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从紧贴市场法则需求、强化执行标准意识,掌握软件工程体系标准、正确合理引用软件标准,重视软件开发过程控制、提高软件产品开发质量,遵循计算机软件工程标准、提高软件产品可靠性等方面,阐述了正确理解和严格遵循计算机软件工程国家标准,对于指导软件产品开发、规范产品开发流程、保证产品开发质量,为建设坚强智能电网提供技术支撑;并从学习、研究、遵循和应用计算机软件工程国家标准,规范软件产品过程控制,提高软件产品质量等方面提出了思路与建议。  相似文献   

CMM实践中的分布式软件工程管理框架   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分布式计算机体系结构的进展,使得客户/服务器软件工程被分布式软件工程所代替。CMM(CapabilityMaturityModel)已被软件组织所认识和重视,CMM实践中的软件工程的管理机制是软件质量保障的关键因素。该文介绍一种符合CMM思想、支持CSCW、适合分布式系统结构的管理框架,通过CMM角色定义、过程定义、过程流与文档流的管理以及对CMM角色行为的协同控制,帮助软件企业有效地控制软件过程、增强开发效率、改进软件产品质量。  相似文献   

面向对象技术能够对大型项目进行计算机软件业务建模设计,可以解决大型软件产品的应用危机问题,具有积极的开发应用价值.本文对软件工程概念和面向对象技术概念及这种技术的分析设计情况进行了研究,对于实现软件技术开发创新具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

从应用上来看,协同软件呈现出以下三大特征。以互联网为基础协同软件综合了互联网的技术,强调的是跨区域、跨组织的应用,甚至国外的协同软件产品干脆就叫做Networks,直译过来就是:网络办公。第二代互联网所具备的互动、诚信这样的特点,成为协同软件应用的基础。以流程协作为主流程管理是近年来非常重视的一种管理,I S O管理中有一大部分内容就是有关如何规范工作流程。传统管理软件中也有很多流程管理的概念,例如:E R P中有很多内容涉及流程,甚至传统会计软件也有帐务处理的流程。在E R P、会计软件中的流程,只是一个辅助,呈现出固化、…  相似文献   

本文从软件产品的两个特点——非物理性和严格性出发,解剖分析了现行的软件维护概念,指出目前的这种软件维护概念不符合软件产品自身的特点,并违背了工业化生产的一般规律,从而阻碍了软件工程的发展。为此,本文提出了两个新的概念——软件使用维护和软件生命期分为两个时期。这两个概念强调了软件生产的工业化性,体现了软件产品的两大特点,力图为从根本上解决“软件危机”打下思想基础。  相似文献   

江贺  郝丹  许畅  彭鑫 《计算机科学》2020,47(3):I0003-I0004
软件作为信息社会的基础设施,深刻地影响着现代人类文明的进程。自1968年软件工程的概念被提出以来,如何高效地开发高质量的软件一直是计算机科学的研究热点。近年来,随着人工智能技术的发展,人工智能与软件工程开始深度融合,由此形成的全新学科交叉方向——智能软件工程成为了国内外学者关注的焦点和研究重点。智能软件工程主要涵盖两方面:人工智能赋能的软件工程和面向人工智能的软件工程。一方面,以深度学习为代表的人工智能迅猛发展,为软件工程研究提供了全新的方法、技术和工具,显著提高了解决传统软件工程任务的能力。  相似文献   

通过对软件工程出现的问题进行深入的研究,并提出能解决这些问题的针对性想法和相关措施.了解软件管理工作的内容,软件工程的研究、软件产品特点的分析,讨论软件工程管理可能涉及的人员、组织机构、文档资料等各方面要求.  相似文献   

刘小海 《软件》2013,(7):146-146,164
软件是一种与其他产品相比较而言,很难实现工业化生产的尖端产品。随着人类信息技术的发展,软件产品的需求量也越来越大,软件技术的不断革新,软件的发展空间和软件产品的规模繁琐化也在逐步的提升中。软件技术作为信息产业的支柱产业之一,不仅在技术上要不断变革和创新,同时对软件工程技术的要求也越来越高。纵观全球软件行业的发展趋势来看,软件工程技术将朝着全球性、综合性服务的方向发展,以满足不同消费层次的消费需求。  相似文献   

