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The present study revealed three dimensionally the formation of epithelial cells and vascular capillaries in glomeruli of the kidney of the mouse embryo. Barium sulphate was infused through the umbilical vessel of 16.5-17.5-day embryos and the backscattered electron (BSE) image and the secondary electron (SE) image of the identical area of glomeruli were obtained by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The BSE images directly showed the vascular structure of the glomerulus, while the SE images showed a developmental process of podocytes from epithelial cells. Podocytes were more closely located to the vascular capillary than other epithelial cells. These findings were compared with those obtained in the resin cast model of glomeruli. Thus, the metal infusion-SEM method described here can trace the process of formation of urine filtration barrier in the mouse embryonic glomerulus.  相似文献   

Isolated porcine thyroid cells were cultured on collagen gels (control group, TSH-stimulated group, and double-layered culture). They were split or cut to remove cytoplasmic soluble proteins for replica preparations. Some specimens were immunostained with anti-actin antibody or decorated with S1 myosin fragments to identify actin filaments. The basal cell membranes of thyroid cells of monolayer culture were in contact with collagen gels and the apical cell membranes faced the culture medium. Networks of actin filaments were attached to the cytoplasmic sides of the apical cell membranes, while intermediate filaments were localized along the basal ones. The thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) treatment induced the formation of microvilli only on the apical cell membranes and the accumulation of actin filaments under the apical cell membranes, indicating the apical-basal polarity of the cells. In double-layered culture, the primitive follicular lumens with microvilli appeared between two adjacent cells. The interaction of cell membranes with collagen gels is a determinant factor in the orientation of apical-basal polarity. Moreover, the TSH treatment and cell-cell contact further intensify the polarization through reorganizing the cytoskeletons.  相似文献   

Blur identification by the method of generalized cross-validation   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The point spread function (PSF) of a blurred image is often unknown a priori; the blur must first be identified from the degraded image data before restoring the image. Generalized cross-validation (GCV) is introduced to address the blur identification problem. The GCV criterion identifies model parameters for the blur, the image, and the regularization parameter, providing all the information necessary to restore the image. Experiments are presented which show that GVC is capable of yielding good identification results. A comparison of the GCV criterion with maximum-likelihood (ML) estimation shows the GCV often outperforms ML in identifying the blur and image model parameters.  相似文献   

We present a method for visualizing vasculature based on clinical computed tomography or magnetic resonance data. The vessel skeleton as well as the diameter information per voxel serve as input. Our method adheres to these data, while producing smooth transitions at branchings and closed, rounded ends by means of convolution surfaces. We examine the filter design with respect to irritating bulges, unwanted blending and the correct visualization of the vessel diameter. The method has been applied to a large variety of anatomic trees. We discuss the validation of the method by means of a comparison to other visualization methods. Surface distance measures are carried out to perform a quantitative validation. Furthermore, we present the evaluation of the method which has been accomplished on the basis of a survey by 11 radiologists and surgeons.  相似文献   

In this paper, the application of the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) algorithm combined with the short-open calibration SOC technique to three-dimensional microstrip discontinuity is presented. This SOC technique is directly accommodated in the FDTD algorithm. It is used to remove the unwanted parasitic errors brought by the approximation of the impressed voltage sources and the feed lines. The FDTD is formulated in such a way that the port voltages and currents are explicitly represented through relevant network matrices. This new method is also used to analyze finite periodic structures. The scattering parameters of the whole periodic structure can be approximately obtained through analyzing only one cell of it. The results for microstrip discontinuities and finite periodic structures are compared with the conventional FDTD method.  相似文献   

Using the freeze-polishing and osmium-maceration procedures, the ultrastructure of intracellular membranous organelles in embryonic chick skeletal muscle cells in vitro was investigated three-dimensionally with the scanning electron microscope (SEM). T-system tubules followed a tortuous course and possessed many warts. Some of these tubules could be traced to the sarcolemma. The sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) had elaborate structures of a hexagonal pattern. By comparing the SEM images with those of ultrathin sections of myotubes impregnated with ferritin particles, the distinction between the T-system and SR was confirmed. Late in the culture, these two intracellular membranous systems were arranged periodically at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the myotubes. Round-shaped mitochondria were often arranged in chains connected with slender rods. Long rod-shaped mitochondria exhibited occasional branchings.  相似文献   

