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介绍了根据钢尾渣原料的活性、易磨性进行的微粉生产工艺设计及钢渣粉磨工艺与高压辊磨机的特点。采用该钢渣粉磨工艺,可实现转炉钢渣100%处理率和钢铁厂钢渣的零排放;生产新型建材产品钢渣微粉;钢渣粉磨工艺系统可实现超过50%的节能效果。  相似文献   

高卫波 《宝钢技术》2005,(Z1):84-87
钢渣微粉的利用代表目前钢渣资源化利用的最高水平.文章着重对影响钢渣微粉作为商品混凝土掺合料的力学性能的因素进行了分析,采用对比研究的方式对原料(矿物相和化学成分)、细度、微观孔结构等因素对钢渣微粉力学性能的影响进行了全面的剖析,最后对钢渣微粉与矿渣微粉复合后的力学性能影响机理进行了探讨.  相似文献   

张海珠 《包钢科技》2013,39(4):25-27
文章通过分析高炉熔渣的化学成分组成、泡沫渣的形成机理及玻璃体的形成条件,阐述了高炉熔渣的成分、玻璃体含量等因素对矿渣微粉活性的影响,找到了提高矿渣微粉活性的有效途径。  相似文献   

吕心刚 《河南冶金》2012,(6):30-32,41
分析了矿渣的性能以及矿渣微粉在水泥建材中的应用情况和作用,介绍了安钢矿渣微粉生产的装备情况和生产工艺,对工艺参数的调整、生产过程的控制和生产效果进行了分析和总结。  相似文献   

介绍了矿渣微粉技术的原理及国内矿渣利用概况,从技术、市场等方面进行了分析.通过调查研究,提出了安钢矿渣利用的方案.就安钢实现矿渣微粉生产的可行性进行探讨.  相似文献   

从工艺流程图、网络拓扑图、以及网络通讯数据传输方式及编程等方面介绍了联峰(张家港)矿渣微粉工程自动化控制系统的构成。  相似文献   

矿渣(水淬渣)是炼铁高炉中以熔融态流出的铁渣经水淬急冷处理而成,是冶金工业固体废弃物,又是具有使用价值以及潜在功能优势的建筑材料。通过对国家及自治区政策政策、专家调研、新疆建筑行业的研究分析,认为矿渣微粉在新疆建材市场的应用具有发展潜力。  相似文献   

实现钢渣微粉生产的可行性探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于明兴  刘敬东  郭玉安  张涵 《河南冶金》2012,20(2):26-28,48
介绍了钢渣微粉技术的原理及国内钢渣利用概况,从技术、市场等方面进行了分析。提出了安钢钢渣利用的方案。就安钢实现钢渣微粉生产的可行性进行了探讨。  相似文献   

矿渣微粉的应用及生产工艺设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用高炉废渣制成超细粉 ,替代水泥配制高强度混凝土 ,可以使混凝土性能得到显著改善 ;并介绍了八钢矿渣微粉生产线工艺设计及其特点  相似文献   

转炉钢渣微粉的加工与品位分析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
彭春元  彭忠  钟健  邓福添 《炼钢》2006,22(1):57-60
钢渣经过破碎、磁选等预处理工艺,达到一定的粒度后便可以进行粉磨加工,其易磨性可以通过钢渣微粉比表面积的变化来确定。激光粒度分析证明,钢渣微粉颗粒级配合理。化学分析结果证明,尽管钢渣微粉碱度系数属中、高度,但除含铁量需进一步降低外,其它化学成分不会影响钢渣微粉的使用性能。一定掺量的钢渣微粉不会因游离氧化钙较高而造成体积安定性不佳。经过复合后的钢渣-矿渣粉可使活性指数达S95级以上。  相似文献   

研究了在二氧化锆与不锈钢的混合粉末中加入粘结剂时的挤压成形特性,并着重考察了混合粉末的可挤压上限条件.所用粘结剂为水溶性羟两基甲基纤维素(HPMC)和水.结果表明,混合粉末的可挤压上限成分(质量分数)随不锈钢粉末含量的增加而上升,当不锈钢粉末含量(体积分数)为70%~90%时达到最大;粘结剂中HPMC的质量分数以10%为宜.  相似文献   

Ladle-treatment slags are primary wastes from steel production. Slag utilization is prevented by its spontaneous decomposition as a result of polymorphic transformation of dicalcium silicate with decrease in slag temperature. At OOO NLMK-Kaluga, the slag is stabilized by the introduction of boron oxide in the high–magnesia flux during ladle treatment. Industrial tests indicate stabilization of the slag and the formation of a protective layer on the lining, preventing slag corrosion.  相似文献   

It was investigated in which form sulphur is bonded in ladle slags. For this purpose, the mineralogical phases of the ladle slags were qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated by means of a microprobe. This slag characterisation allowed reconstructing the bonding of sulphur into the phases of the ladle slag. Moreover, the reaction process with regard to the ionic theory as well as the structural formula for the mechanism of sulphur bonding were discussed. The bonding of sulphur into calcium aluminate slags is determined by the sulphide ion content in the slag as well as by the ratio of (CaO)/(Al2O3). Calcium sulphide separates only if the slag contains a large number of sulphide ions. When Ca12Al14O33 is separated the sulphide ion is successively integrated into the lattice. The crystal lattice of Ca12Al14O33 is characterised by an open, three‐dimensional anionic network composed of aluminium‐oxygen tetrahedrons linking the edges. In this network, large interstitial spaces are formed, which may be filled with calcium ions on the one hand and statistically with a free oxygen or sulphide ion on the other hand.  相似文献   

Aluminumnitride (AlN) ,duetogoodphysicalandmechanicalproperties ,issuitableformultilayerlayoutandisconsideredasapromisingmaterialforsubstrate ,electronicpackingandlarge scaleintegratedcircuit[1~ 4] .Inaddition ,itiswidelyusedintheoptoelec tronicfield ,suchasMOD…  相似文献   

陈洪霞 《包钢科技》2010,36(6):82-83
文章介绍了以钢铁生产中产生的固废冶金渣及收尘系统产生的尘灰为原料,通过回收其中的有用成份锌,实现了对固体废物的资源化和综合利用的方法和工艺,产生了良好的经济效益,减轻了环境污染。  相似文献   

文章介绍了包钢一烧车间配用钢渣后对烧结矿指标的影响,结果表明,配用钢渣后,利用系数没有明显变化,烧结矿w(TFe)、w(SiO2)和w(P)均有一定程度的提高,转鼓强度得到提高。  相似文献   

Based on data provided from an industrial plant and FactSage commercial software use, a study of secondary refining slags and inclusion cleanliness was performed. Six heats of two slag series, namely, A and B, with average chemical composition (wt pct) of 43.00CaO-25.90SiO2-12.96Al2O3-18.13MgO for series A and 49.98CaO-23.88SiO2-10.11Al2O3-11.99MgO-4.03CaF2 for series B, were used for the study. Both series used DIN 38MnS6 modified steel. The effective viscosity, solid fraction, composition of the liquid fraction, and slag saturation degree in MgO (calculated through thermodynamic software) were related to the experimental results obtained for the inclusion cleanliness. The B slags showed lower effective viscosity than the A slags, due to their high liquid fraction. Regarding the capacity of slags in the inclusion removal, slag B5 resulted in the lowest inclusion density and was considered as the best choice among the slags studied. The inclusion species formed using B slags are constituted especially of CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 and MgO-Al2O3 and are Al2O3 rich. The presence of sulfide-type inclusions (AlMnS and CaS) were more pronounced among A slags.  相似文献   

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