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PCR技术在肉类掺假检验中的应用进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
当前,对研究者、消费者、食品工业和政策制定者等各个方面来说,食品的真伪都是一个热点问题,尤其是肉类工业。PCR技术具有特异性强、敏感性高、操作简便、快速高效等特点,在肉类掺假检测方面具有巨大的应用价值。本文介绍了目前肉制品鉴定的方法,包括蛋白和核酸两个层次,用于肉制品鉴定的各种目的基因的选择。回顾了PCR技术在国内外肉类产品掺假鉴定中的重要应用。指出了PCR技术在肉制品鉴定中的不足,与各种新技术(基因芯片、蛋白质芯片等)有机结合将是以后的研究方向。  相似文献   

尚柯  梁恒兴  张彪  段庆梓  王巍  张玉 《食品科学》2020,(12):318-325
根据线粒体cyt b基因的种间差异,建立羊亚科、绵羊、山羊肉类的实时荧光聚合酶链式反应检测技术,对方法进行系统的优化与完善,并进行特异性、灵敏度与扩增效率、检出限、试剂一致性分析与适用性考察,同时邀请5家国内权威机构对方法进行复核。结果表明,方法的重复性好、适用性广,可用于不同基质的肉制品检测,扩增效率达95%以上,用于羊肉制品的动物源性成分检测准确率达100%,适于推广使用。  相似文献   

PCR技术具有特异性强、灵敏度高、可同时分析大量样本的特点,在鉴别和定量分析食品中肉类成分上应用广泛。本文介绍了PCR扩增产物分析、实时荧光PCR和微滴数字PCR三种应用于肉类定量的技术,通过检出限、定量限和定量范围等数据分析这三种方法在肉类成分定量分析中的应用效果,并对其定量的局限性进行阐述,为进一步完善PCR定量技术提供参考。   相似文献   

近几年屡屡曝光的食品安全事故引起了社会的广泛关注,食品安全已经成为社会共同关注的问题,肉类掺假造假现象更是层出不穷,其中用低价鸡肉、鸭肉、猪肉等掺入、冒充牛羊肉成为主要的掺假方式。国内外进行肉类掺假鉴定主要以核酸作为靶标,核酸鉴定也是物种鉴别最常用、最核心的方法,以DNA检测为基础建立起来的DNA条形码、多重PCR、荧光定量PCR、荧光探针等技术也得到空前发展和广泛应用。我国针对动物源性成分检测也制定了相关国家标准和行业标准,但大多现行标准中基于DNA检测建立的PCR技术只能检测单一物种,滞后于技术的发展。目前,基于PCR发展起来的衍生技术凭借其高灵敏度、强特异性和高通量等优势在动物源性成分检测工作中显示出巨大潜力,也是肉类成分鉴定未来的重要方向。本文综述了PCR技术在肉类检测中的研究概况和现行标准的技术概况,以期为肉类成分鉴定研究提供信息。  相似文献   

郭燕军 《肉类工业》1995,(12):32-34
通过测定胴体pH值,鉴定非正常肉,在公众判定肉质量的方法中,pH值不仅可提供极为有用的信息,并且方法简便可靠。  相似文献   

目的建立单管同步快速鉴别水牛、黄牛、牦牛、山羊、驴和鸭的物种成分的多重PCR鉴别方法。方法对水牛、黄牛、牦牛、山羊、驴和鸭的线粒体全基因组,采用Primer-blast在线软件,设计6对特异性引物,优化反应条件,建立PCR体系。结果该方法仅对水牛、黄牛、牦牛、山羊、驴和鸭肉有特异性扩增,与其他动物的核酸无交叉反应;同时检测6种物种成分的检测低限为10-4 ng/μL。在鸭肉中分别模拟掺入牛肉、羊肉和驴肉成分,方法对鸭肉中掺入牛成分、羊成分和驴成分中的检出限均小于0.5%。结论该方法特异性好、敏感度高,可以被应用于水牛、牦牛、黄牛、山羊、驴和鸭的物种成分鉴别。  相似文献   

基于核酸分子学方法的肉类成分鉴别技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王金斌  李文  白蓝  刘华  蒋玮  吴潇  王荣谈  唐雪明 《食品科学》2017,38(11):318-327
近年来,肉类掺假问题频繁发生。基于核酸的分子生物学肉类成分鉴别技术已成为研究热点,其具有灵敏度高、特异性强、检测时间短以及成本低的优点。本文综述了基于核酸分子学的肉类成分种属鉴别技术在肉类掺假检验中的应用,着重于量化各种方法的检测限,并重点对实时荧光定量聚合酶链式反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)和数字PCR技术在动物成分鉴别定量分析的研究现状与前景做介绍。探讨不同来源的靶基因(核DNA和线粒体DNA)在动物成分鉴别中,定性和定量检测灵敏度与特异性的区别。  相似文献   

