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Slater DC 《The Review of scientific instruments》1978,49(10):1493
A compact, flexible design for a parallel-fields ion analyzer is presented. Accurate ion velocity and charge state measurements can be obtained over a wide range without the need for calibration sources. Etchable cellulose-nitrate foil is used to record individual ion tracks. 相似文献
A Thomson scattering system has been designed and constructed for probing a relativistic electron beam heated plasma. Ruby laser light scattered through 90 degrees is resolved by a polychromator and detected by one of six photomultipliers. The system is capable of resolving electron temperatures of 150 eV at densities of n(e)<10(13) cm(-3) with a 4-J ruby laser and an f/9 throughput collection system. Scaling to a 10-J, f/5 system would allow resolving densities of approximately 10(12) cm(-3). System design, calibration, alignment, and data reduction are discussed. At elevated temperatures (T(e) approximately 600 eV) evidence of the relativistic blue shift was observed. 相似文献
The collection optics designs are described for the Thomson scattering diagnostic of the Korea superconducting tokamak advanced research (KSTAR) device. The optical systems collecting the light emission induced through the interaction between the plasma electrons and a laser beam are key components for the Thomson scattering system. A duo-lens system was examined, and the final optical designs were derived for Thomson scattering diagnostic of KSTAR. 相似文献
Balboa I Huang B Naylor G Walsh M Sirinelli A Parsons P Fessey J Townsend M Beurskens M Conway N Flanagan J Kempenaars M Kirk A 《The Review of scientific instruments》2010,81(10):10D534
The light detection and ranging Thomson scattering (TS) diagnostic is advantageous since it only requires a single view port into the tokamak. This technique requires a short pulse laser at high energy, usually showing a limited repetition rate. Having multiple lasers will increase the repetition rate. This paper presents a scanning mirror as a laser beam combiner. Measurements of the position accuracy and jitter show that the pointing stability of the laser beam is within ±25?μrad for over tens of seconds. A control feedback loop is implemented to demonstrate the long term stability. Such a system could be applied for ITER and JET. 相似文献
Scannell R Beurskens M Carolan PG Kirk A Walsh M O'Gorman T Osborne TH 《The Review of scientific instruments》2011,82(5):053501
Deconvolution of Thomson scattering (TS) profiles is required when the gradient length of the electron temperature (T(e)) or density (n(e)) are comparable to the instrument function length (Δ(R)). The most correct method for deconvolution to obtain underlying T(e) and n(e) profiles is by consideration of scattered signals. However, deconvolution at the scattered signal level is complex since it requires knowledge of all spectral and absolute calibration data. In this paper a simple technique is presented where only knowledge of the instrument function I(r) and the measured profiles, T(e, observed)(r) and n(e, observed)(r), are required to obtain underlying T(e)(r) and n(e)(r). This method is appropriate for most TS systems and is particularly important where high spatial sampling is obtained relative to Δ(R). 相似文献
Ponce-Marquez DM Bray BD Deterly TM Liu C Eldon D 《The Review of scientific instruments》2010,81(10):10D525
The DIII-D Thomson scattering system has been upgraded. A new data acquisition hardware was installed, adding the capacity for additional spatial channels and longer acquisition times for temperature and density measurements. Detector modules were replaced with faster transimpedance circuitry, increasing the signal-to-noise ratio by a factor of 2. This allows for future expansion to the edge system. A second phase upgrade scheduled for 2010-2011 includes the installation of four 1 J/pulse Nd:YAG lasers at 50 Hz repetition rate. This paper presents the first completed phase of the upgrade and performance comparison between the original system and the upgraded system. The plan for the second phase is also presented. 相似文献
