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This paper presents calculations of the electrical energy levels of the main point defects in ZrO/sub 2/, the oxygen vacancy and the oxygen interstitial. The levels are aligned to those of the Si channel using the known band offsets. The oxygen vacancy gives an energy level in the Si gap or just above the gap, depending on its charge state. This is the main electrically active defect and trap in ZrO/sub 2/ films. The oxygen interstitial gives levels just above the oxide valence band, and the neutral interstitial also gives a level near the Si conduction band.  相似文献   

The electrical properties of high dielectric constant materials being considered for replacements of SiO/sub 2/ in metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS) field effect transistors are dominated by point defects. These point defects play important roles in determining the response of these films in almost any imaginable reliability problem. A fundamental understanding of these defects may help to alleviate the problems which they can cause. The best known methods for determining the structure of electrically active defects in MOS materials and devices are conventional electron spin resonance (ESR) and electrically detected magnetic resonance (EDMR). In this paper, we review the limited ESR and EDMR work performed to date on high-/spl kappa/ materials. A discussion of magnetic resonance techniques as well as a brief overview of the extensively studied Si/SiO/sub 2/ system is also included.  相似文献   

We demonstrate an accurate measurement of the interface trap density and the stress-induced dielectric charge density in Si/high-/spl kappa/ gate dielectric stacks of metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) using the direct-current current-voltage (DCIV) technique. The capture cross section and density of the interface traps in the high-/spl kappa/ gate stack were found to be similar to those of the Si/SiO/sub 2/ interface. A constant-voltage stress of the p-channel MOSFET in inversion is shown to result in a negative dielectric charging and an increase in the interface trap density.  相似文献   

The write/erase cycling endurance of low voltage floating-gate memory cells programmed and erased by tunneling through a SiO/sub 2//HfO/sub 2/ dual layer tunnel dielectric stack is investigated. The use of fixed single pulse program and erase conditions leads to fast shifting (after /spl sim/1000 cycles) of the threshold voltage window, so that only a limited number of write/erase cycles can be achieved. Increasing the write and erase duration quickly leads to an excessive erase time so that a different erase method has to be used. Improvement of the erase behavior and cycling endurance has been obtained by a combination of two methods. Inclusion of soft write pulses between the erase pulses reduces the amount of charge trapped in the tunnel dielectric and therefore limits the increase in erase time. Also, the erase voltage can progressively be raised in order to further limit the erase time, leading to an endurance of 10 000 cycles on the considered cells. When combining the SiO/sub 2//HfO/sub 2/ stack with channel hot electron injection so that tunneling is only required in one direction, 100 000 write/erase cycles are demonstrated with minimal change of the memory window.  相似文献   

The effect of post-thermal annealing after halo implantation on device characteristic and reliability of sub-100-nm CMOSFETs was investigated. We found that the control of annealing time is more efficient than that of annealing temperature with respect to improving the hot-carrier-induced degradation. The best result of device performance and reliability was obtained by a post-thermal annealing treatment performed at medium temperatures (e.g., 900/spl deg/C) for a longer time (>1 min).  相似文献   

This paper investigates the dielectric properties of various N/sub 2//SF/sub 6/ gas mixtures based upon a cylindrical spacer model with adhering particle on the surface tinder homogeneous field conditions. The investigation involves a comparison with pure SF/sub 6/. The flashover field strength for clean and particle contaminated spacer surface under AC and LI stress is determined. The results of the investigations show the sensitivity of N/sub 2//SF/sub 6/ gas mixtures to conducting particles on spacer surfaces for gas pressures up to 800 kPa. Moreover, the correspondence between pure SF/sub 6/ at pressure range from 100 to 400 kPa and N/sub 2//SF/sub 6/ gas mixtures for AC and lightning impulse (LI) flashover field strength range from 50 to 178 kV/cm is determined. Conclusions are drawn about the ability of SF/sub 6/ gas mixtures to serve as technically efficient media for GIS/GITL. The results shed light on the issue of the SF/sub 6/ reduction and particle detectability in GIS/GITL.  相似文献   

