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In the context of online discussion about the recent Starbucks' “Race Together” cup campaign, this study aims to explore the central users in the online discussion network on Twitter and the factors contributing to a user's central status in the network. A social network analysis of 18,000 unique tweets comprising 26,539 edges and 14,343 Twitter users indicated five types of central users: conversation starter, influencer, active engager, network builder, and information bridge. Moreover, path analysis revealed that the number of people a Twitter user follows, the number of followers a user has, and the number of tweets a user generates within a time period helped a user increase his/her “indegree” connections in the network, which, together with one's “out-degree” connections in the network, propelled a user to become a central figure in the network.  相似文献   

The information overload created by social media messages in emergency situations challenges response organizations to find targeted content and users. We aim to select useful messages by detecting the presence of conversation as an indicator of coordinated citizen action. Using simple linguistic indicators drawn from conversation analysis in social science, we model the presence of coordination in the communication landscape of Twitter1 using a corpus of 1.5 million tweets for various disaster and non-disaster events spanning different periods, lengths of time, and varied social significance. Within replies, retweets and tweets that mention other Twitter users, we found that domain-independent, linguistic cues distinguish likely conversation from non-conversation in this online form of mediated communication. We demonstrate that these likely conversation subsets potentially contain more information than non-conversation subsets, whether or not the tweets are replies, retweets, or mention other Twitter users, as long as they reflect conversational properties. From a practical perspective, we have developed a model for trimming the candidate tweet corpus to identify a much smaller subset of data for submission to deeper, domain-dependent semantic analyses for the identification of actionable information nuggets for coordinated emergency response.  相似文献   

Social media such as forums, blogs and microblogs has been increasingly used for public information sharing and opinions exchange nowadays. It has changed the way how online community interacts and somehow has led to a new trend of engagement for online retailers especially on microblogging websites such as Twitter. In this study, we investigated the impact of online retailers' engagement with the online brand communities on users' perception of brand image and service. Firstly, we analysed the overall sentiment trends of different brands and the patterns of engagement between companies and customers using the collected tweets posted on a popular social media platform, Twitter. Then, we studied how different types of engagements affect customer sentiments. Our analysis shows that engagement has an effect on sentiments that associate with brand image, perception and customer service of the online retailers. Our findings indicate that the level, length, type and attitude of retailers' engagement with social media users have a significant impact on their sentiments. Based on our results, we derived several important managerial and practical implications.  相似文献   

The popularity of online social networks has created massive social communication among their users and this leads to a huge amount of user-generated communication data. In recent years, Cyberbullying has grown into a major problem with the growth of online communication and social media. Cyberbullying has been recognized recently as a serious national health issue among online social network users and developing an efficient detection model holds tremendous practical significance. In this paper, we have proposed set of unique features derived from Twitter; network, activity, user, and tweet content, based on these feature, we developed a supervised machine learning solution for detecting cyberbullying in the Twitter. An evaluation demonstrates that our developed detection model based on our proposed features, achieved results with an area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve of 0.943 and an f-measure of 0.936. These results indicate that the proposed model based on these features provides a feasible solution to detecting Cyberbullying in online communication environments. Finally, we compare result obtained using our proposed features with the result obtained from two baseline features. The comparison outcomes show the significance of the proposed features.  相似文献   

Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms for online users to create and share information. Tweets are short, informal, and large-scale, which makes it difficult for online users to find reliable and useful information, arising the problem of Twitter summarization. On the one hand, tweets are short and highly unstructured, which makes traditional document summarization methods difficult to handle Twitter data. On the other hand, Twitter provides rich social-temporal context beyond texts, bringing about new opportunities. In this paper, we investigate how to exploit social-temporal context for Twitter summarization. In particular, we provide a methodology to model temporal context globally and locally, and propose a novel unsupervised summarization framework with social-temporal context for Twitter data. To assess the proposed framework, we manually label a real-world Twitter dataset. Experimental results from the dataset demonstrate the importance of social-temporal context in Twitter summarization.  相似文献   

