dry matter intake (DMI) and productivity of lactating dairy cows were evaluated. Eight ruminally and duodenally cannulated Holstein cows (55 +/- 15.9 d in milk; mean +/- SD) were used in a duplicated 4 x 4 Latin square design with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Experimental diets contained either ground high-moisture corn (HM) or dry ground corn (DG) at two dietary starch concentrations (32 vs 21%). Mean particle size and dry matter (DM) concentration of corn grain were 1863 pm and 63.2%, and 885 microm and 89.7%, for HM and DG, respectively. DMI was lower for HM compared to DG treatment in high-starch diets (20.8 vs 22.5 kg/d), but similar for the HM and DG treatments in low-starch diets (19.7 vs 19.6 kg/d). This reduction in DMI is attributed to smaller meal size for HM compared to DG in high-starch diets (1.9 vs 2.3 kg of DM for high-starch diets; 2.1 vs 2.0 kg of DM for low-starch diets). Faster starch fermentation for HM in high-starch diets might result in satiety with smaller meal size. Milk yield was greater when cows were fed high-starch diets compared to low-starch diets (38.6 vs 33.9 kg/d) regardless of corn grain treatment. High-starch diets increased solids-corrected milk yield by 3.3 kg (35.2 vs 31.9 kg/d) compared to low-starch diets for cows fed DG, but did not increase for cows fed HM. This was because of a lower milk fat concentration for cows fed HM in high-starch diets. Reducing ruminal starch fermentation by substituting DG for HM can increase the productivity of lactating cows fed high-starch diets.  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of feeding level and oilseed supplementation during the close-up dry period on energy balance (EB), hepatic lipidosis, metabolic status, and productivity in early lactation. Seventy-seven Holstein cows were blocked according to parity and expected calving date and then assigned randomly to 1 of 6 treatments in a 2 × 3 factorial allocation with 2 feeding levels: ad libitum (AL) or 30% feed restriction (FR), and 3 dietary fatty acid sources: canola seed, linola seed, or flaxseed at 8% of dietary dry matter (DM), to enrich the rations with oleic, linoleic, or linolenic acids, respectively during the last 4 wk of gestation. After parturition, all cows were fed a common lactation diet. Cows fed AL lost less body weight (−2.9 vs. −6.0%) and body condition score (+0.67 vs. −2.30%), and consequently were in more positive EB (+4.6 vs. −0.3 Mcal) during the prepartum period than cows subjected to FR. Postpartum, FR cows lost less body weight (−9.7 vs. −12.4%) and experienced less severe negative EB (−4.5 vs. −7.0 Mcal) than AL cows. Cows fed AL had higher plasma insulin (6.8 vs. 4.4 μIU/mL) and lower nonesterified fatty acid concentrations (436 vs. 570 mEq/mL) during the close-up period than cows subjected to FR. Cows fed AL tended to have lower liver glycogen content in early lactation than cows subjected to FR (4.4 vs. 2.9 μg/g of DM), but had similar triglyceride content (13.1 ± 1.2 μg/g of DM). Fatty acid source did not influence response variables. In conclusion, eliminating intake depression by FR during the close-up period had positive carryover effects on EB and metabolic status during early lactation, but feeding linoleic and linolenic acids via unprotected oilseeds only had negligible effects on peripartum responses.  相似文献   

These experiments were designed to investigate nutritional means of reducing urine N excretion by grazing cows. In experiment 1, 36 Holstein-Friesian cows averaging 92 d in milk were fed either 1 or 6 kg of a high protein concentrate or 6 kg of a low protein concentrate. Pasture dry matter (DM) intake was higher for cows fed 1 kg of high protein concentrate (15.4 +/- 0.62 kg/d) than for cows fed 6 kg of low protein concentrate (13.4 +/- 0.55) but not for cows fed 6 kg of high protein concentrate (13.9 +/- 0.96). The reduction in pasture intake per kg of concentrate DM ingested amounted to 0.35 and 0.47 kg of pasture DM for cows fed 6 kg of high protein and 6 kg of low protein concentrate, respectively. Milk yield and milk protein yield were higher for cows fed 6 kg of high protein concentrate than for cows fed 1 kg of high protein concentrate. Cows fed 6 kg of high protein concentrate had the highest levels of N intake, total N excretion, and urine N excretion. The proportion of N excreted in the urine was lowest for cows fed 6 kg of low protein concentrate. Milk N excretion as a proportion of ingested N was higher for cows fed 6 kg of low protein concentrate than for cows fed 6 kg of high protein concentrate but not for cows fed 1 kg of high protein concentrate. In experiment 2, 24 Holstein-Friesian cows averaging 211 d in milk were supplemented with 4 kg of rolled barley or 4.32 kg of NaOH-treated barley. Milk yield and milk protein yield tended to be higher for cows fed rolled barley than for cows fed NaOH-treated barley. There was no difference in N intake, fecal N excretion, urinary N excretion, or milk N output between diets. Milk urea N concentration was lower for cows fed rolled barley. Significant positive linear relationships were found between N intake and fecal N excretion, urine N excretion, and milk N excretion in experiment 1. In experiment 2, the relationships between N intake and fecal N excretion and urine N excretion were curvilinear, with urine N excretion increasing at a decreasing rate, and fecal N excretion increasing at an increasing rate, as N intake increased. The N excreted by dairy cows may be partitioned to fecal N if supplements based on high concentrations of fermentable organic matter and low concentrations of N are fed. Refinement of this nutritional strategy may allow reduced N excretion without reducing animal performance.