Significant deviations in BTI characteristics for metal gate HfO/sub 2/ films compared to silicon oxide based films prove that conventional reliability models based on SiO/sub 2/ films can no longer be directly applied to HfO/sub 2/ based MOSFETS. This study shows the use of conventional accelerated reliability testing in the Fowler-Nordheim tunneling regime to extrapolate time to failure at operating voltages (direct tunneling regime) overestimates device lifetimes. Additionally, unlike conventional gate oxides, the slope of /spl Delta/V/sub t/ versus time (or the rate of charge trapping) in HfO/sub 2/ MOSFETS is dependent on stress voltage. The HfO/sub 2/ based metal gated nMOSFETS show poor PBTI characteristics and do not meet the 10 year lifetime criterion for threshold voltage stability. On the other hand, HfO/sub 2/ based pMOSFETS show superior NBTI behavior and meet the 10 year lifetime criterion. These results are contrary to the observations with conventional gate dielectrics. This paper explores the anomalous charge trapping behavior and provides a comprehensive study of the PBTI characteristics and recovery mechanisms in metal gated HfO/sub 2/ films.  相似文献   

Alumina insulators containing 95wt% Al/sub 2/O/sub 3/ were doped with Cr/sub 2/O/sub 3/ and MnO(MnCO/sub 3/). The properties of the doped samples were measured and compared with those of the original alumina insulators. Better surface performances of the samples doped with proper Cr/sub 2/O/sub 3/ and MnO were obtained while the bulk properties have hardly been changed. After doping the sample showed a lower SEE (secondary electron emission) coefficient, a lower surface resistivity and a higher surface flashover voltage in vacuum. Meanwhile, some points regarding the effects of manganese and chromium doping on the properties of alumina insulators were also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The conduction subband structure of InGaAsN-GaAs quantum wells (QWs) is calculated using the band anticrossing model, and its influence on the design of long-wavelength InGaAsN-GaAs QW lasers is analyzed. A good agreement with experimental values is found for the QW zone center transition energies. In particular, a different dependence of the effective bandgap with temperature when compared to the equivalent N-free structure is predicted by the model and experimentally observed. A detailed analysis of the conduction subband structure shows that nitrogen strongly decreases the electron energies and increases the effective masses. A very small N incorporation is also found to increase the nonparabolicity, but this effect saturates for higher nitrogen contents. Both the In content and well width decrease the effective masses and nonparabolicity of the conduction subbands. Material gain as a function of the injection level is calculated for InGaAsN-GaAs QWs for moderate carrier densities. The peak gain at a fixed carrier density is found to be reduced, compared to InGaAs, for a small N content, but this reduction tends to saturate when the N content is further increased. For the gain peak energy, a monotonous strong shift to lower energies is obtained for increasing N content, supporting the feasibility of 1.55-/spl mu/m emission from InGaAsN-GaAs QW laser diodes.  相似文献   

