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In the last decade of the nineteenth century, Bombay City was rocked by a series of events that undermined the systems of rule patched together over the course of the preceding century and triggered a crisis of the colonial ‘information order’ on which these were based. Saliently, these developments led to significant changes in the modes of colonial urban governance, in which a new planning agency played a key role. Integral to this shift was a reappraisal, on the part of the colonial state, of its mechanisms of information gathering and the growing recognition of the need for more knowledge about the swiftly expanding city and its rapidly diversifying population. The census of 1901 reflected, to a large extent, these new imperatives of colonial governance.  相似文献   

The paper describes the findings of a study conductedduring 1997–1998 on changes to the structure of rentalhousing provision in two post-communist cities,Budapest and Sofia. After nearly a decade of `transition' to market economies, the public rentalsectors have shrunk dramatically and becomeresidualised. Despite the rapid privatisation andassociated growth of owner-occupation there is littlesign that the privately rented sector (PRS) isregaining any of its pre-communist stature as theprincipal form of housing provision. There is almostno company landlordism and 80 percent of thelandlords in both cities let out only one property.They are mainly `incidental' landlords who haveinherited or previously owned the property. Few havebought it as an investment. There are few signs ofinstitutional support for the PRS in either city.Despite this common context, the reasons for thedevelopment of the PRS in the two cities aresignificantly different. In both cities the PRSaccounts for about 4 percent of households. But inSofia nearly half the landlords let out their ownhouse for income, depressing their housing consumptionagainst a back-cloth of poverty and desperate need forincome. `Landlords' move in with relatives or to`second homes'. Thus a large number of landlords arealso tenants in another property. In Budapest, unlikeSofia, new entrants to this market have fallen sharplyin the last 18 months. High taxation, falling realhouse prices and over-supply of property, followingthe rapid privatisation of the state rental housingstock, are the underlying problems inhibiting thegrowth of this sector. There is no sign of a return tothe tenure that was the foundation of their urbandevelopment, although explanations for this differbetween the two societies. The `transition to themarket', at least in housing, continues to be parlousand immature.  相似文献   

Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) cover a range of possible relationships between public and private parties. PPP contracts are typically used in contexts of great uncertainty, such as large construction and infrastructure projects that are realized over a longer period of time. Hence, a major challenge in PPPs is to keep construction progress cost-efficient and on schedule, under continuously changing circumstances. One way to achieve this is through clever contracting, by proactively anticipating potential change in the planning phase and providing flexible contract mechanisms that enable an effective response. The purpose of this article is to discuss potential changes and the subsequent requirement of flexibility in PPP contracts. By flexibility, we mean the ability of the contract to deal with changing circumstances. We set out to do so by studying the available literature on the subject and by analysing the case study of the Blankenburgverbinding in the Netherlands, a Design, Build, Finance and Maintain (DBFM) project that is currently in its planning phase based on 32 interviews. Our main findings are that the timely and accurate recognition of potential changes, combined with the availability of flexible coping mechanisms, provide the stakeholders with a better understanding of the challenges they face in realizing their aims in the pre-contract phase of projects. This understanding helps to better prepare a PPP contract for potential changes.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(5):430-439
Faced with the severe leakage and chaotic water management situation in developing countries, this research is committed to provide an appropriate and practical water audit calculation method for most water companies so as to guide their leakage control management. It prepares a recommended basic standard terminology for calculation of real and apparent losses, which can be consistent with practice in China. Due to more detailed subdivision of unmetered water along with water component analysis, the water consumption of SA city can be calculated more accurately. The proportion of water loss in SA is 18.02%, while unbilled authorized consumption contributes no more than 1% to the total water consumption. Meanwhile, the “Neighbourhood Metering Area (NMA)” project in SA city also suggests that metering inaccuracies and leakage on service connections up to the point of customer metering can be prioritized for active leakage control in China.  相似文献   

