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Personal and Ubiquitous Computing - Early childhood is the most important and rapid period of development in a human life as it is a period where the maturation of the brain and the central nervous...  相似文献   

This paper considers experience of computer supported meeting environments and decision support systems. The benefits are related to the ease with which computer images can be manipulated. The paper argues that the benefits follow from three underlying factors. Cognitive and social processes, and specific, grounded decision situations are not well understood. Acceptable computer support embeds an appropriate manipulable formalism, and avoids the temptation to try to represent social process and situations. This enables participants to construct their own local processes and representations, and then to reconstruct them as needed. The potential of such support is to encourage participants in discussions and meetings to gain greater control over the local synthetic a priori (framework, protocols and procedures) within which their work takes place.  相似文献   

The amount of investment that has been made in interactive whiteboards (IWB) in the Turkish educational system during the past several years is quite striking. This investment is part of a plan to integrate information and communication technologies (ICT) into the Turkish educational system, with the goal of increasing the qualitative and quantitative aspects of schooling. Prior to IWB investments, hundreds of thousands of computers, projectors, and printers were distributed to schools in efforts to raise a generation able to respond to the demands of the 21st century. In addition, 98% of secondary school students and 93% of primary school students were provided with Internet access via ADSL. The aim of this study is to analyze the emerging trend of smart board investment in Turkish primary and secondary schools, with consideration of problems that hinder the effective use of IWBs in classrooms as compared to previous ICT integration efforts by the Ministry of National Education. The research is designed as an evaluative case study. The required data are collected through online questionnaires, teacher and pupil interviews, and document searches from teachers and students from various Turkish primary and secondary schools. It is not surprising that the factors hindering the use of IWBs in education are similar to the inhibiting factors in previous ICT integration projects. The findings show that when the needs for in-service training, digital education materials, support, maintenance, and administration are not addressed, educational ICT is unlikely to deliver the expected results.  相似文献   

The present study investigates affective-motivational, attention, and learning effects of unexplored emotional design manipulation: Contextual animation (animation of contextual elements) in multimedia learning game (MLGs) for children. Participants (N = 134; Mage = 9.25; Grades 3 and 4) learned either from an experimental version of the MLG with a high amount of contextual animation or from an identical MLG with no contextual animation (control). Children strongly preferred (χ2 = 87.04, p < .001) and found the experimental version more attractive (p < .001, d = −1.11). No significant differences in overall enjoyment and learning outcomes were found. Attention differences, measured by dwell times and fixation durations, were small and reached only borderline significance (p = .035; d = −0.39). The implication is that contextual animation in MLG for children increases such instructional materials' attractiveness without compromising cognitive processes needed for learning; however, it does not lead to their higher instructional efficiency.  相似文献   

The ever increasing elderly population requires a revision of technology to make it usable and meaningful for them. Most applications take into account their reduced physical and cognitive abilities in order to provide assistive services, but this paper focuses on building technology to improve these capacities through cognitive games. We present Tangibot, a tangible-mediated robot aimed at enabling more intuitive and appealing interactions. A usability study conducted on subjects at three different levels of cognitive impairment (none, mild, and severe) reveals that it is usable and engaging for users with no or mild cognitive impairment, and even though it is less usable for persons with severe impairment, it triggers positive emotional reactions among them, which makes it promising for their use in therapeutic activities.  相似文献   

Multimodal video sentiment analysis is a rapidly growing area. It combines verbal (i.e., linguistic) and non-verbal modalities (i.e., visual, acoustic) to predict the sentiment of utterances. A recent trend has been geared towards different modality fusion models utilizing various attention, memory and recurrent components. However, there lacks a systematic investigation on how these different components contribute to solving the problem as well as their limitations. This paper aims to fill the gap, marking the following key innovations. We present the first large-scale and comprehensive empirical comparison of eleven state-of-the-art (SOTA) modality fusion approaches in two video sentiment analysis tasks, with three SOTA benchmark corpora. An in-depth analysis of the results shows that the attention mechanisms are the most effective for modelling crossmodal interactions, yet they are computationally expensive. Second, additional levels of crossmodal interaction decrease performance. Third, positive sentiment utterances are the most challenging cases for all approaches. Finally, integrating context and utilizing the linguistic modality as a pivot for non-verbal modalities improve performance. We expect that the findings would provide helpful insights and guidance to the development of more effective modality fusion models.  相似文献   

