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郭行  金卫阳 《辐射防护》2021,41(3):248-253
本文分析了福清核电厂1号机组停堆沉积源项调查发现的一回路管道内壁58Co和60Co表面活度水平、剂量率贡献以及随机组运行时间发生的变化情况,并介绍了压水堆核电厂活化腐蚀产物的形成、沉积及存在形式。通过分析201大修主泵停运对氧化运行效果及蒸汽发生器(SG)下封头辐射水平的影响,结合酸性氧化环境下腐蚀产物溶解度变化的特点,提出改进主泵停运时机以提高氧化运行效果的建议。另外,还分析了阀门密封面维修导致向一回路系统引入含钴金属颗粒对机组源项的影响,建议严格控制阀门维修过程以减少59Co进入一回路系统。  相似文献   

The French Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN) is performing a level 2 Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA-2) on the French 1300 MWe PWRs. This PSA-2 study is relying on the ASTEC integral computer code, jointly developed by IRSN and GRS (Germany). In order to assess the reliability and the quality of physical results of the ASTEC V1.3 code as well as the PWR 1300 MWe reference input deck, a wide-ranging series of comparisons with the French best-estimate thermal-hydraulic code CATHARE 2 V2.5 has been performed on 14 different severe-accident scenarios. The present paper details 4 out of the 14 studied scenarios: a 12-in. cold leg Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA), a 2-tube Steam Generator Tube Rupture (SGTR), a 12-in. Steam Line Break (SLB) and a total Loss of Feed Water scenario (LFW). The thermal-hydraulic behavior of the primary and secondary circuits is thoroughly investigated and compared to the CATAHRE 2 V2.5 results. The ASTEC results of the core degradation phase are also presented. Overall, the thermal-hydraulic behavior given by the ASTEC V1.3 is in very good agreement with the CATHARE 2 V2.5 results.  相似文献   

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