We have proposed a hybrid procedure for determining spectroscopic parameters for uniaxial solid-state laser crystals. Using our procedure, the spectroscopic properties of Nd:GdVO/sub 4/ were evaluated and compared to those of Nd:YVO/sub 4/. As a result, the peaks of absorption and stimulated emission cross sections of Nd:GdVO/sub 4/ in /spl pi/-polarization were determined to be 2.6 and 10.3/spl times/10/sup -19/ cm/sup 2/, respectively, and were smaller than those of Nd:YVO/sub 4/. On the other hand, the fluorescence lifetime of 1 at% Nd:GdVO/sub 4/ was evaluated to be 83.4 /spl mu/s, and was similar to 84.1 /spl mu/s of 1 at% Nd:YVO/sub 4/. Therefore, the product of stimulated emission cross section and fluorescence lifetime (/spl sigma//sub em//spl tau//sub f/ product) of Nd:GdVO/sub 4/ was smaller than that of Nd:YVO/sub 4/ under 1 at% of Nd/sup 3+/ doping concentration. The radiative lifetime of spontaneous emission of Nd:GdVO/sub 4/ was 168 /spl mu/s and was 1.9 times longer than that of Nd:YVO/sub 4/. Because of the low value of radiative quantum efficiency of Nd:GdVO/sub 4/ (50%), careful cavity design is required for creating a well performing solid-state laser with Nd:GdVO/sub 4/, based on the larger /spl sigma//sub em//spl tau//sub f/ product rather than the /spl sigma//sub em//spl tau//sub f/ product of Nd:YAG.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of thulium ion concentration on the continuous-wave (CW) power performance of diode single-end-pumped thulium-doped YAlO/sub 3/ (Tm:YAP) lasers. Three samples with 1.5%, 3%, and 4% Tm/sup 3+/ concentration were examined at 18/spl deg/C. Lifetime and fluorescence measurements were further performed to assess the strength of cross relaxation and nonradiative decay. Our results showed that in single-end-pumped configurations, the best CW power performance was obtained with the 1.5% Tm:YAP sample, and laser performance of the samples degraded monotonically with increasing Tm/sup 3+/ concentration. By using 9.5 W of incident pump power at 797 nm, a maximum of 1430 mW of output power was obtained with the 1.5% Tm:YAP sample and 2% output coupler. We discuss how the effects of cross relaxation, reabsorption, nonradiative decay, and internal heating vary with increasing concentration. Spectroscopic measurements and rate-equation analysis suggest that cross relaxation should already be effective in samples with 1.5% Tm/sup 3+/ ion concentration and doping concentrations larger than 4% will lead to degradation in power performance due to higher nonradiative decay rates and larger reabsorption losses.  相似文献   

从一起UFV-2型装置低压减载误动事故入手,介绍了UFV-2型装置工作原理,分析了TV断线对该种装置电压骨差闭锁的影响,并提出改进和预防措施。  相似文献   

This paper investigates electrical effects due to reliability phenomena associated with the downscaling of transistors in advanced technologies, particularly Random Telegraph Signal (RTS) and Random Dopant Fluctuations (RDF). RDF and RTS are becoming important issues in sub-60 nm technologies, mainly in memories, where transistor sizes are smaller. This paper presents a comprehensive evaluation of the impact of the joint effect of RTS and RDF on 6T-SRAM cells. Based on 3-D atomistic simulation of the device structure, doping profile, and trap location, the random threshold voltage variation caused by the joint effect of RDF and RTS is evaluated. The derived threshold voltage variation is then used to statistically evaluate the performance variation at the circuit level. Finally, the impact of assuming a normal distribution for the threshold voltage variation caused by RDF and RTS is studied. The results obtained running Monte Carlo simulations raffling the value of the variation of the threshold voltage from a database obtained by 3-D atomistic simulation are compared to the results obtained running Monte Carlo simulations considering the variation of the threshold voltage as a Normal distribution. The results show that for a 6T-SRAM designed with 45 nm technology the read noise margin distributions are very similar between the two cases, making the Normal distribution a good approximation for the V th variations. Nevertheless, the performance variation induced at the circuit level does not necessarily follow a normal distribution.  相似文献   

The impact of high-k gate dielectrics and fringing induced barrier lowering (FIBL) effects on a nano double gate MOSFET is studied over a wide range of dielectric permittivity using ballistic quantum simulation. The simulations are based on self-consistent solution of 2D Poisson equation and Schrödinger equation with open boundary conditions, within the Non-equilibrium Green’s Function formalism. The numerical results show that the use of high-k gate at fixed equivalent oxide thickness (EOT), deteriorates the short channel effects due to FIBL effect. We show that the FIBL can be effectively suppressed by using underlapped source/drain region.  相似文献   

Engineering assumptions are the key to the successful prediction of switching surge line performance by statistical methods. Based on hybrid simulator transient analysis and statistical insulation performance prediction programs, several key engineering assumptions are investigated. The insulation strength variation with stress waveshape is well known. However, the impact of this variation on tower clearances has not been well documented and is evaluated in this paper. The nature of the stress distribution also varies, depending on system conditions, breaker design and type of operation (energizing or reclosing). One aspect of this stress distribution is investigated — the allocation of surge magnitudes among the three phases. Again, some work has been devoted to defining this allocation; however, the impact on tower clearances has not been defined. The analysis of these two aspects of switching surge line performance will provide the line designer with basic information for improved engineering assumptions.  相似文献   

