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Rapid development of telecommunication and service has made researchers think of intelligent tools to assist users in delivering critical data securely. When it comes to share digital images, owing to high frequent use of Mega pixel digital cameras or camera phones, true-color images become one common image type. In the last few years, several researches have been devoted to study of secret image sharing. What seems lacking is a scheme for sharing true-color secret images with size constraint. This paper proposes a new secret image sharing scheme for true-color secret images. Through combination of neural networks and variant visual secret sharing, the quality of the reconstructed secret image and camouflage images are visually the same as the corresponding original images. Compared with other schemes, the proposed one alone supports true-color secret image with size constraint on shares. Experimental results and comparisons demonstrate the feasibility of this scheme.  相似文献   

Secret image sharing is a method to decompose a secret image into shadow images (shadows) so that only qualified subset of shadows can be used to reconstruct the secret image. Usually all shadows have the same importance. Recently, an essential SIS (ESIS) scheme with different importance of shadows was proposed. All shadows are divided into two group: essential shadows and non-essential shadows. In reconstruction, the involved shadows should contain at least a required number of shadows, including at least a required number of essential shadows. However, there are two problems in previous ESIS scheme: unequal size of shadows and concatenation of sub-shadow images. These two problems may lead to security vulnerability and complicate the reconstruction. In this paper, we propose a novel ESIS scheme based on derivative polynomial and Birkhoff interpolation. A single shadow with the same-size is generated for each essential and non-essential participant. The experimental results demonstrate that our scheme can avoid above two problems effectively.  相似文献   

With the rapid growth of numerous multimedia applications and communications through Internet, secret image sharing has been becoming a key technology for digital images in secured storage and confidential transmission. However, the stego-images are obtained by directly replacing the least-significant-bit planes (LSB) of cover-images with secret data and authentication code in most schemes, which will result in the distortion of the stego-images. In this paper, we proposed a novel secret image sharing scheme by applying optimal pixel adjustment process to enhance the image quality under different payload capacity and various authentication bits conditions. The experimental results showed that the proposed scheme has improved the image quality of stego images by 4.71%, 9.29%, and 11.10%, as compared with the schemes recently proposed by Yang et al., Chang et al., and Lin and Tsai. We also provide several experiments to demonstrate the efficacy of authentication capability of the proposed scheme. In other words, our scheme maintains the secret image sharing and authentication ability while enhances the image quality.  相似文献   

A novel (k, n) scalable secret image sharing (SSIS) scheme was proposed to encrypt a secret image into n shadow images. One can gradually reconstruct a secret image by stacking k or more shadows, but he/she cannot conjecture any information from fewer than k shadows. The advantage of a (k, n)-SSIS scheme is that it provides the threshold property (i.e., k is a threshold value necessary to start in to reveal the secret) as well as the scalability (i.e., the information amount of a reconstructed secret is proportional to the number of shadows used in decryption). All previous (k, n)-SSIS schemes did not have the smooth scalability so that the information amount can be “smoothly” proportional to the number of shadows. In this paper, we consider the smooth scalability in (k, n)-SSIS scheme.  相似文献   

An aspect ratio invariant visual secret sharing (ARIVSS) scheme is a perfectly secure method for sharing secret images. Due to the nature of the VSS encryption, each secret pixel is expanded to m sub-pixels in each of the generated shares. The advantage of ARIVSS is that the aspect ratio of the recovered secret image is fixed and thus there is no loss of information when the shape of the secret image is our information. For example, a secret image of a circle is compromised to an ellipse if m does not have a square value. Two ARIVSS schemes based on processing one and four pixel blocks, respectively, were previously proposed. In this paper, we have generalized the square block-wise approach to further reduce pixel expansion.  相似文献   

Many secret sharing schemes for digital images have been developed in recent decades. Traditional schemes typically must deal with the problem of computational complexity, and other visual secret sharing schemes come with a higher transmission cost and storage cost; that is, each shadow size is m times as big as the original secret image. The new (2,n) secret sharing scheme for grayscale images proposed in this paper is based a combination of acceptable image quality using block truncation coding (BTC), high compression ratio discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and good subjective performance of the vector quantization (VQ) technique. Experimental results confirm that our proposed scheme not only generates a high quality reconstructed original image but also generates small, random-like grayscale shadows.  相似文献   

