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This paper proposes a new technique in power line protection, the "adaptive non-communication protection". In this technique, protection relays make operate or restraint decisions, adapting to system and fault conditions, without the need for communication links. Operation without communication links to signal the remote end relay is achieved by the detection and identification of the operation of the circuit breaker at the remote end of the protected line section. An algorithm based on symmetric components is proposed to detect and identify the balance condition of the power system during the fault. The paper is focused on one of the three protection schemes based on the new technique, the delayed operation scheme. Simulation studies carried out for various power systems and fault conditions have demonstrated its feasibility  相似文献   

This paper presents the accelerated operation scheme of the adaptive noncommunication protection technique for power lines with complex configurations, such as multi-end feeders and ring mains. In the scheme, the overcurrent directional relays are arranged in two operating modes, the fixed time operation and accelerated operation. The relays with faster operating time in the conventional time grading coordination remain unchanged. The new technique is employed to enable accelerated operation to be achieved for the relays which are in the positions for which slow operating time is set when using conventional time grading technique. For a fault occurring on the protected system, the relays of fixed time operation mode will operate at the preset time for the fault within its protected direction. The relays which are programmed to use accelerated operation mode will determine whether a fault is on the protected section or not by using the BO technique, that is to detect the circuit breaker operation by determining whether the line section is in a balanced operation condition or not. The relay makes accelerated tripping decisions for a fault on its protected section. Simulation studies of the responses to various system and fault conditions show that the scheme can significantly increase the speed of the relay responses in the protection of power line systems with complex configurations  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new noncommunication protection technique for transmission line protection. The technique relies on firstly the detection of fault generated high frequency current transient signals. A specially designed multi-channel filter unit is then applied to the captured signals to extract desired bands of high frequency signals. Comparison between the spectral energies of different bands of the filter outputs determines whether a fault is internal or external to the protected zone. In addition to the saving in costs through negating the need for a communication link, the technique also retains many advantages of the `transient based protection' technology, such as insensitivity to fault type, fault position, fault path resistance and fault inception angle. It is also not affected by CT saturation, the power frequency short-circuit level at the terminating busbar or the precise configuration of the source side networks  相似文献   

环形配电网结构具有较高船舶生命力和供电可靠性,在大型船舶电力系统中逐渐得到应用。然而在环网中,传统的保护方法很难在短时间内切除电站附近的故障。针对船舶环形电网的特点,提出了两种无通道保护方法。两种方法都利用了短路故障和线路一侧保护跳闸引起另一侧支路的电流变化,方法一和方法二分别通过加速保护的动作时限特性和电流比值判据来判断故障区间,最终实现相继速动。通过Matlab/Simulink仿真验证了两种方法的可靠性和速动性。  相似文献   

分析了线路电流差动保护中两端各补偿一半电容电流的传统补偿方法,指出该方法在区内故障时存在受故障点影响补偿不精确、降低灵敏度的缺点。提出了一种自适应电容电流补偿方法,在保证相同的区外故障可靠性基础上,大大提高了区内故障的灵敏度。对一条1000 kV线路故障和电流差动保护进行了仿真试验,证明该自适应补偿方法的有效性和正确性,适合作为特高压输电线路电流差动保护电容电流补偿方法。  相似文献   

分析了线路电流差动保护中两端各补偿一半电容电流的传统补偿方法,指出该方法在区内故障时存在受故障点影响补偿不精确、降低灵敏度的缺点.提出了一种自适应电容电流补偿方法,在保证相同的区外故障可靠性基础上,大大提高了区内故障的灵敏度.对一条1000 kV线路故障和电流差动保护进行了仿真试验,证明该自适应补偿方法的有效性和正确性,适合作为特高压输电线路电流差动保护电容电流补偿方法.  相似文献   

目前在220 kV系统中同杆并架双回线广泛存在,同杆并架双回线的保护配置要考虑一些以往非同杆并架双回线的问题,结合河北南网线路保护装置及通道的具体情况,对220 kV龙崇同杆并架线路保护配置方案进行了分析比较和方案论证,提出了可行的保护解决方案,并针对保护专用和复用通道进行了技术、经济分析比较,对开关与CT之间死区故障的快速切除、同杆并架双回线的重合闸等有关问题,提出了解决方案.  相似文献   

目前在220 kV系统中同杆并架双回线广泛存在,同杆并架双回线的保护配置要考虑一些以往非同杆并架双回线的问题,结合河北南网线路保护装置及通道的具体情况,对220 kV龙崇同杆并架线路保护配置方案进行了分析比较和方案论证,提出了可行的保护解决方案,并针对保护专用和复用通道进行了技术、经济分析比较,对开关与CT之间死区故障的快速切除、同杆并架双回线的重合闸等有关问题,提出了解决方案。  相似文献   

