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Work on soil fertility in Liberia (situated between 4° and 9° N Latitude and 7° and 12° West Longitude) since 1954 has been reviewed. The dominant soils in Liberia are highly leached and acidic Ultisols. Nitrogen and phosphorus, in that order, are the two most limiting nutrients in these soils which are dominated by 1.1 lattice clays. Many of the earliest trials showed that crops responded positively to the use of fertilizers. However, little or no work was done on the economics of fertilizer use in Liberia. Results of field trials conducted in collaboration with the International Fertilizer Development Center at two locations showed significant response to phosphorus. More work is necessary in order to study the residual effects of different P fertilizer sources as well as the economic optimum levels for P fertilizer application. Inspite of the fact that the soils are very acid, lime applied at the rate of 2t/ha had no effect on crop yield. Because of the heavy rainfall, leaching of nitrates is suspected. However, there is need to conduct research on ways to improve N-use efficiency of both upland and lowland crops.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted in Gampela (Burkina Faso) in 2000 and 2001 to assess the impact of organic and mineral sources of nutrients and combinations thereof in optimising crop production in till and no-till systems and to assess the economic benefit of these options. The study showed that under conditions of rainfall deficiency, the use of a single organic resource at an equivalent dose of 40 kg N ha−1 better secured crop yield than the application of an equivalent amount as urea-N, while a combination of organic resources and fertiliser was better in increasing crop yield than the application of the same N amount in the form of urea. In a year of rainfall deficiency, a mix of organic resources and fertiliser in both till and no-till systems increased crop water use efficiency, with the result that the farmer was able to purchase only half of the normal quantity of N fertiliser to obtain a higher yield that he would have done when all of the N was supplied in the form of urea. Under conditions where soil N is deficient, an economic benefit was achieved when urea was combined with easily decomposable organic material (e.g. sheep dung); mixing the urea at a dose of 40 kg N ha−1 with maize straw was not sufficient in alleviating the negative interaction due to the enhanced N immobilisation. The results demonstrate that the use of N fertiliser alone was risky and that a higher yield, with the accompanying economic benefit, was scarcely achieved under the prevailing rainfall conditions. The application of soil and water conservation measures can contribute greatly to increasing the economic benefit of mineral, organic or combined organic and mineral-derived nutrient application under semi-arid conditions.  相似文献   

The results of five years of collaborative field trials at Samaru, Nigeria on nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur and potassium fertilizers showed that all these nutrients are needed in the soils.While confirming the widespread deficiencies of N and P, the trials also showed that only moderate amounts of N and P are required to overcome these deficiencies and satisfy crop needs. Nitrogen fertilizers applied at rates of 80 kg/ha should be split applied for a more efficient utilization of the N. Partial acidulation of Togo phosphate rock at 50% produced a product which was agronomically as effective as commercial superphosphate. Preliminary results from nutrient interaction experiments suggest that efficiency of fertilizers can be improved by ensuring appropriate balance of nutrients applied to the soil.  相似文献   

