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水利工程隐蔽病害的探地雷达探测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍探地雷达的工作方法和技术特点、探地雷达图像的分析处理过程(编辑标记、地形高程改正、距离修正、去除干扰信号和进行数字信号处理等),通过工程实例的良好应用效果,论述了探地雷达方法在水利工程隐蔽病害检测中应用的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

林宏标 《山西建筑》2009,35(36):306-307
分析了探地雷达在道路无损检测中的原理,对探地雷达在路面厚度检测、路面板底脱空检测、路面密度检测、路面材料弹性模量测定及新建沥青路面的质量控制等方法的应用进行了研究,为探地雷达在道路无损检测中更好的应用和推广提供了理论与实践意义。  相似文献   

路面结构层厚度检测是道路质量控制的重要工作,采用具有快速、无损、可连续测试的探地雷达技术对其进行检测,更能为竣工验收提供科学依据。文中介绍了探地雷达技术在公路路面工程厚度检测中的实际应用,说明探地雷达检测公路路面厚度在实际应用中是切实可行的,在公路工程质量检测中具有独特的优势,为公路路面厚度检测增添了一种新的技术方法。  相似文献   

研究了高填方土体含水率、压实度与介电常数的关系,依据探地雷达的基本原理,进行了探地雷达测试土体含水率及压实度的可行性分析,为高填方工程质量的评定和验收提供科学依据。  相似文献   

陈红伟  岳学峰 《山西建筑》2010,36(29):335-336
利用探地雷达技术对公路隧道质量进行检测,提出了探地雷达技术在公路隧道质量检测应用中的工作方法,通过对多条高速公路隧道质量检测的分析与总结,得出了高速公路隧道渗水、脱空、回填不密实的典型图像。  相似文献   

Ground penetrating radar (GPR) has been successfully used to detect a lava tube in a basaltic lava flow from the Fuji volcano, Japan. The target lava tube, Komoriana cave, is in the northern part of the Aokigahara lava flow which was emplaced over 1,000 years ago. The lava tube was detected by simply dragging the GPR antenna along a prefecture road, demonstrating the advantages of this method compared with detailed mapping and geological investigations. As a massive basaltic lava flow allows deep penetration of the radar pulse, the reflection radar profile obtained showed two very clear structures which were interpreted from the waveforms to be the roof and the bottom of the lava tube from the waveforms alone. This was subsequently confirmed by careful survey measurements of the Komoriana cave lava tube. The feasibility study clearly demonstrated that GPR is a very effective and convenient tool for discovering unknown lava tubes hidden deeply inside lava flows.  相似文献   

阐述了地质雷达检测的工作原理,并结合河南高速公路某隧道检测的工程实例,介绍了地质雷达在高速公路隧道质量检测中的应用,得出雷达检测结果与实际抽检结果相符的结论.  相似文献   

杨进 《山西建筑》2009,35(29):254-256
指出探地雷达作为一种先进的无损检测技术,其优越性很好地解决了以钻芯取样为主的传统路面厚度检测效率低、代表性差、偶然性大的缺点,对这种新型的路面厚度检测技术和传统钻芯取样法进行对比,证明了应用探地雷达对路面厚度进行检测是可行的。  相似文献   

探地雷达具有实时检测、高分辨率、高效率、无损探测、结果直观的特点,对城市道路地下管线、地下工程和道路病害体有明显的异常反应。本文利用探地雷达方法,在结合实际情况、优选关键测量参数的基础上,通过合理的数据处理和解释实现高精度成像;探测结果清晰地揭示了城市道路、地下管线、病害及缺陷区等多种不同的探测目标。经典型路段实际开挖,进一步核实了本次勘探效果。本成果为该区域及周边后期的勘查工程布置提供了物探依据,可作为参考示范在区域内进行推广。  相似文献   

蒋文高 《山西建筑》2007,33(32):305-306
简要介绍了地质雷达在路面厚度检测中的基本原理,对其产生误差的原因进行了简要的分析,并且结合工程实例,验证了地质雷达在检测道路厚度方面的应用是可行的、可靠的。  相似文献   

