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近年来,随着马铃薯作为第四大主粮战略的提出,推进了马铃薯加工主食化进程。马铃薯馒头、面条、面包、糕点等有了快速发展,冷冻薯条、薯片发展速度强劲。本文从加工用途的马铃薯食品原料、马铃薯方便食品、马铃薯主食、其他食品四个方面对我国马铃薯食品加工的研究开发现状进行梳理,以期促进马铃薯食品加工业进一步发展。  相似文献   

当前国家对马铃薯主粮化和居民营养健康高度重视,使得马铃薯全粉及其食品成为广大学者的研究热点。本文以马铃薯全粉及其加工的食品为综述对象,在广泛调研文献特别是马铃薯全粉食品研究的最新成果基础上,对马铃薯全粉食品的研究进行了分析总结,阐述了马铃薯全粉的营养价值、功能特性、国内加工研究现状和马铃薯全粉食品的研究现状,并对马铃薯全粉食品发展方向进行了展望。为我国早日实现马铃薯主粮化和"健康中国2030"规划提供参考。  相似文献   

军用食品是保障部队官兵战斗力的基础后勤物资,科学摄入主食产品是我军健康膳食的重要基础。首先对我国军粮主食产业发展现状进行概述,分析了我国军用主食产业存在成品粮加工精度高,官兵主食摄入量不足,健康谷物摄入比例不足和缺乏必要科普宣传等问题,并就我军军用主食品发展提出一些思考与建议:加强健康谷物科学膳食理念宣传,改善官兵膳食结构,提倡军粮适度加工,提高主食品中全谷物占比,借此达到增强官兵体质和战斗力及降低慢性疾病发病率的目的;加大军民协同科技攻关创新力度,推动粮食产业军民融合发展,以期为解决部队后勤保障问题,促进驻地粮企良性发展和助力粮食产业转型升级提供参考。  相似文献   

Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is among the major food crops in the world and is cultivated in all tropical and subtropical regions particularly in Asia, Africa, and the Pacific. Asia and Africa regions account for 95% of the world's production. Among the root and tuber crops grown in the world, sweet potato ranks second after cassava. In previous decades, sweet potato represented food and feed security, now it offers income generation possibilities, through bioprocessing products. Bioprocessing of sweet potato offers novel opportunities to commercialize this crop by developing a number of functional foods and beverages such as sour starch, lacto-pickle, lacto-juice, soy sauce, acidophilus milk, sweet potato curd and yogurt, and alcoholic drinks through either solid state or submerged fermentation. Sweet potato tops, especially leaves are preserved as hay or silage. Sweet potato flour and bagassae are used as substrates for production of microbial protein, enzymes, organic acids, monosodium glutamate, chitosan, etc. Additionally, sweet potato is a promising candidate for production of bioethanol. This review deals with the development of various products from sweet potato by application of bioprocessing technology. To the best of our knowledge, there is no review paper on the potential impacts of the sweet potato bioprocessing.  相似文献   

Salmonella is one of the major causes of foodborne illnesses in United States and many other parts of the world. The ubiquitous nature of the organisms and innumerous serotypes present in various foods make it challenging for researchers to strive for its elimination. In the past decade, various novel technologies have emerged with great potential to inactivate Salmonella and other foodborne pathogens. This review paper aims to compile research works reported in the recent past with emphasis on the use of emerging technologies such as, ozone, ultraviolet light, ultrasound, electrolyzed oxidized water, high pressure carbon dioxide, and bacteriophage. Other novel technologies like high pressure processing, pulsed electric field processing and irradiation were not covered considering their vastness of literature and availability of published reviews. Many of these emerging technologies have already reached commercial adoption in specific applications and many others are very promising. Development of suitable equipment, especially to make continuous processing feasible for a variety of foods and standardizing the process parameters for easy regulatory approval will pave the way for improved food quality and safety.  相似文献   

