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This study extends the U&G theoretical perspective to account for the situated, adaptive, and dynamic nature of mediated cognition and behavior. It specifies dynamic uses and gratifications of social media (compared to other media) in the everyday lives of college students using experience sampling data across 4 weeks. The study tests and quantifies reciprocal causal relationships between needs, social media use, and gratifications, as well as their self-sustaining endogenous (i.e., feedback) effects. Social media use is significantly driven by all four categories of needs examined (emotional, cognitive, social, and habitual), but only gratifies some of them. Ungratified needs accumulate over time and drive subsequent social media use. Interpersonal social environments also affect social media use. In particular, solitude and interpersonal support increase social media use, and moderate the effects of needs on social media use.  相似文献   

This study examines the roles of the gratifications sought and of narcissism in content generation in social media and explores the generational differences in motivations and in narcissistic personalities when predicting the usage of Facebook, blogs, and forums. Data were gathered from a probability sample of 596 social media users through a telephone survey in 2010. Factor analysis results showed that content generation using social media was satisfying five socio-psychological needs: showing affection, venting negative feelings, gaining recognition, getting entertainment, and fulfilling cognitive needs. In particular, people who used social media to meet their social needs and their need for affection tended to use Facebook and blogs. In contrast, when users wanted to air out discontent, they often turned to forums. Results also showed that exhibitionists seemed to use social media to show affection, express their negative feelings, and achieve recognition. The study found no generational differences in using Facebook and blogs as a means to satisfy social needs or the need for affection. However, differences in patterns of social media usage were found among Baby Boomers with different narcissistic personalities. The paper includes a discussion of the study’s limitations and suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Twitter is an Internet social-network and micro-blogging platform with both mass and interpersonal communication features for sharing 140-character messages, called tweets, with other people, called followers. Hierarchical OLS regression of survey results from 317 Twitter users found that the more months a person is active on Twitter and the more hours per week the person spends on Twitter, the more the person gratifies a need for an informal sense of camaraderie, called connection, with other users. Controlling for demographic variables does not diminish this positive relationship. Additionally, frequency of tweeting and number of @replies, public messages between Twitter users, mediate the relationship between active Twitter use and gratifying a need for connection. Results are discussed in light of uses and gratifications theory.  相似文献   

While video games have been widely investigated from the perspective of play, an emerging online media phenomenon is the spectating of video game play, captivating millions of users daily. This study investigates the relationship of video game genres, content type and viewer gratification in the context of live gaming. To study this phenomenon, we employ an online questionnaire study (N = 1097) to investigate six categories of gratifications: affective, information seeking, learning to play, personal integrative, social integrative & tension release motivations and their relationship with game genres and stream types. The results of this study demonstrate that “the medium is the message”, highlight the importance of archetypal structure (i.e. the type of streamed content) over content topic (i.e. the genre of games being streamed), and help to build a better understanding of user generated content and the democratization of media.  相似文献   

Despite rapid adoption of social media as a means of music listening, little is known about users’ motivations. This study applies the uses and gratifications approach to users’ motivations for using music listening applications on Facebook. Participants completed an online survey, and 153 out of 576 respondents indicated that they used a Facebook music listening application. A principal axis factor analysis identified three different motivations for this usage, namely entertainment, communication, and habitual diversion gratifications. The entertainment and communication gratifications replicate those found in prior uses and gratifications research concerning other social networking features, illustrating the strong similarity between uses of music and social media. However, the habitual diversion gratification may serve to distinguish listening applications from other features. Identifying and explaining these factors is relevant to social media users, musicians and application designers, as they explain what motivates a means of music listening that is gaining prominence.  相似文献   

Social networking sites (SNS) have become a significant component of people's daily lives and have revolutionized the ways that business is conducted, from product development and marketing to operation and human resource management. However, there have been few systematic studies that ask why people use such systems. To try to determine why, we proposed a model based on uses and gratifications theory. Hypotheses were tested using PLS on data collected from 148 SNS users. We found that user utilitarian (rational and goal-oriented) gratifications of immediate access and coordination, hedonic (pleasure-oriented) gratifications of affection and leisure, and website social presence were positive predictors of SNS usage. While prior research focused on the hedonic use of SNS, we explored the predictive value of utilitarian factors in SNS. Based on these findings, we suggest a need to focus on the SNS functionalities to provide users with both utilitarian and hedonic gratifications, and suggest incorporating appropriate website features to help users evoke a sense of human contact in the SNS context.  相似文献   

