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Over the past few years, a notable trend has emerged in social networking sites (SNSs). With the growing popularity of image-based SNSs such as Instagram, users increasingly communicate and present themselves by posting photographs they take of themselves (“selfies”). As the phenomenon of selfies becomes widespread across a range of SNSs as a unique means of self-presentation, an interesting question arises, what makes people post their selfies on SNSs. To delve into this rising issue, the present study investigates the antecedents of selfie-posting behavior on SNSs by applying and extending Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). A conceptual model, which is primarily drawn from the TPB and incorporates narcissism as an additional antecedent, is proposed and empirically tested. Results show that attitude toward selfie-posting, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and narcissism are the significant determinants of an individual's intention to post selfies on SNSs. Further, one's selfie-posting behavior on SNSs is significantly predicted by his or her intention to post selfies. Implications of the findings are discussed with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Microblogging has become one of the most popular social communication styles in the world. Much research has already addressed this hot issue; however, studies examining the intentions behind microblogging behaviors are limited. This study extended the theory of planned behavior (TPB) to predict intention to microblog and other behaviors. The results showed that social identity was the greatest predictor of intention, followed by attitude and perceived behavioral control. Social identity fully mediated the effects of subjective norms and self-identity on intention. Intention significantly predicted users' microblogging behaviors. These results have important implications for industry players and marketing managers.  相似文献   

The Internet enables employees to be more productive than ever before, but it also allows employees a new way to escape from work—cyberloafing. In our investigation, we test the validity of the Theory of Planned Behavior as a model of cyberloafing. In Study 1, the goal is to provide an initial test of the theory. In Study 2, we cross-validate the results from Study 1 in a sample that approaches representing the general working population. Results unanimously support the main TPB model, the model accounting for 32% and 37% of the variance in cyberloafing in Studies 1 and 2, respectively. The discussion addresses both the theoretical impact and practical implications of our work.  相似文献   

This study investigated the factors associated with online environmental community members’ intention to participate in environmental activities in the Chinese context, employing the framework of the theory of planned behavior (TPB). Using data from a survey of community members (N = 211), structural equation modeling analyses confirmed the roles of subjective norm and self-efficacy in affecting intention to participate in environmental activities. Unlike other TPB studies, however, the study discovered that attitude was not significantly associated with intention. In addition, other relevant factors, including ego involvement, group identification, perceived salience of environmental problems, perceived popularity of environmental activities, and perceived interactivity of the community websites, were found to be associated with the intention of participation, either directly or indirectly. The theoretical and practical implications were discussed.  相似文献   

The popularity of social networking sites (SNSs) among adolescents has grown exponentially, with little accompanying research to understand the influences on adolescent engagement with this technology. The current study tested the validity of an extended theory of planned behaviour model (TPB), incorporating the additions of group norm and self-esteem influences, to predict frequent SNS use. Adolescents (= 160) completed measures assessing the standard TPB constructs of attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control (PBC), and intention, as well as group norm and self-esteem. One week later, participants reported their SNS use during the previous week. Support was found for the standard TPB variables of attitude and PBC, as well as group norm, in predicting intentions to use SNS frequently, with intention, in turn, predicting behaviour. These findings provide an understanding of the factors influencing frequent engagement in what is emerging as a primary tool for adolescent socialisation.  相似文献   

Prior experience is an important determinant factor of individual behavior. This paper developed a theoretical model to predict the adoption intention of pre-adopters and post-adopters on social networking sites based on the theory of planned behavior. Using data from online surveys of netizens in China, the proposed model was tested in the context of pre-adoption and post-adoption by using the Partial Least Squares (PLS) technique. Then, multi-groups analysis was explored to compare the difference between the two groups. The results show that attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavior control have significant effect on the adoption intention of pre-adopters and post-adopters, and there is no significant difference between the two groups. In addition, information, meeting new people, and conformity motivations have the same significant effect on both groups. However, entertainment motivation has a significant effect on pre-adopters but connecting with old friends has none; in contrast, connecting with old friends has significant effect on post-adopters while entertainment motivation has no significant effect.  相似文献   


