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由于养殖环境污染严重、养殖过程中使用违禁药品以及水产品携带天然致病菌等问题,水产品安全事件频发,但是因为目标分析物含量低、水产品基质的复杂性、目标分析物与食品成分的相互作用等问题,使得对残留污染物的分离纯化存在很大困难,迫切需要准确度高、精密度高、检测限低的水产品安全检测方法。金属-有机框架材料(metal-organic frameworks,MOFs)是一种多孔晶体材料,具有比表面积大、热稳定性好、表面修饰可调控等特性。MOFs拥有优异的吸附性能并已成功应用于水产品的安全检测。本文概括了MOFs的主要结构,论述了MOFs吸附机理,综述了MOFs在水产品安全检测残留污染物(渔药、重金属、有机污染物)中的应用,旨在为水产品的安全检测提供参考。  相似文献   

食品安全问题始终是社会关注的热点之一。为保障食品安全和人类健康,对食品污染物进行检测是控制和消除其所造成风险的关键。因此,开发灵敏、准确的食品污染物检测方法具有十分重要的意义。金属有机框架(metal-organic frameworks,MOFs)是一类由金属离子或金属团簇与有机配体自组装而成的新型多孔晶体材料,具有孔隙率高、比表面积大、结构可调、功能多样等优点,越来越受到学界关注。MOFs可与多种检测技术、样品前处理技术相结合,在食品检测方面具有广泛的应用前景。本文综述了近些年MOFs及其复合物材料在食品检测中应用的研究进展,主要包括作为传感检测材料和作为色谱法样品前处理材料应用的研究,同时对其在食品安全领域中存在的应用问题进行了总结,并展望了其在食品安全领域未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

金属有机框架材料(metal-organic framework materials, MOFs)具有高比表面积、高吸附容量、高稳定性、结构可控、孔隙率可调等特点,在储能和转换器件、光催化剂、抗菌药物吸附,以及催化去除污染物等领域应用广泛。其中,在食品污染物的吸附或分析等相关研究领域具有良好的应用潜力。然而, MOFs材料对于食品污染物的吸附和检测,特别是农药残留、重金属污染和抗生素残留等相关研究的系统综述较少。本文详细介绍了MOFs材料的分类、特性及合成等内容,并系统概括了MOFs材料在食品污染物吸附和检测分析中的应用现状,以期为利用MOFs材料开发针对食品污染物的高灵敏性、高选择性的吸附材料和检测分析材料提供参考。  相似文献   

联合国粮食及农业组织数据显示, 全球约有25%的粮食及其食品受到了真菌毒素污染, 因此, 对真菌毒素的快速和现场检测至关重要。近年来, 基于金属有机框架(metal organic frameworks, MOFs)复合材料的适配体传感器发展迅速, 在简化检测流程、增加灵敏度、提高特异性、降低检出限以及缩短检测时间等方面展现出显著优势。MOFs作为传感器研究中的新兴材料, 具有高孔隙率、大比表面积、丰富的金属位点、可控的孔径、良好的生物亲和性以及易于功能化修饰等特性。本文综述了MOFs的合成方法及其复合材料的分类, 重点介绍了基于MOFs复合材料的适配体传感器在检测食品中各类真菌毒素的应用, 并对适配体传感器的未来发展与前景应用进行了展望, 以期为食品中各类真菌毒素适配体传感器的开发提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

随着食品工业的发展,食品安全问题引起人们的广泛关注。金属有机框架(metal-organic frameworks,MOFs)是一类具有独特物理和化学性质的功能材料,其具有多孔结构以及显著的抗菌性能,因此在食品保鲜方面显示出良好的应用前景。在食品包装领域,MOFs可以延长食品的保质期并延缓贮藏期食品品质的劣变,提高食品包装材料的性能。本文综述MOFs作为抗菌剂、氧清除剂和乙烯清除剂在食品包装中的应用,介绍MOFs在食品包装领域的应用前景及面临的问题,旨在为MOFs在食品包装中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