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate 2 feeding strategies for early lactation cows on performance and efficiency of nutrient utilization. Fifty-eight Holsteins cows were blocked by parity and production during the pretreatment period and then randomly assigned at 21 d postpartum to a control diet [n = 29; 16.2% crude protein, 1.64 Mcal of net energy for lactation (NEL), 22% starch, and 19% forage neutral detergent fiber (NDF)] or a diet with caloric density manipulated weekly (precision diet; n = 29; 16.2% crude protein; 1.59 to 1.68 NEL; 18 to 26% starch; and 16 to 22% forage NDF) to promote a calculated positive energy balance of 5 Mcal/day. Diets were fed as total mixed rations and precision cows had their diets adjusted individually once a week, by feeding additional grain supplementation from 0 to 25% of daily dry matter (DM) offered, according to the energy balance of the preceding week. Energy balance was calculated daily and then averaged weekly. The study lasted from wk 3 to 19 postpartum, and nutrient digestibility, rumen fluid composition, urinary output, estimates of microbial protein synthesis, and feeding behavior were evaluated between wk 9 and 13 postpartum. Compared with controls, precision cows had similar DM intake (24.3 kg/d), but NEL intake tended to be greater primarily between wk 4 and 8 postpartum. Yields of milk (45.2 vs. 41.9 kg/d), milk components, 3.5% fat-corrected milk (44.0 vs. 40.8 kg/d), and energy-corrected milk (43.4 vs. 40.2) were all greater for precision than control cows, resulting in greater energy-corrected milk production per kilogram of diet DM consumed (1.79 vs. 1.72). Precision cows produced more milk calories per kilogram of metabolic weight (0.227 vs. 0.213 Mcal of NEL/kg), although the amount of consumed calories partitioned into milk (82.3%) and measures of energy status did not differ between treatments throughout the study. Glucose concentrations were greater throughout the day in precision cows compared with controls at 6 wk, but not 13 wk postpartum. Apparent digestibility of nutrients, composition of rumen fluid, mean and low rumen pH, and estimated rumen microbial N synthesis remained mostly unaltered by treatments. Although precision cows produced more milk true protein, measures of efficiency of dietary N use were not influenced by treatment. On wk 13 postpartum, precision cows consumed a diet with longer NDF particles, which resulted in a tendency for greater intake of NDF >8 mm because of less sorting against the long particles than control cows. Meal pattern differed with treatment, and precision cows consumed feed more sparsely throughout the day, spent more time ruminating lying, and had similar meal duration (mean of 36.3 min/meal) compared with control cows, but smaller meal size (3.33 vs. 3.64 kg/meal). Results from the current study indicate that allocating dietary resources according to the individual needs of cows based on energy balance improves lactation performance compared with feeding a single total mixed ration, despite similar average nutrient intake between treatments. Improvements in performance are likely related to allocation of calories based on the needs of the cow and on shifts of feeding behavior that might favor intake of smaller meals.  相似文献   

The aim was to study the effects of rumen N balance (RNB), dietary protein source, and their interaction on feed intake, N partitioning, and rumen microbial crude protein (MCP) synthesis in lactating dairy cows. Twenty-four lactating Holstein cows were included in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square experimental design comprising four 20-d periods, each with 12 d of adaptation to the experimental diets and 8 d of sampling. The dietary treatments followed a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement (i.e., 4 treatments) with 2 main protein sources [faba bean grain (FB) and SoyPass (SP; Beweka Kraftfutterwerk GmbH, Heilbronn, Germany)] offered at 2 dietary RNB levels each [0 g/kg of dry matter, DM (RNB0) and ?3.2 g/kg of DM (RNB?)]. The RNB was calculated as the difference between dietary crude protein (CP) intake and the rumen outflow of undegraded feed CP and MCP and divided by 6.25. Composition of concentrate mixtures was adjusted to create diets with desired RNB levels. Each of these protein sources supplied ≥35% of total dietary CP. Both diets for each protein source were isoenergetic but differed in CP concentrations. The DM intake (kg/d) was lower for RNB? than for RNB0 in diets containing FB, whereas no differences were seen between the RNB levels for SP diets. The RNB? decreased N intake and urinary N excretion but increased milk N use efficiency in both FB and SP diets, with greater differences between the RNB levels for FB diets than for SP diets. Similarly, duodenal MCP synthesis (g/kg of digestible organic matter intake) estimated from purine derivatives in the urine was lower for RNB? than for RNB0 in FB diets but similar between the RNB levels in diets containing SP. Low RNB of approximately ?65 g/d (approximately ?3.2 g/kg of DM) in diets reduced feed intake, N balance, and performance in high-yielding dairy cows with possibly more pronounced effects in diets containing rapidly degradable protein sources.  相似文献   