《Information & Management》2014,51(6):774-782
This paper incorporates dual theories from communication research (uses and gratifications) and psychology research (online flow) to examine consumer behavior in the use of social network services. In particular, the study proposes that consumers’ online experience of interaction and arousal serves as the mediator of the relationship between social motivations and use behaviors. The empirical results indicate that arousal fully mediates the relationship between social gratifications and problematic social network service use. Furthermore, both interaction and arousal are partial mediators of the relationship between social gratifications and the intention to revisit social networking websites.  相似文献   

This study examines why individuals use the website Yelp.com from a uses and gratifications perspective. Male and female Yelp.com users who were 18 and over completed an online survey. The results of the study indicate that individuals overwhelmingly use Yelp.com for information-seeking purposes, followed by entertainment, convenience, interpersonal utility, and pass time. Further, there was an overall higher usage of each need for the readers and writers of restaurant reviews compared with readers only, suggesting more involvement for the reader and writer group. Frequency of Yelp.com usage and perceived influence of Yelp.com restaurant reviews were also positively related to the majority of motives. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed, as well as suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to investigate internal and external factors influencing the use of social networking sites (SNSs) in Thailand. Overall (N = 451) participated in this study. Survey research was employed to examine the interrelationships and differences among a set of variables. The results showed that both internal and external factors affecting the use of SNSs and SNS motivation. External factors, particularly media and significant others were more influential than internal factors to predicting time spent on SNSs. People who were influenced by media and significant others would be more likely to spend more time using SNSs and Facebook. SNS motivation led to different SNS use. In particular, those who were motivated to use SNS for relaxation would spend more time using Facebook. In addition, the findings indicated that females would spend more time using YouTube, Twitter, and Hi5 than males. Moreover, females tended more to use SNSs to maintain their friendship than did males.  相似文献   

The present study approaches the Internet as a social space, where university students make use of computer mediated communication (CMC) applications, i.e. e-mail, instant messaging and social network sites, in order to satisfy social and academic needs. We focus on university students, because they represent one of the most avid groups of CMC users and additionally, because they are expected to carry their perceptions of media with them into the work place and their social life. In order to investigate this issue, we conducted an empirical research using, as a target group, a sample of students from a specific Greek University. Grounded in the “uses and gratifications” perspective, we investigated the various profiles of CMC use by students along with (a) the students’ perceptions about social and academic usefulness of CMC applications, (b) the extent up to which these perceptions are correlated with students’ prior experience with the use of CMC applications, and (c) how both of these factors can predict the frequency of present use of CMC for social or academic purposes respectively. The results reveal that although these three CMC applications constitute “functional alternatives” (media that satisfy similar needs) they are different to the degree of their “functionality” for the gratification of social and academic needs. Furthermore, the degree of CMC use by students is not correlated with the years of CMC experience, but with the profile of use that students dynamically adopt according to their daily needs and preferences. The results provide evidence for the current CMC use by university students and can be useful for the implementation of further academic policies regarding CMC use in Higher Education settings.  相似文献   