Salts strongly influence the durability of porous building materials. There are two main processes, which are responsible for the damage of the materials related with salt presence in the pore system. The first one is the corrosion of steel bars triggered by chlorides. Chlorides exist in two forms: free chlorides dissolved in pore water and bound chlorides. It is believed that only free chlorides are responsible for the corrosion. Therefore it is very important to define and model properly the chloride binding isotherm and its influence on free chloride transport. The linear, Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms were tested. Another adverse phenomenon is the salt crystallisation, which is associated with the supersaturation. This phenomenon is modelled using the kinetics of salt crystallisation. The model and its numerical solution describing the salt and moisture transport including the equilibrium and non-equilibrium phase change of salt in non-isothermal condition is proposed. To model the kinetics of salt crystallisation the simple approach proposed by Espinosa et al. was utilised. The drying, cooling and warming of cement mortar sample, during which the salt phase change occurs, were simulated using the developed software. The changes of salt concentration and the amount of precipitated salt due to variation of boundary conditions are presented. The model including kinetics of salt phase change is found to be reliable.  相似文献   

Like many European countries, England saw the establishment in the late 1990s and early twenty-first century of regional-scale spatial planning. Radical reform of English planning following the Localism Act 2011 however saw the whole intermediate tier of regional planning stripped out of the national planning system along with detailed guidance and top-down targets for house-building at a local level. This had a major impact on the Planning Inspectorate, the agency responsible on behalf of government for approving local development plans. Reform left the Inspectorate fully exposed to the tensions and contradictions between top-down policy and local autonomy inherent under the new planning framework. Focussing on future levels of housing development, a key responsibility of local councils under the new framework, we examine the implications of reform for the Planning Inspectorate in practice. We draw on approaches to localism and planning theory, in particular the idea of ‘conditional localism’, in order to situate and understand these changes. The study was based on interviews with elite respondents in or close to the Planning Inspectorate together with documentary sources. Lack of previous work on the Inspectorate, coupled with their key role in the national planning system, reinforced by recent reforms, emphasises the significance of the study. The importance of such ‘land-use tribunals’ internationally, points to the study’s wider relevance. It provides, as well, a study of planning reform with relevance in a wider European context and suggests how recent contributions to the localism debate can help make sense of these changes.  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》2004,36(11):1091-1105
Hotels rank in the highest levels of energy consumption in the tertiary building sector. Improved service quality mandates that hotel building, facilities and installations are maintained to the highest standards in order to remain competitive, thus renovations are becoming common. Renovation is usually financially attractive when compared to demolition and reconstruction. This offers great opportunities for promoting energy efficient measures, exploitation of renewable energy sources (RES) and rational use of energy (RUE) in the hotel sector. The XENIOS methodology and software permits the user to perform a preliminary hotel audit and make a first assessment of cost-effective energy efficient renovation practices, technologies and systems. This paper presents a brief overview of the methodology and the various features of the XENIOS software and focuses on the results from four audits and a pilot study carried out in Mediterranean hotels.  相似文献   

This contribution discusses the theoretical and conceptual implications of asking about the legitimacy of local democracy and the relevance of discussing ‘performance legitimacy’. The role of local government in generating or undermining democratic legitimacy is ambivalent. It is questionable whether there can be something like a genuine legitimacy of local government at all, considering its subordinate and functionalised role in the modern (welfare) state. In the first part of the article, the complexity and controversial status of political legitimacy in general and local government in particular is exposed. It is argued that the effective interplay of justification (giving acceptable reasons for policies) and demonstration (performing successfully by fulfilling promises), which is at the core of generating legitimacy, cannot be deduced from general concepts and fixed in a general model. Generating a self-reinforcing dynamic of public support and linking different dimensions of legitimacy (input, throughput, output) is a matter of reflexive institutionalisation. Being part of a democratic welfare state has provided local governments in Western democracies with a stabilised focus of legitimacy. At the same time, local governments are particularly under pressure to adapt, to innovate and to modernise. Four broader narratives of changing democratic legitimacy sources with respect to local government are discussed. The shift to ‘performance legitimacy’ has to be seen in a wider context of redefining the meaning of (local) democracy as mapped out by the four narratives.  相似文献   

