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The characteristics of emission and heat transfer coefficient in a pressurized fluidized bed combustor are investigated. The pressure of the combustor is fixed at 6 atm. and the combustion temperatures are set to 850, 900, and 950 °C. The gas velocities are 0.9, 1.1, and 1.3 m/s and the excess air ratios are 5, 10, and 20%. The desulfurization experiment is performed with limestone and dolomite and Ca/S mole ratios are 1,2, and 4. The coal used in the experiment is Cumnock coal from Australia. All experiments are executed at 2 m bed height. In this study, the combustion efficiency is higher than 99.8% through the experiments. The heat transfer coefficient affected by gas velocity, bed temperature and coal feed rate is between 550-800 W/m2 °C, which is higher than those of AFBC and CFBC. CO concentration with increasing freeboard temperature decreases from 100 ppm to 20 ppm. NOx concentration in flue gas is in the range of 5-130 ppm and increases with increasing excess air ratio. N2O concentration in flue gas decreases from 90 to 10 ppm when the bed temperature increases from 850 to 950 °C.  相似文献   

The effect of coal size (0.73–1.03 mm), excess air ratio (1.0–1.4), operating bed temperature (750–900‡C), coal feeding rate (1–3 kg/h), and coal recycle rate (20–40 kg/h) on combustion efficiency, temperature profiles along the bed height and flue gas composition have been determined in a bubbling and circulating fluidized bed combustor (7.8 cm-ID x 2.6 m-high). Combustion efficiency increases with increasing excess air ratio and operating bed temperature and it decreases with increasing particle size in the bubbling and circulating fluidzing beds. In general, temperature profiles and combustion efficiency are more uniform and higher in a circulating bed than those in bubbling bed. Combustion efficiency also increases with increasing recycle rate of unburned coal in the circulating bed. The ratio of CO/CO2 of flue gas decreases with increasing bed temperature and excess air ratio, whereas the ratio of O2(CO + CO2) decreases with bed temperature in both bubbling and circulating fluidized beds.  相似文献   

Effects of superficial gas velocities to a draft tube, to an annulus section and particle size on the solid circulation rate (G,) have been determined in an internally circulating fluidized bed (0.28 m I.D. × 2m high) with an orifice type draft tube. The solid circulation rate from the draft tube to an annulus section increases with increasing gas velocities to the draft tube(U d ) and annulus section (Ua) and consequent increase in pressure drop across the orifice (ΔPor). However, the values ofG s decrease by 7–21% with increasing particle size from 86 to 288 μm. The pressure drop across the orifice increases with increasingU d andU a . However, ΔPor decreases by 5–23% with increasing particle size. To predictG s in an internally circulating fluidized bed, a correlation is proposed as a function of ΔPor This paper is dedicated to Professor Dong Sup Doh on the occasion of his retirement Korea University.  相似文献   

A model based on the Monte Carlo approach was developed to simulate the mixing and combustion behavior of a shallow coal-limestone fluidized bed combustor. The model involved the coupling of two sub-models: a combustion sub-model based on the two-phase concept of fluidization and a mixing sub-model based on our previously developed dynamic mixing model. The combustion sub-model considered both the volatile and char combustion. It assumed that the combustor consisted of three distinct phases, i.e., jet, bubble and emulsion, with combustion occurring only in the emulsion phase. The mixing sub-model considered the upward or downward movement of a coal particle in the bed as being governed by certain probability laws; these laws were, in turn, affected by the bubbling hydrodynamics. In all, the combustor simulation model took into consideration the effects of coal feed rate, coal size distribution, limestone size, air flow rate and combustor temperature on the combustor behavior. The simulation results included the dynamic response of coal concentration profile, coal size distribution, coal particle elutriation rate as well as the mixing status between the coal and limestone particles.  相似文献   

