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利用太阳能低品位热源结合中央空调冷凝热回收技术加热酒店生活热水解决以往直接用电加热或者锅炉(燃煤、燃气或燃油)加热方式带来的高能耗、高费用和高环境破坏问题。不仅节约能源,并且可以减轻城市热岛效应。着重介绍了某酒店部分冷凝热回收加热卫生热水的中央空调系统原理、特点并对热回收机组的经济性进行了理论分析  相似文献   

以夏热冬冷地区某三甲综合医院为例,对比一次回风洁净空调系统和新风热回收梯级处理洁净空调系统的空气处理过程计算,分析系统节能及空调季的运行经济性,确定新风热回收梯级处理热湿变化过程的洁净空调系统,既能满足功能需求,又能实现系统节能。  相似文献   

介绍了冷凝热回收技术的工作原理及适用范围,并选取实例进行节能效果分析。  相似文献   

冷水机组的显热热回收计算及效益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

介绍了一种有别于常规系统的“三联供”水环热泵系统,系统中辅助热源由空气源热泵机组代替了常规的燃油(气)锅炉,并且在系统中加入一组水-水高温热泵,在制冷季节回收冷凝热来生产生活热水。从而实现整个系统冷暖空调、生活热水三联供的功能。对这套系统在工程实例中的应用作了分析,对该系统在热回收制取生活热水方面与常规系统的能耗作了比较。  相似文献   

余斌 《声学技术》2014,33(3):250-254
当剧院兼用大型交响乐、室内乐或合唱音乐演出时,舞台上必须增设音乐反射罩,既有助于将乐队演奏声返送至听众席和平衡乐队演出,也可改善观众厅内的音质。音乐反射罩是多功能剧院舞台工艺的重要设施之一。主要介绍音乐反射罩的六个工程应用实例,并对增设乐罩前后观众厅的实测结果作分析总结。对比舞台上增设乐罩前后观众厅音质参量混响时间、早期衰变时间、明晰度和声场力度的变化,发现舞台增设乐罩后,显著降低了舞台空间和观众厅空间的耦合作用,两者形成一个整体使观众厅有效声学容积增大。由于乐罩对低频声能的吸收,低频混响时间不但没有提升,反而略有下降。单就混响时间的频率特性而言,增设乐罩的多功能剧院与专业音乐厅仍存在较大的差距。增设乐罩后,观众厅内明晰度降低,而声场力度得到了较大的提升。  相似文献   

A novel kind of hybrid nanoparticles, Fe3O4@poly(ε-caprolactone)-carbazole, i.e. Fe3O4@PCL-carbazole, was synthesized via surface-initiated ring-opening polymerization (ROP) from glycolic acid — functionalized Fe3O4, and N, N′-Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC) was used to combine carbazyl group to the hydroxyl group at the end of PCL. The organic polymers as the shell were obtained with a narrow molecular weight distribution. Superparamagnetism and fluorescence of the nanoparticles were investigated by vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM) and fluorescence spectra. The study of the release of model drug progesterone from the hybrid nanoparticles indicated that the drug was released slowly and steady-going. Combined with the advantage of superparamagnetism, biodegradability, biocompatibility and fluorescence, the hybrid nanoparticles could be used as novel potential carriers and applied extensively in targeted drug delivery and release.  相似文献   

Expanders have been shown to improve the energy efficiencies of refrigeration systems. The current technology is also adequate to manufacture and integrate expanders to practical air-conditioners. In this paper, an economic analysis of the installation of expanders on to existing vapor compression cooling systems, particularly medium scale air-conditioners, is presented. Various refrigerants, including the established and the newly proposed varieties, are considered. From the investigations, it was found that when the expander efficiency is 50%, the payback periods of most conventional systems are below 3 years in high temperature countries with high electricity tariffs and are above 5 years in other countries. Expanders are especially attractive for the transcritical CO2 and the R404A systems. The payback periods are shorter for systems with highly efficient expanders, high cooling loads, high ambient temperatures and for low refrigerating temperature applications.  相似文献   

采用4因素3水平的正交实验,确定经阳极氧化铝合金后在其表面进行电解着色铜的最佳工艺,并用TiO2溶胶对着色膜进行封孔处理。采用扫描电镜、能谱仪、X射线衍射仪对涂层的形貌、成分分布、结构等进行表征,研究涂层的耐蚀性、耐擦拭性、亲水性、光催化性、抗菌性等。结果表明,氧化膜为砖红色,厚约40~50μm,主要由非晶态的氧化铝构成,铜纳米粒子和TiO2沉积在孔中。经电化学氧化着色和TiO2封孔后形成了耐蚀、装饰、亲水、光催化、抗菌的多功能涂层,其性能较沸水封孔的涂层有很大提高,可用于医学外用设备。  相似文献   

一种实验室用多功能校准仪的研制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍该多功能校准仪的主要构成、工作原理及主要技术性能。它主要用于高校实验室中各类便携式数字万用表、指针式万用表及直流 0 .2级、交流 0 .5级以下表头的检定、校验。  相似文献   

本文以100m2的住宅用户为研究对象,提出一种直膨式多功能太阳能热泵系统,该系统可以实现夏季制冷、冬季制热、全年提供生活热水,并且随太阳辐射强度的不同可以实现变容量调节。对直膨式多功能太阳能热泵系统的初投资、年能耗、寿命周期内的总投资等指标进行分析,与普通空调和电热水器、普通空调和燃气热水器、普通空调和空气源热泵热水器进行比较,并分析了使用年限、日太阳能供热小时数及日生活热水用量等因素对系统经济性的影响。此外,还对此系统的变容量运行进行了总体性的经济性分析。  相似文献   

An elasto-plastic plate-bending analysis is developed based on the finite element method and utilizing an assumed-stress hybrid (Pian) element. Plasticity is incorporated using the Prandtl–Reuss relations and isotropic hardening theory together with an incremental residual force technique. Several example solutions are included to demonstrate the ability of this approach in elasto-plastic plate-bending problems.  相似文献   

鉴于Legendre基等正交基在代数多项式空间中的广泛应用,论文在深入研究代数双曲空间的拟Legendre基性质的基础上,给出了其在反函数逼近和等距曲线逼近上的应用。利用多项式和双曲函数的混合多项式序列来逼近反函数,并通过实例证明给出方法的有效性;对基曲线的法矢曲线进行逼近,构造H-Bézier曲线的等距曲线的最佳逼近,这种方法直接求得逼近曲线的控制顶点,计算简单,截断误差小。  相似文献   

模态分析在冲击动力学分析中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文论述了模态分析在冲击动力学分析中的应用,对其公式进行了推导,论证了模态的正规化方法与结果的无关性。  相似文献   

The design of periodic microstructural composite materials to achieve specific properties has been a major area of interest in material research. Tailoring different physical properties by modifying the microstructural architecture in unit cells is one of the main concerns in exploring and developing novel multi-functional cellular composites and has led to the development of a large variety of mathematical models, theories and methodologies for improving the performance of such materials. This paper provides a critical review on the state-of-the-art advances in the design of periodic microstructures of multi-functional materials for a range of physical properties, such as elastic stiffness, Poisson’s ratio, thermal expansion coefficient, conductivity, fluidic permeability, particle diffusivity, electrical permittivity and magnetic permeability, etc.  相似文献   

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