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Semantic knowledge representation is the key for the development of present intelligent systems. Furthermore, the Semantic Web provide a formal representation and knowledge-driven set of technologies to enable automation of business processes. Despite the new trends on business process automation based on semantic technologies and Web Services, a number of business processes still require human intervention. In this paper we address the problem of ontology-based process representation based on expert’s knowledge, considering both tasks executed by means of web services and tasks executed by persons. In this way, fully-automated and semi-automated processes (guided by a person) could be represented and executed. The proposed model is based on the set of situations that can be identified by an expert in a given process and the actions required in each situation. For validating our approach, a sales supporting system based on the proposed architecture has been developed. The proof-of concept system has been running for a remarkably time, supporting the sales process for non-expert sellers.  相似文献   

在重用现有Web服务的基础上,通过服务组合形成新的、功能增值的服务是语义Web服务领域的一个重要研究内容.本文在Web服务语义描述框架的基础上,提出一种基于语义消息的Web服务组合方法,该方法定义了能够描述不同服务输出、输入消息之间对应关系的语义消息,能够业务逻辑上紧密关联的Web服务有机的组合在一起,从而为Web服务组合者以及面向服务的应用开发人员提供一种简单、直观的组合方法.  相似文献   

Semantic Web computing in industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Semantic Web has attracted significant attention during the last decade. On the one hand, many research groups have changed their focus towards Semantic Web research and research funding agencies particularly in Europe have explicitly mentioned Semantic Web in their calls for proposals. On the other hand, industry has also begun to watch developments with interest and a number of large companies have started to experiment with Semantic Web technologies to ascertain if these new technologies can be leveraged to add more value for their customers or internally within the company, while there are already several offers of vendors of Semantic Web solutions on the market. The essence of the Semantic Web is to structure Web-based information to make it more interoperable, machine-readable and thereafter to provide a means to relate various information concepts more easily and in a reusable way. The Semantic Web acts as an additional layer on the top of the Web, and is built around explicit representations of information concepts and their relationships such as ontologies and taxonomies. Furthermore, Semantic Web technologies are not only valuable on an open environment like the Web, but also in closed systems such as in industrial settings. Hence, these technologies can be efficiently deployed for domains including Web Services, Enterprise Application Integration, Knowledge Management and E-Commerce, fulfilling existing gaps in current applications. This paper focuses on this synthesis between Semantic Web technologies and systems problems within industrial applications. There will be a short review of Semantic Web standards, languages and technologies followed by a more detailed review of applications of Semantic Web computing in industry. The paper covers theoretical considerations as well as use cases and experience reports on the topic, and we also present some current challenges and opportunities in the domain.  相似文献   

Web Services power through explicit representations of Web resources underlying semantics and the development of an intelligent Web infrastructure that can fully exploit them. Semantic Web languages, such as OWL, extend RDF to let users specify ontologies comprising taxonomies of classes and inference rules. Both people and software agents can effectively use Semantic Web Services.' Agents will increasingly use the combination of semantic markup languages and Semantic Web Services to understand and autonomously manipulate Web content in significant ways. Agents will discover, communicate, and cooperate with other agents and services and-as we' 11 describe -will rely on policy-based management and control mechanisms to ensure respect for human-imposed constraints on agent interaction. Policy-based controls of Semantic Web Services can also help govern interaction with traditional (nonagent) clients.  相似文献   

语义Web Service(SWS)是应对商务对商务环境的挑战,是迈向自动Web服务的重要步骤.基于SWS的商务服务合成是服务计算领域最为活跃和开放的研究问题之一.提出了一种基于SWS的商务服务合成的基本思想和方法.给出了商务服务合成的形式化模型.介绍了一个服务合成中基于超图的服务集合挖掘方法.给出了面向服务合成的需求驱动服务选择及其解决方案模型.  相似文献   

Semantic Web Services (SWS) were introduced to facilitate the publication, discovery, and execution of web services. A semantic matchmaker enhances the capability of UDDI service registries in the SWS architecture and it is able to recognize various degrees of matching for web services. On the basis of SWS and fuzzy-set theory, a fuzzy matching approach for semantic web services is proposed, to support a more automated and veracious service discovery process.  相似文献   