Adding Fe(III) into a MEC – anaerobic reactor enhanced the degradation of organic matters. To clarify the respective effects of combining Fe(III) dosage and a MEC and Fe(III) dosage only on strengthening anaerobic digestion, three anaerobic reactors were operated in parallel: a MEC – anaerobic reactor with dosing Fe(OH)3 (R1), an anaerobic reactor with dosing Fe(OH)3 (R2) and a common anaerobic reactor (R3). With increasing influent COD from 1500 to 4000 mg/L, the COD removal in R1 was maintained at 88.3% under a voltage of 0.8 V, which was higher than that in reactor R2 and R3. When the power was cut off, the COD removal in R1 decreased by 5.9%. The addition of Fe(OH)3 enhanced both anaerobic digestion and anodic oxidation, resulting in the effective mineralization of volatile fatty acids (VFAs). The reduced Fe(II) combined with electric field resulted more extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) production. Quantitative real – time PCR showed a higher abundance of bacteria in the anodic biofilm and R1. Pyrosequencing and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis revealed that the dominant bacteria and archaea communities were richer and more abundant in the anode biofilm and R1.  相似文献   


Communication designers have historically been accused of neglecting end-user perspectives, believing designers are experts at creating inspired designs. Codesign has been applied to many design fields, however developing methods for engaging end-users have had little traction in communication design practice. In an era of end-user engagement, communication designers are left wondering how and when to include end-users in the design process and if codesign offers any benefits to project outcomes. This study trialled codesign workshops across two communication design case studies. Both studies involved non-profit contexts where designers and staff co-created communication design strategies, one for sustainable cleaning in childcare centres and the other for asthma management and awareness. The findings reveal that structured, hands-on generative toolkits conducted in small groups, sparked conversation and prompted innovative ideas whereas evaluating ideas with ranking toolkits blocked dialogue and hindered idea progression. Evaluation tooolkits based on ranking ideas created unexpected barriers to engagement, as end-users disengaged from the codesign process. I argue codesign can benefit communication design when structured hands-on generative toolkits simulate a perceived familiar environment, creating a conversational forum for ideas to flow while participants enjoy creating things with their hands.  相似文献   

Efforts to incorporate the concerns of bridge users in bridge investment evaluation are often stymied by lack of a comprehensive framework for assessing different user costs. There is a need to synthesise and update existing user cost estimation techniques so that the incorporation of user costs in bridge investment evaluation can be more consistent and streamlined. Secondly, a bridge detour may occur for more than one reason, thus there is a danger of multiple counting that could cause overestimation of user costs. Thirdly, user costs during bridge workzones have rarely been considered in the literature. To address these issues, this article presents a framework for comprehensive estimation of bridge user costs, an approach to address the multiple-counting problem, and a methodology for bridge workzone user cost estimation. Furthermore, the article develops a method to estimate bridge user delay cost due to traffic capacity limitation. The methodologies are demonstrated using a case study.  相似文献   

Biodiversity recovery measures have often been ignored when dealing with the restoration of degraded aquatic systems. Furthermore, biological valuation methods have been applied only spatially in previous studies, and not jointly on a temporal and spatial scale. The intense monitoring efforts carried out in a highly polluted estuary, in northern Spain (Nervión estuary), allowed for the economic valuation of the costs and the biological valuation of the benefits associated with a 21 years sewage scheme application. The analysis show that the total amount of money invested into the sewage scheme has contributed to the estuary’s improvement of both environmental and biological features, as well as to an increase in the uses and services provided by the estuary. However, the inner and outer parts of the estuary showed different responses. An understanding of the costs and trajectories of the environmental recovery of degraded aquatic systems is increasingly necessary to allow policy makers and regulators to formulate robust, cost-efficient and feasible management decisions.  相似文献   