Social media plays a fundamental role in the diffusion of information. There are two different ways of information diffusion in social media platforms such as Twitter and Weibo. Users can either re-share messages posted by their friends or re-create messages based on the information acquired from other non-local information sources such as the mass media. By analyzing around 60 million messages from a large micro-blog site, we find that about 69 % of the diffusion volume can be attributed to users’ re-sharing behaviors, and the remaining 31 % are caused by user re-creating behaviors. The information diffusions caused by the two kinds of behaviors have different characteristics and variation trends, but most existing models of information diffusion do not distinguish them. The recent availability of massive online social streams allows us to study the process of information diffusion in much finer detail. In this paper, we introduce a novel model to capture and simulate the process of information diffusion in the micro-blog platforms, which distinguishes users’ re-sharing behaviors from re-creating behaviors by introducing two different components. Thus, our model not only considers the effect of the underlying network structure, but also the influence of other non-local information sources. The empirical results show the superiority of our proposed model in the fitting and prediction tasks of information diffusion.  相似文献   

Modeling users’ interests plays an important role in the current web since it is at the basis of many services such as recommendation and customization. Using semantic technologies to represent users’ interests may help to reduce problems such as sparsity, over-specialization and domain-dependency, which are known to be critical issues of state of the art recommenders. In this paper we present a method for high-coverage modeling of Twitter users supported by a hierarchical representation of their interests, which we call a Twixonomy. In order to automatically build a population, community, or single-user Twixonomy we first identify “topical” friends in users’ friendship lists (i.e., friends representing an interest rather than a social relation between peers). We classify as topical those users with an associated page on Wikipedia. A word-sense disambiguation algorithm is used to select the appropriate Wikipedia page for each topical friend. Next, starting from the set of wikipages representing the main topics of interests of the considered Twitter population, we extract all paths connecting these pages with topmost Wikipedia category nodes, and we then prune the resulting graph efficiently so as to induce a direct acyclic graph and significantly reduce over ambiguity, a well known problem of the Wikipedia category graph. We release the Twixonomy produced in this work under creative common license.  相似文献   

In this article, we address the issue of how emotional stability affects social relationships in Twitter. In particular, we focus our study on users’ communicative interactions, identified by the symbol “@.” We collected a corpus of about 200,000 Twitter posts, and we annotated it with our personality recognition system. This system exploits linguistic features, such as punctuation and emoticons, and statistical features, such as follower count and retweeted posts. We tested the system on a data set annotated with personality models produced by human subjects and against a software for the analysis of Twitter data. Social network analysis shows that, whereas secure users have more mutual connections, neurotic users post more than secure ones and have the tendency to build longer chains of interacting users. Clustering coefficient analysis reveals that, whereas secure users tend to build stronger networks, neurotic users have difficulty in belonging to a stable community; hence, they seek for new contacts in online social networks.  相似文献   

于广川  贺瑞芳  刘洋  党建武 《软件学报》2017,28(10):2654-2673
时序推特摘要是文本摘要任务中的一个重要分支,旨在从热点事件相关的海量推特流中总结出随时间演化的简要推特集,以帮助用户快速获取信息.推特作为当今最流行的社交媒体平台,其信息量爆发式的增长以及文本碎片的非结构性,使得单纯依赖文本内容的传统摘要方法不再适用.与此同时,社交媒体的新特性也为推特摘要带来了新的机遇.将推特流视作信号,剖析了其中的复杂噪声,提出融合推特流随时序变化的宏微观信号以及用户社交上下文语境信息的时序推特摘要新方法.首先,通过小波分析对推特流全局时序信息建模,实现某一关键词相关的热点子事件时间点检测;接着,融入推特流局部时序信息和用户社交信息建立推特的随机步图模型摘要框架,为每个热点子事件生成推特摘要.在算法评估过程中,对真实推特数据集进行了专家时间点和专家摘要的人工标注,实验结果表明了小波分析和融合了时序-社交上下文语境的图模型在时序推特摘要中的有效性.  相似文献   

Vaccines have contributed to dramatically decrease mortality from infectious diseases in the 20th century. However, several social discussion groups related to vaccines have emerged, influencing the opinion of the population about vaccination for the past 20 years. These communities discussing on vaccines have taken advantage of social media to effectively disseminate their theories. Nowadays, recent outbreaks of preventable diseases such as measles, polio, or influenza, have shown the effect of a decrease in vaccination rates. Social Networks are one of the most important sources of Big Data. Specifically, Twitter generates over 400 million tweets every day. Data mining provides the necessary algorithms and techniques to analyse massive data and to discover new knowledge. This work proposes the use of these techniques to detect and track discussion communities on vaccination arising from Social Networks. Firstly, a preliminary analysis using data from Twitter and official vaccination coverage rates is performed, showing how vaccine opinions of Twitter users can influence over vaccination decision-making. Then, algorithms for community detection are applied to discover user groups opining about vaccines. The experimental results show that these techniques can be used to discover social discussion communities providing useful information to improve immunization strategies. Public Healthcare Organizations may try to use the detection and tracking of these social communities to avoid or mitigate new outbreaks of eradicated diseases.  相似文献   

