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采用约化磁流体力学模拟方法,在托卡马克大环径比近似情况下,研究了局部驱动螺旋电流对撕裂模不稳定性的影响,分析了螺旋电流强度、螺旋电流径向沉积宽度以及螺旋电流加入时刻对m=2/n=1经典撕裂模发展过程的影响。研究结果表明:螺旋电流强度的增大和沉积宽度的变窄都会更有效地抑制经典撕裂模的发展,但过强的螺旋电流强度或较小的螺旋电流沉积宽度会引起翻转不稳定性;随着螺旋电流在经典撕裂模发展过程中加入时刻的推迟,其对撕裂模不稳定性的控制效果会越来越差。  相似文献   

在大型托卡马克装置中,各种线圈安装的微小偏差将会引起严重的误差场不稳定性,导致锁模类大破裂,因此,锁模不稳定性是研究误差场不稳定性的基础。本文分析了HL-1M装置锁模不稳定性的产生条件及其特点,并提出抑制锁模不稳定性的参考建议。  相似文献   

对共振螺旋场(RHF)抑制撕裂模进行了分析和数值计算。考虑了撕裂模之间的非线性相互作用。分析指出:不同模式的耦合可能使某些模式失稳,也可能使某些模式增稳。这与一定的条件有关。因为模式之间有相互作用,τ=2的RHF可以稳定所有的模式,在多种模式存在的情况下,τ=3的RHF是无效的,仅在单模近似下它能抑制m=3的模式。  相似文献   

对共振螺旋场(RHE)抑制撕裂模进行了分析和数值计算。考虑了撕裂模之间的非线性相互作用。分析指出:不同模式的耦合可能使某些模式失稳,也可能使某些模式增稳。这与一定的条件有关。因为模式之间有相互作用,l=2的RHF可以稳定所有的模式,在多种模式存在的情况卜,l=3的RHF是无效的,仅在单模近似下它能抑制m=3的模式。  相似文献   

本文报导了在找卡马克等离子体中用弱场侧天线时,从快磁声波到离子Bermstein波的模转换能有效地加热电子和驱动电流的首次实验证明。在TFTR中,轴上和离轴的非感应驱动了直到130kA,的电流,并且测量了所造成的电流分布,。在加热实验中,用3.3MW射频加热功率产生了10keV的峰值电子温度。  相似文献   

新经典撕裂模(NTM)的开始取决于足够大的种子岛的存在。在欧洲联合环(JET)上证明,用长周期的锯齿能很容易地去稳NIMs,例如通过从离子回旋加热或电流驱动的锯齿致稳获得。这对于燃烧等离子体方案有着重要的意义,因为α粒子能强致稳锯齿。同样可以证明,通过刚好在反转半径外加热和电流驱动可去稳锯齿,这样在没有NIMs的情况下可获得较短的锯齿周期和较大的β值。  相似文献   

实验上证明了用ECCD减小新经典撕裂模。实验表明,只要沉积中小很接近共振表面,以注入放电中的总加热功率的仅4%-8%的平均ECCD功率,就能将磁岛宽度减小40%。模幅度的减小导致由该模引起的储能损失的部分恢复。该实验结果通过模拟计算得到了很好的重复。  相似文献   

针对窄间隙矩形通道的密度波不稳定性进行了试验研究,试验采用了断面尺寸为25 mm×2 mm,加热长度为1 000 mm的双扁形矩形通道组成试验段.试验结果发现增加质量流速、入口过冷度、压力,均能增加稳定流动的范围.脉动周期随质量流速的增加而变短,随入口过冷度的增加而增加.压力对脉动周期的影响较小.以无量纲过冷度Nsub和相变数Npch比较不同长度试验段的结果,发现平行矩形通道的结果和平行直圆管的结果基本重合,长度和流道断面形状对流动不稳定性的影响较小.  相似文献   

在托卡马克等离子体放电中,理想的金属壳壁对等离子体中的电磁扰动起稳定作用。电阻性金属壁与等离子体中电磁扰动的作用导致等离子体流速的降低和扰动频率的减少,这种相互作用的增强能够引起等离子体中撕裂模“锁模”现象。下面将讨论在中空的电流分布下,等离子体中存在两个相同模数撕裂模有理面时,撕裂模之间的相互作用和电阻性金属壁对撕裂模稳定性的影响。  相似文献   

Results from stabilization of neoclassical tearing modes (NTMs) in JT-60U are described. NTM stabilization and confinement improvement have been demonstrated by employing a real-time NTM stabilization system, where the identification of the location of an NTM and the optimization of the injection angle of the electron cyclotron wave are performed in real time. Also, a high-beta plasma with the normalized beta of 3 has been sustained by suppressing NTM by applying the electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD) before the onset ('preemptive ECCD'). In addition, a simulation code for analysis of the NTM evolution has been developed by combining the modified Rutherford equation with the transport code TOPICS. It is found that the simulation well reproduces the NTM behavior in JT-60U. The simulation also shows that the ECCD width is also important for NTM stabilization, and that the EC wave power for complete stabilization can be reduced by narrowing the ECCD profile.  相似文献   