This paper describes the rationale and findings from a multinational study of online uses and gratifications conducted in the United States, Korea, and the Netherlands in spring 2003. Survey questions developed in three languages by native speaking researchers was presented to approximately 400 respondents in each country via the Web. Web uses and gratifications were analyzed cross-nationally in a comparative fashion focusing on involvement in different types of on-line communities. Findings indicate that demographic characteristics, cultural values, and Internet connection type emerged as critical factors that explain why the same technology is adopted differently. Patricia Grace-Farfaglia is a doctoral student at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Lally School of Management & Technology. Her area of concentration is in socioeconomic impacts of emerging technology, particularly how the consumer relates to new media innovation. Her dissertation explores how consumer risk segmentation affects marketing strategy. She has also lectured on new media technology, organizational, and marketing communications at the University of Connecticut and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. As a registered dietitian and adjunct lecturer at the University of Connecticut, she offers courses on nutrition and culture. She is also reviewer for the Journal of the American Dietetic Association. Raised in Elmira, New York, Patricia lives with her husband and two children in Newtown, Connecticut. Ad C. Dekkers (Ir., 1983) University of Wageningen, Netherlands) was from 1998–2005 research coordinator on Fontys University, Department of Communications. He developed educational material for new media (didacdisc, e-business basis material, CRM-cases library) and worked on ICT awareness and dissemination projects for economic and communication institutes. Ad Dekkers participated in research projects and publications with the University of Connecticut (New Media and the Communication Profession) and the Renselaer Polytechnic Institute (Uses and Gratification of Web Use). An article about the implementation of ICT-experiences in higher education has appeared in the Dutch magazine Thema (November 2004). As projectleader from the Digital University, Ad Dekkers co-produced a toolbox for developing and supporting Communities of Practice (ProCoP, 2005). The Digital University (De Digitale Universiteit) is a consortium of ten universities in the Netherlands. It focuses on the development and application of digital educational products and knowledge for higher education. At this moment Ad Dekkers is quality and educational consultant for Fontys University in the Netherlands. Binod Sundararajan is a fourth-year doctoral student in Communication & Rhetoric in the Department of Language, Literature and Communication at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Troy NY. He also has a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from RPI. His research interests include educational and organizational communication, social network analysis and computer-mediated communication. Specifically, he has been investigating the role of electronic communication and social dynamics factors like respect and influence in classroom projects in computer-supported collaborative learning and work environments. He is also involved in projects that have investigated multinational web use, eye movement data for PDA use and the study of the development and use of online social networks. Lois Peters is currently a principal investigator in the Nanotechnology Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the NSF sponsored Nanoscale Engineering Research Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Professor Peters current areas of interest lie in identifying key practices, core resources, and characteristics of socio-economic dynamics shaping business decisions regarding investment in, and commercialization of, emerging technologies. She continues to be an active member of the Radical Innovation Program which began in 1995 and is now in its second phase. She is co-author of Radical Innovation: How Mature Companies Can Outsmart Upstarts (Harvard Business Press).  相似文献   

Internet uses and gratifications: A survey in the Indian context   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Uses and gratifications (U&G) theory, aids in the assessment of peoples’ motivations for media usage, access and to understand their attitude towards a particular medium. In this paper this theory has been applied to derive the Internet gratification structure of Internet users in the Indian context. This study proceeds in four stages. First, six gratifications for Internet use namely self development, wide exposure, user friendly, relaxation, career opportunities, and global exchange were identified using the exploratory factor analysis. Then the factors were subjected to confirmatory factor analysis. Next with the use of t-tests the study identified the gratifications on which males and females differ significantly. Finally, with the use of discriminant analysis it has been shown that the light and heavy users of Internet differ on some of the gratification factors obtained in the study.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine social media users’ blogging privacy rule orientations, privacy management regulation, and content deletion practices as distinct types of activity occurring at different stages of the blogging process (before, during, and after blogging) that may aid in understanding the functioning of blogging disclosure activity overall. The study was guided by a complementary application of both the uses and gratifications perspective and communication privacy management (CPM) theory. A central tenet of both theories suggests that people are variably active in their communication behavior. We identified five discrete blogger privacy rule orientations explaining different online choice-making practices: the self-centric, the utilitarian, the planner, the protector, and the unworried orientations toward blogging. We also identified six different motives for deleting previously-posted information: conflict management, protection of personal identity/safety, fear of retribution, employment security, impression management, emotional regulation, and relational cleansing. Path analysis revealed several direct and indirect paths among bloggers’ motives for deleting previously posted material and their level of disinhibition, blogging privacy rule orientations, amount of time blogging, and privacy management practices. As use of social media increases, exploring variations in privacy management regulation practices is critical.  相似文献   

It has long been a challenge for online game providers that online game players frequently switch to alternative games without much hesitation. Current IS continuance theories are mainly developed to interpret user continuance of general utilitarian IS and are ineffective in interpreting user continuance of hedonic IS. In this study based on the uses and gratifications theory, a hedonic IS continuance model is developed by incorporating three types of gratification: hedonic gratification (enjoyment, fantasy and escapism); social gratification (social interaction and social presence); and utilitarian gratification (achievement and self-presentation). Age and gender are the moderating factors in the model. The research model is empirically assessed based on 3919 validated responses from the users of a social network game in China. In this study we found that three types of gratification affect an individual’s continuance intention to use a social network game: hedonic gratification (enjoyment, fantasy and escapism), utilitarian gratification (achievement) and social gratification (social interaction and social presence). The results provide weak support for the moderating effect of gender on the relationship between each antecedent and continuance intention, but offer strong support for the moderating effect of age on the relationships.  相似文献   