吴海涛  应时 《计算机科学》2015,42(4):185-189, 198
随着社会的发展,信息已经成为社会发展越来越重要的部分,人类的信息传播活动越来越明显地展示出分众特征,对用户的分类成为人类信息活动的一个重要研究课题.从这一目标出发,分别基于信息内容、拓扑关系和两者综合的方法,按兴趣主题对社会媒体用户进行分类.对于基于信息内容的用户分类,采用LDA主题模型从用户所发布的内容中提取其主题分布,基于这一分布,采用支持向量机、决策树、贝叶斯等多种模型按兴趣主题对用户进行分类.对于基于拓扑关系的分类,依据相同兴趣主题的用户倾向于拥有共同的粉丝这一发现,构建分类模型来按兴趣主题对用户进行分类.然后提出综合信息内容和拓扑关系的分类方法来对用户进行分类.最后基于大规模Twitter数据的实验发现,采用综合方法对用户进行的兴趣分类性能明显高于采用单一信息内容或粉丝拓扑方法的性能.  相似文献   

Nowadays, more and more users keep up with news through information streams coming from real-time micro-blogging activity offered by services such as Twitter. In these sites, information is shared via a followers/followees social network structure in which a follower receives all the micro-blogs from his/her followees. Recent research efforts on understanding micro-blogging as a novel form of communication and news spreading medium have identified three different categories of users in these systems: information sources, information seekers and friends. As social networks grow in the number of registered users, finding relevant and reliable users to receive interesting information becomes essential. In this paper we propose a followee recommender system based on both the analysis of the content of micro-blogs to detect users' interests and in the exploration of the topology of the network to find candidate users for recommendation. Experimental evaluation was conducted in order to determine the impact of different profiling strategies based on the text analysis of micro-blogs as well as several factors that allows the identification of users acting as good information sources. We found that user-generated content available in the network is a rich source of information for profiling users and finding like-minded people.  相似文献   

This paper aims to describe a new simplistic model dedicated to gauge the online influence of Twitter users based on a mixture of structural and interactional features. The model is an additive mathematical formulation which involves two main parts. The first part serves to measure the influence of the Twitter user on just his neighbourhood covering his followers. However, the second part evaluates the potential influence of the Twitter user beyond the circle of his followers. Particularly, it measures the likelihood that the tweets of the Twitter user will spread further within the social graph through the retweeting process. The model is tested on a data set involving four kinds of real-world egocentric networks. The empirical results reveal that an active ordinary user is more prominent than a non-active celebrity one. A simple comparison is conducted between the proposed model and two existing simplistic approaches. The results show that our model generates the most realistic influence scores due to its dealing with both explicit (structural and interactional) and implicit features.  相似文献   

For the last decade, online social networking services have consistently shown explosive annual growth, and have become some of the most widely used applications and services. Large amounts of social relation information accumulate on these platforms, and advanced services, such as targeted advertising and viral marketing, have been introduced to exploit this social information. Although many prior social relation-based services have been commerce oriented, we propose employing social relations to improve online security. Specifically, we propose that real social networks possess unique characteristics that are difficult to imitate through random or artificial networks. Also, the social relations of each individual are unique, like a fingerprint or an iris. These observations thus lead to the development of the Social Relation Key (SRK) concept. We applied the SRK concept in different use cases in the real world, including in the detection of spam SMSes, and another in pinpointing fraud in Twitter followers. Since spammers multicast the same SMS to multiple, randomly-selected receivers and normal users multicast an SMS to friends or acquaintances who know each other, we devise a detection scheme that makes use of a clustering coefficient. We conducted a large scale experiment using an SMS log obtained from a major cellular network operator in Korea, and observed that the proposed scheme performs significantly better than the conventional content-based Naive Bayesian Filtering (NBF). To detect fraud in Twitter followers, we use different social network signatures, namely isomorphic triadic counts, and the property of social status. The experiment based on a Twitter dataset again confirmed the feasibility of the SRK. Our codes are available on a website1.  相似文献   