金属有机框架材料(MOFs)是一种由金属离子和有机配体通过配位作用,组装成新型的多孔晶体材料。本试验以GdCl_3·6H_2O和H_3BTC为原料制备钆金属有机框架(Gd-MOF),并考察其对辛硫磷农药的吸附性能。结果表明,Gd-MOF能有效地吸附水中的辛硫磷农药,吸附量为33.5mg/g;当Gd-MOF加入量为40~80mg时,辛硫磷的吸附率最高可达90%;且在pH 3~7范围内对辛硫磷有一定的吸附力。推测Gd-MOF对辛硫磷的吸附可能是其孔径结构和Gd3+对辛硫磷分子间磷氧键有络合作用。Gd-MOF再生试验结果表明:Gd-MOF有良好的循环使用性能,可作为一种新型的去除水中辛硫磷农药的复合材料。  相似文献   

为保障食品安全与人类健康,实现快速、准确现场检测食品中有害物质是控制食品质量的关键。电化学传感器因其响应速度快、灵敏度高、设备易于小型化等优势在快速检测领域具有一定的优势。但食品中有害物质的痕量检测需要更广检测范围和更低检测限,同时实际样品体系复杂,对传感器的抗干扰性提出更高的要求。金属有机框架(metal-organic framework, MOF)材料因其可调的孔隙结构、大比表面积、易于修饰等优点,能够有效提高传感器的灵敏度和选择性,因此,MOF基电化学传感器被广泛应用于食品中有害物质的检测。本文综述了MOF材料用于构建电化学传感器对食品中危害因素(兽药、农药残留、真菌毒素、重金属、食品添加剂)检测的应用进展,着重阐述了MOF材料在构建电化学传感器中的优势,以及复合材料修饰电极中MOF的作用,同时对MOF材料的不足进行了讨论,为进一步拓展MOF基电化学传感器在食品安全检测中的应用提供新的思路。  相似文献   

目的 基于磁性金属有机框架材料(metal-organic framework, MOF)的磁固相萃取(magnetic solid phase extraction, MSPE)技术吸附去除环境水样中残留的林可霉素, 有效预防抗生素污染。方法 采用溶剂热法预制Fe3O4纳米颗粒, 然后与铜基金属离子和均苯三甲酸有机配体结合制备Fe3O4-MOF199复合材料。通过扫描电子显微镜(scanning electron microscopy, SEM)、X射线衍射(X-ray diffraction, XRD)、傅里叶红外光谱(Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, FTIR)、差热热重分析曲线(thermogravimetric differential thermal analysis, TG-DTA)和N2吸附-解吸实验等表征手段对材料的形貌、晶体结构及理化性质进行分析。通过等温吸附平衡和吸附动力学实验评估该材料对林可霉素吸附性能, 并对吸附后洗脱剂进行优化。结果 所制备的Fe3O4-MOF199呈规则的正八面体形态, 并具有较高的比表面积(749.19 m2/g)和优越的热稳定性。吸附实验结果表明该吸附过程符合Freundlich吸附动力学方程和伪二阶动力学模型。Fe3O4-MOF199材料用于海河水和津河水中低浓度的林可霉素吸附, 去除率可达80%以上。结论 Fe3O4-MOF199材料具有良好的吸附性能和吸附效果, 结合MSPE工艺可以有效应用于抗生素残留的吸附, 所建立的方法具有简单、有效、准确的林可霉素吸附去除性能。  相似文献   

综述纤维基铜金属有机框架复合材料的制备方法;介绍国内外纤维基铜金属有机框架复合材料在气相吸附与分离、液相吸附与分离、药物释放、光催化和抗菌等方面的应用研究成果;分析纤维基铜金属有机框架复合材料的研究方向。  相似文献   