This article describes the completely renovated Thomson scattering (TS) diagnostic employed in the modified Reversed Field eXperiment (RFX-mod) since it restarted operation in 2005. The system measures plasma electron temperature and density profiles along an equatorial diameter, measuring in 84 positions with 7 mm spatial resolution. The custom built Nd:YLF laser produces a burst of 10 pulses at 50 Hz with energy of 3 J, providing ten profile measurements in a plasma discharge of about 300 ms duration. An optical delay system accommodates three scattering volumes in each of the 28 interference filter spectrometers. Avalanche photodiodes detect the Thomson scattering signals and allow them to be recorded by means of waveform digitizers. Electron temperature is obtained using an alternative relative calibration method, based on the use of a supercontinuum light source. Rotational Raman scattering in nitrogen has supplied the absolute calibration for the electron density measurements. During RFX-mod experimental campaigns in 2005, the TS diagnostic has demonstrated its performance, routinely providing reliable high resolution profiles. 相似文献
To measure the electron temperature (T(e)) and electron density (n(e)) profiles in the Korean Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) device for the KSTAR third campaign (September 2010), we designed and installed a Thomson scattering system. The KSTAR Thomson scattering system is designed as a tangential Thomson scattering system and utilizes the N-, L-, and B-ports. The N-port is designed for the collection optics with a cassette system, the L-port is the laser input port, and the B-port is the location of the beam dump. In this paper, we will describe the final design of the KSTAR Thomson scattering system. 相似文献
van der Meiden HJ Al RS Barth CJ Donné AJ Engeln R Goedheer WJ de Groot B Kleyn AW Koppers WR Lopes Cardozo NJ van de Pol MJ Prins PR Schram DC Shumack AE Smeets PH Vijvers WA Westerhout J Wright GM van Rooij GJ 《The Review of scientific instruments》2008,79(1):013505
A highly sensitive imaging Thomson scattering system was developed for low temperature (0.1-10 eV) plasma applications at the Pilot-PSI linear plasma generator. The essential parts of the diagnostic are a neodymium doped yttrium aluminum garnet laser operating at the second harmonic (532 nm), a laser beam line with a unique stray light suppression system and a detection branch consisting of a Littrow spectrometer equipped with an efficient detector based on a "Generation III" image intensifier combined with an intensified charged coupled device camera. The system is capable of measuring electron density and temperature profiles of a plasma column of 30 mm in diameter with a spatial resolution of 0.6 mm and an observational error of 3% in the electron density (n(e)) and 6% in the electron temperature (T(e)) at n(e) = 4 x 10(19) m(-3). This is achievable at an accumulated laser input energy of 11 J (from 30 laser pulses at 10 Hz repetition frequency). The stray light contribution is below 9 x 10(17) m(-3) in electron density equivalents by the application of a unique stray light suppression system. The amount of laser energy that is required for a n(e) and T(e) measurement is 7 x 10(20)n(e) J, which means that single shot measurements are possible for n(e)>2 x 10(21) m(-3). 相似文献
Figueiredo J Naylor G Walsh M Dunstan M Scannell R Serra F 《The Review of scientific instruments》2010,81(10):10D521
The recent upgrade to the MAST YAG Thomson scattering while enhancing the diagnostic capabilities increased the complexity of the system. There are eight YAG lasers now operational, doubling the number from the previous setup. This means alignment between each laser individually and reference points is essential to guarantee data quality and diagnostic reliability. To address this issue an alignment system was recently installed. It mimics the beams alignment in MAST by sampling 1% of the laser beam that is sent into a telescope which demagnifies by a factor of 8. The demagnified beam is viewed with a CCD camera. By scanning the camera the profile and position of the beams in the scattering zone and in a range of several meters inside MAST can be determined. Therefore alignment is checked along the beam path without having to sample it inside the vessel. The experimental apparatus and test procedures are described. 相似文献
Levesque JP Litzner KD Mauel ME Maurer DA Navratil GA Pedersen TS 《The Review of scientific instruments》2011,82(3):033501