高粱食品:一种古老作物带来新的健康   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高粱是一种古老的作物初次被驯化于非洲,并在公元前3000年左右推广到了世界各地.高粱是一种抗旱的谷类作物,生长在其它作物无法生存的半干旱气候条件下,在2002年世界高粱产量达到5450万公吨.美国高粱年产量可达1300~1500万公吨左右,其中30%~50%用于出口,在西方国家中用高粱喂养动物已非常普遍,大约世界高粱产量的40%被用于作为非洲和印度等国家人民的食物.在美国对于患有腹乳糜泻疾病无法适应面筋蛋白的人已经用白色食品级的杂交作物生产出运用于无小麦产品作为食用,不能食用小麦或其它谷类作物比如黑麦,大麦,他们提供了些刺激性小的面粉已成为用于制造无小麦食品的原料.当高粱缺乏面筋时,高粱粉便不能生产有黏性和弹性的生面团,因此蛋奶糊配方被用于制造高粱产品,包括面包威化饼干、面条和比萨饼皮,这些原来都是由面粉制成.研究表明,高粱系生产高质量食物,因此种植高梁将被用于改善提高食物质量,最近一些研究表明由于这种古老作物包括含有二十烷醇(policosanols)的多酚复合物和高粱蜡的高抗氧化水平,可能对健康有独特的益处,对于保护心血管的健康至关重要.尤其在把小麦作为主要食物的西方世界,对于给患有腹乳糜泻疾病的人们提供了健康稳定的主食是一个挑战.因此高粱这种古老的作物作为21世纪的主要谷类作物引来了新的兴趣和前途,这是由于(1)它对于患有腹乳糜泻疾病的人是一种富有潜力的主食.(2)保持食物的营养和健康的高抗氧化水平和蜡含量.(3)由于它的抗干旱性和有限供水量的高生产量,2030年预期人口指数增长明显.  相似文献   

Great interest and rapid research efforts on acrylamide in foods followed an announcement in April 2002 by the Swedish National Food Authority and the University of Stockholm. Reduction of acrylamide in high-temperature processing foods, including selection of the raw material and variation of processing parameters, etc. were extensive reported. In this research, effect of some agents on acrylamide formation was investigated. A glucose-asparagines reaction model system was used to test the effect of ferulic acid, catechin, CaCl2, NaHSO3, and l-cysteine on inhibition of acrylamide formation and three efficient inhibitors, NaHSO3, CaCl2 and l-cysteine were screened. The results showed that immersing of the fresh potato chips using different concentration of the agents greatly inhibited acrylamide formation in fried potato crisps, and the efficiency increased as their concentrations increased; among them, l-cysteine is the most efficient agent but CaCl2 is most potential. Effects of these food additives on the texture of fried potato crisps were also studied. It was found that l-cysteine showed little effect on the texture of the crisps and CaCl2 is regarded as the suitable choice because of its low price and the acceptable mouth feel of fried crisps treated by CaCl2, although it increased the brittleness. Moreover, the application of CaCl2 in industrial production of fried potato crisps was also studied. In the blanching process (deactivation process of enzymes at 85 °C), a computerized electrical conductivity detector was used to keep the concentration of CaCl2 at constant and the result showed that immersion of potato slices in CaCl2 solution at 5 g/L reduced acrylamide formation by more than 85% in fried crisps.Industrial relevanceThis research presents a technology to inhibit acrylamide formation in fried potato chips by immersion of fresh potato chips with some food additives. The approach suggested that cysteine and calcium chloride significantly decreased the content of acrylamide in fried potato chips and their concentrations could be kept constant by using a conductor as a detector.  相似文献   