Effects of tearing modes are inves shows that the effect of the m = 0 harmonics on the early quasi-linear stage of m = 1 double tigated. The numerical calculation with the harmonics m = 0 included the m = 0 harmonics on the mode is negligible in the linear stage. As the mode begins to grow nonlinearly, both the current and flow profiles are pinched due to the m = 0 harmonics. To make a comparison we also carry out the calculation with m = 0 harmonics turned off. The profiles of the total current, poloidal magnetic field, and poloidal shear velocity in the cases with or without the m = 0 harmonics are compared and discussed. In addition, the formation of a poloidal velocity shear is found and its mechanism is investigated.  相似文献   

A Hall magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) simulation is carried out to study the dynamic process of double tearing mode. The results indicated that the growth rates in the earlier nonlinear and transition phases agree with the previous results. With further development of reconnection, the current sheet thickness is much smaller than the ion inertia length, which leads to a strong influence of the Hall effects. As a result, the reconnection in the late nonlinear phase exhibits an explosive nature with a time scale nearly independent of resistivity. A localized and severely intensified current density is observed and the maximum kinetic energy is over one order of magnitude higher in Hall MHD than that in resistive MHD.  相似文献   

Preliminary simulations of finite Larmor radius (FLR) effects on m = 1 tearing instabilities in a reverse field pinch (RFP) plasma are presented. δ f particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations were performed by extending a hybrid drift kinetic-MHD model to include the full Lorentz equations of motion to take into account finite Larmor radius (FLR) effects. The simulations show that for an idealized phase space distribution, sufficiently energetic ions stabilize the tearing mode. These simulations show good agreement with analytic theory and demonstrate the FLR physics capability of the hybrid kinetic-MHD model.  相似文献   

The influence of stationary driven helical current on tearing mode instability in the m=2/n=1 rational surface is explored numerically using resistive magnetohydrodynamic simulation in cylindrical geometry. The results indicate that the flip instabilities result from the sustained injection of the sufficiently strong helical current driven in the island O-point. The driven helical current induces high order harmonics of instabilities due to the delay of suppressing timing and the increase of its current intensity. With the appropriate current density values, the development of the perturbed kinetic energy can be limited and the occurrence of the flip instabilities can be delayed for a long time. The radial deviation of the current deposition can lead to poor inhibition effect, and the effect of current bias on the boundary is greater than that on the axis.  相似文献   

随着船用核动力装置的广泛应用,运动条件引起的热工水力现象逐渐受到重视。反应堆堆芯内存在大量并联通道,通过在RELAP5程序的动量方程源项中添加运动条件引起的附加力,开展了倾斜、起伏及摇摆等典型单一运动条件及其耦合运动条件下的并联双通道在强迫循环下的流动不稳定性研究。对比了静止条件及不同运动条件下的不稳定性边界曲线,结果表明,强迫循环下运动条件对并联通道流动不稳定性的影响较小。相同过冷度数下,运动条件与静止条件的相变数差别在2%以下。  相似文献   

超临界水的流动不稳定性特征研究是超临界水冷堆热工水力设计的重点,为进一步获得超临界水流动不稳定性发生的内部机理,采用系统分析程序RELAP5对已有实验本体进行建模,并基于已有超临界水不稳定性实验数据开展了计算方法的验证;系统研究了并联通道内超临界水的流动不稳定性规律,并对比研究了超临界水与亚临界水的不稳定边界。结果表明,超临界水的流动不稳定界限功率随入口温度的增加存在变化拐点;相同入口温度下,随压力上升,不稳定界限功率增加,超临界水相比亚临界气-液两相流具有更好的稳定性;无量纲准则数在超临界条件下具有适用性,超临界水不稳定性变化规律与亚临界水具有相似性。  相似文献   

以去离子水为工质,对其两相自然循环流动不稳定性进行了实验研究,得到了2mm和5mm的矩形缝隙条件下的流量变化情况。实验结果分析表明:2mm矩形窄缝的流量波动周期为4~5s,5mm的流量波动周期为5~7s;2mm矩形窄缝的上下振幅对称性不佳,5mm的上下振幅对称性较好;随着加热量的增加,2mm和5mm矩形窄缝的波动周期均会增大。2mm矩形窄缝随着功率的增加,出现了流量漂移,密度波波动特征减弱。  相似文献   

针对EAST全超导托卡马克的参数,利用射线追踪法在离子回旋共振频段(ICRF)发射机的工作频段内进行快波电流驱动的数值模拟,找到了一组适合于快波电流驱动的参数。模拟结果表明,发射频率只要避开基频吸收和二次谐频吸收,电流驱动的效果就很明显。  相似文献   

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