Li/FeS2电池放电性能的研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
何献文  刘建华  杨建峰 《电池》2004,34(4):276-278
对Li/FeS2电池进行了研制,得到了生产工艺和技术参数.研究了改善Li/FeS2电池放电性能的两种方法:一是在正极中加入活性物质添加剂;二是增加电解液中无机盐成分.结果表明:在正极中加入金属单质和氧化物以及增加电解液中无机盐含量,Li/FeS2电池的放电容量和放电平台都有显著改善.综合不同放电制度的测试结果,最佳添加剂用量为金属单质0.5%、氧化物3%、无机盐0.4%.  相似文献   

SiOCH low-$k$ dielectrics introduction in copper interconnects associated to the critical dimensions reduction in sub-45-nm node technologies is a challenge for reliability engineers. Circuit wear-out linked to low-$k$ dielectric breakdown is now becoming a major concern. With line-to-line spacing reduction, the control of the line shape and of the spacing uniformity within a wafer is becoming first-order parameters governing the low- $k$ dielectric reliability. Improving the low- $k$ reliability requires to discriminate each topological effect and to quantify its impact on the lifetime at product level. This paper demonstrates that the copper line shape induces a preferential breakdown of the dielectric close to the SiOCH/SiCN capping even at nominal voltage. The impact of the line edge roughness is studied with the introduction of a simple analytical model. Moreover, the impact of the roughness on the product lifetime has been quantified. It is demonstrated that the line-to-line spacing variation is less critical at the operational voltage than at high voltage stress. Finally, the impact of the spacing uniformity within the wafer and from wafer to wafer (reflecting the spacing fluctuation from product to product) on the Weibull shape is quantified and reported to be voltage-dependent in agreement with the experimental detail.   相似文献   

正极中添加氧化银对碱锰电池性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
朱效铭  忻乾康 《电池》2003,33(1):20-21
通过在正极活性物质中加入不同数量的氧化银 ,探讨其对碱性锌锰电池性能的影响。结果表明 :在正极活性物质中 ,随着氧化银含量的增加 ,电性能也随之提高。  相似文献   

班宵汉  刘富亮  唐月娇  刘江涛 《电池》2022,52(2):135-138
隔膜对锂离子电池的电性能、安全性能等有重要的影响。以湿法和干法聚烯烃隔膜为基底,涂覆Al2O3纳米陶瓷粉末,制备两种陶瓷隔膜,并对物理特性及组装电池的电性能进行分析。以湿法和干法聚烯烃隔膜为基底的陶瓷隔膜,孔隙率分别为56.2%和46.9%,透气度分别为134.0 s/100 ml和244.3 s/100 ml,吸液率分别为3.81 mg/cm2和2.89 mg/cm2;组装的电池20.00 C与1.00 C容量之比分别为97.80%和90.08%,50.00 C与1.00 C容量之比分别为30.86%和25.53%,以1.00 C在2.5~4.2 V循环300次的容量保持率分别为91.45%和88.31%。以湿法聚烯烃隔膜为基底的陶瓷隔膜的性能更好。  相似文献   

V_2O_5/DBSA-PANI复合材料的制备及电容性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
制备了V2O5/DBSA-PANI复合材料,用XRD、IR及SEM对材料进行了表征.结果表明,复合材料为片状,V2O5和DBSA-PANI之间有化学键形成;材料的恒流充放电性能测试结果表明.当电流密度为0.2~0.8 mA.电压范围为-0.2-0.8 V(vs.SCE),电解液为1 mol/L KNO3溶液时,所得材料具有良好的电容特性,复合材料的比电容比单独的V2O5明显提高,而循环性能比单独的DBSA-PANI好.电压范围为-0.2~0.8 V(vs.SCE),以2~10 mV/s扫描速率进行循环伏安测试,该复合材料均表现出良好的赝电容性能.  相似文献   

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