有机电化学晶体管(OECT)由于具有器件制造简单、可拉伸、相对较低的工作电压和良好的开关电流比等优点,被广泛应用于生物医学、环境监测、保健产品、水处理和食品检测等领域。然而有机电化学晶体管材料往往受限于沟道材料的低化学稳定性以及低电子和离子迁移率等。共价有机框架(COF)由于具有稳定的共价键、良好的面内π-π共轭以及面外有序结构有望成为新一代的OECT沟道材料。文章通过一种表面引发方法在硅片表面原位生长COF薄膜,并用于OECT器件的组装,具有约100倍的开关比、0.4 V的低阈值电压和0.53 cm2/(V·s)的场效应迁移率。该研究结果为共价有机框架薄膜应用于电子器件领域拓宽了道路。  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(12):12342-12352
Rapid and credible detection of pathogens is essential to prevent and control outbreaks of foodborne diseases. In this study, a poly-l-lysine-functionalized magnetic beads (PLL-MB) strategy combined with a PCR assay was established to detect Staphylococcus aureus. We also detected Escherichia coli O157:H7 to further verify the strategy for gram-negative bacteria detection. Poly-l-lysine has strong positive charges because of its amino groups, which can conjugate with the carboxyl of carboxyl magnetic beads. Furthermore, it can be used to combine with bacteria through electrostatic adsorption. Under optimum conditions, the developed PLL-MB complexes showed 90% capture efficiency in phosphate-buffered saline and 85% capture efficiency in milk for S. aureus detection. The limit of detection of the PLL-MB-PCR assay was 102 cfu/mL (1.8 × 102 cfu/mL for S. aureus and 7 × 102 cfu/mL for E. coli O157:H7) in phosphate-buffered saline and milk samples. The whole assay can be performed within 4 h. The proposed strategy showed a lower limit of detection when compared with the conventional PCR assay without enrichment. In addition, this method exhibited the advantages of a high-efficient, cost-efficient, and simple operation, indicating its potential applications in foodborne pathogen detection.  相似文献   

In this study, a new vancomycin (Van)-modified poly-l-lysine (PLL) magnetic bead (MB) technique was developed for isolation of gram-positive bacteria. The method combines magnetic separation with a multiplex PCR (mPCR) assay and gel electrophoresis for easy and rapid detection of Bacillus cereus. Vancomycin was used as a molecular ligand between the MB and the d-alanyl-d-alanine moieties on the cell wall surface of B. cereus. The PLL served as a flexible molecular tether between the MB and Van that reduced steric hindrance maintaining the biological activity of Van. The MB-PLL-Van capture nanoprobes exhibited excellent capture and isolation efficiency for B. cereus in spiked milk matrix samples without interference from the complex food matrix. The subsequent mPCR assay showed high specificity for the 4 target genes in B. cereus, the entFM, cesB, cer, and 16S rRNA genes, that were used to achieve efficient genotyping and detection. Under optimum conditions, the limit of detection reached 103 cfu/mL, with a dynamic range of detection at 103 to 107 cfu/mL in pure culture. Application of the MB-PLL-Van mediated mPCR assay for B. cereus in milk matrix samples achieved results similar to those of the pure culture. In addition, with a 6-h pre-enrichment of B. cereus that was spiked in milk matrix samples, the limit of detection reached 101 cfu/mL. The MB-PLL-Van mediated mPCR assay developed in this study could be used as a universal technology platform for the efficient enrichment and genotyping of gram-positive bacteria.  相似文献   