The Thomson scattering diagnostic on the High Beta Tokamak-Extended Pulse (HBT-EP) is routinely used to measure electron temperature and density during plasma discharges. Avalanche photodiodes in a five-channel interference filter polychromator measure scattered light from a 6 ns, 800 mJ, 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser pulse. A low cost, high-power spatial filter was designed, tested, and added to the laser beamline in order to reduce stray laser light to levels which are acceptable for accurate Rayleigh calibration. A detailed analysis of the spatial filter design and performance is given. The spatial filter can be easily implemented in an existing Thomson scattering system without the need to disturb the vacuum chamber or significantly change the beamline. Although apertures in the spatial filter suffer substantial damage from the focused beam, with proper design they can last long enough to permit absolute calibration. 相似文献
Den Hartog DJ Ambuel JR Borchardt MT Falkowski AF Harris WS Holly DJ Parke E Reusch JA Robl PE Stephens HD Yang YM 《The Review of scientific instruments》2010,81(10):10D513
Two standard commercial flashlamp-pumped Nd:YAG (YAG denotes yttrium aluminum garnet) lasers have been upgraded to "pulse-burst" capability. Each laser produces a burst of up to 15 2 J Q-switched pulses (1064 nm) at repetition rates of 1-12.5 kHz. Variable pulse-width drive (0.15-0.39 ms) of the flashlamps is accomplished by insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) switching of electrolytic capacitor banks. Direct control of the laser Pockels cell drive enables optimal pulse energy extraction, and up to four 2 J laser pulses during one flashlamp pulse. These lasers are used in the Thomson scattering plasma diagnostic system on the MST reversed-field pinch to record the dynamic evolution of the electron temperature profile and temperature fluctuations. To further these investigations, a custom pulse-burst laser system with a maximum pulse repetition rate of 250 kHz is now being commissioned. 相似文献
Frassinetti L Beurskens MN Scannell R Osborne TH Flanagan J Kempenaars M Maslov M Pasqualotto R Walsh M;JET-EFDA Contributors 《The Review of scientific instruments》2012,83(1):013506
The instrument function of the high resolution Thomson scattering (HRTS) diagnostic in the Joint European Torus (JET) has been calculated for use in improved pedestal profile analysis. The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the spatial instrument response is (22 ± 1) mm for the original HRTS system configuration and depends on the particular magnetic topology of the JET plasmas. An improvement to the optical design of the laser input system is presented. The spatial smearing across magnetic flux surfaces is reduced in this design. The new input system has been implemented (from JPN 78742, July 2009) and the HRTS instrument function corresponding to the new configuration has been improved to approximately FWHM = (9.8 ± 0.8) mm. The reconstructed instrument kernels are used in combination with an ad hoc forward deconvolution procedure for pedestal analysis. This procedure produces good results for both the old and new setups, but the reliability of the deconvolved profiles is greatly reduced when the pedestal width is of the same order as, or less than the FWHM of the instrument kernel. 相似文献
A pulse-burst laser has been installed for Thomson scattering measurements on the Madison Symmetric Torus reversed-field pinch. The laser design is a master-oscillator power-amplifier. The master oscillator is a commercial Nd:YVO(4) laser (1064 nm) which is capable of Q-switching at frequencies between 5 and 250 kHz. Four Nd:YAG (yttrium aluminum garnet) amplifier stages are in place to amplify the Nd:YVO(4) emission. Single pulses through the Nd:YAG amplifier stages gives energies up to 1.5 J and the gain for each stage has been measured. Repetitive pulsing at 10 kHz has also been performed for 2 ms bursts, giving average pulse energies of 0.53 J with ΔE/E of 4.6%, where ΔE is the standard deviation between pulses. The next step will be to add one of two Nd:glass (silicate) amplifier stages to produce final pulse energies of 1-2 J for bursts up to 250 kHz. 相似文献
E. E. Mukhin G. T. Razdobarin M. M. Kochergin S. Yu. Tolstyakov V. V. Semenov G. S. Kurskiev K. A. Podushnikova 《Instruments and Experimental Techniques》2008,51(2):220-225
