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为了进一步分析不同焊接参数对A304不锈钢薄板激光焊接效果的影响,该文在不同的焊接参数和激光输出方式下,采用AvaSpec-2048型光纤光谱仪对A304不锈钢薄板激光焊接的电弧进行了光谱分析。研究结果表明,激光功率、焊接速度和激光输出方式对激发出特征谱线的元素的种类和激光等离子体中元素的含量有一定的影响。  相似文献   

In this research, a systematic investigation on laser transformation hardening (LTH) process is carried out on high-strength low-alloy medium carbon steel, EN25 using design of experiments (DOE). The effect of input process parameters like laser power, travel speed over the response hardened width (HW), hardened depth (HD), and hardened area (HA) are analyzed. The experimental trials are conducted based on the design matrix obtained from the 3k full factorial design (FFD) using a 2 kW continuous wave Nd:YAG laser power system. A quadratic regression model is developed to predict the responses using response surface methodology (RSM). Based on the developed mathematical models, the direct and interaction effects of the process parameters on LTH are investigated. The optimal hardening conditions are identified to maximize the HW and minimize the HD and HA. The results of the validation test show that the experimental values quite satisfactorily agree with the predicted values of the mathematical models and hence, the models can predict the response adequately.  相似文献   

The prediction of delta ferrite content expressed in terms of ferrite number in austenitic stainless steel welds is very helpful in assessing its performance. The final ferrite content determines the properties of weldments such as strength, toughness, corrosion resistance, and phase stability. This paper presents a study on the effect of process parameters on ferrite number in 202 grade stainless steel gas tungsten arc welded plates (GTAW). Experiments were conducted based on response surface methodology. The ferrite number was determined by using a ferrite scope and by using DeLong diagram. A mathematical model was developed correlating the important controllable GTAW process parameters like welding gun angle, welding speed, plate length, welding current, and shielding gas flow rate with ferrite number. The adequacy of the model was checked using analysis of variance technique. The developed model is very useful to quantitatively determine the ferrite number. The main and interaction effects of the process parameters are presented in graphical form that helps in selecting quickly the process parameters to achieve the desired results.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the development of an effective methodology to determine the optimum welding conditions that maximize the strength of joints produced by ultrasonic welding using response surface methodology (RSM) coupled with genetic algorithm (GA). RSM is utilized to create an efficient analytical model for welding strength in terms of welding parameters namely pressure, weld time, and amplitude. Experiments were conducted as per central composite design of experiments for spot and seam welding of 0.3- and 0.4-mm-thick Al specimens. An effective second-order response surface model is developed utilizing experimental measurements. Response surface model is further interfaced with GA to optimize the welding conditions for desired weld strength. Optimum welding conditions produced from GA are verified with experimental results and are found to be in good agreement.  相似文献   

This paper describes a study on laser butt welding of 4 and 2 mm SUS301L stainless steel and a detailed analysis of welding joints. The gap tolerance of butt joint was also studied with optimized process parameters. The electrolytic etching in 10 % oxalate solution was used to test the intergranular corrosion of the 4 mm SUS301L welded joint. Fatigue property of the 2 mm SUS301L welded joint was tested under the conditional cycle times of 1?×?107. Using optical microscopy, the changes of metallurgical microstructure in the weld zone of 4 mm SUS301L were also studied. It has been found that laser butt welding of 4 mm SUS301L is able to achieve sound metallurgical morphology and high strength weld joint when the butt gap is within certain tolerance. The weld joint also has good resistance to intergranular corrosion and has a fatigue limit of 310 MPa.  相似文献   

Selective laser melting (SLM) is a successful tool-free powder additive technology. The success of this manufacturing process results from the possibility to create complex shape parts, with intrinsic engineered features and good mechanical properties. Joining SLM steel to similar or dissimilar steel can overcome some limitations of the product design like small dimension, undercut profile, and residual stress concentration. In this way, the range of applications of the SLM process can be broadened. In this paper, the hybrid laser welding of selective laser molten stainless steel was investigated. A high-power fiber laser was coupled to an electric arc and austenitic stainless steel wrought and SLM parts were welded together. The power and speed parameters were investigated. The joints were analyzed in terms of weld bead profile, microstructure, microhardness, and tensile test. The efficiency of the welding process was evaluated through the line energy input versus the weld molten area.  相似文献   

采用Nd:YAG激光焊对304不锈钢和5052铝合金进行异种金属焊接,分别以峰值功率、焊接速度、离焦量和脉冲频率等工艺参数设计24组工艺试验,并对比分析未熔合、熔合和焊穿3种焊缝表面表征。运用激光点位移传感器测量焊缝高度,探索焊缝高度随激光功率等工艺参数的变化趋势,得出钢-铝焊缝3种表面形貌的工艺参数区间。分析结果表明,焊缝的表面形貌是由激光单点能量、离焦量和脉冲频率等因素共同决定,焊缝高度与峰值功率、焊接速度、离焦量和脉冲频率等工艺参数有一定的变化规律。  相似文献   

