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为了提高胶结充填体的强度,降低水泥耗量,考察加入碎石对胶结充填体强度性质的影响,文中进行了34组包括不同水灰比、不同龄期、不同掺入碎石量和不同级配的胶结碎石充填体单轴压缩试验,根据试验结果,讨论了上述因素对强度的影响效应并借助于拟合分析导出了描述这些影响效应的关系式。  相似文献   

本文进行了两组胶结碎石充填体的应力应变全过程试验,讨论了它的本构关系,导出了相应的本构方程形式,并借助拟合分析用试验结果对本构方程进行了验证。  相似文献   

研究了胶结剪切强度的声发射特性,发现用声发射可以观察断裂的详细过程:从加载开始就出现声发射,说明较弱的连结点已开始断裂;极大的声发射振铃增长,表明胶结产生了破坏;断裂的声发射信号幅值大;从声发射图上所得的最大载荷低于从X-Y函数记录仪所得的;声发射可以用于评价胶结质量  相似文献   

目的 为了探明胶结充填体早期损伤对后期承载性能的影响,方法 通过开展早期受损充填体经养护一定龄期后的单轴压缩试验,以损伤龄期和压损程度为变量,以受损充填体的后期变形特性、抗压强度、弹性模量为后期力学性能评价指标,分析充填体损伤龄期和压损程度对其后期力学性能的影响规律。结果 结果表明:在同一损伤龄期下,充填体在80%压损下后期峰值应力及残余应力最低;压损程度对龄期3,7 d的充填体后期变形特性影响较小,对龄期14,21 d的充填体后期变形特性弱化作用较大;80%以下的压损程度对龄期3,7 d充填体后期抗压强度影响较小,各个压损程度对龄期14,21 d充填体后期抗压强度影响较大,压损程度越大,后期抗压强度越低;各龄期充填体后期弹性模量均随压损程度的增大而增大。养护龄期14 d之后的充填体受损后对其后期力学性能影响显著,且不同压损程度对龄期14 d之后的充填体后期力学影响显著。结论 研究结果可为上向水平充填采矿方法中充填质量的控制提供理论指导。  相似文献   

为探究石灰岩破裂失稳前兆,对岩土工程岩土破裂事故进行预警预测.以石灰岩单轴压缩声发射试验为基础,分析了整个石灰岩破坏过程声发射的频谱特征及时域主频.研究发现,石灰岩声发射波形存在2个主要频带,主要集中在15~75 kHz和125~175 kHz频段内;整个破坏过程中声发射频谱具有以下特征:主频幅值呈增大趋势,声发射谱的峰值形状存在单峰和双峰,单峰试件破坏强度更大;石灰岩破坏前,中频域主频信号明显增多,高频域主频出现密集分布.这些变化可作为石灰岩破裂失稳发生的特征指标,可用于石灰岩破裂失稳事件的预测预警.  相似文献   

遗留煤柱在相邻煤层安全开采、采空区管理和维护废弃矿井稳定性等方面发挥着重要作用.高径比影响着遗留煤柱的稳定性.本文对5种高径比(2.0,1.5,1.0,0.8和0.6)的煤样进行了单轴压缩试验,并对应力、应变和声发射进行了监测.结果表明,随着高径比的减小,煤样的单轴抗压强度和峰值应变均增大.提出了一个用以描述单轴抗压强...  相似文献   

为了研究煤岩组合体中煤厚对其破裂过程声发射特征的影响规律,以神东矿区布尔台煤矿基本顶粉砂岩和煤岩组合体试样为研究对象,采用DS5-8 b声发射监测系统对粉砂岩及煤岩组合体破裂过程中的声发射参数进行监测.结果表明:煤岩组合体中煤厚对其破裂过程中的声发射特征有影响,声发射峰值计数与煤厚呈负相关关系,声发射累计计数与煤厚呈正...  相似文献   

