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We used an indirect immunofluorescence assay to determine antibody titers to phase I and phase II Coxiella burnetii antigens in serum samples from a variety of wild animals in Nova Scotia. Forty-nine percent of the hares, 16.5% of the moose, 7.1% of the raccoons, and 1.5% of the white-tailed deer tested had antibodies to phase I antigen. We conclude that there is extensive infection of the hare population by C. burnetii, with lesser degrees of infection of the moose, raccoon, and deer population.  相似文献   

Surveyed 16 clinical settings in Nova Scotia to determine the nature of the psychological services offered and examined their organizational context. 13 surveys were returned. The majority of the settings provide traditional mental health services. The majority of clinical psychologists are found in general regional hospitals rather than in mental health settings. Psychologists offer a wide array of services, such as those to medical patients. Psychologists practice independently; they are able to assess and treat patients in the absence of either assessment or referral by other professionals. The interests of psychologists tend to be represented at the highest level of their institutions by professionals other than psychologists. There were no organized psychology departments in more than half the settings. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To investigate the contribution of nigral degeneration to the development of parkinsonism in the early stages of corticobasal degeneration (CBD), we measured the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of homovanillic acid (HVA) in patients with early CBD (n = 5), and compared the levels with those in patients with early Parkinson's disease (n = 11) and in normal subjects (n = 13). The mean CSF HVA level in the early CBD group (33.1 +/- 6.0 ng/ml) did not differ significantly from that in the control group (37.1 +/- 12.7 ng/ml), whereas that in the early Parkinson's disease group (19.0 +/- 7.6 ng/ml) was reduced significantly (P < 0.001). This result suggests that neuronal cell loss in the substantia nigra and presynaptic nigrostriatal dopaminergic neuron dysfunction are mild in the early stages of CBD.  相似文献   

Morbid obesity of the abdominal area creates difficulty with creation of a Brooke ileostomy because of thickened, foreshortened mesentery of the terminal ileum, limitation to mobilization, and thickness of the abdominal wall through which the terminal ileum must be placed in the stoma, causing undue tension on the vasculature with a higher frequency of retraction and necrosis. Such a problem may be ameliorated by performing a subcutaneous lipectomy about the stoma and creating a thinned neoabdominal wall to facilitate the creation of a temporary Brooke stoma. Despite initial difficulty with stoma appliances, this operative technique in selected obese patients outweighs the limited complications that may be encountered.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To report on an exceptional case of spontaneous, idiopathic, unilateral adrenal gland rupture that caused massive retroperitoneal hemorrhage. METHODS AND RESULTS: US and CT were performed in a patient who presented with acute abdominal pain. Urgent adrenalectomy was required to prevent the blood loss from continuing. The CT findings were correlated with the histological findings. CONCLUSION: CT proved to be an accurate imaging modality by which to diagnose adrenal hemorrhage. The absence of irregular tissue enhancement showed that neoplasia was not the underlying cause of the hematoma.  相似文献   

The proportion of total reported cases of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) in US women increased annually between 1988 and 1994 from 10% to 18%, indicating an urgent need for prevention measures. Interventions designed to reduce unsafe sex and drug-using behaviors in women have been limited. Barriers to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention for women include a disproportionately low investment of resources, inadequacy and inaccessibility of substance abuse treatment programs, the crack/cocaine epidemic and resulting unsafe sex behaviors, lack of a woman-controlled method to prevent sexual transmission of HIV, and unique social and cultural factors that limit women's power in sexual decision making. Some interventions have been successful in reducing women's risk behaviors. Expanding prevention efforts targeted to women is necessary in order to stem the rising rate of HIV infection.  相似文献   