Field experiments were designed to investigate the effectiveness of integrated soil fertility management (ISFM), comparing fertilizer use efficiency and its impact on millet, cultivated close to the homestead (“infields”) and away from the homestead (“outfields”). Millet yields and response to N (0, 30, and 60 kg ha−1) and P (0, 15, and 30 kg ha−1) were determined on nine infields and nine outfields over a period of 3 years (from 1999 to 2001) in the southern Sahel of Niger. Rainfall was 650, 470, and 370 mm during the three successive years, interaction between decreasing rainfall and millet yield performance was also analyzed. While soil organic carbon (1.5 g kg−1 on outfields and 1.6 g kg−1 on infields) and pH-H2O (4.8 on outfields and 5.1 on infields) were comparable, total-N, plant available P (measured as P-Olsen and P-Bray), and exchangeable Ca, K, and Mg levels were higher on infields as compared to outfields. Without fertilizer, average grain yield (GY) and stover yield obtained on infields were three times as high as on outfields. GY across years and fertilizer treatments was higher on infields as compared to outfields (P < 0.001). Average yield was 800 kg ha−1 on outfields and 1,360 kg ha−1 on infields (P < 0.001). On outfields, average GY was stagnant over the 3-year experimental period. Despite declining rainfall, millet GY across all treatments gradually increased over time on infields (P < 0.001). P fertilization alone resulted on both field types to steadily and substantial yield increases while yield response to N fertilization was only obvious when fertilizer P was applied. With no fertilizer applied, N uptake on infields (19 kg N ha−1) was more than twice as high as on outfields (7 kg ha−1), and P uptake was four times higher on infields (3 kg ha−1) than on outfields (0.8 kg ha−1). Indigenous soil N supply was on average 24 kg N ha−1 on outfields and 46 kg N ha−1 on infields. Average value for indigenous soil P supply was 4 kg P ha−1 on infields and 2 kg ha−1 on outfields. Apparent recovery of fertilizer N applied varied considerably among treatments and ranged from 17 to 23% on outfields and 34 to 37% on infields (P < 0.001). Average apparent recovery of fertilizer P applied was significantly higher (P < 0.001) on infields (31%) than on outfields (18%) over the 3-year growing period, illustrating ISFM-induced positive effect on millet nutrient N and P use. Results indicate higher inherent soil fertility, underline ISFM-induced drought tolerance of soils on infields as compared to outfields, and highlight the crucial role of fertilizer P (especially on outfields) for millet production. These call for site-specific nutrient management and support, even under low rainfall conditions, the potential value of fertile infields for efficient and productive external input use and sustainable millet production in West African Sahel.  相似文献   

The rapidly increasing population and associated quest for food and feed in China has led to increased soil cultivation and nitrogen (N) fertilizer use, and as a consequence to increased wind erosion and unbalanced crop nutrition. In the study presented here, we explored the long-term effects of various combinations of maize stover, cattle manure and nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilizer applications on maize (Zea mays L.) yield and nutrient and water use efficiencies under reduced tillage practices. In a companion paper, we present the effects on nutrient balances and soil fertility characteristics. The ongoing factorial field trial was conducted at Shouyang Dryland Farming Experimental Station in northern China from 1993 onwards. The incomplete, determinant-optimal design comprised 12 treatments, including a control treatment, in duplicate. Grain yields and N, P, and potassium (K) uptakes and N, P and K use efficiencies were greatly influenced by the amount of rain during the growing season (GSR), and by soil water at sowing (SWS). There were highly significant interactions between GSR and added stover and manure, expressed in complex annual variations in grain yield and N, P and K use efficiencies. Annual mean grain yields ranged from 3,000 kg ha−1 to 10,000 kg ha−1 and treatment mean yields from 4,500 kg ha−1 to 7,000 kg ha−1. Balanced combination of stover (3,000–6,000 kg), manure (1,500–6,000 kg) and N fertilizer (105 kg) gave the highest yield. Stover and manure were important for supplying K, but the effects differed greatly between years. Overall mean N recovery efficiency (NRE) ranged from 28% to 54%, depending on N source. NRE in wet years ranged from 50% to 90%. In conclusion, balanced combinations of stover, manure and NP fertilizer gave the highest yield and NRE. Reduced tillage with adding stover and manure in autumn prior to ploughing is effective in minimizing labor requirement and wind erosion. The potentials of split applications of N fertilizer, targeted to the need of the growing crop (response farming), should be explored to further increase the N use efficiency.  相似文献   

A survey on current fertilizer practices and their effects on soil fertility and soil salinity was conducted from 1996 to 2000 in Beijing Province, a major vegetable production area in the North China Plain. Inputs of the major nutrients (NPK) and fertilizer application methods and sources for different vegetable species and field conditions were evaluated. Excessive N and P fertilizer application, often up to about 5 times the crop requirement in the case of N, was very common, especially for high-value crops. Potassium supply may have been inadequate for some crops such as leafy vegetables. Urea, diammonium orthophosphate ((NH4)2HPO4) and chicken manure were the major nutrient sources for vegetable production in the region. Over 50% of N, 60% of P and nearly 90% of K applied originated from organic manure. Total N application rate for open-field Chinese cabbage from organic manure and inorganic fertilizers ranged from 300 to 900 kg N ha–1 on 78% of the farms surveyed. More than 35% of the surveyed greenhouse-grown tomato crops received > 1000 kg N ha–1 from organic and inorganic sources. A negative K balance (applied K minus K removed by the crop) was found in two-thirds of the surveyed fields of open-field Chinese cabbage and half of the surveyed fields of greenhouse-grown tomato. Plant-available N, P and K increased with increasing length of the period the greenhouse soils had been used for vegetable production. Similarly, soil salinity increased more in greenhouse soils than in open-field soils. The results indicate that balanced NPK fertilizer use and maintenance of soil quality are important for the development of sustainable vegetable production systems in this region.  相似文献   

