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Video modeling examples in which a human(-like) model shows learners how to perform a task are increasingly used in education, as they have become very easy to create and distribute in e-learning environments. However, little is known about design guidelines to optimize learning from video modeling examples. Given that the human face is known to capture observers' attention, the question addressed in this study is whether seeing the model's face in the video would help or hinder learning. Participants twice studied a video modeling example in which a problem-solving task was demonstrated and in which the model's face was either visible or not, and after each view they attempted to solve the problem themselves. Their eye movement data were recorded while watching the video examples. Results show better performance after observing the second example in the condition that did see the model's face.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that signaling enhances multimedia learning. However, there is not enough evidence showing why signaling leads to better performance. The goal of this study was to examine the effects of signaling on learning outcomes and to reveal the underlying reasons for this effect by using eye movement measures. The participants were 40 undergraduate students who were presented with either signaled or nonsignaled multimedia materials. Labels in the illustration were signaled by temporarily changing the color of the items. The results suggest that the signaled group outperformed the nonsignaled group on transfer and matching tests. Eye movement data shows that signaling guided attention to relevant information and improved the efficiency and effectiveness of finding necessary information.  相似文献   

The multimedia principle states that adding graphics to text can improve student learning (Mayer, 2009), but all graphics are not equally effective. In the present study, students studied a short online lesson on distance education that contained instructive graphics (i.e., directly relevant to the instructional goal), seductive graphics (i.e., highly interesting but not directly relevant to the instructional goal), decorative graphics (i.e., neutral but not directly relevant to the instructional goal), or no graphics. Following instruction, students who received any kind of graphic produced significantly higher satisfaction ratings than the no graphics group, indicating that adding any kind of graphic greatly improves positive feelings. However, on a recall posttest, students who received instructive graphics performed significantly better than the other three groups, indicating that the relevance of graphics affects learning outcomes. The three kinds of graphics had similar effects on affective measures but different effects on cognitive measures. Thus, the multimedia effect is qualified by a version of the coherence principle: Adding relevant graphics to words helps learning but adding irrelevant graphics does not.  相似文献   

The current study investigated how people learn design principles from examples of PowerPoint presentation slides through self-explanation and co-explanation. This study also explored a strategy to improve the effectiveness of co-explanation by integrating it with a collaborative design activity. Preservice teachers (n = 120) studied the design examples of PowerPoint presentation slides in four research conditions: co-explanation with design, co-explanation, self-explanation, and no prompt (control). Pairs of learners in the co-explanation condition explained fewer strengths and weaknesses of the design examples than nominal pairs in the self-explanation condition. Moreover, co-explanation was not more effective than self-explanation when it came to individual learning outcomes. In contrast, pairs in the co-explanation with design condition were more actively engaged in co-explaining design examples than pairs in the co-explanation condition. This study shows that co-explanation with design is more beneficial for constructing and sharing knowledge of design principles than co-explanation only. This study discussed a trade-off between constructive/interactive learning effects and transactional activity costs in co-explaining design examples.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of modality (written text vs. spoken text) and visual cueing (low cueing vs. high cueing) on the learning and mental effort of participants studying a computer-based static diagram at their own pace. Participants were randomly assigned to four versions of the computer-based materials formed into a 2 × 2 factorial design by crossing modality with cueing. The results revealed a reverse modality effect, wherein participants studying written text outperformed those studying spoken text on tests of free recall, matching, comprehension, and spatial recall, but not mental effort. Information cueing did not significantly affect either performance or mental effort. These findings are discussed in the context of two popular explanations of the modality effect: the cognitive resources explanation and the perceptual resources explanation. The results were best explained from a perceptual resources viewpoint.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of seeing the instructor's (i.e., the model's) face in video modeling examples on students' attention and their learning outcomes. Research with university students suggested that the model's face attracts students' attention away from what the model is doing, but this did not hamper learning. We aimed to investigate whether we would replicate this finding in adolescents (prevocational education) and to establish how adolescents with autism spectrum disorder, who have been found to look less at faces generally, would process video examples in which the model's face is visible. Results showed that typically developing adolescents who did see the model's face paid significantly less attention to the task area than typically developing adolescents who did not see the model's face. Adolescents with autism spectrum disorder paid less attention to the model's face and more to the task demonstration area than typically developing adolescents who saw the model's face. These differences in viewing behavior, however, did not affect learning outcomes. This study provides further evidence that seeing the model's face in video examples affects students' attention but not their learning outcomes.  相似文献   

