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Investigated the function of the visual projections from the retinas of the Siamese cat, which are essentially crossed with a weak ipsilateral projection originating from the temporal hemiretina. In Exp I, the functional role of the ipsilateral projection was examined. Ss underwent a section of either the optic chiasma or the optic tract (unilaterally) and were subjected monocularly to a series of visual discriminations (luminosity and patterns). The results show that the Ss were able to learn brightness discriminations, but not those based on patterns. This suggests that the role of the ipsilateral projection is limited to the luminosity task. In Exp II, the possible implication of the corpus callosum in interocular transfer was investigated. Ss with severed corpus callosums that were tested in transfer tasks performed poorly when compared to normal controls. Although the Ss showed some saving when tested with the untrained eye, their capacity for interhemispheric transfer was drastically reduced. These results suggest that the corpus callosum is the main commissure for the integration of visual information stored in both cerebral hemispheres. (32 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study pertains to the causes and effects of the nationalism of a minority group. According to the predictive model presented, identification with the minority group is positively associated with collective relative deprivation, whereas identification with the majority group is negatively associated with these feelings. The model links collective relative deprivation to nationalism and neoracist beliefs. Finally, it is expected that nationalism would be associated with neoracist beliefs. Hypotheses were tested among 346 college students. Results showed the importance of identification with the minority group in the emergence of feelings of collective relative deprivation and support of nationalism. Contrary to predictions, nationalism was not related to neoracist beliefs. The discussion draws on research pertaining to inter-group relations and nationalism. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studied interactions among conflict attribution, psychological distress, and marital adjustment. Ss were 124 husbands (mean age 38 yrs) (husbands) and their wives (mean age 36 yrs). Ss completed questionnaires assessing causal attributions of marital conflicts, symptoms of psychological distress, and marital adjustment. Correlations among these factors were analyzed. Several French-language instruments were used, including French versions of the Conflict Rating Scale (F. D. Fincham and T. N. Bradbury, 1987), the Psychiatric Symptom Index (F. W. Ilfeld, 1976) and the Dyadic Adjustment Scale. (English abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studied interactions among perceptions of control, desire for control, and mental health. Human Ss: 224 normal male and female Canadian adults (university students) (mean age 24 yrs). Ss completed questionnaires assessing perceptions of control, desire for control, psychological distress, feelings of helplessness, and symptoms of depression and anxiety. Interactions among these variables were analyzed. Tests used: Several instruments, including the Spheres of Control Scale (D. L. Paulhus, 1983). (English abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Specified the association between self-control and language skills in early childhood and examined the issue of gender variations with respect to self-control. Ss were 67 Francophone infants, including 32 18-mo-old (18 male and 14 female) and 35 24-mo old (18 male and 22 female) children. During an interview in the family home, 3 reward expectation tasks were administered to assess the child's self-control. The Hearing and Speech Subquotient of the Griffiths Mental Development Scales (GMDS) was used to assess the child's language development. Self-control varied depending on age and sex: the 24-mo-old children expected more than the 18-mo-old children, and girls exhibited more expectations than did boys. The relationship between expectation and GMDS was significant for Ss aged 24 mo. The relationship between speech and expectation evidenced at 2 yrs of age supports the socio-historical perspective for the development of self-regulation, and the results concerning the superiority of girls revive the questions of gender-specificity in the area of self-control. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Assessed the reliability and validity of the French-Canadian version of H. Levenson's (1973) internality, powerful others, and chance locus of control scales. Data from 2 studies of 294 middle-class adults show that the French-Canadian version of the scales was comparable to that of the original version. The importance of utilizing the appropriate statistical models of analysis to benefit from the multidimensional model of locus of control is emphasized. (English abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of this brief editorial is to discuss psychology in Québec and some of the foremost researchers who have had a recognized world-wide impact on psychology. Following a brief review of historical facts describing the evolution of psychology in Québec, and of issues related to communicating psychology in French, the contribution of certain distinguished individuals is highlighted. These persons either have played a critical role in international organisations, or have produced scientific work that is widely recognized by their peers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, ILe choc de l'informatique: Les répercussions psychosociales et le r?le des attitudes by Serge Guimond and Guy Bégin (1987). This monograph is concise and easy to read. The reader knows immediately that technological questions will be explored, as well as the psychological and human questions being attached to the new use of information technology. Three fields are covered, each one the subject of a chapter: 1) computers in the educational circle; 2) computers and work; and 3) computers in the house. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Dialogue avec le sujet psychotique by Marc-Alain Wolf (2005). Therapeutic work with psychotics represents an imposing challenge. On an individual basis and on a social scale, there may be moments of discouragement and despair while assisting these people during an intervention. Those who work daily with psychotics experience an array of emotions and have to deal with them as well as the various policies of public health or social services which unceasingly decrease the resources which are granted to them. It is probably why it is so important that periodically, a book such as that of Marc-Alain Wolf appears, in order to point out the stakes with which all those are confronted. It is important to establish a dialogue with the psychotic subject, but the task is not easy. The reading of this work is difficult not because of the writing which is at the same time precise, aesthetic and refined, but rather because the complexity of the ideas presented and the demanding nature of aims of the book. The reader who invests the necessary attention will be well rewarded and enriched. The author primarily addresses his colleagues, other psychiatrists, but the text deserves to be read by whoever undertakes the task of working with psychotics. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Introduces the special issue on New Directions in Touch, which focuses on a number of critical topics concerning the sense of touch, with invited reviews written by some of the top researchers in the field today. Some of these are traditional topics that have seen impressive advances in recent years, while others are quite new. The intent in highlighting this work is to reflect the increasing excitement in recent years surrounding the exponential increase in highly innovative and diverse research devoted to the sense of touch. There are nine articles in the special issue, covering a wide assortment of topics related to human tactile and haptic sensing and its application, including sensation, perception, cognition and their underlying neural mechanisms, and how basic research on touch has been applied to the design of haptic interfaces for teleoperation and virtual environments. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   