A long-term experiment was carried out in the dryland of northern China to assess the effects of applications of maize stover, cattle manure and NP (1:0.44) fertilizer on partial nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) balances, extractable soil N (SEN), P and K, and soil organic matter (SOM) in a spring maize cropping system, under reduced tillage conditions. The experiment was set-up according to an incomplete, optimal design, with three factors at five levels and 12 treatments, including a control with two replications. Statistical analyses using multiple regression models showed that the partial N, P and K balances were strongly influenced by annual variations in the amounts of soil water at seeding (SWS) and growing season rainfall (GSR). Most treatments had positive P but negative N and K balances. Cumulative P and K balances were reflected in extractable soil P (P-Olsen) and K (exchangeable K), but the weak relationships indicated that the sorption of P and buffering of K were strong. Cumulative balances of effective organic carbon (C) were weakly related to soil organic C (SOC) content after 12 years. Negative C balances were related to decreases in SOC, but positive C balances were not translated into increases in SOC. The analysis of nutrient balances and soil fertility indices revealed that nutrient inputs in most treatments were far from balanced. It is concluded that the concepts of ‘ideal soil fertility level’ and ‘response nutrient management’ provide practical guidelines for improving nutrient management under the variable rainfall conditions of dry land areas in northern China.  相似文献   

Nutrient export through sediment is, often, not given due attention in improving the fertility of soils. A Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) (replicated three times) was conducted to assess the effect of sediment, collected from a microdam, on the yield of a local wheat cultivar (Triticum aestivum) grown on a Luvisol and a Vertisol during cropping season of 2003 and 2004 in Tigray, Ethiopia. In the first season, the treatments consisted of applying 34.3 Mg sediment ha−1 (T1), 0.1 Mg urea ha−1 (T2), 4 Mg manure ha−1 (T3) and a control plot (T4). The experiment was repeated in the 2004 cropping season using the same indicator crop but without the use of T1 and T3 inputs to evaluate the residual effect of these treatments on crop productivity. Plant height, plant density, spike length, straw and grain yield were compared among the treatments. After harvest, surface soil (0–25 cm) samples were taken and analyzed for total Nitrogen (Ntot), available Phosphorous (P), Soil Organic Carbon (SOC), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), and porosity to examine treatments effect on these soil properties. Higher CEC, exchangeable bases, SOC, Ntot, available P and micronutrients except Cu characterized sediment compared to the two soils used. Application of sediment increased the average grain and straw yield of wheat by 72% and 12%, respectively, in the Luvisol, and by 38% and 23%, respectively, in the Vertisol relative to the control. However, the application of sediment didn’t change the physicochemical properties of the Vertisol, but in the Luvisol CEC and available P were increased significantly. Like manure, sediment provided marginal rate of return above the minimum acceptable value (100%) by farmers, demonstrating the potential of these resources to improve degraded soils and boost farmers’ income.  相似文献   