This preliminary study aimed to compare the application of pulsed electric field (PEF) with a traditional blanching as pre-treatments before frying for the mitigation of acrylamide content in potato crisps.Measuring the degree of cell disintegration index (po) and the changes in water electrical conductivity during washing of potato slices, PEF protocol and sample preparation scheme were optimized. Peeled potato slices (thickness 1.5 ± 0.2 mm) were subjected to PEF (1.5 kV/cm, pulse duration 10 μs, total treatment time 10 ms, pulse frequency 100 Hz) and to blanching (85 °C for 3.5 min) pre-treatments and then to washing in water, evaluating the reduction of acrylamide precursors (reducing sugars and free asparagine). After frying (175 °C, 3 min), product quality, in terms of colour, texture and acrylamide content were evaluated. Results showed that PEF promoted acrylamide precursors leaching followed by a reduction of the final acrylamide content of around 30%, significantly higher if compared to the reduction obtained with blanching, with only slight modifications of the final quality of the product, in terms of colour and texture.Industrial relevanceThe Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2158 of 20 November 2017 has introduced new benchmark levels and mitigation strategies for the reduction of the presence of acrylamide in foods, directing food businesses to the research of measures to lower the acrylamide formation in foods. The actual industrial production process of fried potato crisps involves the use of many mitigation strategies, such as a blanching of raw potatoes. However, the traditional blanching treatment presents several practical drawbacks and leads to undesirable changes of the product quality. The application of PEF as a pre-treatment could reduce the acrylamide content in deep-fat fried potato crisps. This preliminary study gives important indications regarding the possibility of combining a PEF pre-treatment on raw potato slices with subsequent industrial processing steps for the production of potato crisps with low acrylamide concentration.  相似文献   


Food contamination is a common phenomenon in the production, distribution and consumption of processed and agricultural commodities all over the world. Food safety is now taking the frontal stage in food production, processing and distribution. This study assessed the presence of aflatoxigenic fungi and mycotoxins in foods, occurrence, control, socio-economic and health implications. This study also gave comprehensive information on the safety and mycological quality of foods as well the effect on the people and economy of various countries. The review revealed the various aflatoxigenic fungi in foods, their distribution in agricultural produce and their effects on reduction in yield and quality with attendant consumer health implications and resulting significant economic losses. In developing countries, majority of the people do not know the inherent dangers of consuming mouldy produce or food contaminated with fungi and moulds with possible contamination by mycotoxigenic fungi because of lack of awareness about the danger involved. In view of this, there is need for general and public education to sensitise the people on the economic and health hazards posed by mycotoxins. Control measures such as good agricultural practices, crop selection, proper washing and cooking practices of food commodities should be emphasized to the people. Regulatory control, fast and effective analyses and detection, good produce handling and storage should be encouraged as this will assist in mitigating the side effects of mycotoxins in foods particularly in the tropical and sub-tropical countries, and in Africa nations where there is enabling environment that promotes fungal growth, shortage of food and drought of modern storage and processing infrastructures.  相似文献   

Potato Production,Usage, and Nutrition—A Review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Potato is an economically important staple crop prevailing all across the world with successful large-scale production, consumption, and affordability with easy availability in the open market. Potatoes provide basic nutrients such as—carbohydrates, dietary fiber (skin), several vitamins, and minerals (e.g., potassium, magnesium, iron). On occasion exposures to raw and cooked potatoes impart allergic reactions. Dietary intake of potatoes, especially colored potatoes, play an important role in the production of antioxidant defense system by providing essential nutrient antioxidants, such as vitamins, β-carotene, polyphenols, and minerals. This may help lower the incidence of wide range of chronic and acute disease processes (like hypertension, heart diseases, cancer, neurodegenerative, and other diseases). However, retention of nutrients in potatoes is affected by various cooking and processing methods. Cooking at elevated temperature also produces acrylamide—a suspected carcinogen. Independent and/or collaborative studies have been conducted and reported on the various pathways leading to the formation of acrylamide in heat processed foods. This article reviews the latest research on potato production, consumption, nature of phytochemicals and their health benefits, and allergic reactions to children. Also included is the discovery of acrylamide in processed starch-rich foods including potatoes, mechanism of formation, detection methodologies, and mitigation steps to reduce acrylamide content in food.  相似文献   

