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Let [n,k,d] q codes be linear codes of length n, dimension k, and minimum Hamming distance d over GF(q). In this paper, seventeen new codes are constructed, which improve the known lower bounds on minimum distance.  相似文献   

Let [n, k, d] q -codes be linear codes of length n, dimension k, and minimum Hamming distance d over GF(q). In this paper we consider codes over GF(3), GF(5), GF(7), and GF(8). Over GF(3), three new linear codes are constructed. Over GF(5), eight new linear codes are constructed and the nonexistence of six codes is proved. Over GF(7), the existence of 33 new codes is proved. Over GF(8), the existence of ten new codes and the nonexistence of six codes is proved. All of these results improve the corresponding lower and upper bounds in Brouwer's table [www.win.tue.nl/aeb/voorlincod.html].  相似文献   

Let [n, k, d] q codes be linear codes of length n, dimension k, and minimum Hamming distance d over GF(q). Let n q (k, d) be the smallest value of n for which there exists an [n, k, d] q code. It is known from [1, 2] that 284 n 3(6, 188) 285 and 285 n 3(6, 189) 286. In this paper, the nonexistence of [284, 6, 188]3 codes is proved, whence we get n 3(6, 188) = 285 and n 3(6, 189) = 286.  相似文献   

The minimum distance of codes on bipartite graphs (BG codes) over GF(q) is studied. A new upper bound on the minimum distance of BG codes is derived. The bound is shown to lie below the Gilbert-Varshamov bound when q ≤ 32. Since the codes based on bipartite expander graphs (BEG codes) are a special case of BG codes and the resulting bound is valid for any BG code, it is also valid for BEG codes. Thus, nonbinary (q ≤ 32) BG codes are worse than the best known linear codes. This is the key result of the work. We also obtain a lower bound on the minimum distance of BG codes with a Reed-Solomon constituent code and a lower bound on the minimum distance of low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes with a Reed-Solomon constituent code. The bound for LDPC codes is very close to the Gilbert-Varshamov bound and lies above the upper bound for BG codes.  相似文献   

As is well known, a finite field n = GF(q n ) can be described in terms of n × n matrices A over the field = GF(q) such that their powers A i , i = 1, 2, ..., q n – 1, correspond to all nonzero elements of the field. It is proved that, for fields n of characteristic 2, such a matrix A can be chosen to be symmetric. Several constructions of field-representing symmetric matrices are given. These matrices A i together with the all-zero matrix can be considered as a n -linear matrix code in the rank metric with maximum rank distance d = n and maximum possible cardinality q n . These codes are called symmetric rank codes. In the vector representation, such codes are maximum rank distance (MRD) linear [n, 1, n] codes, which allows one to use known rank-error-correcting algorithms. For symmetric codes, an algorithm of erasure symmetrization is proposed, which considerably reduces the decoding complexity as compared with standard algorithms. It is also shown that a linear [n, k, d = nk + 1] MRD code k containing the above-mentioned one-dimensional symmetric code as a subcode has the following property: the corresponding transposed code is also n -linear. Such codes have an extended capability of correcting symmetric errors and erasures.  相似文献   

We present two new algorithms for decoding an arbitrary (n, k) linear rank distance code over GF(q N ). These algorithms correct errors of rank r in O((Nr)3 q (r–1)(k+1)) and O((k + r)3 r 3 q (r–1)(Nr)) operations in GF(q) respectively. The algorithms give one of the most efficient attacks on public-key cryptosystems based on rank codes, as well as on the authentication scheme suggested by Chen.  相似文献   

We consider sequences in which every symbol of an alphabet occurs at most once. We construct families of such sequences as nonlinear subcodes of a q-ary [n, k, n − k + 1] q Reed-Solomon code of length nq consisting of words that have no identical symbols. We introduce the notion of a bunch of words of a linear code. For dimensions k ≤ 3 we obtain constructive lower estimates (tight bounds in a number of cases) on the maximum cardinality of a subcode for various n and q, and construct subsets of words meeting these estimates and bounds. We define codes with words that have no identical symbols, observe their relation to permutation codes, and state an optimization problem for them.  相似文献   

In [1] a syndrome counting based upper bound on the minimum distance of regular binary LDPC codes is given. In this paper we extend the bound to the case of irregular and generalized LDPC codes over GF(q). A comparison with the lower bound for LDPC codes over GF(q), upper bound for the codes over GF(q), and the shortening upper bound for LDPC codes is made. The new bound is shown to lie under the Gilbert–Varshamov bound at high rates.  相似文献   

Two new families of asymmetric quantum codes are constructed in this paper. The first one is derived from the Calderbank-Shor-Steane (CSS) construction applied to classical Reed-Solomon (RS) codes, providing quantum codes with parameters [[Nl(q l −1), Kl(q l −2d + c + 1), d z d/d x ≥ (dc)]] q , where q is a prime power and d > c + 1, c ≥ 1, l ≥ 1 are integers. The second family is derived from the CSS construction applied to classical generalized RS codes, generating quantum codes with parameters [[N = mn, K = m(2kn + c), d z d/d x ≥ (dc)]] q , where q is a prime power, 1 < k < n < 2k + cq m , k = nd + 1, and n, d > c + 1, c ≥ 1, m ≥ 1 are integers. Although the second proposed construction generalizes the first one, the techniques developed in both constructions are slightly different. These new codes have parameters better than or comparable to the ones available in the literature. Additionally, the proposed codes can be utilized in quantum channels having great asymmetry, that is, quantum channels in which the probability of occurrence of phase-shift errors is large when compared to the probability of occurrence of qudit-flip errors.  相似文献   