The effects of a single 15N and P fertilizer application (16 and 12 kg ha–1) on intercropped and sole-cropped corn and beans was followed over three consecutive years. Grain (0.1–0.9 ton ha–1 yr–1) and straw productions (0.2–2.5 ton ha–1 yr–1) were limited by rainfall and showed small responses to fertilizer. In the first year, plant N uptake was more than twice the fertilizer amounts, while P uptake was less than half the fertilizer amounts. Plant N derived from fertilizer was low (9–19%). Sole corn took up more (34%) than beans (16%) and the combined intercrop (26%) and also had higher recovery of fertilizer in the soil than single beans (50% against 28%). The distribution of fertilizer N and P in the soil showed a similar pattern in all treatments, with a high concentration around the application spot and decreasing concentrations at greater distances and above and below this point. Total P increases in a soil volume 10 cm around the application spot corresponded to 60% of the amount applied. Fertilizer contributions to the second crop were < 3% of total plant N and represented <6% of the applied amount. Therefore, the residual fertilizer effect on production was attributable to P. The patterns of fertilizer N and P distribution in the soil remained similar but N recoveries decreased 14–18%. Despite low rainfall, low productivities and reasonable proportions of fertilizer N remaining in the soil, the residual effects of the applied fertilizer N were too low to justify a fertilizer recommendation based on economic returns on the investment.  相似文献   

A long term field experiment was conducted for 8 years during 1994–2001 to evaluate the effect of N, P, K and Zn fertilizer use alone and in combination with gypsum, farmyard manure (FYM) and pressmud on changes in soil properties and yields of rice and wheat under continuous use of sodic irrigation water (residual sodium carbonate (RSC) 8.5 meq l−1, and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) 8.8 (m mol/l)1/2 at Bhaini Majra experimental farm of Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal, India. Continuous use of fertilizer N alone (120 kg ha−1) or in combination with P and K significantly improved rice and wheat yields over control (no fertilizer). Phosphorus applied at the rate of 26 kg P ha−1 each to rice and wheat significantly improved the yields and led to a considerable build up in available soil P. When N alone was applied, available soil P and K declined from the initial level of 14.8 and 275 kg ha−1 to 8.5 and 250 kg ha−1 respectively. Potassium applied at a rate of 42 kg K ha−1 to both crops had no effect on yields. Response of rice to Zinc application occurred since 1997 when DTPA extractable Zn declined to 1.48 kg ha−1 from the initial level of 1.99 kg ha−1. Farmyard manure 10 Mg ha−1, gypsum 5 Mg ha−1 and pressmud 10 Mg ha−1 along with NPK fertilizer use significantly enhanced yields over NPK treatment alone. Continuous cropping with sodic water and inorganic fertilizer use for 8 years slightly decreased the soil pHe and SAR from the initial value of 8.6 and 29.0 to 8.50 and 18.7 respectively. However, treatments involving the use of gypsum, FYM and pressmud significantly decreased the soil pH and SAR over inorganic fertilizer treatments and control. Nitrogen, phosphorus and zinc uptake were far less than additions made by fertilizer. The actual soil N balance was much lower than the expected balance thereby indicating large losses of N from the soil. There was a negative potassium balance due to greater removal by the crops when compared to K additions. The results suggest that either gypsum or FYM/pressmud along with recommended dose of fertilizers must be used to sustain the productivity of rice – wheat system in areas having sodic ground water for irrigation.  相似文献   

对含氟废水处理装置进行了改造 :增加水封罐 ,选用与水封罐相联的高硅铁卧式离心泵代替原立式液下泵。通过计算 ,确定了水封罐的容积和尺寸。改造后 ,不仅增加了废水调节池的有效容积 ,且泵的耐蚀性和耐磨性得以显著改善 ,装置得以正常运行。  相似文献   