Lein Harn 《Information Sciences》2010,180(16):3059-3064
A (tn) secret sharing divides a secret into n shares in such a way that any t or more than t shares can reconstruct the secret; but fewer than t shares cannot reconstruct the secret. In this paper, we extend the idea of a (tn) secret sharing scheme and give a formal definition on the (ntn) secret sharing scheme based on Pedersen’s (tn) secret sharing scheme. We will show that the (tn) verifiable secret sharing (VSS) scheme proposed by Benaloh can only ensure that all shares are t-consistent (i.e. any subset of t shares defines the same secret); but shares may not satisfy the security requirements of a (tn) secret sharing scheme. Then, we introduce new notions of strong t-consistency and strong VSS. A strong VSS can ensure that (a) all shares are t-consistent, and (b) all shares satisfy the security requirements of a secret sharing scheme. We propose a strong (ntn) VSS based on Benaloh’s VSS. We also prove that our proposed (ntn) VSS satisfies the definition of a strong VSS.  相似文献   

The study of the asymptotic idealness of the Goldreich–Ron–Sudan (GRS, for short) threshold secret sharing scheme was the subject of several research papers, where sufficient conditions were provided. In this paper a necessary and sufficient condition is established; namely, it is shown that the GRS threshold secret sharing scheme is asymptotically ideal under the uniform distribution on the secret space if and only if it is based on 1-compact sequences of co-primes.  相似文献   

I. Ahmad 《Information Sciences》2006,176(20):3094-3103
A class of second order (Fαρd)-convex functions and their generalizations is introduced. Using the assumptions on the functions involved, weak, strong and strict converse duality theorems are established for a second order Mond-Weir type multiobjective dual.  相似文献   

This paper explores properties of the residual Rényi entropy of some ordered random variables. The residual Rényi entropy of the kth order statistic from a continuous distribution function is represented in terms of the residual Rényi entropy of the kth order statistic from uniform distribution. The monotone behavior of the residual Rényi entropy of order statistic under various conditions is discussed. Analogues results for the residual Rényi entropy of record values are also given.  相似文献   

In this paper, the concept of an (αβ)-fuzzy generalized bi-ideal in an ordered semigroup is introduced, which is a generalization of the concept of a fuzzy generalized bi-ideal in an ordered semigroup. Using this concept, some characterization theorems are provided. The upper/lower parts of an (∈, ∈ ∨ q)-fuzzy generalized bi-ideal are introduced and some characterizations of regular ordered semigroups are given. Also, we consider the concept of implication-based fuzzy generalized bi-ideals in an ordered semigroup. In particular, the implication operators in Lukasiewicz system of continuous-valued logic are discussed.  相似文献   

目的 针对传统有意义分存方法存在的像素扩张和分发掩体图像视觉质量不高等问题,提出一种结合调整差值变换的(K,N)有意义图像分存方案,该方案可用于与掩体等大且同为自然图像的密图分存.方法 在分存阶段,首先用调整差值变换将密图转换为差值图和位置图;其次将差值图和位置图进行(K,N)分存,分别嵌入到掩体图像中,并使用密钥确定位置图分存信息的嵌入位置和根据位置图中不同的差值类型选择不同的差值嵌入方法;再次对密钥进行(K,N)分存,将子密钥和分发掩体对应的MD5值公布到第3方公信方作为认证码;最后将子密钥和分发掩体分发给参与者进行保管.在恢复阶段,首先核对参与者的子密钥和分发掩体对应的MD5值,若认证通过的人数小于K,则恢复失败;否则,使用认证通过的子密钥还原出密钥,然后根据密钥提取并恢复出位置图;其次根据位置图中的差值类型来提取和恢复出差值图;最后使用逆调整差值变换还原出最终密图.结果 同现有方法相比,所提策略不存在像素扩张且分发掩体图像视觉质量较高,具有较强的恶意参与者检测能力.结论 本文方法的掩体图像与密图等大且同为自然图像,同经典有意义图像分存方案相比,克服了像素扩张问题,嵌入信息后的掩体图像具有较高的视觉质量,使用第3方公信方存储的MD5值作为认证码,具有较强的恶意参与者识别能力.  相似文献   