就探地雷达在隧道衬砌质量检测中的测线布设、参数设置、安全性等问题进行了探讨和阐述,并以实际工程案例说明,雷达检查宜以施工过程质量检查为主,测线布设要有针对性,参数的设置要保证检测效果,要保证检测人员和设备的安全。  相似文献   

泥石流是北京地区最严重、最具破坏性的地质灾害类型,为了科学防治泥石流,本次采用高密度电阻率法和地质雷达相结合的方法,通过正反演计算和实测剖面的综合解释,基本查明了北京延庆区松散堆积物的厚度,其中井庄乡果树园村泥石流沟域范围内松散堆积物厚度较大,一般40~60 m,自下游向上逐渐变薄,并且浅部存在一层厚度为10~15 m的块石土堆积层;其余地段松散堆积物厚度一般8~10 m,并估算了研究区松散堆积物的方量。这两种方法的综合应用对松散堆积物的划分具有较好的效果,为科学防治泥石流提供了依据。  相似文献   

某工程结构施工封顶后,采用地质雷达对PHC预应力管桩桩顶内层锚固钢筋实施了检测。通过现场处理难点、现场调查分析,以及检测仪器的选用、现场检测、检测结果分析等,详细介绍了地质雷达无损检测技术的使用方法。并通过钻孔取样验证,表明地质雷达能够较准确地分辨出双层钢筋的位置。  相似文献   

沥青厚度是道路质量验收的重要数据。传统的取芯检测不能全面代表整个工程的沥青厚度。介绍了地质雷达(GPR)探测原理。通过城市道路实例,表明采用地质雷达检测技术能够密集采样、无损检测,且探测成果较可靠,能满足道路验收要求。因此,该技术应在道路质量验收检测中大力推广。  相似文献   

Failure of cast iron water mains in Australia is a common occurrence. Water utilities are seeking solutions to optimise the renewal and rehabilitation of ageing cast iron critical water mains (diameter ≥ 300 mm). Failure pressures of three large-diameter cast iron pipe specimens (600 mm in diameter) were tested. A large corrosion patch was machined onto each pipe section to initiate pipe failure. A large corrosion patch and significant reduction (>90%) of pipe wall thickness were needed to fail the tested pipe specimens. All three pipes under test exhibited leaking before bursting, indicating that the concept of leak-before-break (LBB) could be used for pipe failure prevention. In addition, LBB provides valuable information that could be added to the pipe asset database to make better management decisions on repair or replacement along with all other asset information. The study also found that small corrosion patches (<50 mm) with low remaining wall thickness may cause pipe leaks, but are less likely to cause major pipe bursts.  相似文献   

Abdullah MP  Yew CH  Ramli MS 《Water research》2003,37(19):4637-4644
A modeling procedure that predicts trihalomethane (THM) formation from field sampling at the treatment plant and along its distribution system using Tampin district, Negeri Sembilan and Sabak Bernam district, Selangor as sources of data were studied and developed. Using Pearson method of correlation, the organic matter measured as TOC showed a positive correlation with formation of THM (r=0.380,P=0.0001 for Tampin and r=0.478,P=0.0001 for Sabak Bernam). Similar positive correlation was also obtained for pH in both districts with Tampin (r=0.362,P=0.0010) and Sabak Bernam (r=0.215,P=0.0010). Chlorine dosage was also found to have low correlation with formation of THM for the two districts with Tampin (r=0.233,P=0.0230) and Sabak Bernam (r=0.505,P=0.0001). Distance from treatment plant was found to have correlation with formation of THM for Tampin district with r=0.353 and P=0.0010. Other parameters such as turbidity, ammonia, temperature and residue chlorine were found to have no correlation with formation of THM. Linear and non-linear models were developed for these two districts. The results obtained were validated using three different sets of field data obtained from own source and district of Seremban (Pantai and Sg. Terip), Negeri Sembilan. Validation results indicated that there was significant difference in the predictive and determined values of THM when two sets of data from districts of Seremban were used with an exception of field data of Sg. Terip for non-linear model developed for district of Tampin. It was found that a non-linear model is slightly better than linear model in terms of percentage prediction errors. The models developed were site specific and the predictive capabilities in the distribution systems vary with different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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