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地下空间规划与地面城市设计脱节,研究人员偏于工程技术化,缺乏对城市整体环境的塑造是当前中国地下空间建设面临的主要问题。随着城市地下空间建设需求的增长,对城市地下空间规划与设计人才的需求也日益提升,结合目前高等学校城乡规划、建筑学、城市地下空间工程专业的人才培养现状,有必要根据新时期城市地下空间建设所提出的规划与设计专业技术人才的要求,在地下空间规划与设计人才的培养方案、教材体系等方面进行改革,以满足大中城市地下空间开发建设的大量专业人才需求。  相似文献   

吴剑平 《城市建筑》2014,(18):51-51
地下空间作为重要空间资源,在城市面临“资源日益紧缺”的背景下,逐渐在新区开发中引发关注。本文结合韶关芙蓉新城地下空间规划实践,探讨了地下空间规划编制所应涉及的内容及研究方法,以期为城市规划师提供借鉴。  相似文献   

与现代主义盛行时期对城市公共空间有所忽视的大不相同,从70年代起,与城市未来生活密切相关的城市公共空间越来越引起建筑师和城市规划师的重视,城市地下空间通过整合城市街区、广场及外部空间,可以形成充满活力的城市外部公共空间,通过对城市未来发展的前瞻性分析,和对城市形态与功能的特征分析,从理论上探讨地下公共空间的作用和未来发展的可能性,以实现让城市公共生活回归城市新空间,新公共空间回归生活.  相似文献   

作为一座已成功举办G20峰会以及即将主办2022年亚运会等重大国际活动的城市,杭州开始大步迈向国际舞台。然而随之而来的大量外来人口涌入使得有限的城市土地不堪重负。目前城区土地利用已趋于饱和状态,现有的地面交通结构无法满足要求,因此迫切需要向地下空间发展。本文通过简要阐述杭州市区地下交通设施的建设现状,对以地下交通空间为代表的城市地下空间开发利用问题进行探讨,希望能为快速发展的中国其他城市地下空间的布局与发展提供经验和启示。  相似文献   

当今技术发展的速度非常快,规划师和决策者要保证他们规划的隧道或地下空间在建成后可以达到甚至超越当时的技术发展水平,这对他们而言是巨大的机遇与挑战。在地下空间的规划期间以及其后,新技术仍然在不断发展,这对项目的可行性一必然会产生影响。因此,隧道规划师不但要果敢而且还要富有远见。地下空间规划师面临着同样的机遇与挑战。本文将对相关规划问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

引进目前在GNSS&IMU&SLAM技术融合集成上处国际领先的Pegasus:Backpack移动背包扫描系统,分别在城市轨道交通、综合管廊等典型地下空间场景进行数据获取,研究了GNSS&IMU&SLAM融合定位及三维激光扫描技术在地下空间信息化数据获取中的应用,得出了数据获取过程关键工作要点、影响因素及优化处理措施,...  相似文献   

Cities worldwide tend to overlook an invaluable asset that lies beneath their surfaces. Most cities and urban regions are unaware of the benefits underground space use has to offer, both for climate inflicted and spatial constraints: In many cities, infrastructure development is being outpaced by population growth. Climate change effects are requiring radical new approaches in terms of coping with for example excessive rainfall. The available space at the surface is rapidly being used up and the biggest danger is that built-up spaces are taking over the public green spaces of cities thereby threatening livability and quality of life. Urban underground space forms a societal asset, which is often unappreciated and underestimated in terms of the role it can play within dynamic city environments and associated challenges.This paper will explore the ways in which urban underground space can be optimally integrated into the dynamic urban context. It also explores the often contradictory functions that make underground space use complicated from a planner’s perspective. The first-come-first-served strategy of underground space use has left many cities wondering how they are going to cope with the self-inflicted “chaos” under the surface. The often mono-functional uses of the underground lead to sub-optimal space use. Most cities and urban regions are unaware of the benefits underground space use has to offer. In guiding the future use of urban underground space, a comprehensive policy framework guiding its development is lacking on which decisions can be based. This often leads to the non-sustainable use of this important asset. It will be argued that both vision and planning are needed to be able to make the best use of this underrated underground real estate.The authors will also debate that just understanding the potential of underground space is not enough. Realising its actual potential and facilitating its development will require a spatial dialogue between many stakeholders, including planners, engineers, developers and public decision makers.  相似文献   