Since the 1970s, spatial planning and urban/regional development policies have increasingly paid attention to challenges of city regions. In the Austrian context, two city regions are interesting in this respect: CENTROPE and the EuRegio Salzburg – Berchtesgadener Land – Traunstein. CENTROPE is the largest city region in Austria and is located at the borders to three other European countries. Currently, four European Member States are taking part in this cross-border region (Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, and Czech Republic; in total eight partner regions and nine partner cities). EuRegio Salzburg – Berchtesgadener Land – Traunstein covers parts of Bavaria (two ‘Landkreise’) and parts of the federal provinces of Salzburg and Upper Austria. These are cross-border city regions, which are mainly constructed politically and have to deal with a range of governance challenges. Both city regions have developed a certain set of measures to establish city regional governance, particularly through fostering thematically oriented cooperation between different city regional actors. In this article, CENTROPE and the EuRegio Salzburg – Berchtesgadener Land – Traunstein will be analysed comparatively with regard to their efforts to establish cross-border city regional governance. The yardstick for depicting developments regarding governance is derived from the literature about governance and city regional governance as well as by a certain theoretical understanding of space. Accordingly, the article argues for defining and analysing city regions more as places of social and political conflict, as sites of actors’ interests’ formation, hence as places, which are socially produced and reproduced. Against that background, the article will mainly address the following: (1) the most evident challenges for further developing cross-border city-regional governance in both regions, (2) the differences between the two regions in terms of governance structures and (3) relation between certain spatial and governance theories to understand the making of city regions.  相似文献   


In any discussion of landscape characterisation the elephant in the room is the question of just what is landscape? Another way of putting this question is to simply ask: ‘How would you characterise landscape?’ What this implies is that there is a certain circularity in landscape characterisation because, through the very act of characterising landscape, one is also defining what one means by landscape. The European Landscape Convention’s definition of landscape as ‘an area, as perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors’ suggests a similar circularity because the character of an area, as it results from the action of natural and/or human factors, is dependent upon human perception, which is presumably also, in addition, one of the human factors acting upon the landscape. This circularity, or ‘circulating reference’, to use Bruno Latour’s term, is fundamental to Denis Cosgrove’s analysis of the origin of the modern concept of landscape as scenic space, and his analysis, we would suggest, helps explain some of the questions raised in this special issue concerning landscape characterisation and the future character of landscape .  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to investigate the extent and degree of heavy metal contamination of paddy fields influenced by metalliferous mining activity. Paddy soils, rice plants and irrigation waters were sampled along six traverse lines in the vicinity of the mine and nearby control site. Soil samples were taken 30, 80 and 150 days after rice transplanting, to study seasonal variation of their chemical properties and heavy metal concentrations. Sampling of rice plants and irrigation waters was also undertaken with seasons. The analysis of the samples were carried out using ICP-AES for 25 elements including Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn. Physical and chemical properties of soils (pH, loss-on-ignition, cation exchange capacity and texture) and waters (pH, Eh and temperature) were also measured. The properties of soils were similar to the average Korean soils, with the exception of some samples taken in the vicinity of the mine. Concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in paddy soils, rice plants and irrigation waters sampled in the immediate vicinity of the mine were relatively high due to the seepage of metals from mining dump sites. Although there was variation between sampling sites, soil pH values under reducing conditions were on average higher than those under oxidising conditions. Relatively low content of organic matter and low cation exchange capacity of soils were found at 80 days after rice transplanting (P < 0.05). No seasonal variations in metal concentrations were found in paddy soils throughout the period of the rice growing, in which soils ranged from flooded reducing conditions through most of the growing season to drained oxidising conditions before and at harvest. Relatively high metal concentrations were found in the rice stalks and leaves under oxidising conditions. The sequential extraction analysis of selected soil samples confirmed that high proportions of exchangeable fractions of the metals were found under oxidising conditions. It was shown that Cd and Zn concentrations in rice leaves and stalks and rice grain increased with increasing metal concentrations in paddy soils to a greater extent than for Cu and Pb. This difference in uptake is in agreement with the greater proportions of Cd and Zn, compared with Cu and Pb, in the exchangeable soil fraction extracted with MgCl2. Average daily intake from locally grown rice by the residents was estimated to be 121 μg Cd and 126 μg Pb. Thus, long-term metal exposure by regular consumption of the rice poses potential health problems to residents in the vicinity of the mine, although no adverse health effects have as yet been observed.  相似文献   