A novel ocean color index to detect floating algae in the global oceans   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Various types of floating algae have been reported in open oceans and coastal waters, yet accurate and timely detection of these relatively small surface features using traditional satellite data and algorithms has been difficult or even impossible due to lack of spatial resolution, coverage, revisit frequency, or due to inherent algorithm limitations. Here, a simple ocean color index, namely the Floating Algae Index (FAI), is developed and used to detect floating algae in open ocean environments using the medium-resolution (250- and 500-m) data from operational MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) instruments. FAI is defined as the difference between reflectance at 859 nm (vegetation “red edge”) and a linear baseline between the red band (645 nm) and short-wave infrared band (1240 or 1640 nm). Through data comparison and model simulations, FAI has shown advantages over the traditional NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) or EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index) because FAI is less sensitive to changes in environmental and observing conditions (aerosol type and thickness, solar/viewing geometry, and sun glint) and can “see” through thin clouds. The baseline subtraction method provides a simple yet effective means for atmospheric correction, through which floating algae can be easily recognized and delineated in various ocean waters, including the North Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Yellow Sea, and East China Sea. Because similar spectral bands are available on many existing and planned satellite sensors such as Landsat TM/ETM+ and VIIRS (Visible Infrared Imager/Radiometer Suite), the FAI concept is extendable to establish a long-term record of these ecologically important ocean plants.  相似文献   

Sian-Jheng  Ja-Chen   《Pattern recognition》2007,40(12):3652-3666
This paper presents a novel method to combine two major branches of image sharing: VC and PSS. n transparencies are created for a given gray-valued secret image. If the decoding computer is temporarily not available at (or, not connected to) the decoding scene, we can still physically stack any t received transparencies (tn is a threshold value) to get a vague black-and-white view of the secret image immediately. On the other hand, when the decoding computer is finally available, then we can get a much finer gray-valued view of the secret image using the information hidden in the transparencies. In summary, each transparency is a two-in-one carrier of the information, and the decoding has two options.  相似文献   

Recently, Lin and Tsai and Yang et al. proposed secret image sharing schemes with steganography and authentication, which divide a secret image into the shadows and embed the produced shadows in the cover images to form the stego images so as to be transmitted to authorized recipients securely. In addition, these schemes also involve their authentication mechanisms to verify the integrity of the stego images such that the secret image can be restored correctly. Unfortunately, these schemes still have two shortcomings. One is that the weak authentication cannot well protect the integrity of the stego images, so the secret image cannot be recovered completely. The other shortcoming is that the visual quality of the stego images is not good enough. To overcome such drawbacks, in this paper, we propose a novel secret image sharing scheme combining steganography and authentication based on Chinese remainder theorem (CRT). The proposed scheme not only improves the authentication ability but also enhances the visual quality of the stego images. The experimental results show that the proposed scheme is superior to the previously existing methods.  相似文献   

Redefined fuzzy implicative filters   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using the belongs to relation (∈) and quasi-coincidence with relation (q) between fuzzy points and fuzzy sets, the concept of (θψ)-fuzzy implicative filters where θ, ψ are any two of {∈, q, ∈ ∨ q, ∈ ∧ q} with θ ≠ ∈ ∧ q is introduced, and related properties are discussed. Relations between (∈ ∨ q, ∈ ∨ q)-fuzzy implicative filters and (∈, ∈ ∨ q)-fuzzy implicative filters are investigated, and conditions for an (∈, ∈ ∨ q)-fuzzy implicative filter to be an (∈, ∈)-fuzzy implicative filter are provided. Characterizations of (∈, ∈ ∨ q)-fuzzy implicative filters are given, and conditions for a fuzzy set to be a (q, ∈ ∨ q)-fuzzy implicative filter are provided.  相似文献   

A multi-server perishable inventory system with negative customer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we consider a continuous review perishable inventory system with multi-server service facility. In such systems the demanded item is delivered to the customer only after performing some service, such as assembly of parts or installation, etc. Compared to many inventory models in which the inventory is depleted at the demand rate, however in this model, it is depleted, at the rate at which the service is completed. We assume that the arrivals of customers are according to a Markovian arrival process (MAP) and that the service time has exponential distribution. The ordering policy is based on (sS) policy. The lead time is assumed to have exponential distribution. The customer who finds either all servers are busy or no item (excluding those in service) is in the stock, enters into an orbit of infinite size. These orbiting customers send requests at random time points for possible selection of their demands for service. The interval time between two successive request-time points is assumed to have exponential distribution. In addition to the regular customers, a second flow of negative customers following an independent MAP is also considered so that a negative customer will remove one of the customers from the orbit. The joint probability distribution of the number of busy servers, the inventory level and the number of customers in the orbit is obtained in the steady state. Various measures of stationary system performance are computed and the total expected cost per unit time is calculated. The results are illustrated numerically.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a ring as a universal set and study (?T)-fuzzy rough approximation operators with respect to a TL-fuzzy ideal of a ring. First, some new properties of generalized (?T)-fuzzy rough approximation operators are obtained. Then, a new fuzzy algebraic structure - TL-fuzzy rough ideal is defined and its properties investigated. And finally, the homomorphism of (?T)-fuzzy rough approximation operators is studied.  相似文献   

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