软件工程教学中的策略探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
软件工程是高等院校计算机专业的必修课,随着计算机的普及和管理信息系统的应用,软件工程同时是工科其他专业的选修课,学生可以根据个人兴趣,有选择地进行学习。课程设置为54学时,学习该课程之前,要求学过程序设计基础、面向对象程序设计和数据结构的基础。由于软件工程是根据人们开发软件产品的经验总结出来的理论课程,其中涉及到计算机、经济管理学和工程学等多个领域的知识,随着计算机操作环境变化和软件的发展,从命令行状态下的软件开发到基于.net技术的应用,课程内容在不断地充实,而实际课时和试验学时并没有改变,这就需要教师合理地安…  相似文献   

本文第一部分介绍了国外软件价格上涨、软件需求量增大、软件工作人员短缺的概况,指出导致软件工程问世的诸因素的继续存在必将促进软件工程的进一步发展。第二部分讨论了国外在软件工程的开展中着重研究的四方面问题,即:对软件生命周期的研究,对软件工程环境的研究,对软件产品合格性验证的研究,对程序设计语言的研究。  相似文献   

随着计算机行业的不断发展,软件工程已从计算机科学与技术中脱离出来,逐渐形成了一门独立的学科。本文主要介绍了在软件工程学习过程中,发现学习困难的成因,并及时找出相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

软件工程专业课程体系的研究与创新实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从软件工程教育的教学实际出发,在分析国际软件工程专业规范和总结国内软件工程专业教学实践的基础上,给出南京大学软件工程专业的课程体系,重点阐述侧重树立软件工程理念和培养软件系统构建能力的教学理念,详细讨论软件工程(SE)类课程的创新型设置方案和计算机(CS)类传统课程的改革方案。该课程体系在教育教学改革方面取得很好的成果,可供国际国内软件工程教学计划设计者参考。  相似文献   

在网络时代,人们可以通过种种协议来进行信息交流,例如用WEB、电子邮件、FTP等。我们设计了一个支持把一台计算机的数据库中的数据传送到INTERNET上的另一台计算机的数据库中的通信模型,并在此基础上开发了应用于企业之间,以及企业内部各部门之间协同工作中的信息交流的软件系统CMIS,使得企业获得简便、快捷和安全的数据传递与信息交流功能。本文以软件工程生命周期分析法为线索,描述了CMIS系统的开发过程。  相似文献   

Eliciting requirements for a proposed system inevitably involves the problem of handling undesirable information about customer's needs, including inconsistency, vagueness, redundancy, or incompleteness. We term the requirements statements involved in the undesirable information non-canonical software requirements. In this paper, we propose an approach to handling non-canonical software requirements based on Annotated Predicate Calculus (APC). Informally, by defining a special belief lattice appropriate for representing the stakeholder's belief in requirements statements, we construct a new form of APC to formalize requirements specifications. We then show how the APC can be employed to characterize non-canonical requirements. Finally, we show how the approach can be used to handle non-canonical requirements through a case study. Kedian Mu received B.Sc. degree in applied mathematics from Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, in 1997, M.Sc. degree in probability and mathematical statistics from Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, in 2000, and Ph.D. in applied mathematics from Peking University, Beijing, China, in 2003. From 2003 to 2005, he was a postdoctoral researcher at Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. He is currently an assistant professor at School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China. His research interests include uncertain reasoning in artificial intelligence, knowledge engineering and science, and requirements engineering. Zhi Jin was awarded B.Sc. in computer science from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, in 1984, and studied for her M.Sc. in computer science (expert system) and her Ph.D. in computer science (artificial intelligence) at National Defence University of Technology, Changsha, China. She was awarded Ph.D. in 1992. She is a senior member of China Computer Federation. She is currently a professor at Academy of Mathematics and System Sciences, Chinese Academy of Science. Her research interests include knowledge-based systems, artificial intelligence, requirements engineering, ontology engineering, etc. Her current research focuses on ontology-based requirements elicitation and analysis. She has got about 60 papers published, including co-authoring one book. Ruqian Lu is a professor of computer science of the Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests include artificial intelligence, knowledge engineering and knowledge based software engineering. He designed the “Tian Ma” software systems that have been widely applied in more than 20 fields, including the national defense and the economy. He has won two first class awards from Chinese Academy of Sciences and a National second class prize from the Ministry of Science and Technology. He has also won the sixth Hua Lookeng Prize for Mathematics. Yan Peng received B.Sc. degree in software from Jilin University, Changchun, China, in 1992. From June 2002 to December 2005, he studied for his M.E. in software engineering at College of Software Engineering, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. He was awarded M.E degree in 2006. He is currently responsible for CRM (customer relationship management) and BI (business intelligence) project in the BONG. His research interests include customer relationship management, business intelligence, data ming, software engineering and requirements engineering.  相似文献   