This study uses eye tracking technology to examine how study aids such as highlighting and graphic organizers affect cognitive processing during learning. Participants were 130 college students randomly assigned to one of five experimental conditions. In the control group, students read a plain text; in two behaviorally passive conditions, students read a text with key words colored in red or read the same text along with a filled-in graphic organizer; and in two behaviorally active conditions, students either highlighted key words in a text or filled in an empty graphic organizer. Students took tests of rote memory (cloze test) and comprehension (summary test). Asking students to fill in a graphic organizer or providing a filled-in graphic organizer resulted in improvements in performance on both tests, whereas asking students to highlight the text or providing highlighted text improved performance only in the rote memory test compared to students who did not receive any study aids. Eye tracking measures showed that highlighting (in both conditions) primed the cognitive process of selecting: students spent more time fixating on those words colored in red compared with the control condition. In contrast, eye tracking measures showed that graphic organizers (in both conditions) primed the cognitive processes of selecting, organizing and integrating since the inclusion of an organizer substantially affected both where their eyes fixated and moved (i.e. transitions) within the text.  相似文献   

Many animations impose a high cognitive load due to the transience of information, which often hampers learning. Segmentation, that is presenting animations in pieces (i.e., segments), has been proposed as a means to reduce this high cognitive load. The expertise reversal effect shows, however, that design measures that have a positive effect on cognitive load and learning for students with lower levels of prior knowledge, might not be effective, or might even have a negative effect on cognitive load and learning for students with higher levels of prior knowledge. This experiment with animated worked-out examples showed an expertise reversal effect of segmentation: segmented animations were more efficient than continuous animations (i.e., equal test performance with lower investment of mental effort during learning) for students with lower levels of prior knowledge, but not for students with higher levels of prior knowledge.  相似文献   

This paper describes a deformable model of the human iris which forms part of a system for accurate off-line measurement of binocular three-dimensional eye movements, particularly cyclotorsion (torsion), from video image sequences. At least two existing systems measure torsion from infrared video images by pupil tracking followed by cross correlation using arcs of bandpass-filtered iris texture. Unfortunately, pupil expansion and contraction reduces the accuracy of this method unless drugs are used to constrict the pupil, which causes temporary blurred vision. A five-parameter deformable model of the iris is therefore developed for analysing images obtained without the use of drugs. This model can translate (horizontal and vertical eye motion), rotate (torsion) and scale both uniformly and radially (pupil changes). Torsion measurements obtained with the model are repeatable and accurate to within 0.1°; this performance is illustrated by analysing binocular torsion during fixation on a stationary target. Received: 27 August 1997 / Accepted: 15 January 1998  相似文献   

Medical image interpretation is moving from using 2D- to volumetric images, thereby changing the cognitive and perceptual processes involved. This is expected to affect medical students' experienced cognitive load, while learning image interpretation skills. With two studies this explorative research investigated whether measures inherent to image interpretation, i.e. human-computer interaction and eye tracking, relate to cognitive load. Subsequently, it investigated effects of volumetric image interpretation on second-year medical students' cognitive load. Study 1 measured human-computer interactions of participants during two volumetric image interpretation tasks. Using structural equation modelling, the latent variable ‘volumetric image information’ was identified from the data, which significantly predicted self-reported mental effort as a measure of cognitive load. Study 2 measured participants' eye movements during multiple 2D and volumetric image interpretation tasks. Multilevel analysis showed that time to locate a relevant structure in an image was significantly related to pupil dilation, as a proxy for cognitive load. It is discussed how combining human-computer interaction and eye tracking allows for comprehensive measurement of cognitive load. Combining such measures in a single model would allow for disentangling unique sources of cognitive load, leading to recommendations for implementation of volumetric image interpretation in the medical education curriculum.  相似文献   

Two groups participated in a study on the added value of a gaming context and intelligent adaptation for a mobile learning application. The control group worked at home for a fortnight with the original Mobile English Learning application (MEL-original) developed in a previous project. The experimental group worked at home for a fortnight with MEL-enhanced, the original application embedded in an adventure game and augmented with intelligent adaptation. Two learning themes were used: Zoo animals and Neighbourhood. Both groups attended lessons at school on Zoo Animals and Neighbourhood during the same periods they were allowed to work with the application at home. A pre- and post-test were conducted to establish the initial vocabulary knowledge and the knowledge acquired during the learning phase. The main results indicated that the students in the experimental condition (MEL-enhanced) outperformed the children from the control group (MEL-original), although the former group did not spend more time with the learning material than the latter, and that the students in the experimental group valued MEL-enhanced more than the children from the control group valued MEL-original.  相似文献   

A reinforcement learning approach based on modular function approximation is presented. Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller (CMAC) networks are incorporated in the Hierarchical Mixtures of Experts (HME) architecture and the resulting architecture is referred to as HME-CMAC. A computationally efficient on-line learning algorithm based on the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm is proposed in order to achieve fast function approximation with the HME-CMAC architecture.