Result rankings from context-aware information retrieval are inherently dynamic, as the same query can lead to significantly different outcomes in different contexts. For example, the search term Digital Camera will lead to different—albeit potentially overlapping—results in the contexts customer reviews and shops, respectively. The comparison of such result rankings can provide useful insights into the effects of context changes on the information retrieval results. In particular, the impact of single aspects of the context in complex applications can be analyzed to identify the most (and least) influential context parameters. While a multitude of methods exists for assessing the relevance of a result ranking with respect to a given query, the question how different two result rankings are from a user’s point of view has not been tackled so far. This paper introduces DIR, a cognitively plausible dissimilarity measure for information retrieval result sets that is based solely on the results and thus applicable independently of the retrieval method. Unlike statistical correlation measures, this dissimilarity measure reflects how human users quantify the changes in information retrieval result rankings. The DIR measure supports cognitive engineering tasks for information retrieval, such as work flow and interface design: using the measure, developers can identify which aspects of context heavily influence the outcome of the retrieval task and should therefore be in the focus of the user’s interaction with the system. The cognitive plausibility of DIR has been evaluated in two human participants tests, which demonstrate a strong correlation with user judgments.  相似文献   

Based on a sample of 944 respondents who were recruited from 20 elementary schools in South Korea, this research surveyed the factors that lead to smartphone addiction. This research examined the user characteristics and media content types that can lead to addiction. With regard to user characteristics, results showed that those who have lower self-control and those who have greater stress were more likely to be addicted to smartphones. For media content types, those who use smartphones for SNS, games, and entertainment were more likely to be addicted to smartphones, whereas those who use smartphones for study-related purposes were not. Although both SNS use and game use were positive predictors of smartphone addiction, SNS use was a stronger predictor of smartphone addiction than game use.  相似文献   

Universal Access in the Information Society - The emergence and popularization of information and communications technologies (ICT) is changing modern society and its educational landscape. ICT...  相似文献   

This introduction begins by posing the question that this Special Issue addresses and briefly considers historical precedents and why the issue is important. The discussion then moves on to the consideration of important milestones in the history of computing, up until the present time. A brief specification of the essential components of computational systems is then offered. The final section introduces the papers that are included in this volume.  相似文献   

From a self-determination theory perspective, this study tries to investigate how perceived autonomy support, perceived relatedness and competence affect high school students’ intrinsic motivations (enjoyment and curiosity) to use the Internet, and the related outcomes of the motivation. Surveys are distributed to seven junior and ten senior high schools in a prefectural-level city in central China. Existing instruments from previous research are adapted to measure the following constructs: teacher support, parental support, peer influence, Internet self-efficacy, enjoyment, curiosity, flow state and online exploratory behavior. Finally, 3475 valid responses are collected.  相似文献   

Computer game programming has been touted as a promising strategy for engaging children in the kinds of thinking that will prepare them to be producers, not just users of technology. But little is known about what they learn when programming a game. In this article, we present a strategy for coding student games, and summarize the results of an analysis of 108 games created by middle school girls using Stagecast Creator in an after school class. The findings show that students engaged in moderate levels of complex programming activity, created games with moderate levels of usability, and that the games were characterized by low levels of code organization and documentation. These results provide evidence that game construction involving both design and programming activities can support the learning of computer science concepts.  相似文献   

International Journal of Computer Vision - This is an opinion paper about the strengths and weaknesses of Deep Nets for vision. They are at the heart of the enormous recent progress in artificial...  相似文献   

