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高鲁锋  关里  徐大坤 《节能技术》2010,28(2):141-145
针对部分地区小型热电联产系统运行不合理、冷源损失大、节能效果不理想的问题,通过对某小型热电联产系统全年运行状况的调查,计算了热电机组的发电效率、热效率及汽机冷源能量损失,分析了小型热电联产系统能耗大的主要原因,提出了提高热电联产系统能源利用效率、改进热电联产集中供热形式的措施,为热电联产系统改造和扩建工作提供参考。  相似文献   

小型热电联产蒸汽供热系统的能耗分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目前,有些小型热电联产系统运行不合理、冷源损失大、节能效果不理想.通过对某小型热电联产系统全年运行状况的凋查,计算了热电机组的发电效率、热效率及汽机冷源能量损失,分析了小型热电联产系统能耗大的主要原因,提出了提高热电联产系统能源利用效率、改进热电联产集中供热形式等措施,为热电联产系统改造和扩建工作提供参考.  相似文献   

发展小型热电联产的障碍及提高效益的途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
小型热电联产具有节能的优越性,但目前发展较慢。本文根据实际调查,分析了发展小型热电联产存在的一些主要问题,提出了为局长小型热电联产的一些建设性意见  相似文献   

在环保和节能日益受到重视的背景下,研究影响燃气余热锅炉热效率的工况点和环保具有重要意义.以2台热电联产燃气余热锅炉为研究对象,在10种不同的工况下,研究锅炉热效率和烟气排放状况,分析运行工况、热效率和烟气排放之间的关系,为提高燃气余热锅炉热效率和降低尾部烟气排放提供指导.  相似文献   

1前言我省林业企业的地理位置比较偏僻,大多数林业局电力需求由自身解决,如何建设或改造自备电厂,使之一厂多能,一机多效,在完成发电的同时达到供汽,供热的目的,充分提高设备和能源的利用率,扩大产业经营范围,改善生产条件,提高企业经济效益,是一个很有研究价值的课题。通过我们带岭电厂的建设和改造的实践过程,浅谈一下体会。带岭电厂是1963年在原柴油电站的基础上过渡建设的。建厂初期只是单独发电生产,当时又没有考虑到热电联产的问题,所以在很长一段时间内经济效益低下。1983年开始进行集中供热建设,先后投资I000多万元…  相似文献   

热电联产的节能探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
就国家计委等四部委发下的(1998)220号文《关于发展热电联产的若干规定》进行商榷,并就热电联产的节能界定指标提出看法。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了热电联产在全世界的发展概况,论证了在降低灰渣排放量、粉尘排放量方面以及在降低引发酸雨的气体、有毒气体、温室效应气体和破坏大气臭氧层的气体(SOX、CO、NOX、N2O)的排放量方面,热电联产相对于分散供热的强大优势;同时,本文介绍了我国热电联产的现状、在环保方面的初步成果及其近期规划和长远目标;最后,本文分别就发展热电联产所应注意的几个问题进行了进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

热电联产集中供热节约能源保护环境   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  

扬州石化厂干气资源用于热电联产的项目分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以扬州石化厂干气资源作为锅炉燃料的热电联产项目为例,介绍了主要技术要点及其应用效果。为类似石化企业的全厂热效率的提高指出了方向。  相似文献   

合理利用垃圾资源进行热电联产,是节能减排、改善环境的有力措施。以某2×750 t·d-1垃圾焚烧电厂为例,通过模型研究发现热电联产可以减少垃圾焚烧电厂的冷源损失,提高全厂热效率;利用一抽蒸汽进行热电联产可实现蒸汽品质的梯级利用,获得较高的经济效益;供热量为30 t·h-1,垃圾热值由4185.9 kJ·kg-1增加至8371.7 kJ·kg-1时,发电量越多,供热能力越强,年热电联产经济效益由7822.76万元增加到14641.07万元;垃圾热值为8371.7 kJ·kg-1,供热量从10 t·h-1增加到60 t·h-1时,垃圾焚烧电厂热效率从28.96%增加到48.50%,年经济效益从13602.74万元增加到15455.66万元。当该地区垃圾热值较高并具备供热条件时,实现垃圾热电联产具有较高的收益。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to study the performance of a combined heat and power (CHP) system that uses two power generation units (PGU). In addition, the effect of thermal energy storage is evaluated for the proposed dual‐PGU CHP configuration (D‐CHP). Two scenarios are evaluated in this paper. In the first scenario, one PGU operates at base‐loading condition, while the second PGU operates following the electric load. In the second scenario, one PGU operates at base‐loading condition, while the second PGU operates following the thermal load. The D‐CHP system is modeled for the same building in four different locations to account for variation of the electric and thermal loads due to weather data. The D‐CHP system results are compared with the reference building by using conventional technology to determine the benefits of this proposed system in terms of operational cost and carbon dioxide emissions. The D‐CHP system results, with and without thermal storage, are also compared with that of single‐PGU CHP systems operating following the electric load (FEL), following the thermal load (FTL), and base‐loaded (BL). Results indicate that the D‐CHP system operating either FEL or FTL in general provides better results than a single‐PGU CHP system operating FEL, FTL, or BL. The addition of thermal storage enhances the potential benefits from D‐CHP system operation in terms of operational cost savings and emissions savings. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The assessment of different systems for electricity production from biomass in Romanian specific conditions shown the most suitable system for electricity (and heat) (co) generation from biomass is the system based on boiler and steam turbine of 2 MW running on wood-wastes (bark). A pulp and paper mill - S.C. “LETEA” S.A Bacau - which needed electricity and heat, and, in the same time, had large amount of bark from technological process, was found as the most suitable location for a demonstrative project.  相似文献   