The Compositional Q-Learning (CQ-L) framework establishes the relationship between the Q-values of composite tasks and those of elemental tasks in its decomposition. This framework is extended here to allow rewards in non-terminal states. An implementation of the extended CQ-L framework using the HME-CMAC architecture is used to perform task decomposition in a realistic simulation of a two-linked manipulator having non-linear dynamics. The context-dependent reinforcement learning achieved by adopting this approach has advantages over monolithic approaches in terms of speed of learning, storage requirements and the ability to cope with changing goals.  相似文献   


This study employed an eye-tracking technique to investigate the influence of social presence on eye movements in visual search tasks. A total of 20 male subjects performed visual search tasks in a 2 (target presence: present vs. absent) × 2 (task complexity: complex vs. simple) × 2 (social presence: alone vs. a human audience) within-subject experiment. Results indicated that the presence of an audience could evoke a social facilitation effect on response time in visual search tasks. Compared with working alone, the participants made fewer and shorter fixations, larger saccades and shorter scan path in simple search tasks and more and longer fixations, smaller saccades and longer scan path in complex search tasks when working with an audience. The saccade velocity and pupil diameter in the audience-present condition were larger than those in the working-alone condition. No significant change in target fixation number was observed between two social presence conditions.

Practitioner Summary: This study employed an eye-tracking technique to examine the influence of social presence on eye movements in visual search tasks. Results clarified the variation mechanism and characteristics of oculomotor scanning induced by social presence in visual search.  相似文献   

Eye movement modelling examples (EMMEs) are instructional videos of a model's demonstration and explanation of a task that also show where the model is looking. EMMEs are expected to synchronize students' visual attention with the model's, leading to better learning than regular video modelling examples (MEs). However, synchronization is seldom directly tested. Moreover, recent research suggests that EMMEs might be more effective than ME for low prior knowledge learners. We therefore used a 2 × 2 between-subjects design to investigate if the effectiveness of EMMEs (EMMEs/ME) is moderated by prior knowledge (high/low, manipulated by pretraining), applying eye tracking to assess synchronization. Contrary to expectations, EMMEs did not lead to higher learning outcomes than ME, and no interaction with prior knowledge was found. Structural equation modelling shows the mechanism through which EMMEs affect learning: Seeing the model's eye movements helped learners to look faster at referenced information, which was associated with higher learning outcomes.  相似文献   

In robot constrained motion problems on planar surfaces with frictional contacts, uncertainties on the contacted surface not only affect the control system performance but also distort control targets. The surface normal direction cosines are in this case uncertain parameters that are involved in both the control law and the control targets. This work proposes an adaptive learning controller that uses force and joint position/velocity measurements to simultaneously learn the surface orientation and achieve the desired goal. Simulation examples for a 6 dof robot are used to illustrate the theoretical results and the performance of the proposed controller in practical cases.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to test the effects of dynamically scaffolding social regulation of middle school students working in a computer-based learning environment. Dyads in the scaffolding condition (N = 56) are supported with computer-generated scaffolds and students in the control condition (N = 54) do not receive scaffolds. The scaffolds are dynamically adjusted to dyads’ progress with an attention management system. The scaffolds support two aspects of socially regulated learning namely the metacognitive and cognitive activities. We analyzed the effects of dynamic scaffolding on dyads’ performance, their perception of the learning environment and students' knowledge acquisition. We found that scaffolding had a positive effect on the dyads’ learning performance, but did not affect students’ domain knowledge. The repeated measurements of perception of the learning environment showed that dyads in the experimental condition were more positive about their teachers and their collaborators than students in the control condition. With respect to their perception of the software and the 3D embodied agent delivering the scaffolds, we found a stronger decrease of appreciation over time in the scaffolding condition compared to the control condition.  相似文献   

The present study integrates cognitive and affective aspects of media processing in order to make an argument for reexamining the current cold cognition perspective in multimedia research in favor of a more integrative perspective. The Cognitive-Affective-Theory-of-Learning-with-Media (CATLM) assumes that students need to become motivated to make full use of their cognitive resources. Therefore, and even though seductive details (sds) are additional interesting but unnecessary pieces of information that do not conform with the coherence principle, their possible motivational role should not be dismissed. Using a 2 × 3-experimental design, participants (N = 123) were asked to learn about biology with multimedia instruction that manipulated modality (text vs. narration) and presence of seductive details (no-sds vs. textual-sds vs. narrated-sds). Results of variance analyses show a modality effect. In addition, moderated mediation analyses with the moderator modality and mediator situational interest confirm the affective mediation assumption with the following two conditional effects. A direct detrimental effect of seductive details on learning performance under the text-condition and an indirect compensatory effect under the narration-condition were shown.  相似文献   

The rapid development of computer and network technologies has attracted researchers to investigate strategies for and the effects of applying information technologies in learning activities; simultaneously, learning environments have been developed to record the learning portfolios of students seeking web information for problem-solving. Although previous research has demonstrated the benefits of applying information technologies to learning activities, the difficulties in doing so have also been revealed. One of the major difficulties is the lack of a mechanism to assist teachers in evaluating the problem-solving ability of the students, such that constructive suggestions can be given to the students, and tutoring strategies can be improved accordingly.  相似文献   

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