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控释掺混肥对小麦产量、氮素利用率及土壤氮平衡的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用不同类型和不同氮素水平的控释掺混肥与普通复合肥进行对比试验,研究了不同施氮水平对大田小麦产量、氮素利用率和土壤氮平衡的影响。结果表明,控释掺混肥既能够显著提高小麦产量和氮素利用率,又明显减少了氮素损失量,以比常规施氮量减少20%、控氮比75%的控释掺混肥(CRF4)效果最显著,产量增加10.08%,氮素利用率提高15.23百分点,氮素损失量减少75.26 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

钙镁磷肥复式包膜尿素对冬小麦产量和氮肥效率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过连续 3年 ( 1999~ 2 0 0 0年 )大田试验 ,研究了钙镁磷肥复式包膜尿素对冬小麦产量、氮效率〔包括 :氮素效率比 ( NER) ,氮吸收效率 ( NUp E) ,氮素使用效率 ( NUE)和氮肥利用效率 ( Nf UE)〕的影响。结果表明 ,钙镁磷肥复式包膜尿素与普通尿素的生物量、籽粒和秸秆量均显著大于对照处理 ;氮素使用效率 ( NUE)和氮肥利用率均显著高于对照。包膜尿素处理的产量和氮效率最高 ,其籽粒、秸秆、生物量平均值比普通尿素处理分别高 9.0 9%~15 .0 6 %、13.11%~ 14 .96 %、11.73%~ 14 .99% ,氮肥利用率高 15~ 16个百分点。在本试验条件下 ,相对于通常氮肥施用量 ( 15 0 kg N/hm2 ) ,少量增加氮肥施用量 (氮肥用量增加 8% )对产量和氮效率 ( NE)没有显著影响 ;而大量增加氮肥施用量 (增加 2 0 % ) ,能明显增加小麦产量、吸氮量和氮肥利用率  相似文献   

控释尿素对小麦增产效果与提高氮肥利用率的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用控释尿素和普通尿素两种氮素肥料进行优质小麦郑麦366肥效试验研究。两地试验结果表明:100%控释尿素处理产量最高,为7980kg/hm^2和8290kg/hm^2,与同等氮素用量的普通尿素相比增产12.0%、14.0%;产量随氮肥用量的增加而增加;用量70%控释尿素处理与用量100%普通尿素处理之间相比,产量差异不大,没有达到显著性差异,说明施用控释尿素可以比普通尿素减少1/3的纯氮用量。  相似文献   

本文主要研究小麦在少免耕机械化条件下,有机肥和无机肥配合使用的施肥效益。经过两年试验结果看出,增施有机氮,除增加小麦产量外,在等量氮素水平下,增施有机氮素  相似文献   

0 引言 我国尿素有效养分利用率仅为30%~35%,未被作物吸收的氮素不仅造成资源浪费,而且还会造成地表水富营养化、地下水硝态氮含量超标、大气中氧化亚氮排放量增加等环境污染问题.  相似文献   

腐植酸提高土壤氮磷钾养分利用效率的机制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
腐植酸来源广泛,富含多种官能团结构,是一种高分子有机酸性物质聚合体,具有改良土壤、提高作物养分利用率等作用。文章总结了腐植酸提高土壤氮磷钾养分有效性的机制,发现腐植酸能够与铵结合形成腐植酸铵,进而减少土壤或堆肥过程中活性氮素损失;腐植酸通过减少土壤磷素固定,增加其有效性;腐植酸与钾结合,形成腐植酸钾,增加土壤钾素利用率。腐植酸通过提高作物抗逆性、促进根系生长和改良土壤等间接作用,进而提高养分利用率,增加作物产量,改善作物品质。  相似文献   

长效尿素对玉米的肥效试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
玉米作物每公顷施氮达到 45 0~ 60 0 kg,氮利用率低 ,环境污染日趋严重 [1]。在尿素生产中 ,加入脲酶抑制剂——氢醌 ,制成长效尿素[2 ] ,减缓尿素水解进程 ,减少氮的损失 ,提高氮的利用率 ,达到增产节肥目的 ,现将长效尿素肥效试验介绍如下。1 材料方法试验设置在甘肃张掖地区农科所的水浇地上。土壤为灌漠土 ,0~ 2 0 cm土层含碱解氮 65 .8mg/kg,指示作物春玉米 ,保苗 75 0 0 0株 /hm2 。施氮水平设 :1 CK;2 N150 ;3 N2 2 5;4N3 0 0 ;5 N3 75;6 N450 ;氮肥品种设等氮量水平的普通尿素 ( U) ;长效尿素( MU) ,共 1 1个处理。重复 3次 …  相似文献   