The chemical diffusion coefficient for cobalt protoxide at 1000°C has been measured by means of the concentration gradient relaxation method. The already predicted vacancy mobility variation is experimentally confirmed. Such a variation may be explained by a modified configuration for the VM defect within its existence range or, at least, by a modified activation energy for the diffusion jump process. The effective valency measured for the diffusing ion is close to two while, in this case, it should be equal to one according to Wagner's theory. The electrical measurements made close to an oxygen partial pressure of one atmosphere do not reveal the existence of the neutral vacancies VMx


Le coefficient de diffusion chimique dans le protoxyde de cobalt à 1000°C a été mesuré par la méthode de relaxation du gradient de concentration. La variation de la mobilité des lacunes, prédite par ailleurs, se trouve confirmée expérimentalement et pourraitétre expliquée par une modification de la configuration du défaut VM aacute; l'intérieur de son domaine d'existence ou, du moins, par une modification de l'énergie d'activation des sauts de diffusion. La valence effective mesurée pour l'ion qui diffuse, est trés voisine de deux tandis que la theorie de Wagner praecute;voit une valence égale a un, dans ce cas. Les mesures de conductibilité electrique au voisinage d'une pression d'oxygene égale à un atm, ne confirment pas l'apparition de lacunes neutres VMx.  相似文献   

Hypothesized that empathy training is effective and that the individual who values being expressive (active) in his/her environment will learn that skill more easily than the impressive (passive) individual. 29 undergraduate psychology students participated in a training program for enhancing helping relations skills. Three measures of empathy were administered both before and after training: an index of communication, an index of discrimination, and interviews rated on R. R. Carkhuff's (1969) empathy scale. Values were measured using the Questionnaire des Valeurs d'éducation (J. Perron, 1974). Outcome measures supported the efficiency of the training program, but the expressive values were negatively correlated with the learning of empathy. The ceiling effect in the results and their implications for the Carkhuff model are discussed. (English abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Describes the application of social psychology principles and methods in the development of student political organizations in France. At the end of the Algerian War, French student organizations were facing crises of recruitment and ideology and needed to find new objectives to remobilize and ensure their continued existence. These objectives were found in a psychosocial movement that focused on radical modification of human relations. The use of group dynamics and the power struggles encountered in this movement are described. (English abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated the relationship between certain aspects of a superior's personality and his or her behavioral style with regard to personnel management, using 86 female employees without any managerial responsibility. Results show that work values were related to the personnel management style Ss would have advocated if they had been in a management position. While the relationships were not very strong, it is suggested that a single personality aspect (work values) may explain up to 27% of the variance. It is argued that it is essential for researchers to consider the various aspects of the superior input microsystem (experience, personality, skills) concurrently with the other subordinate and situation input microsystems. Results suggest the possibility of using work values to partially predict the eventual personnel management style of candidates for management jobs. It is contended that training should be based on and work to improve the cognitive interpretation of realities and should be concerned, if necessary, with changing basic attitudes. (41 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Discusses a model of a mental lexicon that considers the position of a word in a sentence, the morphological structure of the word, and morphological rules for interpreting unknown words. The model suggests that the mental lexicon contains 3 dictionaries: 1 of radical and root words, 1 of affixes, and 1 of rules. The application of morphological rules, especially the rules for derived words, and methods of accessing the mental lexicon are examined. (English abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effectiveness of ferric chloride leaching of nickel sulphide concentrates and of a nickel sulphide matte has been demonstrated. Ferric chloride concentrations ranged from 1 M to 5.7 M for treatment of the concentrates and 0.6 M to 3.8 M for that of the matte; experiments were carried out at 80 ± 1°C.The rate of the reaction was markedly slower after the dissolution of ~ 70% of the Ni. Concentrations of ferric chloride have a significant effect upon the quantity of elemental sulphur obtained. During leaching, a part of the iron from the leachant precipitated out. β-NiS is formed during the treatment of a nickel sulphide matte with ferric chloride.The reaction was followed by continuous measurements of pH, conductivity, redox potential and spectrophotometric intermittent measurements concerning nickel concentrations.  相似文献   

6 male albino Sprague-Dawley rats were placed in a cold environment (2.C) where thermic reinforcement was available through a leverpress. For the various intensities of reinforcement used, Ss adjusted their performance in such a way that a relatively constant level of the total amount of caloric radiation was received. The concomitant heart rate level also was relatively the same for each intensity of reinforcement, even though the number of presses was inversely proportional to the intensity of reinforcement. In this situation, the heart rate variation could be largely related to the influence of heat radiation on the cardiovascular system. (18 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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