By shedding light on the overseas branch of the Corps des Ponts-et-Chaussées (CPC), this article analyses the scientific and technical contribution of this sub-group of engineers in the post-Second World War era. After introducing the historical background of the early involvement of the CPC in the French colonies, this paper concentrates on the late colonial period. Details of the strong interconnectedness of metropolitan and overseas technical expertise are provided. It is shown that civil engineering practised overseas not only enhanced many technical fields within the traditional preserve of the Corps but also facilitated the rapid expansion of the Corps out of this very preserve. Engineers were prompt in including urban expertise and town planning, rural hydraulic and hydrogeology within their current field of activities. Consequences were highly significant not only for overseas urban and rural milieu, but also for metropolitan territories undergoing post-war redevelopment. The last section of this article shows how the techno-scientific practice acquired overseas was instrumental in the post-colonial years to foster the redeployment of the CPC as a whole in the different fields of civil engineering on an international scale.  相似文献   

Proactive maintenance strategies in principle are devised to control degradation and sustain optimal performance of building components. While realizing the technical necessities, they also serve as an instrument towards multiple and often conflicting objectives during financial constraints. An optimal proactive maintenance strategy therefore should comprise a multiannual maintenance action plan optimized on different criteria corresponding to owners’ objectives under existing constraints. This study offers a systematic approach based on a condition-deterioration model to address the complexity involved in decision making regarding optimized maintenance and renovation planning. Life-cycle cost analysis in form of Equivalent Annual Cost (EAC) is used for the economic assessment of maintenance/renovation scenarios. In this paper, the model is used to compare the economy of different maintenance/renovation plans in a chosen scenario in order to determine the optimal maintenance interval for a single and a combination of building components. Two façade elements, windows and façade rendering, are used to illustrate the application of the proposed method. This method is intended to help decision makers at both design and post-construction phases in the choice of both building components and maintenance/renovation strategies.  相似文献   

The paper analyses the origins, the definitions, and the implementation of sustainable development in the post‐communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe, using Croatia as an example. The overview of events in environmental concern world‐wide, in the last 25 years, shows that there is evidence of fast changes which have left the former communist countries behind. The major concern of the paper is the lack of an agreed upon definition and criteria on what sustainable development actually represents, and why it is still an odd subject in the Central and Eastern European region. Five recognition criteria described in the open literature are compared with the situation in the region. Using the examples of implementation of new UN Conventions, accepted at the UNCED Conference in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the paper discusses the shortcomings and obstacles to current policies of sustainability.  相似文献   

As part of an environmental abatement programme, through the application of bioremediation in the retting zones of Kerala, a microbiological survey was conducted during March 1999 in the Kadinamkulam kayal, a major retting zone in Kerala. Some selected physico‐chemical parameters were also analysed to assess the water quality in the context of retting activity. Comparatively low dissolved oxygen content coupled with high hydrogen sulphide observed at Stations 1 and 2 can be attributed to retting. Salinity distribution is of the mixohaline nature. Pseudomonas sp., E. coli and other coliform groups were found to be present in the area. Of these the most dominant was Pseudomonas sp. and hence its nature and plasmid profile were also studied. The study indicates an environmental degradation in the area, and the possibility of hotspots of pollution in the backwater biotopes in the State.  相似文献   

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