以光伏、储能为代表的逆变式电源(inverter interfaced distributed generator, IIDG)大量接入配电网,使得传统距离保护受到巨大干扰,同时存在拒动或误动的风险。针对此问题,分析了含IIDG配电网不同类型故障下的复合序网,利用IIDG侧正序故障分量求取不同故障下的附加阻抗角。结合故障下阻抗的复平面关系,计算线路故障位置对应的短路阻抗,得到了一种真实短路阻抗求解办法。提出了一种适用于逆变式电源接入下的自适应距离保护方案。该方案求解过程利用IIDG侧单端电气量,解决了距离保护受IIDG故障输出受控特性和过渡电阻影响的问题,在有效降低配网通信成本的同时不受故障位置变化的影响。通过实时数字仿真器(real time digital simulator, RTDS)对该保护方案进行了验证,结果表明其在不同类型故障下都有较好的选择性和可靠性。  相似文献   

随着风电渗透率的不断提高,风电不确定性和间歇性对电网保护方案的影响愈加显著,基于固定阈值的保护整定方案不再适用于复杂多变的电力系统。基于此,提出了基于正序电流的风电接入电网自适应阈值差动保护方案。首先,以含风电场的标准电力系统为例,剖析了风电“T”型接入对传统电流差动保护的影响机理。在此基础上,以正序电流为故障信号,以故障位置和故障发生时间为自变量,建立了自适应阈值差动保护模型。为了提高求解效率以适应保护控制的要求,提出了基于PSO算法的二阶段求解方法。其中:阶段1以故障位置为优化变量,得到对阈值影响最高的故障类型;阶段2在阶段1的基础上引入故障开始时间,仅针对阶段1得到的故障类型进行二维优化,可以明显缩短计算时间,以实现阈值计算的快速性和准确性。最后,基于Matlab仿真分析,验证了该方法的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

Power system faults can often result in excessively high currents. If sustained for a long time, such high currents can damage system equipment. Thus, it is desirable to operate the relays in the minimum possible time. In this paper, a busbar splitting approach is used for adaptive relay setting and co-ordination purposes for a system integrity protection scheme (SIPS). Whenever a fault occurs, the busbar splitting scheme splits a bus to convert a loop into a radial structure. The splitting schemes are chosen such that the net fault current is also reduced. Busbar splitting eliminates the dependency upon minimum breakpoints set (MBPS) and reduces the relay operating time, thus making it adaptive. The proposed methodology is incorporated into the IEEE 14-bus and IEEE 30-bus systems with single and multiple fault conditions. The modeling and simulation carried out in ETAP, and the results of the proposed busbar splitting-based relay co-ordination are compared with the MBPS splitting-based relay co-ordination.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new adaptive load encroachment prevention scheme based on steady-state security analysis and adaptive anti-encroachment zone (AEZ) is proposed. The new scheme identifies the vulnerable distance relays through real-time security analysis. Selected dual contingencies are included to reflect the influence from the “hidden failures” of protection systems. Effective measures are taken to improve the computational efficiency. The AEZ will be designed online to prevent the undesired tripping if the analysis shows that a distance relay may suffer the load encroachment for a particular scenario. To ensure the dependability of the protection system, the AEZ will be applied only when its introduction is necessary. The effectiveness of the new scheme can be verified through the test cases in this paper.  相似文献   

Maloperation of conventional relays is becoming prevalent due to ever increase in complexity of conventional power grids. They are dominant during power system contingencies like power swing, load encroachment, voltage instability, unbalanced loading, etc. In these situations, adaptive supervised wide-area backup protection (ASWABP) plays a major role in enhancing the power system reliability. A balance between security and dependability of protection is essential to maintain the reliability. This paper proposes multi-phasor measurement units (MPMU) based ASWABP scheme that can function effectively during faults besides power system contingencies. MPMU is an extended version of Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU). It is an intelligent electronic device which estimates the synchronized predominant harmonic phasors (100Hz and 150Hz) along with the fundamental phasors (50Hz) of three phase voltages and currents with high precision. The proposed ASWABP scheme can detect the fault, identify the parent bus, determine the faulty branch and classify the faults using MPMU measurements at System Protection Center (SPC). Based on these MPMU measurements (received at phasor data concentrator (PDC) at SPC) the appropriate relays will be supervised to enhance the overall reliability of the power grid. Numerous case studies are conducted on WSCC-9 bus and IEEE-14 bus systems to illustrate the security and dependability attributes of proposed ASWABP scheme in MATLAB/Simulink environment. Also, comparative studies are performed with the existing conventional distance protection (Mho relays) for corroborating the superiority of the proposed scheme regarding security and dependability. Comparative studies have shown that the proposed scheme can be used as adaptive supervised wide-area backup protection of conventional distance protection  相似文献   