This paper describes the synthesis and application of a novel magnetic metal–organic framework (MOF) [(Fe3O4-benzoyl isothiocyanate)/Cu3(benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxylate)2] to pre-concentrate trace amounts of Cd(II), Pb(II), Zn(II) and Cr(III) ions and their determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. A Box–Behnken design was used to find the parameters affecting the pre-concentration procedure through response surface methodology. Three factors including uptake time, amount of the magnetic sorbent and pH of the sample were selected as affecting factors in the sorption step, and four factors including type, volume and concentration of the eluent as well as the elution time were selected in the elution step for the optimisation study. The opted values were 30 mg, 10.1 min, 5.9, EDTA, 4.0 ml, 0.57 mol l–1 EDTA solution and 13.0 min for the amount of the magnetic sorbent, uptake time, pH of the sample, type, volume, concentration of the eluent, and elution time, respectively. The limits of detection (LODs) were 0.12, 0.7, 0.16, and 0.4 ng ml?1 for Cd(II), Pb(II), Zn(II) and Cr(III) ions, respectively. The relative standard deviations (RSDs) of the method were less than 7.2% for five separate batch experiments for the determination of 30 μg l?1 of Cd(II), Pb(II), Zn(II) and Cr(III) ions. The sorption capacity of the [(Fe3O4-benzoyl isothiocyanate)/MOF] was 175 mg g?1 for Cd(II), 168 mg g?1 for Pb(II), 210 mg g?1 for Zn(II) and 196 mg g?1 for Cr(III). It was found that the magnetic MOF nanocomposite demonstrated a higher capacity compared with Fe3O4-benzoyl isothiocyanate. Finally, the magnetic MOF nanocomposite was successfully applied to the rapid extraction of trace amounts of the heavy metal ions from vegetable samples.  相似文献   

Mycotoxin contamination of food crops is a global challenge due to their unpredictable occurrence and severe adverse health effects on humans. Therefore, it is of great importance to develop effective tools to prevent the accumulation of mycotoxins through the food chain. The use of magnetic nanoparticle (MNP)-assisted biosensors for detecting mycotoxin in complex foodstuffs has garnered great interest due to the significantly enhanced sensitivity and accuracy. Within such a context, this review includes the fundamentals and recent advances (2020–2023) in the area of mycotoxin monitoring in food matrices using MNP-based aptasensors and immunosensors. In this review, we start by providing a comprehensive introduction to the design of immunosensors (natural antibody or nanobody, random or site-oriented immobilization) and aptasensors (techniques for aptamer selection, characterization, and truncation). Meanwhile, special attention is paid to the multifunctionalities of MNPs (recoverable adsorbent, versatile carrier, and signal indicator) in preparing mycotoxin-specific biosensors. Further, the contribution of MNPs to the multiplexing determination of various mycotoxins is summarized. Finally, challenges and future perspectives for the practical applications of MNP-assisted biosensors are also discussed. The progress and updates of MNP-based biosensors shown in this review are expected to offer readers valuable insights about the design of MNP-based tools for the effective detection of mycotoxins in practical applications.  相似文献   

玉米赤霉烯酮检测方法研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
玉米赤霉烯酮是一种具有雌激素作用真菌毒素,主要污染玉米、麦类、谷物等,严重影响农业经济及人类健康,因此有必要研究能准确、灵敏检测玉米赤霉烯酮方法。该文对玉米赤霉烯酮检测方法进行综述。  相似文献   

为制备一种磁性生物可降解空气过滤用熔喷布,将用水热法合成的磁性金属有机框架材料(MMOF)与聚乳酸(PLA)熔融共混后,再通过熔喷加工工艺制成不同质量比的PLA/MMOF复合熔喷布,对其形貌、结构和性能进行研究。结果表明:随着MMOF质量占比的增加,复合熔喷布中纤维的表面粗糙程度增加,平均直径和孔径也不断增大;当MMOF的含量较高时,复合熔喷布的玻璃化转变温度有所增加,其结晶温度和熔融温度随着MMOF质量占比的增加而升高,加入适量的MMOF对PLA的结晶有异相成核作用,且赋予了PLA/MMOF复合熔喷布磁性;与纯PLA熔喷布相比,PLA/MMOF复合熔喷布的透气率提高,过滤阻力降低,当PLA与MMOF的质量比为1:0.03时,复合熔喷布的空气过滤效率和断裂强度均达到最大,分别为65.03%和0.21 MPa。  相似文献   