道路交通中运动目标多,给基于视频的车辆准确计数带来了挑战。本文采用动态高斯背景建模和背景相减法检测运动目标,然后对图像进行透视变换,这样对一定视场范围内的远近不同的行人、自行车和摩托车等非监控目标,可用同一面积阈值将其与车辆区分开来,该算法简单,计算效率高。实验结果证明该方法能够有效地对非监控目标进行屏蔽,减少对机动车辆错误识别率。  相似文献   

Transient scattering by variously shaped objects is obtained from the transfer functions and the spectrum of the incident pulse by using the Fourier synthesis technique. In order to evaluate the transfer functions of indented three-dimensional smooth objects, an effective method based on the physical optics approximation combined with the method of stationary phase is presented. It is shown that for indented three-dimensional objects, there exist several stationary phase points, including the complex ones. It is confirmed from the numerical results that an accurate solution can be obtained by taking into account the complex stationary points. Also, for a complete solution, the creeping wave term should be included  相似文献   

In an effort to obtain a better signal-to-noise ratio and ultrastructural preservation, we sought to improve electron microscopic in situ hybridization technique. In our method, protease treatment was omitted and visualization of the digoxigenin (DIG)-labelled deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-probe was enhanced using a three-step procedure. These improvements allowed us to localize viral DNA with good signal-to-noise ratio. DNA specific to herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) was localized by this method to HSV-1 infected cultured cells; DNA was not observed in the empty-cored HSV-1. Using this method and the immunogold cytochemical method, we co-localized viral DNA and capsid protein ICP35 on Lowicryl-embedded sections of HSV-1 infected cells. Interestingly, labelling for both DNA and ICP was observed on some HSV-1 particles in cell nucleus. This finding is consistent with the notion that ICP35 is necessary for assembly of viral DNA. Combination of in situ hybridization and immunocytochemical techniques is a powerful tool for examination of the functional relationship between viral DNA and proteins and help us to study protein function in viral multiplication.  相似文献   

光流法在运动目标识别领域的理论与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在介绍运动检测以及光流的基本概念的基础上引出基于光流方程的两种常用的图像分析方法—梯度法、块匹配法;通过对光流法在红外图像序列的运动目标检测、活动轮廓模型以及医学图像处理方面的应用来阐述这两种光流法的优缺点进行分析从而得出光流法在运动图像识别领域具有较大的优势,最后对光流法在未来其他领域的应用提出展望.  相似文献   

刘英辉  许华  史蕴豪 《信号处理》2020,36(4):602-610
针对辐射源指纹特征间差异细微且受噪声干扰容易导致识别率下降的问题,提出了一种基于stacking方法集成多个异构网络识别结果的辐射源个体识别优化算法。利用不同网络结构在低信噪比条件下提取指纹特征的差异性,多个异构网络集成各自的预测结果能够提升对指纹特征的提取能力。同时为避免分类准确率提高造成模型规模过大,本文使用网络规模小且结构差异较大的EfficientNets系列异构网络作为基础网络。实验首先在高斯信道条件下验证了基础网络能够有效识别功率放大器杂散噪声,之后利用stacking等优化算法改进模型整体的性能。结果表明,本方法能够进一步利用信号指纹特征之间差异,与其他方法相比对辐射源个体有更高的识别率。   相似文献   

A parametric method of identification of event-related (or evoked) potentials on a single-trial basis through an ARX (autoregressive with exogenous input) algorithm is discussed. The basic estimation of the information contained in the single trial is taken from an average carried out on a sufficient number of trials, while the noise sources, EEG and EOG, are characterized as exogenous inputs in the model. The simulations as well as the experimental results confirm the capability of the model of drastically improving the S/N (signal-to-noise) ratio in each single trial and satisfactorily identifying the contributions of signal and noise to the overall recording. A particularly efficient reduction of ocular artifacts is also achieved  相似文献   