日本的城市地下空间利用正在从浅层向深层发展。深度加大后,出现了许多新的问题,如技术问题、经济问题、法律问题等。本文根据最新资料,围绕大深度地下空间开发利用中一些技术问题的研究动态,考察日本城市深层地下空间利用的发展方向。  相似文献   

Despite a persistent call for a greater recognition of the underground in urban planning practices, cities still tend to address underground resources only when the need arises. Historically, this has proven costly for cities that have neglected the potential synergies and conflicts between, for instance, urban aquifers and underground infrastructure systems or building foundations. For urban planning to remain in a paradigm of needs to resources risks rendering conflicts between urban underground activities irreversible and possible synergies unattainable. Researchers and practitioners from multiple disciplines argue for the many benefits of underground development—alternative renewable energy and drinking water sources, additional urban space and reusable geomaterials. Visualizing resource potential is a first step in raising awareness among planners of the capacities of the underground. Existing mapping methods tend to focus only on underground space development in contexts where the needs for the underground are already urgent and do not explicitly engage with the distribution of existing land uses. As an alternative to existing methods, this paper will present a procedure for mapping underground resource potential that incorporates four resources—space, groundwater, geothermal energy and geomaterials—developed by the Deep City project at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. San Antonio, Texas, a city with a complex relationship to an underground aquifer system but current little need and support for underground space, serves to illustrate the mapping method. Two future surface light rail and bus rapid transit lines, presented in recent planning reports, are examined in light of a latent but as yet untapped multi-resource underground potential. The paper concludes with a discussion of the applicability of the method to other cities and possible opportunities for improvement.  相似文献   

我们会经常提到利用地下空间的优点,以及除公共设施以外地下空间作为其他用途时的不便,甚至是地下空间的隧道施工方法。但遗憾的是,我们很少提到地下空间的规划,也几乎从来没提到过地下空间开发的制度措施。除了蒙特利尔,也许只有日本使用规章制度对地下空间用途逐层地实行管理。最近,上海编制了第一个关于地下空间的规章,成为中国首个采取类似措施的城市。新的规章第一次明确了地下空间的定义,并且对土地审批和所有权注册等事项进行了说明。上海决定给城市所有区域的地下空间编制一个总体规划,成为中国在该领域的先行者.  相似文献   

Nationwide, Japan has investigated the current state of underground space use for district in which urban redevelopment has been completed, as well as land utilization under buildings in ward sections of Tokyo. These investigations have shown that promotion of effective use of underground space is essential to integrating the surface and subsurface in order to create a community that provides good amenities and enhances safety in urban areas. To fully achieve this goal, it will be important to develop projects in close cooperation with planners, users and administrators.  相似文献   

在综合比较多种三维碰撞检测包围盒的特点并分析以地下建(构)筑物为代表的地下空间对象基本形态的基础上,提出了基于轴向包围盒树的地下空间三维碰撞检测算法,并研究了算法的实现途径。通过上海地下空间信息基础平台大范围、多对象三维场景中碰撞检测的验证,该算法可以有效降低地下空间三维碰撞检测运算的复杂度,从而显著提高其运算速度。同时,该算法设计简单,利于计算机编程实现,对地下空间三维信息化系统的建设具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

全球化影响下的中国城市与建筑   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
全球化对中国的城市规划和建筑界产生了重大的影响,按照通常的概念,全球化是一个以西方世界的价值观为主体的“话语”领域,在建筑领域表现为建筑文化的国际化以及城市空间的趋同现象。全球化不是一元化,而是多元化和地域化的共存,全球化与地域化、多中心化是一种相互依存、相辅相成的关系。全球化对中国的城市与建筑带来的最大影响就是城市化的快速发展与城市规划以及建筑设计领域内国际建筑师的参与,在城市化过程中中小城市逐渐失去了特色。在城市规划和建筑领域,一方面应当继续学习国际经验,另一方面也必须应对建筑文化的国际式冲击,保护并发展中国的城市与建筑的特色。  相似文献   

城市地下公共空间防灾广场初探   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
城市地下公共空间为人员与活动聚集之所在,一旦发生大规模灾害,常造成生命财产的严重损失,防灾救灾工作实为地下公共空间规划重要的一环。文章从增强地下公共空间的使用功能及逃生避难者的角度,通过合理设置地下防灾广场,有效增加人气及应付地下公共空间的紧急灾害,如火灾、毒气、暴乱等,方便人们迅速逃离。研究结果表明,防灾广场的合理设置能保证地下公共空间中灾时人员的有效疏散。  相似文献   