The morphology and microstructure of the weld joint have significant influence on mechanical properties of welded specimens. In this paper, the mechanism on how the external magnetic field affected weld profile and microstructure was discussed by applying the longitudinal steady magnetic field to laser welding for SUS301 stainless steel. The optimal and scanning electron microscopes were used to measure the shape of the cross section and observe the microstructure after welding. The results showed that the shape of the cross section and microstructure could be significantly changed using the external magnetic field. Moreover, joint shape changed distinctly with the magnetic field intensity changing. With the increasing of magnetic flux density, the weld profile of the full penetration model changed from funnel to X type; meanwhile, the bottom weld width increased by 40%. In addition, the partial fusion zone occurred, and the weld width decreased by 20% while penetration increased by 18% when magnetic flux density turned into 380 mT. As far as microstructure of weld joint was concerned, it appeared that application of axial magnetic field led to indistinct fusion line and blocky austenite in big size rather than columnar grain in the center of the cross section. This phenomenon could be explained by numerical simulation results.  相似文献   

The investigation of transient temperature profiles of a weld joint produced by the laser welding process is presented. A three-dimensional finite element model is developed using a commercial finite element code ANSYS in order to obtain the behavior of temperature field and molten pool shape during the welding process. A three-dimensional conical Gaussian heat source is employed as a heat source model for performing a non-linear transient thermal analysis. The temperature-dependent material properties of AISI 304 stainless steel sheet are taken into account, which has a great influence on the temperature fields indicated by the simulation results. The effect of latent heat and the convective and radiative boundary conditions are also included in the model. A series of laser welds are performed using a 2-kW continuous wave Nd:YAG laser welding system. The experimental trials are conducted by varying the laser input parameters namely beam power, welding speed, and beam incident angle to validate the model. The results show that there is a good agreement between the finite element simulation and the experimental observations.  相似文献   


The austenitic stainless steels used in various industrial fields require low heat input for welding. Laser welding is an excellent welding method in this respect. This study investigates the effect of laser welding speed on the mechanical properties at welding speed of 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 m/min, using STS304L of austenitic stainless steel. The microstructures of fusion zone (FZ) show a two phase structure consisted of austenite and δ-ferrite, and δ-ferrite in the fusion zone tend to decrease with increase of welding speed. Meanwhile, the mechanical properties were excellent at the welding speed of 1.5 m/min for tensile, bending and impact tests.


During the production of thin shell plastic parts by injection molding, warpage depending on the process conditions is often encountered. In this study, efficient minimization of warpage on thin shell plastic parts by integrating finite element (FE) analysis, statistical design of experiment method, response surface methodology (RSM), and genetic algorithm (GA) is investigated. A bus ceiling lamp base is considered as a thin shell plastic part example. To achieve the minimum warpage, optimum process condition parameters are determined. Mold temperature, melt temperature, packing pressure, packing time, and cooling time are considered as process condition parameters. FE analyses are conducted for a combination of process parameters organized using statistical three-level full factorial experimental design. The most important process parameters influencing warpage are determined using FE analysis results based on analysis of variance (ANOVA) method. A predictive response surface model for warpage data is created using RSM. The response surface (RS) model is interfaced with an effective GA to find the optimum process parameter values.  相似文献   

Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology - AISI 410S ferritic stainless steel was surface melted via a continuous fiber laser at different scan rates. The microstructural characteristics,...  相似文献   

It has been well documented in the literature the importance of strict surface integrity checks upon performance and quality of machined components, especially for the safety critical components (e.g., aerospace) that work at cyclic high mechanical loads and elevated temperatures. In this field, Waspaloy, within the commercially available nickel-based superalloys, is extensively applied in different industries such as aircraft, chemical plant equipment, and petrochemical equipment. The main objective of this paper is to implement a reliable FE model, for dry orthogonal machining of Waspaloy, capable to predict microstructural changes and dynamic recrystallization during the cutting process. A user subroutine was implemented in FE code to simulate the dynamic recrystallization and consequently grain refinement and hardness variation on the machined surface and below it. Zener–Hollomon (Z-H) and Hall–Petch (H-P) equations were employed to, respectively, predict grain size and microhardness. In addition, depth of the affected layer was controlled using the critical strain equation. FE numerical model was properly calibrated using an iterative procedure based on the comparison between simulated and experimental results. Finally, very good agreement was found between experimental and simulated results of grain size, microhardness, depth of the affected layer, and other fundamental variables such as cutting forces, temperature, and chip morphology.  相似文献   

以不锈钢薄板的激光弯曲成形为研究对象,研究其成形的工艺过程及影响因素;介绍实验设备和激光调焦方法。通过实验研究了激光能量因素、扫描速度因素、激光光斑大小和扫描次数等因素对弯曲成形角度的影响。  相似文献   

针对不锈钢条缝筛板的焊接工艺,分析了手工电弧焊的缺点以及氩弧焊或二氧化碳气体保护焊的优点,有效地降低了生产成本,提高了产品质量。  相似文献   

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