<正> 红薯又称白薯、蕃薯、地瓜、山芋、红苕等,在植物学上的正式名字叫甘薯,属旋花科,一年或多年生草本植物。红薯在世界几种主要粮食作物产量中排名第七位,在我国仅次于水稻、小麦和玉米,居第四位。我国是世界上红薯最大的生产国,近几年红薯产量每年都超过1亿吨,占世界总产量的80%以上。虽然我国红薯的种植面积和产量均居世界首位,但红薯加工业发展却很缓慢。据  相似文献   

稻米是我国大宗传统主食,在我国粮食生产中具有举足轻重的地位。目前我国正处于产业结构与消费结构转型的关键时期,稻米加工产业进入到了追求美味、安全放心、营养健康、便捷、多样化发展新阶段。文章分析了稻米在世界及我国主食产业中的地位、我国稻米加工产业发展现状,并对现阶段我国稻米加工产业发展中的若干问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

马铃薯全粉是新鲜马铃薯经去皮、切片、漂烫、护色等后脱水干燥制成的片状或粉末状产品,包含了除薯皮以外大部分马铃薯的营养物质,因此马铃薯全粉具有营养丰富、耐储的优点。作为马铃薯主粮化的原料,马铃薯全粉有助于改善和丰富我国居民膳食营养结构。近两年对马铃薯全粉的研究较多地集中在添加了马铃薯全粉制成的主食类或者其他相关产品的开发上。马铃薯全粉品质除了与马铃薯品种有关外还受到马铃薯全粉加工工艺的影响。本文将从马铃薯全粉生产过程中的前处理和干燥两个方面对马铃薯全粉品质的影响进行综述,以期为该领域的研究者提供理论参考。  相似文献   

The effects of heating on colour generation measured as CIE colour space parameters of Lab* and acrylamide formation were studied in various food matrices including green coffee, wheat flour and potato chips at different temperatures. Changes in both the acrylamide concentration and the redness parameter a* during heating at relatively higher temperatures followed a typical kinetic pattern in which an initial increase to an apparent maximum followed by a subsequent decrease was observed. The similarities between the changes in acrylamide and redness parameter a* during heating revealed that colour may be a reliable indicator of acrylamide levels in thermally processed foods. The overall results suggest that both acrylamide and redness parameter a* form as intermediate products during Maillard reaction. Since an apparent decrease was observed in its level during prolonged heating at certain temperatures, prediction of acrylamide level in foods during processing should be based on realistic reaction mechanism, instead of simple linear regression model.  相似文献   

Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) are food-borne pathogens implicated in large outbreaks and sporadic cases of bloody diarrhea and the hemolytic uremic syndrome. The main reservoir of EHEC is the intestinal tract of ruminants, in particular cattle. Feces containing these bacteria may act as a source of contamination for the environment and particularly for a variety of foods. E. coli O157:H7 as well as other EHEC-serotypes have been isolated from domestic ruminants and non-ruminant farm animals as well as products produced from them, but also from drinking water, vegetables and dairy products. The main transmission pathway of the pathogens is the ingestion of raw or undercooked contaminated food but human infection can also occur by person-to-person transmission. This article will focus on the prevalence and spread of EHEC by vegetable foods, especially the less common EHEC transmission sources sprouts and leafy greens. It will discuss precautionary measures against the spread of EHEC in food at all stages of the food chain: the primary production, the industrial processing, the retailing as well as the consumer.  相似文献   

The first CTX-M-producing Salmonella was described in primary animal production in Poland, due to the antimicrobial resistance monitoring and control program introduced in turkeys. It was associated with the outbreak of multiresistant Salmonella Kentucky in non-diseased turkeys, foods and food production environment, but found also in municipal sewage sludge. The emergence along the food chain of clonally related strains resistant to critically important antimicrobial agents, including cephalosporins, quinolones, sulfonamides, aminoglycosides, phenicols, and tetracycline, which are used against foodborne pathogens, poses a serious public health threat.  相似文献   