A majority of senior Internet users maintains persistent social connections with others through social media (SM), such as Facebook and Twitter. This research explores the impacts of helping, self-expression, and enjoyment on bonding social capital and bridging social capital which in turn influence SM involvement; it also explores the moderating effect of avoidance attachment among senior SM users. The results show that helping, self-expression, and enjoyment have significant impacts on bonding social capital and bridging social capital. Also, bonding social capital and bridging social capital have significant effects on SM involvement. Furthermore, relationships between helping and bonding social capital, between self-expression and bonding social capital, and between self-expression and bridging social capital are stronger for seniors with high avoidance attachment. Conversely, the relationships between enjoyment and bonding social capital as well as between enjoyment and bridging social capital are stronger for seniors with low avoidance attachment. Accordingly, the results of this study provide theoretical contributions to the literature of behaviour and information technology. In addition, some implications of the research and various strategies for practitioners and marketers that can be used to better increase users’ involvement in SM for tourism-related activities are discussed.  相似文献   

社交媒体是当下非常热门的一种互联网应用。在发生公共事件时,许多当事人雇佣公关公司在社交媒体上发布虚假信息来影响舆情。这部分为公关公司所服务的社交媒体账号称为水军。水军在当下的中国社交媒体中有泛滥的趋势。基于水军的群体行为分析社交媒体中的水军集团。定义了情感社会网络和情感社会网络中的团的概念;设计了一个分析框架,包括提出了情感社会网络中发现社区,以及从社区中发现对立的派别(称为团)的算法。从微博的评论数据构建情感社会网络,并发现情感社会网络中的团,可以识别水军,而且可以考察社交媒体中的水军集团的特性。采用人工标注的数据集进行了实验。  相似文献   

The proliferation of commercial Web sites providing consumers with a new medium to purchase products and services has increased the importance of understanding the determinants of consumer intentions to shop online. This study compared the technology acceptance model and two variations of the theory of planned behavior to examine which model best helps to predict consumer intentions to shop online. Data were gathered from 297 Taiwanese customers of online bookstores, and structural equation modeling was used to compare the three models in terms of overall model fit, explanatory power and path significance. Decomposing the belief structures in the theory of planned behavior moderately increased explanatory power for behavioral intention. The results also indicate that the decomposed theory of planned behavior provides an improved method of predicting consumer intentions to shop online. Finally, the implications of this study are discussed.  相似文献   

Web-based communication via social networking sites has become an integral method of communication, raising the question of whether the well-established Attachment Theory remains applicable to modern relationships. This communication shift is also likely to affect the information dissemination dynamic; i.e., how internal attachment working models relate to virtual modes of communication. Three studies (354 participants in total, median age 27) examined the applicability of Attachment Theory to web-based social network communications. Using self- report measures (Study 1) and an experimental simulation (Study 2), the results indicate that attachment security level predicts an individual’s number of social ties and willingness to initiate web-based relationships. Secure individuals emerged as best situated to become social hubs. Study 3 reveals that a decrease in avoidance scores predicts an increased willingness to deliver information to others. Anxious participants exhibited less willingness to deliver highly threatening information but more willingness to deliver neutral information to others.These findings support the applicability of attachment internal working models to predicting web-based social network communication, and suggest that Attachment Theory can be a predictor of the dynamics of web-based dissemination of information.  相似文献   

With the current trend of co-creation, companies and consumers increasingly take advantage of online co-creation communities to share and exchange product-related information. In response to the knowledge exchange and collaborative nature of online co-creation, we advance the theoretical understanding of consumer co-creation by considering it as mutual effects and interactions with other consumers. Based on social capital theory, we developed a research model to examine the factors influencing the popularity of customer-generated content using objective data collected from the MIUI online co-creation community in China. A key result of this study is that social networks ties among consumers enable the norm of reciprocity and shared language, which, in turn, influence the popularity of customer-generated content. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   


This article addresses the challenges and limitations of co-creation processes in museums based on an exemplary case of the design of a Danish museum-related campaign on Facebook. The article adds to the ongoing discussion on the paradigm shift in the museum by analysing potential problematical issues of including multiple agents in creative processes in museums. It concludes that it is arduous to establish a truly creative co-creative process, when the design team needs to accommodate to a well-established artistic vision as well as to the limited resources of the museum and the other participants. We argue that one cannot in advance predict or ascertain that social media users will find a campaign compelling and want to participate and engage with the content, even if substantial resources have gone into its creation. Furthermore, the complexity of many art projects is likely to make their dissemination on social media difficult.  相似文献   