In 1994, S.G. Matthews introduced the notion of partial metric space in order to obtain a suitable mathematical tool for program verification (Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 728:183–197, 1994). He gave an application of this new structure to parallel computing by means of a partial metric version of the celebrated Banach fixed point theorem (Theor. Comput. Sci. 151:195–205, 1995). Later on, M.P. Schellekens introduced the theory of complexity (quasi-metric) spaces as a part of the development of a topological foundation for the asymptotic complexity analysis of programs and algorithms (Electron. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 1:211–232, 1995). The applicability of this theory to the asymptotic complexity analysis of Divide and Conquer algorithms was also illustrated by Schellekens. In particular, he gave a new proof, based on the use of the aforenamed Banach fixed point theorem, of the well-known fact that Mergesort algorithm has optimal asymptotic average running time of computing. In this paper, motivated by the utility of partial metrics in Computer Science, we discuss whether the Matthews fixed point theorem is a suitable tool to analyze the asymptotic complexity of algorithms in the spirit of Schellekens. Specifically, we show that a slight modification of the well-known Baire partial metric on the set of all words over an alphabet constitutes an appropriate tool to carry out the asymptotic complexity analysis of algorithms via fixed point methods without the need for assuming the convergence condition inherent to the definition of the complexity space in the Schellekens framework. Finally, in order to illustrate and to validate the developed theory we apply our results to analyze the asymptotic complexity of Quicksort, Mergesort and Largesort algorithms. Concretely we retrieve through our new approach the well-known facts that the running time of computing of Quicksort (worst case behaviour), Mergesort and Largesort (average case behaviour) are in the complexity classes O(n2)\mathcal{O}(n^{2}), O(nlog2(n))\mathcal{O}(n\log_{2}(n)) and O(2(n-1)-log2(n))\mathcal{O}(2(n-1)-\log_{2}(n)), respectively.  相似文献   


This study investigated high school students’ reasoning and beliefs when confronted with contextual tasks involving the assessment and construction of two‐dimensional probability simulations.1 Nine students enrolled in an advanced algebra course, with little formal instruction in probability, engaged in clinical interviews focusing on the simulation tasks. All students showed evidence of being able to recognize or identify an appropriate probability generator to model a contextual problem. However, their thinking in probability simulation was constrained by their inability to deal with two‐dimensional trials. In assessing the validity of a given simulation, only one student could identify a flaw that resulted from the use of one‐dimensional trials rather than two‐dimensional trials. Additionally, when asked to construct a simulation, only two students were able to define an appropriate two‐dimensional trial and develop a valid solution. The study also revealed evidence of students’ beliefs about probability simulation—some of which could be helpful in informing instruction, others problematic.  相似文献   

This article presents a longitudinal study with four children with autism, who were exposed to a humanoid robot over a period of several months. The longitudinal approach allowed the children time to explore the space of robot–human, as well as human–human interaction. Based on the video material documenting the interactions, a quantitative and qualitative analysis was conducted. The quantitative analysis showed an increase in duration of pre-defined behaviours towards the later trials. A qualitative analysis of the video data, observing the childrens activities in their interactional context, revealed further aspects of social interaction skills (imitation, turn-taking and role-switch) and communicative competence that the children showed. The results clearly demonstrate the need for, and benefits of, long-term studies in order to reveal the full potential of robots in the therapy and education of children with autism.
B. RobinsEmail: Phone: +44-1707-281150Fax: +44-1707-284185

Consumer-generated self-disclosure is better than firm-generated advertising and sales reports in increasing contact opportunities and also more credible for firms to foster alignment with future market expectations. Previous research mostly assesses online self-disclosure from the rational approach of anticipated benefits and privacy risks without considering the “privacy paradox” phenomenon (users behave contrarily to privacy concern) in social networking sites (SNSs). We develop a theoretical model, grounded in constraint-based (lock-in) and dedication-based (trust-building) mechanisms and social identity theory, to predict online self-disclosure. We test the proposed theoretical model by surveying 395 consumers with participation experience in an online SNS. Different from the rational approach behind personalization, we advance knowledge on how to apply social identity, as well as constraint-based and dedication-based mechanisms, to motivate online self-disclosure induced by consumers. We provide theoretical and practical insights based on our research findings for managing the motivational mechanisms of online self-disclosure.  相似文献   

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