王西伦  于刚  曹昕慧  张光 《节能》2012,31(10):26-29
针对供热需求与供热能力之间的矛盾和电站低品位冷凝热利用不充分的问题,以300MW抽凝供热机组为实例制定了吸收式热泵耦合抽凝机组供热方案。结合耦合供热方案提出供热面积扩容率的概念,通过对耦合供热与传统热电联产供热两种供热方式的定流量热力计算,以供热面积扩容率、能源综合利用率和热电总收益三个经济性指标为比较标准,进行了经济性指标对比分析。结果表明:耦合供热方式在机组不增容的前提下能够扩大供热面积,提高能源利用率,并增加热电厂的经济收益。  相似文献   

何晓红  舒斌 《节能》2012,31(12)
综述火电厂低温余热利用技术的特点及应用现状,并对各种技术进行了对比分析,其中集中式吸收式热泵供热技术在当前应用最广泛,是最具发展前景的技术。苇湖梁电厂低温余热利用项目是集中式吸收式热泵125MW水冷机组技术在国内的首次工程应用,项目具有显著的节能效果,可实现年节约标煤41688t,节水65.88万t。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates hydrogen and power co-generation based on direct coal chemical looping systems with total decarbonization of the fossil fuel. As an illustrative example, an iron-based chemical looping system was assessed in various plant configurations. The designs generate 300–450 MW net electricity with flexible hydrogen output in the range of 0–200 MWth (LHV). The capacity of evaluated plant concepts to have a flexible hydrogen output is an important aspect for integration in modern energy conversion systems. The carbon capture rate of evaluated concepts is almost total (>99%). The paper presents in details evaluated plant configurations, operational aspects as well as mass and energy integration issues. For comparison reason, a syngas-based chemical looping concept and Selexol®-based pre-combustion capture configuration were also presented. Direct coal chemical looping configuration has significant advantages compared with syngas-based looping systems as well as solvent-based carbon capture configurations, the more important being higher energy efficiency, lower (or even zero) oxygen consumption and lower plant complexity. The results showed a clear increase of overall energy efficiency in comparison to the benchmark cases.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates hydrogen and power co-generation based on coal-gasification fitted with an iron-based chemical looping system for carbon capture and storage (CCS). The paper assess in details the whole hydrogen and power co-production chain based on coal gasification. Investigated plant concepts of syngas-based chemical looping generate about 350–450 MW net electricity with a flexible output of 0–200 MWth hydrogen (based on lower heating value) with an almost total decarbonisation rate of the coal used.  相似文献   

发展小型分散热电联产的研究与探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
介绍了小型分散热电联产的特点、主要型式,分析了小型分散热电联产的成因,还介绍了国内外发展简况,并提出了我国发展小型分散热电联产的几点建议。  相似文献   

为探讨地源热泵系统的实际运行能效,通过对武汉市地源热泵系统的短期测试与长期监测,讨论了热泵及系统的实际性能系数、水泵效率、水系统输送系数等,得出了热回收系统实际平均综合能效系数为2.34,低于无热回收机组的性能系数3.77;水泵实际运行平均效率为43.9%,系统实际能效系数是额定能效系数的58.9%;实际累计负荷是计算累计负荷的1/3~2/3,实际投资回收期大于计算回收期。还得出了合理选择设备及附件、提高系统设备能效及附件质量、设置调整水泵输送能力的设施以及合理运行调节是提高地源系统实际能效的重要技术措施等结论。  相似文献   

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