基于复用技术的分布式Web软件开发方法的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
该文从软件工程的角度出发,将面向对象技术与软件复用技术相结合,针对分布式WEB软件设计中的复杂性过高提出了一种新的开发方法———主题库法。利用该方法开发的系统,不但可以使问题域能够良好地求解,而且可实现分析及设计结果、最终代码各个层面的复用,较易获取构件/构架库。文中详细描述了该方法的原理、具体实现过程及步骤。  相似文献   

许可证配置是软件工程环境配置的关键和难点之一。该文从配置软件工程环境的实际经验出发,建立了工具许可证服务系统的基本排队模型,提出了许可证共享效应的要领和许可证共享的一些策略,给出了许可证数估算方法。最后,讨论了许可证网络结构的配置技术。  相似文献   

地方本科院校向应用技术类型高校转型的关键问题是如何适应转型需要,转变教育观念、找准定位,调整人才培养目标和方案。针对软件工程教育现状,以大庆师范学院计算机科学与信息技术学院软件工程系为例,结合地方企业软件人才需求,确立培养目标,以软件工程实践能力培养为核心,优化课程结构,将工程素质教育融入课程体系,强化实践锻炼,构建了基于能力培养的从理论到应用一体化的课程体系。  相似文献   

以社会需求为导向的软件工程专业课程体系改革的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
针对传统计算机专业课程体系设置和社会需求存在距离的弊端,以培养动手能力强、具有创新意识的软件工程人才为目的,本文论述了研究设置以社会需求为导向的软件工程专业的课程体系,并提出一个具体可行的软件工程专业课程体系架构。  相似文献   

Design patterns have become a widely acknowledged software engineering practice and therefore have been incorporated in the curricula of most computer science departments. This paper presents an observational study on students’ ability to understand and apply design patterns. Within the context of a postgraduate software engineering course, students had to deliver two versions of a software system; one without and one with design patterns. The former served as a poorly designed system suffering from architectural problems, while the latter served as an improved system where design problems had been solved by appropriate patterns. The experiment allowed the quantitative evaluation of students’ preference to patterns. Moreover, it was possible to assess students’ ability in relating design problems with patterns and interpreting the impact of patterns on software metrics. The overall goal was to empirically identify ways in which a course on design patterns could be improved.  相似文献   

As with much technological change, the law and judicial system have lagged behind in adapting to the changing world of computer and software development. Changes in software development have created new classes of criminals and contract violators, and new theories and techniques to catch them. This paper discusses the fate of one breed of computer criminal, the software pirate, before the courts.Software piracy is a relatively recent type of computer crime because software development or engineering is no longer a custom design operation for particular organizations on particular computers. Software is now being produced for mass consumption and the ‘generic’ software package is not far off. Software packages may be very valuable even though they may be stored in a compact place, (like jewelry or money) such as on a microprocessor chip or a floppy disk. Software packages may vary in price from tens of dollars to millions of dollors. As with the related and booming practice of video disk piracy, it is often easy to make multiple copies of software for a miniscule fraction of the average original development cost.Despite the widely acknowledged existence of widespread software piracy, there have been very few cases reaching the civil courts and nearly none before the criminal courts. There are several explanations: few pirates are caught, few owners of software are willing or able to press a claim in court, most cases are settled out of court, and perhaps there is not so much software piracy after all; or a combination of all of them.This paper does not try to answer the question of why there are so few cases. Instead, it presents the bare facts from the existing cases and categorizes the source of the piracy, i.e. how did the pirate or alleged pirate come to possess the software in the first instance and what happened to him or her.The presentation of cases here is not complete, for the legal reporting systems are also not up-to-date. Indeed, the phrase, “software piracy” does not appear in legal reports' indices, nor legal dictionaries. More research is needed, but the patterns found in the 31 cases here will probably continue as the sample increases. From such patterns, software owners and legal practitioners can better see what they are up against.  相似文献   

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