The large protein excretion of nephrotic syndrome leads to severe hypoalbuminemia and massive edema. The ensuing hyperlipidemia may not respond to any treatment unless protein losses are corrected. Urinary excretion of clotting factors due to nonselective proteinuria explains, at least in part, the development of a procoagulable state. We report herein four cases of intractable nephrotic syndrome that required medical nephrectomy by bilateral embolization of renal arteries. This procedure, although unusually performed, is an important therapeutic option in selected patients with nephrotic syndrome.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: A high prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in female sex workers (FSWs) and men who attend sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics poses a risk for spread of infection to other populations. OBJECTIVE: To examine spread of HIV to a low-risk population by comparing prevalence of, and risk factors for, HIV and STDs in FSWs and non-FSWs. METHODS: Women attending STD clinics in Pune, India, were assessed for STDs and HIV from May 13, 1993, to July 11, 1996. Demographic and behavioral information was collected, and clinical and laboratory assessment was performed. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Prevalence and risk determinants of HIV infection. RESULTS: Of 916 women enrolled, 525 were FSWs and 391 were non-FSWs. Prevalence of HIV in FSWs and non-FSWs was 49.9% and 13.6%, respectively (P<.001). In multivariate analysis, inconsistent condom use and genital ulcer disease or genital warts were associated with prevalent HIV in FSWs. History of sexual contact with a partner with an STD was associated with HIV in non-FSWs. CONCLUSIONS: Infection with HIV is increasing in non-FSWs, previously thought to be at low risk in India. Since history of sexual contact with their only sex partner was the only risk factor significantly associated with HIV infection, it is likely that these women are being infected by their spouses. This underscores the need for strengthening partner-notification strategies and counseling facilities in India.  相似文献   

The proportion of women infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) continues to increase. Over one-half of women acquire the virus through heterosexual contact. The diagnoses that define the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and the use of antiretroviral therapy are similar in men and women, except in pregnancy. However, management decisions differ significantly regarding contraceptive and gynecologic care. Besides abstinence, use of the latex condom continues to be the most effective way of preventing transmission of HIV. The management of human papillomavirus-associated disease, pelvic inflammatory disease and vaginal candidiasis is especially challenging in women with HIV infection. A positive status for the virus does not appear to affect pregnancy outcome. Each year, up to 2,000 infants are born infected with HIV. Transmission can occur by transplacental or intrapartum spread or through breast milk. Since 1994, prophylaxis with zidovudine has been shown to be an effective method of limiting transmission to infants. It is important to offer all pregnant women a test for HIV, with counseling provided both before and after the test, even if testing does not become mandatory under the law.  相似文献   

PD Abercrombie  AP Korn 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,12(12):1735-9; discussion 1742, 1745, 1747
Women who are infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are at greater risk for the development of lower genital tract neoplasia than are HIV-negative women. Among HIV-positive women, those who are more severely immunosuppressed appear to be at higher risk for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), also known as squamous intraepithelial lesions (SILs). Women who are HIV-positive also are more likely than HIV-negative women to have multifocal lower genital tract neoplasia. Cervical cancer is one of the most important acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)--related malignancies in women. Cancer and intraepithelial neoplasia of the lower genital tract can be persistent, progressive, recurrent, and difficult to treat in HIV-positive women. The most effective method for treating SILs has not been determined. Regular performance of Pap smears in HIV-positive women is of critical importance, as is careful examination of the entire lower genital tract. Also, women with high-grade intraepithelial or cervical cancer should be tested for HIV.  相似文献   

The epidemiologic and sociodemographic characteristics of human deficiency virus (HIV) infection vary from one country to another. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of HIV infection in pregnant women in Dakar and associated factors. Systematic anonymous screening was performed in pregnant women admitted to the maternity ward. Women whose seropositivity was confirmed by Western blot retroviral serology were included. One woman out of four was assigned by simple random selection to the case control group. Over a 24 month period, 12,498 women were tested. 104 were seropositive (44 HIV1, 58HIV2, and 2 HIV1-HIV2 giving a prevalence of 0.8%. Factors associated with HIV1 and HIV2 were different: mean age 21.7 years for HIV1 versus 30.6 for HIV 2 (p = 0.05); origin in Guinea-Bissau for HIV2 (p = 0.001); mean number of pregnancies 2.6 for HIV1 versus 5.9 for HIV2 (p = 0.001); mean parity 1.5 for HIV1 versus 4.5 for HIV2 (p < 0.01); vitality of the conception product in 85.1% for HIV2 versus 67.5% for HIV1 (p = 0.0001). These data confirm the low prevalence of HIV infection in pregnant women, with a predominance for HIV2. The factors identified in associated with virus type suggest a different mode of transmission and/or reduced virulence or HIV2 compared with HIV1. Knowledge of these factors helps orient management strategies, especially in pregnant women.  相似文献   