The effects of gas velocities to draft tube (26.64–52.54 cm/s) and to annulus section (8.14–11.84 cm/s) on solid circulation rate and gas bypassing fractions were determined in a square internally circulating fluidized bed reactor with an orifice-type square draft tube. The solid circulation rate and gas bypassing fraction from the annulus section to the draft tube increase but gas bypassing fraction from the draft tube to the annulus section decreases with increasing gas velocity to the draft tube. With increasing gas velocity to the annulus section, the solid circulation rate and gas bypassing fraction from the draft tube to the annulus section increase but, gas bypassing fraction from the annulus section to the draft tube decreases. The solids circulation rate was correlated with the pressure drop across the orifice and the opening area ratio based on the orifice theory. The gas bypassing fraction was correlated with gas velocities to the fluidized and the moving beds. Based on the gas bypassing fraction data, the gas flow rates across the orifice were correlated with gas velocities to the fluidized and the moving beds, opening area ratio, particle size and solids height in the bed.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the combustion characteristics of a two-stage swirl-flow fluidized bed combustor, combustion experiments of low-grade anthracite coal were performed. Experimental parameters were the fluidizing air velocity, coal feed rates, bed temperature, stoichiometric air ratio, swirl nozzle diameter and rotational diameter. The experimental results showed that, due to the swirl flow, the elutriation rates of fines were lower than those of the single-stage fluidized bed combustor. The combustible contents of the ash in the outflow streams were also reduced. Therefore, the combustion efficiency of the two-stage swirl-flow fluidized bed combustor was 20% greater than that of the single-stage fluidized bed combustor under the same operating conditions.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to study the gas-liquid mass-transfer characteristics in a two-stage draft tube gas-liquid-solid fluidized bed (DTFB). The DTFB was operated at essentially zero liquid velocity and superficial gas velocities up to 250 m/h. The sodium sulphite oxidation method coupled with an analysis of the off-gas concentration was utilized to determine the mass-transfer coefficients in each of the two stages and the overall mass-transfer coefficient for the two-stage DTFB. The particles used in the study were glass beads of 300 and 600 μm diameter and activated carbon particles of 307 and 714 μm diameter. The overall mass-transfer coefficient for the two-stage DTFB was compared with that for the single stage or one-stage DTFB.  相似文献   

Using the results of earlier work on the flow pattern of gas and solids in a draft-tube spouted bed, the drying characteristics of such a spouted bed are discussed. Paddy (unpeeled rice) was dried in a 30 cm bed with a 5.5 cm draft tube and temperatures and moisture content of solid and gas phase were measured as a function of drying time at various points in the system. It appears that the (constant) drying rate is determined by the heat transfer in the recirculation zone (just above the air inlet) and in the draft tube. After the short and rapid heating in the tube, the temperature and moisture gradients in the particle equilibrate in the annulus. It is concluded that a draft-tube spouted bed is a promising dryer design for heat-sensitive particles with slow intra-particle mass transfer coefficients.  相似文献   

带导流管多层流化床流体力学特性实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多层流化床的应用范围受操作可调性和稳定性等因素限制。在改变传统筛板结构的基础上,研究了传统穿流板多层流化床和导流管多层流化床床层压降随表观气速和进料速率的变化规律,实验结果表明,导流管多层流化床不仅大幅减小了床层压降、提高了床体处理能力和可调范围,而且也改善了物料的流化质量。此外,当料层达到一定高度时,导流管多层流化床还具有喷动流化床的特性,同时导流管还具有溢流物料的作用,进一步加大了气固传质效率和床体处理能力。在流体力学分析的基础上,推导出导流管多层流化床床层压降的关联式,得到了床层压降随进气气速和进料速率的关系,与实验数据基本吻合。  相似文献   