焦家金矿全尾砂胶结充填体强度的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The influence of heterogeneity on mechanical and acoustic emission characteristics of rock specimen under uniaxial compress was studied with numerical simulation methods. Weibull distribution function was adopted to describe the mesoscopic heterogeneity of rocks. The failure process of heterogeneous rock specimen under uniaxial loading was simulated using FLAC3D software. Five schemes were adopted to investigate the influence of heterogeneity. The results demonstrate that as the homogeneity increases, the peak strength and brittleness of rocks increase, and the macro elastic modulus improves as well. Heterogeneity has great influence on macro elastic modulus and strength when the homogeneity coefficient is less than 20.0. The volume expansion is not so obvious when the homogeneity increases. As the homogeneity coefficient increases the acoustic emissions modes change from swarm shock to main shock. When the homogeneity coefficient is high, the cumulative acoustic emission events-axial strain curve is gentle before the rock failure. The numerical results agree with the previously numerical results and earlier experimental measurements.  相似文献   

The stability of cemented paste backfill(CPB) is threatened by dynamic disturbance, but the conventional low strain rate laboratory pressure test has difficulty achieving this research purpose. Therefore, a split Hopkinson pressure bar(SHPB) was utilized to investigate the high strain rate compressive behavior of CPB with dynamic loads of 0.4, 0.8, and 1.2 MPa. And the failure modes were determined by macro and micro analysis. CPB with different cement-to-tailings ratios, solid mass concentrations, and curing ages was prepared to conduct the SHPB test. The results showed that increasing the cement content, tailings content, and curing age can improve the dynamic compressive strength and elastic modulus. Under an impact load, a higher strain rate can lead to larger increasing times of the dynamic compressive strength when compared with static loading. And the dynamic compressive strength of CPB has an exponential correlation with the strain rate. The macroscopic failure modes indicated that CPB is more seriously damaged under dynamic loading. The local damage was enhanced, and fine cracks were formed in the interior of the CPB. This is because the CPB cannot dissipate the energy of the high strain rate stress wave in a short loading period.  相似文献   

Utilizing the acoustic emission(AE) technique, an experimental investigation into the damage evolution for steel strand under axial tension was described. The damage evolution model for steel stand relating the damage evolution to acoustic emission parameters was proposed by incorporating the AE rate process theory. The AE monitoring results indicate that damages occur in both elastic and plastic phases of steel strand. In elastic phase, AE signals are mainly sent out from the micro damage due to the surface friction among the wires of steel strand, while in plastic phase, AE signals emitted from the plastic deformation of wires. In addition, the AE cumulative parameters curves closely resemble the loading curve. The AE cumulative parameters curves can well describe the damage evolution process including the damage occurrence and damage development for steel strands. It is concluded that the AE technique is an effective and useful nondestructive technique for evaluating the damage characteristics of steel strand.  相似文献   

为了研究混凝土单轴压缩状态下的损伤演化过程,利用声发射设备采集试样破坏过程的声发射数据,基于声发射信号建立声发射能量表述的损伤本构方程,对损伤程度进行量化表述,提出了损伤因子在启裂强度和损伤强度的取值区间.基于连续介质损伤力学,对微裂纹的发育过程和声发射能量数综合分析.结果表明,理论应力-应变曲线与试验曲线吻合较好,混凝土单轴压缩过程各阶段吻合度较高,混凝土单轴压缩损伤本构模型具有一定的合理性.  相似文献   

石灰岩在单轴压缩条件下的声发射特性   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
为研究岩石受压及破坏失稳过程中的声发射特性,作者利用改进的岩石声发射参数动态测试系统,对广西某矿石灰岩作了岩石的单轴压缩试验,检测了岩样从加载直至破坏过程中的声发射活动,表明内部微裂纹的形成与原有裂纹的扩展是岩石加载过程中声发射活动的主要原因。  相似文献   

