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岸罐和船舱是食用油液货贸易交接最常用的计量容器,在实际使用这些容器计量交接油品时,测量的误差不可避免,同时大容量修正,计算步骤繁琐,各个环节都容易引入误差,如果不从细节上控制,最终累加起来误差会比较大,使计量结果产生大的差异,甚至造成不必要的经济损失。从食用油容量计量计算入手,分析各个环节误差产生的原因。  相似文献   

植物油密度是计算植物油质量的重要参数,运用数理统计方法,研究了进口精炼棕榈液油装货港计量密度与实验室计量密度差异对植物油计重的影响。结果表明:一些进口精炼棕榈液油装货港计量密度与实验室计量密度存在显著差异,在相同温度下其装货港计量密度比实验室计量密度高出0.3%以上,导致实到货物质量比船方计量质量短缺0.3%以上。针对密度虚高引起的进口植物油短重现象,提出了改进措施与建议。  相似文献   

刘新 《中国油脂》2021,46(12):145-148
江苏张家港口岸连续进口2批印度尼西亚精炼棕榈仁油,查验发现其密度存在显著正偏差(虚高),在基点温度(30 ℃)装货港密度比海关实验室检测密度高出约0.5%,且装货港精炼棕榈仁油密度温度系数为0.000 287 353 t/(m3· ℃),远低于我国采用的植物油密度温度系数0.000 64 t/(m3· ℃),最终导致该2批货物出现重大短重,损害了收货人合法权益。通过对该案件的剖析,提出了规避短重风险的相应建议。  相似文献   

文章基于容积式流量计结合人工测温测密的计量现状进行研究,通过研究原油管道在线分析密度含水指标,实现并推广原油管道实现在线交接计量。可大大降低计量人员劳动强度,对提高计量准确性,降低计量误差具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

为最大程度节省运输成本和适应贸易发展需要,提高远洋油轮载重利用率,多家国内收货人经常拼船混舱装运同品种进口植物油,分别在国内不同港口或码头分割卸货,可能造成分卸比例分割偏差。通过对张家港口岸5批远洋油轮进口植物油混舱分卸比例分割产生的偏差分析发现,分割偏差受人为误差、舱容误差、密度误差、方法误差、外在环境、船舱卸货不净、油泵等因素影响较大,据此提出了改进措施与建议,为规范混舱装运进口植物油分割计量和卸货作业提供参考。  相似文献   

粉粒料包装计量精度分析与计量装置设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粮食产品的包装主要是松散结构的粉粒料的包装,粉粒料包装机械设计的主要问题是如何解决计量精度与计量速度之间的矛盾。本文通过对粉粒料包装的计量方式和计量精度进行分析,从计量装置设计的角度提出解决这一问题的措施,并给出了几种典型的计量系统结构。  相似文献   

目前,我国石油、植物油、化工等行业中,液体原料和产品的计量仍采用人工静态的计量方式,比如人工检尺、称重、容积等方法。这几种静态的计量方法,都有共同的缺点:计量准确度低,在0.5%以下。这样就造成很多不必要的损失,同时在液体产品流通中经常发生商务纠纷,计量过程烦琐,劳动强度大,人为因素多,工作效率低。以油罐车检尺为例,需要人工爬上爬下测量液位和温度,一方面  相似文献   

进口化纤有些品种经常短重。为了索赔,我们曾与国外客户和生产厂进行了两次检验技术论证。两次技术论证,时间虽相近,短重原因也相同,但所起作用与效果却大不相同。从日本进口的粘胶人造棉,近一年多计有10余批短重。山东省仅一家外贸公司就有6批次短重15.775吨。  相似文献   

油品的保存需要一些特殊的工艺条件,还要确保所实施的工艺措施具有相应的稳定性。实际操作的时候油品的交接计量通常都是用人工检尺计量在油罐中进行测量,而人工检尺计量又很容易造成误差,文章对油品计量时液位测量、油品采样、温度测量、密度换算等环节可能导致的计量误差的各个方面进行了分析,并提出了相应的减小计量误差、提高计量准确度的措施。  相似文献   

国内的液体货物贸易计算与测量中,一般都将油轮和油罐当作常用的计量工具。但是在储油罐的计量和油品交接过程中,出现测量误差却是在所难免的,这在经济上无疑会给经营双方带来一定的损失。因此,降低测量误差、建立起完善油罐的综合计量系统就成为了大势所趋。  相似文献   