Maize and beans were grown on a ferralsol at Kiboko, Kenya, with up to 120 kg N ha–1. Within the 10 kg N ha–1 plots,15N labelled fertilizer was applied in microplots. There was no significant response in yield to fertilizer N and labelled N recovery was low, being 7.5% or less in one season and 17.7% or less in the second season. Samples of Kiboko soil at four different water contents were incubated and the rate of gross N mineralization over 7 days was calculated, utilizing15N labelling of the mineral N. Gross N mineralization increased greatly with soil moisture and a fitted relationship between gross N mineralization rate and soil water content was obtained. Using measurements of soil water content at the field site, daily values of the soil N supply by gross mineralization were calculated. On average, modelled gross soil N mineralized could supply much (> 69%) of the N removed from the plots. It is suggested that the lack of response to fertilizer N may be explained by the coincidence of a high rate of N mineralization, and increased crop demand, caused by the onset of rain.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient for crop production and is often in short supply. The necessary P fertilizers are derived from deposits in the lithosphere, which are limited in size and nonrenewable. China is one of the world’s largest consumers and producers of P fertilizers. Thus, P resource use efficiency in China has an important impact on the worldwide efficiency of P resource use. This study examined the P fertilizer industry in China in terms of P resource use efficiency, economics, and environmental risk, and explored options for improvement through scenario analysis. P resource use efficiency decreased from a mean of 71% before 1995 to 39% in 2003, i.e., from every 10 kg P in rock material, only 3.9 kg P was used to produce fertilizer, 5.6 kg of the residues were discarded at the mining site, and 0.5 kg was manufacturing waste. The decreased efficiency was caused by increased P rock mining activities, especially from small, inefficient miners. Enhanced mining was supported by local governments and by the growing P fertilizer industry, where high-analysis P fertilizers have fourfold higher gross margins than traditional low-analysis fertilizers. Although the growing fertilizer industry is contributing significantly to the development of some regions, the economic efficiency is still lower than in other countries, e.g., in the USA. The P resource is depleting quickly, and the environmental consequences of inefficient use are serious. The amount of accumulated phosphor gypsum was estimated to be 110 Tg, the amount of deteriorated land reached 475 km2, and the consumption of ground water was 1.8 billion m3 per year. The low efficiency and serious environmental risk could be attributed to the numerous small inefficient miners, which were supported by intervention of governmental subsidies and taxes after 1995. This study proved that there is a great deal of room for improvement in the resource use efficiency up to 77% by integrated measures, which need broad cooperation of miners, fertilizer plants, and agriculture.  相似文献   

The response of crops to added P in Vertisols is generally less predictable than in other soil types under similar agroclimatic conditions. Very few studies have considered the residual effects of P while studying responses to fresh P applications. Field experiments were conducted for three years to study the response of sorghum to fertilizer P applied at 0, 10, 20 and 40 kg P ha–1, and its residual value in a Vertisol, very low in extractable P (0.4 mg P kg–1 soil), at the ICRISAT Center, Patancheru (near Hyderbad), India. In order to compare the response to fresh and residual P directly in each season, a split-plot design was adopted. One crop of sorghum (cv CSH6) was grown each year during the rainy season (June-September).The phenology of the sorghum crop and its harvest index were greatly affected by P application. The days to 50% flowering and physiological maturity were significantly reduced by P application as well as by the residues of fertilizer P applied in the previous season. In the first year of the experiment, sorghum grain yield increased from 0.14 t (no P added) to 3.48 t ha–1 with P added at the rate of 40 kg P ha–1. Phosphorus applied in the previous year was 58% as effective as fresh P but P applied two years earlier was only 18% as effective as fresh P.  相似文献   

To improve the efficiency of ethanol production in a batch fermentation from sweet sorghum juice under a very high gravity(VHG) condition(~ 290 g/L of total sugar) by Saccharomyces cerevisiae NP01, repeatedbatch fermentation under an aerated condition(2.5 vvm for the first 4 h during every cycle) was done in a5-L fermenter. The average ethanol concentration(P), productivity(Qp) and yield(Yp/s) for five successive cycles were 112.31 g/L, 1.55 g/L·h~(-1) and 0.44, respectively with 80.97% sugar consumption. To complete sugar consumption, the total sugar of the juice was reduced to a high gravity(HG) level(~240 g/L). The results showed that yeast extract was not necessary for ethanol production, and aeration during every other cycle i.e., alternating cycles, was sufficient to promote both yeast growth and ethanol production.The average P, Qpand Yp/svalues for eight successive cycles with aeration during alternating cycles were97.58 g/L, 1.98 g/Láh and 0.41, respectively with 91.21% sugar consumption. The total fatty acids in the yeast cells under the aerated condition were ~ 50% higher than without aeration, irrespective the initial sugar concentration, whereas the ergosterol contents under aeration condition were ~ 29% to 49% higher than those without aeration.  相似文献   