A diagnostic array has been developed for studying the operating modes of the divertor in the ITER tokamak-reactor using the Thomson scattering technique. The aim of this study is to measure the spatial profiles of the electron temperature and density. The structure of the diagnostic setup was selected on the basis of a classical diagnostic geometry and the high-resolution LIDAR system, which provide access to different regions of the divertor plasma. A severe radiation environment, limited access to the plasma in the ITER divertor, and a high-dust environment (the divertor plate erosion material) in the divertor volume pose many problems for performing diagnostics under unique conditions having no analogs in the tokamaks that are now in operation. Different methods for protecting optical surfaces from plasma-enriched deposition are proposed and analyzed. The efficiency of these methods has been demonstrated in bench tests. The concept of laser and detector systems and diffraction polychromators capable of operating at different electron temperatures with a lower limit of 1 eV, has been justified and approved. 相似文献
Bohm P Sestak D Bilkova P Aftanas M Weinzettl V Hron M Panek R Baillon L Dunstan MR Naylor G Walsh MJ 《The Review of scientific instruments》2010,81(10):10D511
A new Thomson scattering diagnostic has been designed and is currently being installed on the COMPASS tokamak in IPP Prague in the Czech Republic. The requirements for this system are very stringent with approximately 3 mm spatial resolution at the plasma edge. A critical part of this diagnostic is the laser source. To achieve the specified parameters, a multilaser solution is utilized. Two 30 Hz 1.5 J Nd:YAG laser systems, used at the fundamental wavelength of 1064 nm, are located outside the tokamak area at a distance of 20 m from the tokamak. The design of the laser beam transport path is presented. The approach leading to a final choice of optimal focusing optics is given. As well as the beam path to the tokamak, a test path of the same optical length was built. Performance tests of the laser system carried out using the test path are described. 相似文献
Thomson scattering is a well-established diagnostic for measuring local electron temperature and density in fusion plasma, but this technique is particularly difficult to implement due to stray light that can easily mask the scattered signal from plasma. To mitigate this problem in the multipoint Thomson scattering system implemented at the ETE (Experimento Tokamak Esfe?rico) a detailed stray light analysis was performed. The diagnostic system was simulated in ZEMAX software and scattering profiles of the mechanical parts were measured in the laboratory in order to have near realistic results. From simulation, it was possible to identify the main points that contribute to the stray signals and changes in the dump were implemented reducing the stray light signals up to 60 times. 相似文献
Bilkova P Melich R Aftanas M Böhm P Sestak D Jares D Weinzettl V Stöckel J Hron M Panek R Scannell R Walsh MJ 《The Review of scientific instruments》2010,81(10):10D531
A new Thomson scattering diagnostic system has been designed and is being built now on the COMPASS tokamak at the Institute of Plasma Physics ASCR in Prague (IPP Prague) in the Czech Republic. This contribution focuses on design, development, and installation of the light collection and detection system. High spatial resolution of 3 mm will be achieved by a combination of design of collection optics and connected polychromators. Imaging characteristics of both core and edge plasma collection objectives are described and fiber backplane design is presented. Several calibration procedures are discussed. The operational deployment of the Thomson scattering diagnostic is planned by the end of 2010. 相似文献
Stejner M Nielsen SK Korsholm SB Salewski M Bindslev H Furtula V Leipold F Meo F Michelsen PK Moseev D Bürger A Kantor M de Baar M 《The Review of scientific instruments》2010,81(10):10D515
We discuss the development and first results of a receiver system for the collective Thomson scattering (CTS) diagnostic at TEXTOR with frequency resolution in the megahertz range or better. The improved frequency resolution expands the diagnostic range and utility of CTS measurements in general and is a prerequisite for measurements of ion Bernstein wave signatures in CTS spectra. The first results from the new acquisition system are shown to be consistent with theory and with simultaneous measurements by the standard receiver system. 相似文献