A code C in the n-dimensional metric space E n over GF(2) is called metrically rigid if each isometry I : C E n can be extended to an isometry of the whole space E n . For n large enough, metrical rigidity of any length-n binary code that contains a 2-(n, k, )-design is proved. The class of such codes includes, for instance, all families of uniformly packed codes of large enough lengths that satisfy the condition d – 2, where d is the code distance and is the covering radius.  相似文献   

Let an [n, k, d] q code be a linear code of length n, dimension k, and with minimum Hamming distance d over GF(q). The ratio R = k/n is called the rate of a code. In this paper, [62, 53, 6]5, [62, 48, 8]5, [71, 56, 8]5, [124, 113, 6]5, [43, 36, 6]7, [33, 23, 7]7, and [27, 18, 7]7 high-rate codes and new codes with parameters [42, 14, 19]5, [42, 15, 18]5, [48, 13, 24]5, [52, 12, 28]5, [71, 15, 38]5, [71, 16, 36]5, [72, 12, 41]5, [78, 10, 50]5, [88, 11, 54]5, [88, 13, 51]5, [124, 14, 77]5, [32, 12, 15]7, [32, 10, 17]7, [36, 10, 20]7, and [48, 10, 29]7 are constructed. The codes with parameters [62, 53, 6]5 and [43, 36, 6]7 are optimal.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper we give sharp bounds for the block-length n of optimal linear (n, k)-codes over GF(q).  相似文献   

We determine the functions on GF(2)n which satisfy the propagation criterion of degree n−2, PC(n−2). We study subsequently the propagation criterion of degree ℓ and order k and its extended version EPC. We determine those Boolean functions on GF(2)n which satisfy PC(ℓ) of order kn−ℓ−2. We show that none of them satisfies EPC(ℓ) of the same order. We finally give a general construction of nonquadratic functions satisfying EPC(ℓ) of order k. This construction uses the existence of nonlinear, systematic codes with good minimum distances and dual distances (e.g., Kerdock codes and Preparata codes).  相似文献   

A code C in the n-dimensional metric space $ \mathbb{F}_q^n $ \mathbb{F}_q^n over the Galois field GF(q) is said to be metrically rigid if any isometry I: C → $ \mathbb{F}_q^n $ \mathbb{F}_q^n can be extended to an isometry (automorphism) of $ \mathbb{F}_q^n $ \mathbb{F}_q^n . We prove metric rigidity for some classes of codes, including certain classes of equidistant codes and codes corresponding to one class of affine resolvable designs.  相似文献   

To produce a highly nonlinear resilient function, the disjoint linear codes were originally proposed by Johansson and Pasalic in IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 2003, 49(2): 494–501. In this paper, an effective method for finding a set of such disjoint linear codes is presented. When n ⩾ 2k, we can find a set of [n,k]disjoint linear codes with cardinality 2n-k +⌊(n-k)/k⌊; When n < 2k, no set of disjoint linear codes exists with cardinality at least 2. We also describe a result on constructing a set of [n, k] disjoint linear codes with minimum distance at least some fixed positive integer.  相似文献   

Motivated by the fast Pauli block transforms (or matrices) over the finite field GF(q) for an arbitrary number q, we suggest how to construct the simplified quantum code on the basis of quadratic residues. The present quantum code, which is the stabilizer quantum code, can be fast generated from an Abelian group with commutative quantum operators being selected from a suitable Pauli block matrix. This construction does not require the dual-containing or self-orthogonal constraint for the standard quantum error-correction code, thus allowing us to construct a quantum code with much efficiency.  相似文献   

We show that subclasses of q-ary separable Goppa codes Γ(L, G) with L = {α ∈ GF(q 2ℓ): G(α) ∈ 0} and with special Goppa polynomials G(x) can be represented as a chain of equivalent and embedded codes. For all codes of the chain we obtain an improved bound for the dimension and find an exact value of the minimum distance. A chain of binary codes is considered as a particular case with specific properties.  相似文献   

We consider problems of detecting errors in combinational circuits and algorithms for the decoding of linear codes. We show that a totally self-checking combinatorial circuit for the decoding of a binary Hamming [n, k] code can be constructed if and only if n = 2 r ? 1, r = n?k. We introduce the notion of a totally self-checking combinational circuit detecting error clusters of size at most µ; for shortened Hamming [n,k] codes, we construct totally self-checking decoding combinational circuits detecting error clusters of size at most µ, 2 ≤ µ < n?k. We describe single-error protected and self-checking algorithms: the extended Euclidean algorithm and decoding algorithms for binary BCH codes and Reed-Solomon codes over GF(2 m ).  相似文献   

We study the problem of finding a minimum weight complete matching in the complete graph on a set V ofn points ink-dimensional space. The points are the vertices of the graph and the weight of an edge between any two points is the distance between the points under someL q,-metric. We give anO((2c q )1.5k ??1.5k (α(n, n))0.5 n 1.5(logn)2.5) algorithm for finding an almost minimum weight complete matching in such a graph, wherec q =6k 1/q for theL q -metric, α is the inverse Ackermann function, and ? ≤ 1. The weight of the complete matching obtained by our algorithm is guaranteed to be at most (1 + ?) times the weight of a minimum weight complete matching.  相似文献   

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