Complex demodulation was used to examine the effect of both divisions of the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic) on heart rate. Data were analyzed from dogs during classical conditioning procedures which caused different changes in the autonomic regulation of heart rate. Two significant peaks in the heart rate variability spectrum were examined by this technique. The amplitude of the peak at the respiration frequency showed parasympathetic changes, while the amplitude of the low frequency peak (0-0.124 Hz) showed both sympathetic and parasympathetic effects. Complex demodulation results at these frequencies clearly showed the activities of both branches of the autonomic nervous system in regulating heart rate. During the CS+ period, when trained dogs were presented with a tone predicting a subsequent shock, the observed tachycardia was due to decreased parasympathetic activity and a transient increase in sympathetic activity. During the CS- period where a different tone predicts no shock, parasympathetic and sympathetic activities were unchanged from the baseline condition. The use of complex demodulation enables us to examine autonomic contributions to heart rate regulation in conditioning and a variety of other physiological and environmental conditions where autonomic input can be expected to change rapidly.  相似文献   

This paper presents the analysis of open microstrip structures by using diakoptic method of lines (ML) combined with periodic boundary conditions (PBC). The parameters of microstrip patch are obtained from patch current excited by plane wave. Impedance matrix elements are computed by using fast Fourier transform(FFT), and reduced equation is solved by using diakoptic technique. Consequently, the computing time is reduced significantly. The convergence property of simulating open structure by using PBC and the comparison of the computer time between using PBC and usual absorbing boundary condition (ABC) show the validity of the method proposed in this paper. Finally, the resonant frequency of a microstrip patch is computed. The numerical results obtained are in good agreement with those published.  相似文献   

Many modulated communication signals exhibit a cyclostationarity (or periodic correlation) property. To exploit the underlying periodicity of the modulated signal in the real-time recognition schcme of radio eilvironments, this letter introduces a spectral correlation method to identify the number and the direction of multi-path in the environment of frequency-selective fading channel. By simulation, the graphs of spatial spectra corresponding to a certain cycle frequency is presented to show the accuracy of spectral correlation method in multi-path environment recognition.  相似文献   

李阳  邓锐  何晶  何松华  陈林 《光电子快报》2017,13(3):229-232
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is an attractive technique to realize high data rate in light emitting diodes (LEDs)-based visible light communication (VLC). However, high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) of OFDM makes VLC-OFDM very sensitive to the nonlinearity of LEDs. In this paper, the discrete Fourier transform-spread (DFT-spread) combined with clipping method is proposed to reduce the PAPR of OFDM signal in VLC system. Combining simulation with experiment, a performance comparison is made among conventional OFDM, DFT-spread-OFDM, and clipped DFT-spread-OFDM with different clipping ratios (CRs) in a single LED-based VLC system. The experimental results show that the proposed clipped DFT-spread-OFDM method can effectively improve the system performance compared with the other two methods. At the optimum signal peak-to-peak (PTP) value, by using the clipped DFT-spread-OFDM scheme with CR at 8 dB, the bit error rate (BER) of the system can be reduced from 0.003 7 to 0.000 287. E-mail:dengrui189@126.com   相似文献   

本文针对目前应用全局图像训练卷积神经网络可能会受到若干无关噪声区域的影响,易导致视网膜OCT图像黄斑病变识别或诊断错误等问题,提出了一种改进的注意力引导四分支卷积神经网络的视网膜OCT图像黄斑病变识别方法.采用改进注意力引导卷积神经网络框架,通过集成全局分支、局部分支和层分割分支构成融合分支,利用注意力热图对重要区域进...  相似文献   

The origin of Angelica dahurica medicinal herbs varies, and their pharmacological effects also differ. In order to achieve rapid and accurate identification of the origin of Angelica dahurica medicinal herbs, this study utilizes laser induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS) technology combined with machine learning algorithms to identify the original source of Angelica dahurica. Sliced samples of Angelica dahurica were taken from four regions: Hebei, Henan, Zhejiang, and Sichuan. The spectral data ...  相似文献   

本文主要针对于配网合环转供电的相关问题进行研究,以期能够为我国电力事业的健康稳定发展提供保障。  相似文献   

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