左青  李涵  左晖  付学华 《中国油脂》2023,48(3):149-152
油罐区不同规格(30、50、100、500、2 000 t)的油罐在洪水冲击下罐体漂移到承台上面,油罐承台内沥青砂层出现空穴,罐顶连接栈桥撕裂变形,罐体连接管道变形和破裂,管线错位。结合施工实际,介绍了2 000 t油罐、500 t及以下油罐的修复工艺,并对重点工序(油罐基础垫层制作,油罐底板制作、铺设,油罐复位及锚定,油罐气密性及稳定性试验)进行了阐述。经过修复,油罐满足设计要求,可重新投入使用。  相似文献   

景茂娟 《食品与机械》2006,22(3):115-116
针对沉析槽搅拌密封泄漏及维修频繁的情况,采用了双端面多弹簧机械密封,消除了泄漏。  相似文献   

介绍了立式圆筒形钢制拱顶焊接储罐制作、安装的过程,阐述了罐基础、材料及胎具准备、焊接、防腐等施工环节中几个常见的注意事项。  相似文献   

Survival of Bacillus cereus spores of dairy silo tank origin was investigated under conditions simulating those in operational dairy silos. Twenty-three strains were selected to represent all B. cereus isolates (n = 457) with genotypes (RAPD-PCR) that frequently colonised the silo tanks of at least two of the sampled eight dairies. The spores were studied for survival when immersed in liquids used for cleaning-in-place (1.0% sodium hydroxide at pH 13.1, 75 °C; 0.9% nitric acid at pH 0.8, 65 °C), for adhesion onto nonliving surfaces at 4 °C and for germination and biofilm formation in milk. Four groups with different strategies for survival were identified. First, high survival (log 15 min kill ≤1.5) in the hot-alkaline wash liquid. Second, efficient adherence of the spores to stainless steel from cold water. Third, a cereulide producing group with spores characterised by slow germination in rich medium and well preserved viability when exposed to heating at 90 °C. Fourth, spores capable of germinating at 8 °C and possessing the cspA gene. There were indications that spores highly resistant to hot 1% sodium hydroxide may be effectively inactivated by hot 0.9% nitric acid. Eight out of the 14 dairy silo tank isolates possessing hot-alkali resistant spores were capable of germinating and forming biofilm in whole milk, not previously reported for B. cereus.  相似文献   

烟支质量及相关指标标准值的系统化设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为实现烟支质量及相关指标标准值的系统化设计,在建立烟支质量与焦油量、烟气烟碱量、CO量、吸阻、硬度间一元线性回归方程的基础上,利用回归方程的控制功能,根据焦油量等烟气指标的控制范围,求出烟支质量标准值的变化范围,然后综合感官品质、消耗等因素,选定烟支质量标准值,再利用回归方程的预报功能,根据烟支质量标准值设计吸阻、硬度标准值.按照该方法制定烟支质量及相关指标标准值,可有效避免指标间的相互冲突,提高吸阻、硬度等指标的控制精度和合格率.  相似文献   

探讨了激光散射法在线检测非织造布面密度检测装置的构件配置和激光散射强度与非织造布面密度间的相关关系  相似文献   

The traceability practices and systems of 48 separate seafood businesses were assessed as part of an evaluation of 9 global seafood value chains (from catch to point of sale to the consumer). The purpose was to gain insights and provide knowledge about the impact of traceability on improving seafood industry business performance, including reducing waste, and enhancing consumer trust. In addition, the project developed and delivered a tool that can be used by stakeholders that are seeking to better understand the return on investment of implementation of traceability practices and solutions. Using structured and semistructured interviews of over 80 individuals, the research revealed that traceability is more highly valued by businesses, regardless of their size, if they engage more often in highly collaborative activities with their suppliers and customers. A survey in 5 nations about consumer perceptions with regards to seafood and the key factors influencing their purchasing decisions delivered insights into the discrete choices that consumers make when buying seafood products. The consumer survey data were incorporated into a “Discrete Choice Simulator” that others can use to compare and contrast the preferences of consumers in these countries and better understand what factors regarding traceability impact on their buying decisions. The research concluded with several recommendations for businesses, governments, and nongovernment organizations.  相似文献   

A method of rinsing large storage vessels to assess their hygiene status is described. The method uses CO2 as a high pressure propellant for the rinsing solution. Results using this new system and a similar method using a low pressure technique are compared. Far greater numbers of bacteria are recovered using the high pressure system.  相似文献   

<正> 啤酒酿造的每一道工序对最终产品的质量都有决定性的影响,因此,在设计生产线时,酿造商对于每一台设备的选取都必须慎重考虑。在选择不锈钢啤酒发酵罐时要注意哪几点呢? 发酵罐的设计要合理 合理的径高比 从我国的国情来看,以容积为300~500立方米左右、直径5~6米左右最适宜。  相似文献   

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