The sustainability of cereal/legume intercropping was assessed by monitoring trends in grain yield, soil organic C (SOC) and soil extractable P (Olsen method) measured over 13 years at a long-term field trial on a P-deficient soil in semi-arid Kenya. Goat manure was applied annually for 13 years at 0, 5 and 10 t ha−1 and trends in grain yield were not identifiable because of season-to-season variations. SOC and Olsen P increased for the first seven years of manure application and then remained constant. The residual effect of manure applied for four years only lasted another seven to eight years when assessed by yield, SOC and Olsen P. Mineral fertilizers provided the same annual rates of N and P as in 5 t ha−1 manure and initially ,gave the same yield as manure, declining after nine years to about 80%. Therefore, manure applications could be made intermittently and nutrient requirements topped-up with fertilizers. Grain yields for sorghum with continuous manure were described well by correlations with rainfall and manure input only, if data were excluded for seasons with over 500 mm rainfall. A comprehensive simulation model should correctly describe crop losses caused by excess water.  相似文献   

Potential N (SN) and P (SP) supplies, N and P utilization efficiencies and fertilizer recovery rates for the northern Guinea Savanna (NGS) agro-ecological zone of Nigeria were derived from data collected on farmers’ fields, and used as input in the QUantitative Evaluation of the Fertility of Tropical Soils (QUEFTS) model. The potential N supply ranged from 7 to 56 kg N ha−1, with a mean of 25 kg N ha−1, while SP ranged from 2 to 12 kg P ha−1 with a mean of 5 kg P ha−1. Both SN (CV = 42%) and SP (CV = 57%) were highly variable between farmers’ fields. Deriving potential nutrient supply from ‘a’ values gives lower estimates. The empirical equation in QUEFTS that estimates SN ( ) sufficiently predicted the SN of soils in the NGS (RMSE = 8.0 kg N ha−1 index of agreement (IOA) = 0.81). The SP equation () predicted moderately potential P supply (RMSE = 6.80 kg P ha−1, IOA = 0.54). When N or P is maximally accumulated in the plant (i.e., least efficiently utilized), the utilization efficiency was 21 kg grain kg−1 N taken up and 97 kg grain kg−1 P taken up. When these nutrients were maximally diluted in the plant (i.e., most efficiently utilized), the utilization efficiency was 70 kg grain kg−1 N taken up and 600 kg grain kg−1 P taken up. The range in N recovery fraction (NRF) of N fertilizer applied was from 0.30 to 0.57, with a mean of 0.39, while the P recovery fraction (PRF) ranged from 0.10 to 0.66 with a mean of 0.24. Although SP was moderately predicted, when QUEFTS model input parameters were adjusted for the NGS, the model sufficiently (IOA = 0.83, RMSE = 607 kg DM ha−1) estimated maize grain yield in the NGS of Nigeria. The original QUEFTS model however, gave better predictions of maize grain yield as reflected by the lower RMSE (IOA = 0.84, RMSE = 549 kg DM ha−1). Consequently, QUEFTS is a simple and efficient tool for making yield predictions in the NGS of northern Nigeria.  相似文献   

Agriculture is a main contributor of diffuse emissions of N and P to the environment. For N the main loss pathways are NH3-volatilization, leaching to ground and surface water and N2(O) emissions. Currently, imposing restraints on farm inputs are used as policy tool to decrease N and P leaching to ground water and to surface water, and the same measure is suggested to combat emissions of N2O. The response, however, to these measures largely depends on the soil type. In this study nutrient flows of three dairy farms in The Netherlands with comparable intensity on sand, peat and clay soils were monitored for at least 2 years. The first aim was to provide quantitative data on current nutrient loss pathways. The second aim was to explore the responses in partitioning of the nutrient loss pathways when farm inputs were altered. Mean denitrification rates ranged from 103 kg N ha−1 year−1 for the sandy soil to 170 kg N ha−1 year−1 for the peat soil and leaching to surface water was about 73 kg N ha−1 year−1 for the sandy soil, 15 kg N ha−1 year−1 for the clay soil and 38 kg N ha−1 year−1 for the peat soil. For P, leaching to surface water ranged from 2 kg P ha−1 year−1 for the sandy site to 5 kg P ha−1 year−1 for the peat site. The sandy soil was most responsive to changes in N surpluses on leaching to surface water, followed by the peat soil and least responsive was the clay soil. For P, a similar sequence was found. This article demonstrates that similar reductions of N and P inputs result in different responses in N and P loss pathways for different soil types. These differences should be taken into account when evaluating measures to improve environmental performance of (dairy) farms.  相似文献   