Social networking services (SNSs) have become very popular, and many Internet users use two or more SNSs. However, little research has been done to understand how and when users select multiple SNSs in series. This study investigates Internet users’ SNS selection behavior in daily life. We adopt the notion of media repertoire to explore how Internet users select SNSs in combination, and we adopt uses and gratifications theory to identify the values that drive these users to choose specific SNSs. We interviewed 40 Taiwanese people to explore the media traits, situational factors and social influences that affect users’ SNS selection behavior. The findings of this study can help SNS companies to improve SNS functions, and help marketers devise marketing strategies for target audiences and find suitable SNS platforms on which to communicate with consumers.  相似文献   

This study investigates factors that influence adoption and use of smartphones among Koreans and seeks to integrate two theoretical approaches: the technology acceptance model (TAM) and the uses and gratifications (U&G) approach. To that end, the study used data from a self-reported survey of 491 Korean adults who use Apple’s iPhone. A structural equation model employed in the current study demonstrates that Koreans’ smartphone use is affected more by motivations based on instrumental and goal-oriented use than by ritualized and less-goal oriented use. The findings suggest that to spread information system with innovative and active features, developers should pay attention to users’ intrinsic motivations as well as to their extrinsic perceptions.  相似文献   

This study extends the uses and gratification theory and examines SNS use in a specific context, namely product communication, among Hispanic and non-Hispanic whites, two important consumer segments in the U.S. market. It tests the relationships between motivations, attitudes, and usage outcomes that are unique to SNSs in an integrative model. Structural equation modeling analysis of the results obtained from an Internet-based survey (N = 595) demonstrates that the information motivation predicts favorable attitudes and various usage outcomes in both groups. However, the motivation to socialize positively predicts attitudes and usage outcomes among Hispanics only, while the entertainment motivation emerges as a determining factor for whites only. Results from this study provide theoretical and managerial implications for the development of effective marketing communication in the area of social networking sites.  相似文献   

Previous work has begun to incorporate psychological constructs into our understanding of media multiplexity (i.e., use of multiple media in a single interpersonal relationship). Following this approach, this investigation examined how a user's enjoyment of a communication medium might both predict medium use frequency and alter the extent to which closeness is an outcome of such use. Results supported this model across six popular interpersonal communication media (voice telephone, text messaging, e-mail, instant messaging, video chat, and social networking sites) in relationships with extended family members. Specifically, at low levels of medium enjoyment, use of a medium was not associated with relational closeness. Practically, these results suggest that communicating via an unsatisfying medium may not foster relational closeness; theoretically, these results argue for including psychological processes to strengthen MMT as a theory of interpersonal media choice.  相似文献   

Recent events indicate that sharing news in social media has become a phenomenon of increasing social, economic and political importance because individuals can now participate in news production and diffusion in large global virtual communities. Yet, knowledge about factors influencing news sharing in social media remains limited. Drawing from the uses and gratifications (U&G) and social cognitive theories (SCT), this study explored the influences of information seeking, socializing, entertainment, status seeking and prior social media sharing experience on news sharing intention. A survey was designed and administered to 203 students in a large local university. Results from structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis revealed that respondents who were driven by gratifications of information seeking, socializing, and status seeking were more likely to share news in social media platforms. Prior experience with social media was also a significant determinant of news sharing intention. Implications and directions for future work are discussed.  相似文献   

Why and how people choose to use a particular computer-mediated communication (CMC) technology is a major concern. This study seeks to address the issues by applying the uses and gratifications theory, and attempts to explore the general and specific gratifications sought from the use of three CMC technologies. Three separate empirical surveys were conducted to investigate the gratifications sought from social networking sites, instant messaging, and e-mail. Then factor analysis was undertaken to extract the gratifications sought from each CMC technology. The extracted gratifications sought were then compared among the three technologies for concluding the general and specific gratifications. Four general gratifications were extracted among the three CMC technologies, including relationship maintenance, information seeking, amusement, and style. Two gratifications were specific: the sociability gratification sought from using instant messaging and social networking sites; and the gratification of kill time sought from using instant messaging. Moreover, the important levels of gratifications sought from the three CMC technologies were found to be different. Our findings provide evidence to explain why not all traditional CMC technologies are replaced by innovative and advanced ones. The results of this study may be applied to CMC technology design and provide implications for future research.  相似文献   

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