腐植酸增氮解磷促钾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【报告提要】1腐植酸对化肥增效作用的试验研究腐植酸与氮肥有机结合形成缓释氮肥,可使氮素利用率提高10个百分点、作物增产10%~15%。  相似文献   

1 产量完成情况   1999年 ,全省共生产合成氨 615kt,折纯氮 4 65kt,纯氮为计划 4 36kt的 10 6 65% ,纯P2 O5为 195 9kt,为计划 2 80 9kt的 69 74 % ,合计纯肥 660 9kt,为计划716 9kt的 92 19%。与 1998年比较 ,合成氨减产 12kt,以 10 0 %计 ,氮肥增产 0 9kt,增加 0 15% ,磷肥增产 3 8kt,增加1 97% ;其中氮肥赤天化增产 8 6kt,增加 2 91% ,贵化增产 7kt,增加 13 56% ,剑化减产 5 7kt,减少4 6 86% ,小氮肥减产 7 4kt,减少 7 2 6% ,磷铵纯氮减产 1 4kt,减少 4 0 96% ;磷肥中普钙增产 6 5kt,增加13…  相似文献   

为考察新型植物油包膜控释氮肥对间作玉米-大豆的产量、经济效益、肥料利用率等方面的影响,开展了田间小区试验。试验以不施氮肥(CK)、施用普通尿素(PU)处理为对照;植物油包膜控释氮肥施肥量为全量、减量20%、减量30%等3种,控释氮占总氮量为60%、40%等2种,共设置4个处理。结果表明,在玉米试验中,与PU处理相比,控释氮占总氮量60%的全量、减量20%处理的产量分别显著增产14.70%、7.49%,纯收入分别显著增加3 192.80、2 680.02元/hm2;控释氮肥处理的氮素利用率为50.14%~53.43%,差异显著。在大豆试验中,与PU处理相比,控释氮占总氮量60%的全量处理显著增产16.67%,纯收入显著增加2 725.80元/hm2;控释氮肥处理的氮素利用率为54.12%~57.98%,差异显著。对于玉米-大豆间作栽培,建议全量或减量20%施用控释氮占总氮量60%的植物油包膜控释氮肥。  相似文献   

The objective of the investigation was to examine whether there exist relationships between the optimum nitrogen fertilizer rate for winter wheat and soil nitrogen fractions extracted by electroultrafiltration (EUF) from autumn samples of the upper soil layer (0–30 cm). Optimum nitrogen fertilizer rates were derived from grain yield curves of field trials carried out with increasing nitrogen fertilizer rates on 19 different sites in 1985/86 and 1986/87. Most soils were luvisols derived from loess, two soils were brown earths and one a pararendzina. Total Nitrogen fertilizer rates were 0, 40, 80, and 120 kg N/ha applied twice before ear emergence. The final nitrogen rate at ear emergence was the same for all treatments, namely 60 kg N/ha.Optimum nitrogen fertilizer rates were derived from the grain yield curve fitted to a modified Mitscherlich equation. The optimum nitrogen fertilizer rates were correlated with the nitrogen fractions extracted by EUF. The regression equation thus obtained showed that NO 3 - , the organic N fraction (EUF Norg), and the EUF Norg-quotient each had a highly significant impact on the optimum nitrogen fertilizer rate. The higher the amounts of EUF-N extracted the lower the optimum nitrogen rate. Substituting the EUF Norg-fraction for total nitrogen concentration in the upper soil layer gave a poorer relationship between the optimum nitrogen fertilizer rate and the soil data. In absolute terms the EUF Norg-fraction had by far the greatest impact on calculating the optimum nitrogen fertilizer rate. The investigation shows that the EUF method is a suitable technique for the determination of available soil nitrogen from which optimum nitrogen fertilizer rates can be derived for winter wheat cultivated under soil and climatic conditions typical for cereal growing areas in central Europe.  相似文献   