随着国内外城市地下空间资源大规模的开发利用,急需大量从事城市地下空间工程建设的专业技术人才。文章论述了城市地下空间工程学科体系的独立性和完整性,以及高等学校设置城市地下空间工程专业的必要性,并结合中南大学城市地下空间工程专业建设,提出以教师队伍建设为重点的专业建设思路和具体措施。  相似文献   

全球化影响下的中国城市与建筑   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
全球化对中国的城市规划和建筑界产生了重大的影响,按照通常的概念,全球化是一个以西方世界的价值观为主体的“话语”领域,在建筑领域表现为建筑文化的国际化以及城市空间的趋同现象。全球化不是一元化,而是多元化和地域化的共存,全球化与地域化、多中心化是一种相互依存、相辅相成的关系。全球化对中国的城市与建筑带来的最大影响就是城市化的快速发展与城市规划以及建筑设计领域内国际建筑师的参与,在城市化过程中中小城市逐渐失去了特色。在城市规划和建筑领域,一方面应当继续学习国际经验,另一方面也必须应对建筑文化的国际式冲击,保护并发展中国的城市与建筑的特色。  相似文献   

保护生态环境是实施社会经济可持续发展战略的重要举措,本文从社会经济的发展对人类赖以生存的生态环境产生不利影响,如植被破坏、大气污染、水土流失等环境问题入手,依据国内外诸多利用地下工程改善生态环境实例,对大城市、山岭地区、江河水域交通运输采用隧道工程保护生态环境的优越性进行深入分析和探讨。结果表明,隧道工程和地下空间利用可减少车辆对环境的污染及山岭地区的植被破坏,保证交通全天候畅通运行且不影响水路航运,提高土地利用效率和城市抵御自然灾害和战争破坏的防御能力。实践表明隧道工程和地下空间利用是保护生态环境实现经济可持续发展战略的最有效途径之一。  相似文献   

目前,各类管线被要求采用共同沟或单独的管道方式埋入地下,加剧了地下空间开发利用的深度和难度。结合上海世博电力电缆隧道工程实例,本文介绍了国际上各类新型的盾构工法,分析了可最大限度地实现地下空间开发的各种特殊要求。通过对各种异型盾构工法的研究,解决在隧道施工中遇到的各种难题。  相似文献   

近年来,由于矿山资源枯竭以及国家供给侧改革政策的实施,大量矿山面临关停,倘若只是简单关闭则会造成大量资源浪费,同时引发相关地质灾害问题。同时,关停的矿山仍然遗留了大量的资源可供利用,矿山地下空间作为一类特殊的地下空间资源,具有隔音隔震、恒温恒湿、屏蔽性好等天然优势,近来逐渐被越来越多的学者以及相关部门重视。本文以金属非金属矿山地下空间为研究对象,系统梳理我国金属非金属矿山地下空间资源分布规律及利用现状,并提出相应开发利用对策。以梅山铁矿为典型案例,结合当前国际废弃矿山成功开发利用模式及案例,提出地下储库型、污水处置型和科教型三种开发利用模式。本研究成果可以为我国金属非金属矿山地下空间利用决策提供战略支撑,为国家合理布局金属非金属矿山地下空间开发利用模式提供理论参考。  相似文献   

The urbanization process leads many urban areas and megacities to be densely built and to overcome their physical and operational limits; in several cases, urban population density is growing faster than their infrastructures. Considering land use constraints, for mitigating some disagreeable living conditions and for creating new population opportunities, city planners have different opportunities involving the two opposite vertical directions: upward, erecting higher buildings or downward, developing a more intense use of the underground space. Both directions are characterized by positive and negative aspects and require suitable local condition to be built.In this paper, main issues related to the urban underground planning procedures are highlighted, taking also in consideration that after some very old visionary approaches, no relevant debates and concrete results have been further developed. Several underground-related technicalities are described and analyzed, mainly at sectorial level (f.i. mass transport systems, infrastructures for energy and water supply, storage facilities) however, experiences of a global urban planning – involving a holistic approach inside a City Master Plan – are still very few (Helsinki). A collection of some best practices is reviewed in this paper. Particular emphasis is devoted to the integrated planning approach and the related tools for the subsurface space assessment: the role of different planning tools for the rational use of the underground space in urban areas is analyzed and a variety of planning levels are discussed, from the more general one – the Master Plan – to the more sectorial ones. Moreover, the more recent visions for future cities – Smart, Resilient, Low-carbon and Post-Carbon Cities – are producing relevant and very useful technical and management solutions and the role of Integrated Mater Plans in this transition is further discussed.  相似文献   

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