语义Web服务发现模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语义Web服务的目标是使Web服务成为计算机可理解的实体,以便完成服务的自动发现、选择、调用、组合等。利用本体方法和服务本体描述语言是达到该目标的有效途径。本文重点是构建一个语义Web服务模型,并在此基础上给出一个服务请求实例来验证该模型的可行性。  相似文献   

This paper presents WebOWL, an experiment in using the latest technologies to develop a Semantic Web search engine. WebOWL consists of a community of intelligent agents, acting as crawlers, that are able to discover and learn the locations of Semantic Web neighborhoods on the Web, a semantic database to store data from different ontologies, a query mechanism that supports semantic queries in OWL, and a ranking algorithm that determines the order of the returned results based on the semantic relationships of classes and individuals. The system has been implemented using Jade, Jena and the db4o object database engine and has successfully stored over one million OWL classes, individuals and properties.  相似文献   

Smart Cities are advancing towards an instrumented, integrated, and intelligent living space, where Internet of Things (IoT), mobile technologies and next generation networks are expected to play a key role. In smart cities, numerous IoT-based services are likely to be available and a key challenge is to allow mobile users perform their daily tasks dynamically, by integrating the services available in their vicinity. Semantic Service Oriented Architectures (SSOA) abstract the environment’s services and their functionalities as Semantic Web Services (SWS). However, existing service composition approaches based on SSOA do not support dynamic reasoning on user tasks and service behaviours to deal with the heterogeneity of IoT domains. In this paper, we present an adaptive service composition framework that supports such dynamic reasoning. The framework is based on wEASEL, an abstract service model representing services and user tasks in terms of their signature, specification (i.e., context-aware pre-conditions, post-conditions and effects) and conversation (i.e., behaviour with related data-flow and context-flow constraints). To evaluate our composition framework, we develop a novel OWLS-TC4-based testbed by combining simple and composite services. The evaluation shows that our wEASEL-based system performs more accurate composition and allows end-users to discover and investigate more composition opportunities than other approaches.  相似文献   

Semantic Web研究综述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
近年来,Semantic Web逐渐成为WWW领域的研究热点以及智能化网络服务和应用开发中的关键技术之一。归纳了Semantic Web技术的研究背景和主要发展历史。在分析了典型的Semantic Web概念后,给出了Semantic Web的定义。通过讨论Semantic Web构想的层次框架模型,指出了各个层次扮演的角色,并着重分析了Semantic Web的重要研究领域,指出了它们在Semantic Web构架中的核心作用。通过分析Semantic Web的应用领域和相关开发工具以及面临的问题和挑战,指明了Semantic Web研究和实践的方向。作为总结,给出了Semantic Web领域下一步的研究趋势。  相似文献   

Semantic Web Services, Part 1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Semantic Web services (SWS) has been a vigorous technology research area for about six years. A great deal of innovative work has been done, and a great deal remains. Several large research initiatives have been producing substantial bodies of technology, which are gradually maturing. SOA vendors are looking seriously at semantic technologies and have made initial commitments to supporting selected approaches. In the world of standards, numerous activities have reflected the strong interest in this work. Perhaps the most visible of these is Sawsdl (Weerawarana, 2005). Sawsdl recently achieved Recommendation status at the World Wide Web Consortium. Sawsdl's completion provides a fitting opportunity to reflect on the state of the art and practice in SWS - past, present, and future. This two-part installment of Trends & Controversies discusses what has been accomplished in SWS, what value SWS can ultimately provide, and where we can go from here to reap these technologies' benefits.  相似文献   

In this paper we provide a classification of adaptive systems with respect to the kind of semantic technology they exploit to accomplish or improve specific adaptation and user modeling tasks. This classification is based on a distinction between strong semantic techniques and weak semantic techniques. The former are techniques based on the Semantic Web, while the latter regard technologies that, in different ways, annotate resources, enriching their meaning. This second category includes, in particular, Web 2.0 social annotations and mixed approaches between social annotations and Semantic Web techniques. While the impact of the Semantic Web on adaptive systems has been discussed in several survey papers, the potential of weak semantic technologies has, so far, received little attention. The aim of this analysis is to fill this gap. Therefore, we will discuss contributions and limits of both approaches, but we will focus special attention on weak semantic adaptive systems.  相似文献   