Straw and herbaceous energy crops are key biomass materials for greenhouse gas neutral energy production. Combustion of straw and two herbaceous crops was investigated in a fixed-bed reactor for a range of air flow-rates (234–1170 kg/m2 h). The fixed bed tests simulate the moving bed combustion where the distance along a grate corresponds to the time on the fixed bed. Measured temperatures, gas composition and mass loss were used to evaluate the combustion characteristics in terms of ignition front speed, burning rate, percentage of mass loss and the equivalence ratio. The average burning rates of herbaceous fuels reached a peak of 220–250 kg/m2 h at air flow rates of 700–900 kg/m2 h. An overlap of the two distinct periods of combustion was observed at high air flow rates, as the air supply was sufficient to simultaneously burn the char above the ignition front. When uncut straw was burned, less uniform packing of the long fibres increased the effect of air channelling and led to irregular propagation of the ignition front.  相似文献   

To clarify the sulfur transformation behavior during oxy-fired circulating fluidized bed (CFB) combustion, experiments on SO2 emission characteristics were carried out in a 50 kWth CFB combustor. Results show that SO2 emission is quite dependent on the bed temperature in different atmospheres without limestone injection. With Ca/S=2.5, SO2 emission in 21%O2/79%CO2 atmosphere is smaller than that in air atmosphere, but SO2 emission decreases with the increase of O2 concentration. The calcium forms in the ash prove the combination of calcination/carbonation and direct sulfation mechanism of limestone under oxy-combustion conditions. And the desulfurization efficiency of limestone (as deducting the self-retention efficiency from the total sulfur removal efficiency) increases from 40% to 52% as the O2 concentration increases from 21% to 40%.  相似文献   

This study investigated experimentally the effects of fuel types and operating conditions on NO emission in a 0.45 m I.D. pilot scale vortexing fluidized bed combustor. Rice husk, soybean, high and low sulfur subbituminous coals, and bituminous coal were used as fuels. Silica sand was employed as the bed material. The effects of various operating conditions, such as bed temperature, excess air ratio, and stoichiometric air flow rate on NO emission were investigated. The dependence of the conversion of fuel-N on O/N and H/N weight ratios of the fuel was explored to understand the effect of fuel composition on NO emissions. The results show that the H/N ratio is a better indicator than the O/N ratio to represent the conversion of fuel-N to NO. Soybean was mixed with other fuels to study its characteristics for reducing NO emission. Taguchi method was applied to analyze the priority of operating conditions for dominating NO emission. It is found that the excess air is the most important factor to dominate NO emission.  相似文献   

Glass particles, 0.54-1.39 mm in diameter, are spouted with air in a half-cylindrical draft tube spouted bed with modified fluid outlet to investigate the flow characteristics of the fluid and particles in the annulus. Using the measured pressure distribution and particle velocity and pathline in the annulus, the fluid streamlines, fluid and particle residence time distributions are obtained. Effects of the spoul inlet fluid flowrate, distance between the draft lube and spout inlet and the modified fluid outlet on the flow fields are also discussed.  相似文献   

Hüseyin Topal  Ali Durmaz 《Fuel》2003,82(9):1049-1056
In this study, a circulating fluidized bed of 125 mm diameter and 1800 mm height was used to find the combustion characteristics of olive cake (OC) produced in Turkey. A lignite coal that is most widely used in Turkey was also burned in the same combustor. The combustion experiments were carried out with various excess air ratios. The excess air ratio, λ, has been changed between 1.1 and 2.16. Temperature distribution along the bed was measured with thermocouples. On-line concentrations of O2, SO2, CO2, CO, NOx and total hydrocarbons were measured in the flue gas. Combustion efficiencies of OC and lignite coal are calculated, and the optimum conditions for operating parameters are discussed. The combustion efficiency of OC changes between 82.25 and 98.66% depending on the excess air ratio. There is a sharp decrease observed in the combustion losses due to hydrocarbons and CO as the excess air ratio increases. The minimum emissions are observed at λ=1.35. Combustion losses due to unburned carbon in the bed material do not exceed 1.4 wt% for OC and 1.85 wt% for coal. The combustion efficiency for coal changes between 82.25 and 98.66% for various excess air ratios used in the study. The ash analysis for OC is carried out to find the suitability of OC ash to be used as fertilizer. The ash does not contain any hazardous metal.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a transient three-phase numerical model for the simulation of multiphase flow, heat and mass transfer and combustion in a bubbling fluidized bed of inert sand. The gas phase is treated as a continuum and solved using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach; the solid particles are treated as two discrete phases with different reactivity characteristics and solved on the individual particle scale using an extended discrete element model (DEM). A new char combustion submodel considering sand inhibitory effects is also developed to describe char particle combustion behavior in the fluidized bed. Two conditions, i.e. a single larger graphite particle and a batch of smaller graphite particles, are used to test the prediction capability of the model. The model is validated by comparing the predicted results with the previous measured results and conclusions in the literature in terms of bed hydrodynamics, individual particle temperature, char residence time and concentrations of the products. The effects of bed temperature, oxygen concentration and superficial velocity on char combustion behavior are also examined through model simulation. The results indicate that the proposed model provides a proximal approach to elucidate multiphase flow and combustion mechanisms in fluidized bed combustors.  相似文献   