The efficiency of nitrogen (N) fertilizer products and practices currently used on rice is low, and improving this efficiency would be very beneficial to rice-growing countries. The development of new N fertilizers is best achieved by following a logical sequence of testing and evaluation procedures in a variety of settings from the laboratory to the farmer's field. Novel N fertilizers currently at various stages of testing include urea supergranules for deep placement, urea coated with various materials to control the N release rate, mixtures of a urease inhibitor with urea to reduce losses, and organic N sources other than urea.  相似文献   

Data from 35 experiments with direct seeded rice, performed between 1981 and 1991 by national research institutes in five major rice growing countries of Europe were analyzed to estimate the average efficiency of fertilizer nitrogen (N). Pooled data from a four year regional survey (1984–1988) on rice-based farming systems in the Camargueregion (43° 20'–43° 40' N) in the south of France, were used to perform a similar analysis. Experimentation during two years (1989–1990) was carried out to assess the value of the N-utilization efficiency within the range of N-limited growth and to obtain information on the N-efficiency under controlled conditions.At reduced basal dressing of N on soils with high soil organic matter content, the apparent N-recovery was estimated at 0.21 to 0.32 kg N uptake per kg N applied. Average agronomic efficiency ranged from 12 to 17 kg grain dry mass per kg N applied. High basal N-application on these soils resulted in yield loss. No consistent yield response to fertilizer-N input was found on soils with less than two percent organic matter, irrespective of fertilizer timing. These results confirm the important role of soil organic matter in rice cultivation.An average apparent N-recovery of 0.18 was obtained with split application of N under controlled experimental conditions in the Camargue. Using a controlled release fertilizer, values of 0.58 and 32 kg.kg–1 were obtained for the apparent N-recovery and agronomic efficiency, respectively. Hence, disregarding the economic feasibility, considerable scope exists for improving N-efficiency in European rice cultivation.  相似文献   

马凯  马培华  贲艳英 《磷肥与复肥》2010,25(1):13-14,17
论述了近年国内外生产和施用的氮肥中所含铵态氮和硝态氮的比例关系。硝态氮肥产量占全球氮肥总产量:世界约14%,欧盟约40%,而我国仅占2%。消费结构比例与产量比例相近。世界最大3家氮肥生产商Yara、Terra和PCS的主要产品为硝铵尿素溶液、硝酸盐等含硝态氮产品,产量和销售量占其氮肥总量的50%以上。加快发展我国硝基肥产业,提高硝态氮肥施用量,对优化我国施肥结构、提高肥料利用率有重要意义。  相似文献   

Liquid nitrogen fertilizers are, per unit of N, generally cheaper than granulated ammonium nitrate because of lower production costs. Although very corrosive, the storage and handling of liquid nitrogen fertilizers does not usually present any problems. The applicability and efficiency of a commercial liquid nitrogen fertilizer (containing 39% N, half urea and half ammonium nitrate) on grassland was investigated in comparison with granulated ammonium nitrate (27% N). The liquid nitrogen fertilizer was applied on continuously grazed paddocks without any repercussions for animal health. No scorching was observed provided that certain measures were adopted while spraying the fertilizer: i.e. little dilution with water, use of low pressure and large droplets and application on dry grass in cloudy whether. In comparison with the granulated ammonium nitrate, the liquid nitrogen fertilizer was less efficient; dry matter yield and N-uptake of the grass treated with the liquid nitrogen fertilizer were 76% and 73% respectively of the dry matter yield and N-uptake of the grass treated with the granulated ammonium nitrate fertilizer.Fertilization, especially with nitrogen, represents the biggest single cost in grass production. Because liquid nitrogen fertilizers can be produced less expensively then granulated ones, their price per unit of N, delivered to the farmer, is also lower.Another advantage is that liquid fertilizers are easy to handle (despite being corrosive) and can be distributed uniformly over the field. The greatest advantage can be expected on the large grass areas of continuous grazing systems. Because of these benefits, an investigation was carried out to assess the potential use and efficiency of liquid nitrogen fetilizer in comparison with granulated ammonium nitrate nitrogen, from 1983 up to 1987. In 1983 and 1984, the grass quality, especially NH3 and NO3 concentration directly after spraying, and animal behaviour were assessed. From 1985 to 1987, the grass yield and nitrogen uptake were measured under mowing conditions.  相似文献   