付大伟  孙莹莹  徐伟 《食品工业科技》2019,40(10):174-178,183
为获得高效可溶性表达的小鼠核糖核酸酶抑制剂(MRNI),本文通过构建含SUMO、IF2、GST、NusA、MsyB、Trx和 MBP融合标签的重组表达载体,以大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)作为宿主菌进行自诱导(auto-induction,AI)表达,利用MagNi磁珠检测及电泳分析MRNI的表达状况,并对其培养温度及时间进行优化,同时,与其他公司核糖核酸酶抑制剂(RI)活性进行对比。结果表明,重组菌BL21(DE3)(pNBEⅡ-MRNI)诱导表达的可溶性融合蛋白IF2-MRNI的产量最高,最适诱导条件为37 ℃,诱导培养6 h,20 ℃培养24 h。磁珠纯化后获得的融合蛋白IF2-MRNI浓度为3621.3 mg/L,检测其酶活性约为40 U/μL。该酶具有抑制RNase A活性,防止RNA被降解的作用,为RI的生产及应用提供理论基础。  相似文献   

程慧  刘顺  黎波  黄玉兰  周涛 《食品与机械》2021,37(11):61-66
目的:通过制备适配体—磁珠复合体,利用氯霉素的特异性结合可解离适配体与DNA酶的结合,并解除对该酶与血红素结合催化显色反应活性抑制的机理,建立用于快速检测鸡蛋中氯霉素的方法。方法:通过适配体与DNA酶碱基互补配对后,再将该结合体通过羧基和氨基的缩合反应,制备适配体—磁珠复合体。再通过加入不同浓度的氯霉素溶液以实现与其适配体的结合,使得DNA酶与氯霉素核酸适配体发生解离,被解离出的DNA酶与血红素结合催化显色反应。结果:该方法检测氯霉素的线性范围为0.001~100.000 mg/kg,其吸光度值与氯霉素浓度呈线性相关,在5,10,25 mg/kg 3种添加水平下该比色法的回收率为98.4%~101.1%,相对标准偏差均小于10%。结论:该方法通过引入DNA酶和磁性纳米粒子有效克服了传统快速检测方法的非特异性吸附引起的假阳性结果,适用于快速检测鸡蛋中氯霉素的残留量。  相似文献   

Important fungi growing on cheese include Penicillium, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Geotrichum, Mucor, and Trichoderma. For some cheeses, such as Camembert, Roquefort, molds are intentionally added. However, some contaminating or technological fungal species have the potential to produce undesirable metabolites such as mycotoxins. The most hazardous mycotoxins found in cheese, ochratoxin A and aflatoxin M1, are produced by unwanted fungal species either via direct cheese contamination or indirect milk contamination (animal feed contamination), respectively. To date, no human food poisoning cases have been associated with contaminated cheese consumption. However, although some studies state that cheese is an unfavorable matrix for mycotoxin production; these metabolites are actually detected in cheeses at various concentrations. In this context, questions can be raised concerning mycotoxin production in cheese, the biotic and abiotic factors influencing their production, mycotoxin relative toxicity as well as the methods used for detection and quantification. This review emphasizes future challenges that need to be addressed by the scientific community, fungal culture manufacturers, and artisanal and industrial cheese producers.  相似文献   

该研究提出了一种免疫比色方法用于快速检测黄曲霉毒素B1 。在最优条件下,以免疫磁珠为载体,脲酶-金纳米棒为探针,探针与抗体特异性结合的同时与尿素反应催化沉积外加铜离子产生的显色反应为定量基础,紫外吸收强度作为参考指标,测定样品中的黄曲霉毒素B1 。结果表明,标准曲线的线性回归方程为Y=4.017+1.430 6X,相关系数为0.997,检测限为0.042 ng/mL,加标回收率在92.5%~120.8%之间,表明该方法精密度良好、检测结果可靠。故该免疫比色法可用于检测食品中黄曲霉毒素B1。  相似文献   

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