胶结充填体力学特性的加载速率效应试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为探究胶结充填体在不同加载速率状态下的力学参数变化规律及其破坏模式,采用数显式压力机分别对2.0、4.0、6.0、8.0 mm/min这4种加载速率下的胶结充填体开展单轴压缩试验.试验结果表明:在2.0~8.0 mm/min加载速率范围内,加载速率对于胶结充填体的抗压强度值和割线模量均具有明显的强化效应,且峰值抗压强度值和割线模量随加载速率增大而增大.峰值抗压强度与加载速率呈多项式函数规律,而割线模量与加载速率则呈指数函数分布规律.且随着加载速率增大,胶结充填体试件破坏形式表现为拉剪混合破坏向单一剪切破坏形式逐渐转化.研究结果揭示了胶结充填体的力学特性加载速率效应,为研究充填体破坏机制提供一定的参考依据.  相似文献   

To investigate the creep and instability properties of a cemented gangue backfill column under a highstress area, the uniaxial compression creep tests were conducted by single-step and multi-step loading of prismatic samples made of cemented gangue backfill material(CGBM) under the high stressstrength ratio. The creep damage was monitored using an electrical resistivity device, ultrasonic testing device, and acoustic emission(AE) instrument. The results showed that the CGBM sample has a creep hardening property. The creep failure strength(CFS) is slightly larger than the uniaxial compressive strength(UCS), ranging in ratio from 108.9% to 116.5%. The instantaneous strain, creep strain, and creep rate increase with increasing stress-strength ratio in the single-step loading creep tests. The instantaneous strain and creep strain decrease first and then increase during the multi-step loading creep process. The axial creep strain of the CGBM column can be expressed by the viscoelastic-plastic creep model. Creep instability is caused by the accumulation of strain energy under multi-step loading and the continuous lateral expansion at the unconstrained middle position during the creep process. The creep stability of a CGBM column in a high-stress area can be monitored based on the variation of electrical resistivity, ultrasonic pulse velocity(UPV), and AE signals.  相似文献   

A novel method is presented to evaluate the complicated fatigue behavior of gears made of 20Cr2Ni4A. Fatigue tests are conducted in a high-frequency push-pull fatigue tester, and acoustic emission (AE) technique is used to acquire metal fatigue signals. After analyzing large number of AE frequency spectrum, we find that: the crack extension can be expressed as the energy of specific frequency band, which is abbreviated as F-energy. To further validate the fatigue behavior, some correlation analysis is applied between F-energy and some AE parameters. Experimental results show that there is significant correlation among the F-energy, root mean square (RMS), relative energy, and hits. The findings can be used to validate the effectiveness of the F-energy in predicting fatigue crack propagation and remaining life for parts in-service. F-energy, as a new AE parameter, is first put forward in the area of fatigue crack growth.  相似文献   

Rock burst is a severe disaster in mining and underground engineering, and it is important to predict the rock burst risk for minimizing the loss during the constructing process. The rock burst proneness was connected with the acoustic emission (AE) parameter in this work, which contributes to predicting the rock burst risk using AE technique. Primarily, a rock burst proneness index is proposed, and it just depends on the heterogeneous degree of rock material. Then, the quantificational formula between the value of rock burst proneness index and the accumulative AE counts in rock sample under uniaxial compression with axial strain increases is developed. Finally, three kinds of rock samples, i.e., granite, limestone and sandstone are tested about variation of the accumulative AE counts under uniaxial compression, and the test data are fitted well with the theoretic formula.  相似文献   

利用MTS815混凝土与岩石力学试验系统和PCI-2三维定位实时监测系统对花岗岩卸荷破坏进行了声发射试验,得到了其卸荷破坏全过程变形特性和声发射特征,探讨了应力与应变、声发射数与应力、声发射率与应力、声发射数与时间以及声发射率与时间之间的关系.研究表明,岩石在卸荷方式下的破坏大多表现为脆性破坏,而且围压越大,脆性破坏特征越明显;对于1-1试件,破坏前在应力大于310MPa左右或在时间大于300s左右的范围内声发射数、声发射率开始出现激增现象,表明进入该阶段岩石内部破裂开始加速发育、扩展,最终导致岩石的破坏.研究成果对具有同类岩体的工程具有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

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