The combined effect of reduced nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) application on the production of grass-only and grass/clover swards was studied in a five-year cutting experiment on a marine clay soil, established on newly sown swards. Furthermore, changes in soil N, P and carbon (C) were measured. Treatments included four P (0, 35, 70 and 105 kg P ha–1 year–1) and three N levels (0, 190 and 380 N kg ha–1 year–1) and two sward types (grass-only and grass/clover). Nitrogen was the main factor determining the yield and quality of the harvested herbage. On the grass-only swards, N application increased the DM yield with 28 or 22 kg DM kg N–1, at 190 or 380 kg N ha–1 year–1, respectively. The average apparent N recovery was 0.78 kg kg–1. On the grass/clover swards, N application of 190 ha–1 year–1 increased grass production at the cost of white clover, which decreased from 41 to 16%. Phosphorus application increased grass yields, but did not increase clover yields. A positive interaction between N and P applications was observed. However, the consequences of this interaction for the optimal N application were only minor, and of little practical relevance. Both the P-AL-value and total soil P showed a positive response to P application and a negative response to N application. Furthermore, the positive effect of P application decreased with increasing N application. The annual changes in P-AL-value and total soil P were closely related to the soil surface surplus, which in turn was determined by the level of N and P application and their interaction. The accumulation of soil N was similar on both sward types, but within the grass-only swards soil N was positively affected by N application. The accumulation of organic C was unaffected by N or P application, but was lower under grass/clover than under grass-only.  相似文献   

Information on the fate and distribution of surface-applied fertilizer P and K in soil is needed in order to assess their availability to plants and potential for water contamination. Distribution of extractable P (in 0.03 M NH4F + 0.03 M H2SO4 solution) and exchangeable K (in neutral 1.0 M ammonium acetate solution) in the soil as a result of selected combinations of 30 years (1968–1997) of N fertilization (84–336 kg N ha–1), 10 years of P fertilization (0–132 kg P ha–1), and 14 years of K fertilization (0 and 46 kg K ha–1) was studied in a field experiment on a thin Black Chernozem loam under smooth bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss.) at Crossfield, Alberta, Canada. Soil samples were taken at regular intervals in October 1997 from 0–5, 5–10, 10–15, 15–30, 30–60, 60–90 and 90–120 cm layers. Soil pH decreased with N rate and this declined with soil depth. Increase in extractable P concentration in the soil reflected 10 years of P fertilization relative to no P fertilization, even though it had been terminated 20 years prior to soil sampling. The magnitude and depth of increase in extractable P paralleled N and P rates. The extractable P concentration in the 0–5 cm soil layer increased by 2.2, 20.7, 30.4 and 34.5 mg P kg–1 soil at 84, 168, 280 and 336 kg N ha–1, respectively. The increase in extractable P concentration in the 0–15 cm soil depth was 1.5 and 12.8 mg P kg–1 soil with application of 16 and 33 kg P ha–1 (N rate of 84 N ha–1 for both treatments), respectively; and it was 81.6 and 155.2 mg P kg–1 soil with application of 66 and 132 kg P ha–1 (N rate of 336 N ha–1 for both treatments), respectively. The increase in extractable P at high N rates was attributed to N-induced soil acidification. Most of the increase in extractable P occurred in the top 10-cm soil layer and almost none was noticed below 30 cm depth. Surface-applied K was able to prevent depletion of exchangeable K from the 0–90 cm soil, which occurred with increased bromegrass production from N fertilization in the absence of K application. As only a small increase of exchangeable K was observed in the 10–30 cm soil, 46 kg K ha–1 year–1 was considered necessary to achieve a balance between fertilization and bromegrass uptake for K. The potential for P contamination of surface water may be increased with the high N and P rates, as most of the increase in extractable P occurred near the soil surface.  相似文献   

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