The effect of dietary fiber on endogenous N secretion was studied using a 15N isotope dilution technique in four fistulated Holstein cows. Two isonitrogenous diets differing only in fiber (NDF and ADF) content were used in a crossover design. One diet (HF) contained 37.4% NDF, while the other (LF) contained 23.3%. A new model was developed to estimate endogenous N secretions and losses for the preintestinal, intestinal, and the total sections of the gastrointestinal tract. Three precursor pools: TCA-soluble fraction of plasma, intestinal mucosa, and milk were compared. Although endogenous losses estimated with the model were numerically different for each precursor pool selected (TCA-soluble fraction > mucosa > milk), treatment effects were similar. As intestinal mucosa is probably closest to the precursor pool, these data are discussed. Non-urea N endogenous secretions contributed 13% of the duodenal N flow but were not affected by the fiber content of the diet. The nonurea N endogenous flow at the duodenum was comprised of approximately equal inputs from endogenous N direct, and that incorporated into the microbial biomass. Total endogenous N flows at the duodenum exceeded, by nearly twofold, estimated inputs of urea-N to microbial biomass. Metabolic fecal output averaged 17% of fecal N and was not affected by level of dietary fiber, but net losses from secretions occurring in the small intestine were higher with the low fiber diet. Overall, endogenous N secretions represented 30% of total digestive tract protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Objectives were 1) to develop DMI and milk prediction equations, 2) to use these equations to simulate group and individual feeding of dairy herds, and 3) to estimate effects of group and individual feeding on FCM production. University of New Hampshire data were used to predict DMI from previous DMI and cow and ration characteristics. The same data were used to predict milk production from DMI and previous milk production. Feeding was simulated for 100 cows over 50 4-wk periods in a number of trials. Effects of individual feeding, additional groups, herd calving intervals, and within-herd variation of annual milk production per cow on daily FCM per cow were isolated in average and high producing herds. Changing from one group to individual feeding can increase daily FCM per cow by .5 to 1.1 kg and two groups to individual feeding by 0 to .8 kg without changing total herd nutrient intake. Reallocation of the same amount of nutrients to two groups instead of one can increase daily milk production by .15 to .8 kg of FCM per cow, reallocation to three groups instead of two by 0 to .6 kg of FCM per cow, and reallocation to four groups instead of three by 0 to .35 kg of FCM per cow.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effects of methods of barley grain processing and source of supplemental fat on urea-N transfer to the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and the utilization of this recycled urea-N in lactating dairy cows. Four ruminally cannulated Holstein cows (656.3 ± 27.7 kg of BW; 79.8 ± 12.3 d in milk) were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square design with 28-d periods and a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of dietary treatments. Experimental diets contained dry-rolled barley or pelleted barley in combination with whole canola or whole flaxseed as supplemental fat sources. Nitrogen balance was measured from d 15 to 19, with concurrent measurements of urea-N kinetics using continuous intrajugular infusions of [15N15N]-urea. Dry matter intake and N intake were higher in cows fed dry-rolled barley compared with those fed pelleted barley. Nitrogen retention was not affected by diet, but fecal N excretion was higher in cows fed dry-rolled barley than in those fed pelleted barley. Actual and energy-corrected milk yield were not affected by diet. Milk fat content and milk fat yield were higher in cows fed dry-rolled barley compared with those fed pelleted barley. Source of supplemental fat did not affect urea-N kinetics. Urea-N production was higher (442.2 vs. 334.3 g of N/d), and urea-N entering the GIT tended to be higher (272.9 vs. 202.0 g of N/d), in cows fed dry-rolled barley compared with those fed pelleted barley. The amount of urea-N entry into the GIT that was returned to the ornithine cycle was higher (204.1 vs. 159.5 g of N/d) in cows fed dry-rolled barley than in pelleted barley-fed cows. The amount of urea-N recycled to the GIT and used for anabolic purposes, and the amounts lost in the urine or feces were not affected by dietary treatment. Microbial nonammonia N supply, estimated using total urinary excretion of purine derivatives, was not affected by diet. These results show that even though barley grain processing altered urea-N entry into the GIT, the utilization of this recycled urea-N for microbial production was unaffected as the additional urea-N, which entered the GIT was returned to ureagenesis.  相似文献   

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