肉类食品是人们饮食结构的重要组成部分,而近年来,肉类掺假现象频发,严重威胁到公众的利益。因此,建立快速准确的肉类鉴别检测方法逐渐成为一个热点问题。以PCR为基础的实时荧光PCR检测技术在实现定性定量分析的同时,与常规方法相比,具有自动化程度及动态范围更高的特点,在肉类掺假检测方面具有巨大的应用价值。该文从实时荧光PCR检测技术的检测原理出发,进一步探讨其操作流程,并对不同类别的实时荧光PCR检测技术在肉类掺假中的应用进行整合。在肉类鉴定中,实时荧光PCR技术可分为荧光探针法和荧光染料法2大类,近年来在不断发展完善的过程中仍存在着一些挑战,且将向提高检测效率和提高检测结果准确性的方向发展。因此该文提出在已有研究的基础上结合新技术建立标准化检验流程的想法,以期为肉类掺假检测技术的发展起到借鉴意义和指导作用。  相似文献   

为了对海鳗鱼糜掺假进行定性研究,从GenBank数据库下载海鳗及其他物种的线粒体12S rRNA,并通过BioEdit 7.0软件对该基因碱基序列进行比对。在此基础上,综合考虑引物设计原则,设计出关于海鳗的特异性引物。对引物的特异性、灵敏性以及主要加工过程进行实验,结果表明所设计的引物对海鳗DNA具有很强的特异性,灵敏性达到0.1%,加工过程也不影响检测过程,从而满足了对于海鳗鱼糜掺假的检测要求。  相似文献   

宏条形码技术在食品物种鉴定中的应用及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邢冉冉  吴亚君  陈颖 《食品科学》2018,39(13):280-288
食品物种鉴定是食品真伪鉴别中的重要研究内容之一。聚合酶链式反应、基因芯片等方法均被应用于食品 物种鉴定。近几年,基于高通量测序的宏条形码技术发展迅速,与基于传统测序方法的条形码技术相比,该技术具 有成本低、通量高、速度快等优点,且可以实现同时检测复杂样品中多个物种的目的,因而在食品物种鉴定方面显 现出很大的优势。本文介绍了宏条形码的含义和研究方法,综述了近年来宏条形码技术在食品物种鉴定领域的应 用,总结和讨论了宏条形码技术应用于食品物种鉴定领域面临的挑战,并对该技术的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Molecular species detection in food has become common in the last 10 years. The methods are sensitive enough to detect small, but relevant, amounts of one species in composed food. We have developed a strategy for detecting different animal species in food by molecular means. This strategy uses a combination of published PCR systems and new developed PCR primer systems for the detection of porcine, bovine, ovine, avian, cervine and equine DNA by PCR followed by restriction analysis (PCR-RFLP). In some cases, analysis is completed by DNA sequencing. The species detection system includes an amplification control and so is in accordance with the relevant food standards.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to develop an assay for the specific identification of meat from Capreolus capreolus, Cervus elaphus, Capra ibex, Rupicapra rupicapra, targeting sequences of the cytochrome b (cyt b) gene of mitochondrial DNA. The assay is also intended to enable differentiation between meat from these wild species as well as Ovis aries, Capra hircus, Bubalus bubalis, Bos taurus and Sus scrofa domestic species.The primers used in the preliminary PCR were designed in well conserved regions upstream and downstream of the diagnosis sites. They successfully amplified a conserved 232 bp region from the cyt b gene of all the species taken into consideration. The sites of diagnosis have been interrogated using a minisequencing reaction and capillary electrophoresis. All the results of the multiplex PER (primer extension reaction) test were confirmed by fragment sequencing. The assay offers the possibility of discriminating nine species at the same time.  相似文献   

Identification of meat species by TaqMan-based real-time PCR assay   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In this study, a convenient, sensitive and specific real-time PCR assay was described for the species identification and their quantification in raw and cooked meat products. Specific primers and TaqMan probes were designed on the mitochondrial ND2, ND5 and ATP 6-8 genes for donkey, pork and horse, respectively, and the performance of the method was tested. In the results, no cross-reaction was observed between the donkey and pork species specific primer-probe systems and non-target species (bovine, ovine, chicken and turkey). Only one cross reaction was observed between the horse species specific primer-probe set and 100 ng pork DNA at the ct 33.01 level (corresponding to 0.01 ng horse DNA). The real-time quantitative assay used in this study allowed the detection of as little as 0.0001 ng template DNA from pure meat for each species investigated and experimental meat mixtures. In conclusion, it can be suggested that the TaqMan probe assay used in this research might be a rapid and sensitive method for the routine meat species identifications studies in raw or cooked meat products.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for specific detection of chicken meat using designed primer pair based on mitochondrial D-loop gene for amplification of 442 bp DNA fragments from fresh, processed and autoclaved meat and meat products. The PCR result was further verified by restriction digestion with HaeIII and Sau3AI enzymes for specific cutting site in amplified DNA fragments. The specificity of assay was cross tested with DNA of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, pig, duck, guinea fowl, turkey and quail, where amplification was observed only in chicken without cross reactivity with red meat species. However positive reaction was also observed in quail and turkey. In this study, no adverse effects of cooking and autoclaving were found on amplification of chicken DNA fragments. Thus, the detection limits was found to be less than 1% in admixed meat and meat products. The developed assay was found specific and sensitive for rapid identification of admixed chicken meat and meat products processed under different manufacturing conditions.  相似文献   