Recently, social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are becoming increasingly popular. The high accessibility of these sites has allowed the so-called social streams being spread across the Internet more quickly and widely, as more and more of the populations are being engaged into this vortex of the social networking revolution. Information seeking never means simply typing a few keywords into a search engine in this stream world. In this study, we try to find a way to utilize these diversified social streams to assist the search process without relying solely on the inputted keywords. We propose a method to analyze and extract meaningful information in accordance with users’ current needs and interests from social streams using two developed algorithms, and go further to integrate these organized stream data which are described as associative ripples into the search system, in order to improve the relevance of the results obtained from the search engine and feedback users with a new perspective of the sought issues to guide the further information seeking process, which can benefit both search experience enrichment and search process facilitation.  相似文献   

社交网络作为一种交往方式,已经深入人心。其用户数据在这个大数据时代蕴藏着大量的价值。随着Twitter API的开放,社交网络Twitter俨然成为一个深受欢迎的研究对象,而用户影响力更是其中的研究热点。PageRank算法计算用户影响力已经由来已久,但是它太依赖于用户之间的关注关系,排名不具备时效性。引入用户活跃度的改进PageRank算法,具备一定的时效性,但是不具有足够的说服力和准确性。研究了一种新的基于时间分布用户活跃度的ABP算法,并为不同时段的活跃度加以相应的时效权重因子。最后,以Twitter为研究对象,结合社交关系网,通过实例分析说明ABP算法更具时效性和说服力,可以比较准确地提高活跃用户的排名,降低非活跃用户排名。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of social networking sites (SNSs) engagement on cognitive and social skills. We investigated the use of Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube in a group of young adults and tested their working memory, attentional skills, and reported levels of social connectedness. Results showed that certain activities in Facebook (such as checking friends’ status updates) and YouTube (telling a friend to watch a video) predicted working memory test performance. The findings also indicated that Active and Passive SNS users had qualitatively different profiles of attentional control. The Active SNS users were more accurate and had fewer misses of the target stimuli in the first block of trials. They also did not discriminate their attentional resources exclusively to the target stimuli and were less likely to ignore distractor stimuli. Their engagement with SNS appeared to be exploratory and they assigned similar weight to incoming streams of information. With respect to social connectedness, participants’ self-reports were significantly related to Facebook use, but not Twitter or YouTube use, possibly as the result of greater opportunity to share personal content in the former SNS.  相似文献   

《Information & Management》2016,53(1):135-143
In this paper, we focus on the problem of estimating the home locations of users in the Twitter network. We propose a Social Tie Factor Graph (STFG) model to estimate a Twitter user's city-level location based on the user's following network, user-centric data, and tie strength. In STFG, relationships between users and locations are modeled as nodes, while attributes and correlations are modeled as factors. An efficient algorithm is proposed to learn model parameters and predict unknown relationships. We evaluate our proposed method by investigating Twitter networks. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method significantly outperforms several state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

The popularity of many social media sites has prompted both academic and practical research on the possibility of mining social media data for the analysis of public sentiment. Studies have suggested that public emotions shown through Twitter could be well correlated with the Dow Jones Industrial Average. However, it remains unclear how public sentiment, as reflected on social media, can be used to predict stock price movement of a particular publicly-listed company. In this study, we attempt to fill this research void by proposing a technique, called SMeDA-SA, to mine Twitter data for sentiment analysis and then predict the stock movement of specific listed companies. For the purpose of experimentation, we collected 200 million tweets that mentioned one or more of 30 companies that were listed in NASDAQ or the New York Stock Exchange. SMeDA-SA performs its task by first extracting ambiguous textual messages from these tweets to create a list of words that reflects public sentiment. SMeDA-SA then made use of a data mining algorithm to expand the word list by adding emotional phrases so as to better classify sentiments in the tweets. With SMeDA-SA, we discover that the stock movement of many companies can be predicted rather accurately with an average accuracy over 70%. This paper describes how SMeDA-SA can be used to mine social media date for sentiments. It also presents the key implications of our study.  相似文献   

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