Homeobox (hox) genes are of considerable importance in the formation of the body axis of invertebrates and vertebrates. The postulation of a hox-code (i.e. the simultaneous activity of a certain subset of hox genes) for structures at different metameric levels and which differ from each other in shape suggests a relationship between hox-code and shape, which is reinforced by the possibility of homeotic transformation when the hox-code is changed experimentally. This paper considers the possible nature of such a relationship between the hox genes governing vertebral formation in the upper part of the mouse vertebral column and the shape of the adult vertebrae formed in this region.  相似文献   

The seroprevalence of human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) among a group of Zambian women of reproductive age and among mother-child pairs in which either one of them has Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) was determined. A cross-sectional group of 378 pregnant women was randomly recruited into the study, and 183 (48.4%) had HHV-8 antibodies. Among the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1-infected women, 51.1% were HHV-8-seropositive, whereas of HIV-1-negative women, 47.3% were HHV-8-seropositive. In addition, 21 women index patients with KS and 5 young children index patients with KS were studied. All children with KS had mothers who were HHV-8-seropositive, while not all children whose mothers had KS were infected with HHV-8. Our study suggests that there is a high HHV-8 seroprevalence among Zambian women, and the rate is almost the same in HIV-1-positive and -negative women. This high seroprevalence may be a contributing factor toward the increased frequency of KS in this population.  相似文献   

HIV infection has become an important health problem among American women. The natural history of HIV infection and AIDS appears to be similar for women and men, and preliminary studies demonstrate similar survival and clinical events for both sexes. The natural history and presentation of common gynecologic infections and conditions may be altered by HIV. Most is known about cervical dysplasia. The risk of cervical dysplasia appears to be increased in women with HIV infection, progression of cervical dysplasia may be more rapid, severity of disease increased, particularly for women with HIV-related immunocompromise. Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention added invasive cervical cancer as an AIDS-defining condition. Vulvovaginal candidiasis, sexually transmitted diseases, including syphilis, herpes, and cytomegalovirus, and pelvic inflammatory disease are also common in HIV-infected women. Preliminary data suggest that these conditions may be more severe and more difficult to treat in HIV-infected women than uninfected women. Women who are HIV-infected should have thorough evaluation and follow up of all gynecologic conditions, particularly as they become immunosuppressed.  相似文献   

Cytosolic low molecular weight phosphotyrosine-phosphatase shows dephosphorylating activity of the band 3 protein. Increased phosphorylation of this protein increases membrane rigidity and resistance to invasion of red blood cells by malarial parasites. This observation may explain the negative association previously reported by our group between the high activity *C allele of cytosolic low molecular weight phosphotyrosine-phosphatase and past malarial morbidity.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To document the seroprevalence of HTLV-1 and HIV in blood donors and in patients with lymphoma and leukaemia in Lagos metropolis. DESIGN: Cross sectional. SETTING: The Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) and General Hospital, Lagos (GH). SUBJECTS: 406 apparently healthy voluntary blood donors from the LUTH and GH and 30 patients [20 patients with histological diagnosis of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (NHL) and 10 patients with diagnosis of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL)] were recruited at LUTH. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: HTLV-1 and HIV-1 seroprevalence. RESULTS: Out of 406 donors, three (0.7%) were positive for HTLV-1 and 20 (4.9%) were positive for HIV-1. None of the 30 patients with NHL or CLL were positive for HTLV-1. Five of NHL patients were positive for HIV-1. CONCLUSION: HTLV-1 seroprevalence is low among Lagos donors. Routine screening of donors for this virus will not be cost effective. NHL is one of the AIDS related malignancies which has been documented in this study.  相似文献   

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