T接线光纤差动保护的实用通信方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了T接线路下差动保护采用的三端传输系统的应用方案,主要包含系统构成、冗余同步计算和通道异常时自适应处理逻辑.其中冗余同步计算方案通过两个从端的互校计算能够有效地识别通道收发延时不一致情况,确保了差动保护不会因为数据不同步而误动.该方案在许继电气股份有限公司研制的WXH-813A/T装置上得到了实现.通过华北电力科学院与北京电力公司共同组织的动模实验,证明该方案具有很好的实用价值.  相似文献   

介绍了T接线路下差动保护采用的三端传输系统的应用方案,主要包含系统构成、冗余同步计算和通道异常时自适应处理逻辑.其中冗余同步计算方案通过两个从端的互校计算能够有效地识别通道收发延时不一致情况,确保了差动保护不会因为数据不同步而误动.该方案在许继电气股份有限公司研制的WXH-813A/T装置上得到了实现.通过华北电力科学...  相似文献   

为了适应辐射型主动配电网对保护的要求,提出了一种基于方向闭锁原理的自适应保护方案。根据配电网的树状结构特征定义了参考方向整定规则,并配合闭锁方向规则,实现保护原理对于线路和母线等故障元件的自适应性。在配电网重构后,通过拓扑分析完成参考方向的自动配置,实现对于动态重构的适应性。针对主动配电网中包含较多可再生能源的特征,以及孤岛运行模式的需求,采用全阻抗继电器作为启动元件以提高保护的灵敏性。针对主动配电网中易于出现的弱电源问题,利用联跳提高弱馈侧保护的动作可靠性。以实际配电网作为算例验证了方案的有效性。所提保护方案能够为主动配电网提供一种简单、经济和可靠的主保护方案。  相似文献   

针对风电T型接入高压配电网后传统距离保护可能发生误动、拒动的情况,研究相对应的保护方案意义重大。首先,文章推导了风电T接点上、下游测量阻抗表达式,得出其包含的附加阻抗可能会使传统保护装置不正确动作。鉴于此,提出基于过渡电阻倾斜角的风电T接系统自适应距离保护方案。该方案自适应修正测量阻抗使其能跟踪到短路阻抗,有效消除附加阻抗对距离保护的影响。最后,在MATLAB仿真软件中对方案进行仿真验证,结果表明该方案受故障点位置、过渡电阻、电源相位差及风电运行方式影响较小,可有效解决传统距离保护拒动或者误动的问题,提高电网的安全稳定性。  相似文献   

对于110 kV及以下电力系统,由于采用双回线并列运行方式,可引起中心变电站的变压器相间后备保护跳变压器开关时间与跳母联开关的时间不配合.在母线保护退出或出线保护(开关)拒动情况下,有可能引起中心变电站整个母线失压.因此整定变压器相间后备保护动作时间,不应简单片面地引用《大型发电机变压器继电保护整定计算导则》,而应结合运行方式,对有双回线并列运行方式的,变压器相间后备保护跳变压器开关时间应按与跳母联开关时间和双回线对端有灵敏度保护动作时间相继动作相配合,避免扩大事故停电范围.  相似文献   

双回线并列运行方式对系统及保护定值的要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对于110kV及以下电力系统,由于采用双回线并列运行方式,可引起中心变电站的变压器相间后备保护跳变压器开关时间与跳母联开关的时间不配合。在母线保护退出或出线保护(开关)拒动情况下,有可能引起中心变电站整个母线失压。因此整定变压器相间后备保护动作时间,不应简单片面地引用《大型发电机变压器继电保护整定计算导则》,而应结合运行方式,对有双回线并列运行方式的,变压器相间后备保护跳变压器开关时间应按与跳母联开关时间和双回线对端有灵敏度保护动作时间相继动作相配合,避免扩大事故停电范围。  相似文献   

一种同杆并架双回线接地距离保护方案   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
距离保护应用于同杆并架双回线时其动作性能受零序互感的影响.通过对同杆并架双回线接地故障时零序电流特点以及零序互感对接地距离保护影响的分析,指出两回线零序电流反向是同杆并架双回线接地距离保护误动的主要原因,根据两回线零序电流反向时,故障线路的零序电流大于非故障线路,提出了一种逻辑判断的零序电流补偿方法.数字仿真的结果表明,该方法提高了同杆并架双回线距离保护的性能.  相似文献   

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