The authenticity and traceability of meat products are issues of primary importance to ensure food safety. Unfortunately, food adulteration (e.g. the addition of inexpensive cuts to minced meat products) and mislabelling (e.g. the inclusion of meat from species other than those declared) happens frequently worldwide. The aim of this study was to apply a droplet digital PCR assay for the detection and quantification (copies μL−1) of the beef, pork, horse, sheep, chicken and turkey in meat products. The analysis conducted on commercial meat showed the presence of traces of DNA from other animal species than those declared. We show that the method is highly sensitive, specific and accurate (accuracy = 100%). This method could be adopted by competent food safety authorities to verify compliance with the labelling of meat products and to ensure quality and safety throughout the meat supply chain, from primary production to consumption.  相似文献   

A species-specific duplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay was developed for the simultaneous detection of pork and poultry meat species using the mitochondrial cytb and 12S rRNA as target genes for pork and poultry, respectively. By the amplification of binary reference meat mixtures, a linear normalised calibration curve was obtained using the fluorescence intensities of PCR products for pork (149 bp) and poultry (183 bp) species. The proposed method allowed the quantification of pork meat addition to poultry meat in the range of 1–75%, with a sensitivity of 0.1%. The in-house validation using samples with known amounts of pork meat (1.0%, 2.5%, 7.5%, 20.0% and 40%) evidenced a high reproducibility of the methodology (coefficient of variation from 4.1% to 7.6%). The successful application of the duplex PCR was also demonstrated by the high correlation (R2 = 0.99) obtained from regression analysis between the predicted and the actual values of pork meat addition in blind meat mixtures. The suggested methodology presents a low cost, fast, easy and reliable alternative to estimate the level of poultry meat adulteration by the addition of pork meat.  相似文献   

For rapid identification of Candida to the species level, degenerated primers and specific primers based on the genomic sequences of DNA topoisomerase II of C. albicans, C. dubliniensis, C. tropicalis (genotypes I and II), C. parapsilosis (genotypes I and II), C. krusei, C. kefyr, C. guilliermondii, C. glabrata, C. lusitaniae and Y. lipolytica were designed and their specificities tested in PCR-based identifications. Each of the specific primers selectively and exclusively amplified its own DNA fragment, not only from the corresponding genomic DNA of the Candida sp. but also from DNA mixtures containing other DNAs from several fungal species. For a simpler PCR-based identification, the specific primers were divided into three groups (PsI, PsII and PsIII), each of which contained four specific primer pairs. PCR with the primer mixes yielded four different sizes of PCR product, corresponding to each Candida sp. in the sample DNA. To obtain higher sensitivity of PCR amplification, sample DNAs were preamplified by the degenerated primer pair (CDF28/CDR148), followed by the main amplification using the primer mixes. By including this nested PCR step, 40 fg yeast genomic DNA was detected in the sample. Furthermore, we applied this nested PCR to a clinical diagnosis, using splenic tissues from experimentally infected mice and several clinical materials from patients. In all cases, the nested PCR amplifications detected proper DNA fragments of Candida spp., which were also identified by the standard identification tests. These results suggest that nested PCR, using primer mixes of the Candida DNA topoisomerase II genes, is simple and feasible for the rapid detection/identification of Candida to species level in clinical materials.  相似文献   

One of the most convenient methods for the identification of animal species in processed meat products is the examination of DNA sequences. Real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) techniques are particularly suitable because even small fragments of DNA formed during heat processing of the meat can be amplified and identified. A real-time PCR method has been developed and evaluated for the identification of processed meat products. In test mixtures containing beef, pork, horse, mutton, chicken and turkey, it was possible to identify these species down to a level of 0.05%. By adjusting the number of cycles, it was possible to detect levels as low as 0.01% of these species. Cross-reactivity between these species was not found, except for pure horsemeat (250 ng DNA) in the assay for turkey meat. Cross-reactivity of deer, roe, ostrich, kangaroo, goat, domestic duck, mallard, goose, pigeon, guinea fowl, quail and pheasant was also investigated and it was found that amounts as high as 250 ng DNA of these species in the reaction vial did not result in (false) positive signals except for amounts higher than 125 ng deer DNA and higher than 50 ng pigeon DNA in the determination of chicken and beef, respectively. More than 150 meat samples were examined using DNA hybridization and real-time PCR. A comparison of the results showed a better performance of the real-time procedure compared to DNA hybridization.  相似文献   

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