为了开发高含量马铃薯泥主食制品,本文探究了马铃薯泥含量为50%的马铃薯蒸馍的最优配方。以面团发酵特性、蒸馍感官评分、质构和色差等为指标,采用单因素和正交试验优化了马铃薯蒸馍配方。结果表明,随着谷朊粉含量增加,面团比容先增大后减小、宽高比先减小后增大,蒸馍的硬度、胶着度和咀嚼度先减小后增大,感官评分先增大后减小;随着棕榈油和酵母含量增加,面团比容增大、宽高比减小,蒸馍的硬度、胶着度和咀嚼度和感官评分增大。正交试验优化得到蒸馍的最佳配方为:马铃薯薯泥50%、面粉30%、谷朊粉5%、水7%、棕榈油4%、酵母3.5%、小苏打0.2%、盐0.3%,在此条件下得到的马铃薯蒸馍的感官评分为90.50分,蒸馍表面光滑、色泽亮丽均匀、外观挺立饱满并且具有马铃薯香气。本研究结果可为马铃薯主食化加工提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

<正> 在5月29日至31日于上海光大会展中心成功举办的中国国际有机食品博览会(BioFach China)上,有机食品行业展示了一派欣欣向荣的景象。随着生活水平的提高和健康意识的增强,消费者对食品的安全和健康提出了愈来愈高的期望,这也使得有机食品成为了食品行业中的一颗新星。作为高品质食品的代表,有机食品的价格是国内常规食品的3~5倍,是食品行业中不折不扣的"新贵",而因为具有健康、天然、环保等  相似文献   

《Journal of food science》2004,69(2):crh62-crh68
The global demand for food is increasing because of the growing world population. At the same time, availability of arable land is shrinking. Traditional plant breeding methods have made and will continue to make important contributions toward meeting the need for more food. In many areas of the world, however, the problem is food quality. There may be enough energy available from food, but the staple foods lack certain essential nutrients. In the developed world, demand for "functional foods" (that is, foods that provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition) is increasing. Nutritional improvements in foods could help to meet both of these demands for improved food quality. Modern agricultural biotechnology, which involves the application of cellular and molecular techniques to transfer DNA that encodes a desired trait to food and feed crops, is proving to be a powerful complement to traditional methods to meet global food requirements. An important aspect of biotechnology is that it provides access to a broad array of traits that can help meet this need for nutritionally improved cultivars. The new varieties developed through modern biotechnology have been identified by a number of terms, including genetically modified (GM or GMO), genetically engineered (GE or GEO), transgenic, biotech, recombinant, and plants with novel traits (PNTs). For the present discussion, the term "GM" will be used because of its simplicity and broad public recognition.  相似文献   

Potato and its products have become indispensable foods and snacks for most people. Steroidal glycoalkaloids (SGAs) occur in all tissues of the potato, and consuming potatoes with a high SGA content harms human health. Therefore, the effects of different cooking methods on the SGA content in potato foods were investigated in this study. The results indicated that adding food-grade acetic acid during the manufacturing process did not affect the SGA content in stir-fried shredded potatoes or fresh mashed potatoes. However, the SGA content in potato food after peeling was significantly lower than that in non-peeled food, and the volume ratio of potato skin to flesh decreased with the increase of the potato tuber volume. Therefore, potato breeders and farmers should make the most hard to increase the proportion of commodity potato via corresponding science and technology. In addition, frying significantly reduced the SGA content in potato chips. Further research indicated that SGAs degraded slowly at 150°C, while they degraded rapidly at 190°C within 30 min. The temperature of rapeseed oil in the frying process can be as high above 200°C. Thus, frying significantly decreased the SGA content in potato chips, which could be attributed to temperature. These results will provide a theoretical basis and practical guidance for potato breeding and cooking.  相似文献   

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