介绍了国内最新创制的活化磷肥、有机钾肥、氨酸螯合肥、含肽氮肥、硫磺加强型肥料、富过磷酸钙磷肥、生物有机肥、高分子聚合物增效肥料等8种新型肥料的开发进展和应用概况。  相似文献   

Cropping systems and fertilizer management strategies that effectively use applied nitrogen (N) are important in reducing costs of N inputs. We examined the effect of time of N application on dry matter (DM) and grain yield (GY), N accumulation, the N budget in crop from soil, fertilizer and atmosphere, and the fertilizer N use efficiency (estimated by the conventional difference method, and the direct 15N recovery by the crops), in a sorghum/pigeonpea intercropping system on an Alfisol (Ferric Luvisols (FAO); or Udic Rhodustalf (USDA) in India. Fertilizer N was applied at planting (basal) and at 40 days after sowing (delayed). Nitrogen was applied only to the sorghum rows in the intercropping treatment. Nitrogen derived from air (Ndfa) was estimated by the15 N natural abundance method, and N derived from fertilizer (Ndff) was estimated by the 15N isotope dilution method. Delaying N fertilization till 40 days after sowing (DAS), rather than applying at sowing increased DM and GY of the sorghum, but not of pigeonpea. Delaying N fertilization to sorghum for 40 days significantly (p<0.001) increased 15N recovery in shoot from 15 to 32% in sole crop, and from 10 to 32% in intercrop. Similarly, there was a significant (p<0.001) increase in N recovery (by the difference method) from 43 to 59% in sole crop and from 28 to 71 % in intercrop sorghum. Fertilizer N recovery by sole crop pigeonpea (14%) was higher than intercrop pigeonpea (2–4%). Pigeonpea fixed between 120–170 kg ha-1 of atmospheric N throughout the cropping season. Although there was a marked difference in nitrate-N (N03-N) concentrations between basal and delayed treatments at planting, no difference was observed in N03-N concentrations in soil solution between the treatments at 40 DAS. Our data on N accumulation by plants showed that the rate of N depletion or disappearance from the soil solution was 2–3 times faster than N accumulation by plants, suggesting that an appreciable amount of N03-N would disappear from soil solution in the top soil without being utilized by crops during the initial growth stage. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

采用超大区田间试验,以不施氮、传统氯素管理方式和优化氮素管理方式为对照,研究冬小麦施用包裹型缓/控释肥(包裹肥料)对产量、土壤无机氮和氮肥利用效率的影响,并对冬小麦施用包裹型缓/控释肥效果进行评价,结果表明:与传统氮素管理方式相比,优化氮素管理方式和包裹肥料处理在分别节省了78%和67%的氮肥的条件下,获得了和传统氮素管理方式相似的冬小麦子粒产量;采用氮素优化管理模式和施用包裹肥料显著降低了土壤无机氮残留和氮素表观损失,从而显著提高了氮肥利用率;与优化氮素管理方式相比,施用包裹肥料可一次性基施,省时省力,提高了经济效益。  相似文献   

钾肥和有机肥对油荬菜产量及商品品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验结果表明 ,土壤缺钾是该试验的主要养分限制因子之一 ;在NP基础上施钾肥增产 5 5 0 6 % ;有机无机肥料配合施用 ,比单施有机肥增产 4 5 0 1% ,比单施化肥仅增产 3 88% ,并可提高油荬菜的商品质量 ;化肥的利用率为 6 2 11% ,钾肥的利用率为 77 90 %。  相似文献   

研究了菜籽饼粕中的有效成分及有害重金属等在菜籽饼粕有机肥中腐熟期各阶段成分的变化。在腐熟过程中,氮、磷、钾总养分随着腐熟时间的增加而增加,腐熟到一定程度时达到最高,而后增长趋势平缓;有机质含量随着腐熟时间的增加有降低趋势,分解为小分子物质,但有机质总体含量很高。试验显示,菜籽饼粕有机肥最佳肥效期为45d,菜籽饼肥和菜籽粕肥相比,菜籽饼肥总养分含量略高于菜籽粕肥。  相似文献   

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