随着语义Web服务技术研究工作的不断深入,因特网上语义Web服务数量急剧增加。如何快速便捷地定位可用语义Web服务已经成为一个迫切且关键的问题。在语义Web服务匹配技术研究中,其中一个重要的研究主题就是语义Web服务匹配结果的排序机制。本文在综合概括和分析各种关于语义Web服务匹配结果排序机制的基础上,提出了一种基于语义距离度量模型的语义Web服务匹配结果排序机制,利用该排序机制,计算待匹配语义Web服务的语义相似度量,并依据此度量对语义Web服务匹配结果进行排序。该度量模型将语义Web服务引用概念间的语义关系转换成可精确比较的量化度量值,对属于相同语义匹配类型的匹配候选服务也能够分别计算语义距离,区分出相同匹配类型的候选服务与服务请求的匹配程度,从而达到改善用户对语义Web服务的搜索体验的目的。  相似文献   

针对动态、开放网络环境下复杂多变的业务需求,本文在前期语义编程语言SPL研究的基础上,提出一种基于Agent和本体的语义Web服务编制方法,形成一个以语义编程语言SPL为核心的、可适用于将语义Web服务与多A-gent技术无缝集成起来的,进行语义Web服务编制的技术框架。框架实现基于SPL开发和运行支撑平台,该平台为语义Web服务和软件Agent提供必要的运行支持。  相似文献   

传统的Web服务技术缺乏机器可理解的语义,限制了Web服务的自动化。结合了语义Web技术和Web服务技术的语义Web服务应运而生,其中,语义Web服务的建模框架是当前研究重点。基于语义Web服务的一般基础结构,本文从行为、体系结构和服务本体的角度分析了当前语义Web服务三大主流建模框架OWL-S、IRS-II和WSMF的特点,比较了它们的异同,展望了语义Web服务建模框架的发展趋势。  相似文献   


Semantic Web technology is able to provide the required computational semantics for interoperability of learning resources across different Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Learning Object Repositories (LOR). The EU research project LUISA (Learning Content Management System Using Innovative Semantic Web Services Architecture) addresses the development of a reference semantic architecture for the major challenges in the search, interchange, and delivery of learning objects in a service-oriented context. One of the key issues, highlighted in this paper, is Digital Rights Management (DRM) interoperability. A Semantic Web approach to copyright management has been followed, which places a Copyright Ontology as the key component for interoperability among existing DRM systems and other licensing schemes like Creative Commons. Moreover, Semantic Web tools like reasoners, rule engines and semantic queries facilitate the implementation of an interoperable copyright management component in the LUISA architecture.  相似文献   

Web服务技术与语义网技术的发展,产生了一个新的研究领域——语义网服务。语义网服务利用本体技术增强了Web服务的语义表达能力,使服务的发现与执行,组合与交互更加自动智能化。关注Web服务的非功能属性,即服务的QoS属性,研究分析了基于QoS的语义网服务组合工作,提出了一个Web服务的QoS本体模型,并讨论了该模型在语义网服务组合工作中的应用。  相似文献   

As research on the Semantic Web actively progresses, a more intelligent Web environment is expected in various domains including rule-based systems and intelligent agents. However, rule acquisition is still a bottleneck in the utilization of rule-based systems. To extract rules from Web pages, the framework of eXtensible Rule Markup Language (XRML) has been developed. XRML allows the identification of rules from Web pages and generates rules automatically. However, the knowledge engineer's burden is still high because rule identification requires considerable manual work. In order to reduce the knowledge engineer's burden, we proposed an ontology-based methodology of enhanced rule identification. First, we have designed an ontology OntoRule for automated rule identification. Also, we proposed a procedure of rule identification using OntoRule. Lastly, we showed the performance of our approach with an experiment.  相似文献   

Semantic Web service matchmaking,as one of the most challenging problems in Semantic Web services (SWS),aims to filter and rank a set of services with respect to a service query by using a certain matching strategy.In this paper,we propose a logistic regression based method to aggregate several matching strategies instead of a fixed integration (e.g.,the weighted sum) for SWS matchmaking.The logistic regression model is trained on training data derived from binary relevance assessments of existing test collections,and then used to predict the probability of relevance between a new pair of query and service according to their matching values obtained from various matching strategies.Services are then ranked according to the probabilities of relevance with respect to each query.Our method is evaluated on two main test collections,SAWSDL-TC2 and Jena Geography Dataset(JGD).Experimental results show that the logistic regression model can effectively predict the relevance between a query and a service,and hence can improve the effectiveness of service matchmaking.  相似文献   

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