This study aims to identify the motivations of social media users who click ‘like’ to the post of their friends. We posit that this behaviour is not solely based on an instant feeling or reaction to a post, but a more complicated action that involves calculation and expectation of the future social media use. We first apply social capital theories to identify the types of expectations, and then differentiate these expectations based on the communication styles of social media where private and public relationships coexist. From these, we develop a social capital expectation matrix in the context of social media. In the research model, we discuss how these social capital expectations motivate people to use social media, including the moderating effects of social capital susceptibilities, based on expectancy theory of motivation. To validate our model, data collected from 291 social media users are analysed. This result confirms that people click likes to share their interests and display their network to others. Conversely, the relational dimensions of social capital including capital recompense and social inclusion exerted significant interaction effects only when they were considered along with capital susceptibilities.  相似文献   

Investigation of the underlying mechanisms responsible for measurement variance has received little attention. The primary objective of this study is to examine whether paper and social media surveys produce convergent results and investigate the underlying psychological mechanisms for the potential measurement nonequivalence. Particularly, we explored the role of social desirability and satisficing on the measurement results. We collected data via five different survey modes, including paper survey, ad hoc Web survey, online forum (message boards)-based, SNS-based and microblog-based surveys. The findings show that socially desirable responding does not lead to inconsistent results. Rather we found that satisficing causes inconsistent results in paper versus online surveys. Sociability reduces the possibility of engaging in satisficing that results in inconsistent results between traditional Web surveys and social media-based Web surveys.  相似文献   

Trust and risk have been theorized and empirically approved as the most influential factors affecting individual behavior toward social media platforms (SMPs). However, the evidence is scattered and the understanding of the effects is ambiguous. To address this problem, a rigorous and quantitative meta-analysis was conducted to investigate the empirical evidence of 43 studies in information systems research between 2006 and 2014. The findings suggested that trust and risk both had significant effects on individual behavior toward SMPs but that trust had a stronger effect. Moderating effects of trust objects (community members vs. platforms) and platform types (virtual communities vs. social networking sites) were found. Surprisingly, culture was found to exert no moderating effect. This paper contributes more generalized knowledge to social media research literature to the theory with regard to the influence of trust and risk on individual behavior toward SMPs. The knowledge serves as the foundation for future research efforts in social media. Implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

When do social media users click on sponsored content or intend to visit the website at a later time? A qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) using arguments based on herd theory, strength of ties, and social distance shows that only “likes” from socially close and knowledgeable users can consistently generate click-through or view-through intentions. Considering social tie strength in a herd behavior context, the analysis of sufficient configurations for click- and view-through intentions provides a nuanced perspective on social media user behavior and social influence. For instance, click-through intention requires observing a “like” from a close person, while view-through intentions can also develop after observing “likes” from less close acquaintances, yet in the last case only if the user assumes the acquaintance is better informed regarding the sponsored content. In addition, a “like” from a close friend deemed better informed can even make a user click on a sponsored content that was not considered valuable before.  相似文献   

In highly competitive markets, enterprises provide various services to attract and retain customers. However, even though they are able provide higher‐quality services to customers, there are still many companies that are unable to gain benefits because customers do want these services. With the integration of the theory of planned behavior and quality‐value‐satisfaction‐behavioral intention model proposed by Cronin, Brandy, and Hult ( 2000 ), the service acceptance model, an extended model based on the characteristics of the service industry, is proposed in this work to investigate the effects of attitude, social pressure, perceived behavioral control, service quality, and service value on behavioral intention. The empirical results show that the perceived behavioral control of the high‐income sample group is not correlated with customer behavioral intentions, which differs from the results for the overall and low‐income sample groups. The customers’ own financial resources are thus of great importance in this context. Service quality has a significantly positive impact on perceived value and attitude. This suggests that good service quality will be conducive to increasing perceived value and strengthening customers’ positive attitudes toward a service, indirectly affecting the behavioral intention to purchase a service.  相似文献   

This research was initiated in an attempt to understand customer intentions towards purchasing from an Internet bookstore. Ajzen's theory of planned behavior was used to predict the intentions and behavior of different customer groupings based on their lifestyle and personality. Factor and cluster analyses were used to segment the sample into three clusters. Data were then collected in seven colleges in Taiwan. After analyzing the results, various relationships between attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, behavioral intention and real behavior were determined for the different groups.  相似文献   

Our study was initiated to provide a better understanding of the factors influencing employees’ non-work-related computing (NWRC) behavior by comparing two models, one based on Triandis’ theory of interpersonal behavior (TIB) and the other derived from the theory of planned behavior (TPB). Results of the study showed that the TIB-based model had higher explanatory power than the TPB-based model. Specifically, affect, social factors, and perceived consequences significantly influenced employees’ intention to engage in NWRC, while intention to engage in it, habit, and facilitating conditions determined employees’ NWRC behavior. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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