This paper summarises the experimental and modelling work carried out for the variation of bed ignition temperature of a fluidized bed combustor with the char particle diameter and the fluidizing velocity. A lignite char was used and its reactivity was represented using data from Field (1967) and Turnbull and Davidson (1984). The modelling involved solving the steady state heat balance around the fluidized bed combustor at the ignition temperature. A correlation of the total area of char ignited per unit bed mass was determined as a function of the char particle diameter and the fluidizing velocity. This correlation was used to determine the ignition temperature of the fluidized bed combustor operating at different conditions. The fluidized bed combustor heat balance was then solved for the bed ignition temperature which was influenced by both the rate of heat loss from the bed and the reactivity of the char. A sensitivity analysis suggests that the chemical rate reaction coefficient is the most prominent variable when determining the ignition temperature of a fluidized bed combustor.  相似文献   

Casuarina equisetifolia, a hard wood, and a popular energy crop in many tropical countries, was investigated experimentally for its char fragmentation in a laboratory scale atmospheric bubbling fluidized bed combustor. The effect of fuel shape and size on wood char fragmentation was studied. Wood particles of spherical, cylindrical (aspect ratio of 1), and cubical shapes of different sizes ranging from 10 to 25 mm were used in the experiments. Fragmentation of wood char was quantified in terms of various parameters, such as Number of Fragments (NF), Percentage of Fragmentation Events, Frequency of Fragmentation, Timing interval of Fragmentation, Size distribution of char and Fragmentation Index (FI). Also, qualitative observations on the evolution of char in terms of deformation, cracks and surface texture are discussed. It was observed that Casuarinaequisetifolia wood of sizes greater than 15 mm, of all shapes undergoes primary fragmentation during the devolatilization phase. Furthermore, chars fragment at the early stages (1st or 2nd quarter) of the char combustion phase, underscoring the significance of the phenomenon in fluidized bed combustion. For all the shapes of wood considered, there appears to be a cut-off size of the initial wood, below which its char certainly undergoes fragmentation. It was observed that the average char particle size at any instance during its combustion falls in a narrow range of 3.7–6.9 mm, 3–6.6 mm and 3–9.5 mm for spherical, cylindrical and cubical wood particles, respectively. Wood of initially cylindrical shape undergoes extensive fragmentation when compared with spherical and cubical shapes.  相似文献   

To understand vortexing fluidized bed combustor (VFBC) performances, an investigation was carried out in a 0.45 m diameter and 4.45 m height pilot scale VFBC. Rice husks, corn, and soybean were used as the biomass feedstock and silica sand serving as the bed material. The bubbling bed temperature was controlled by using water injected into the bed. The experimental results show that the excess air ratio is the dominant factor for combustion efficiency. The in-bed combustion proportion increases with the primary air flow rate and bed temperature, and decreases with the volatile/fixed carbon ratio. The stability constant is proposed to describe the inertia characteristics of the vortexing fluidized bed combustor. The experimental results indicate that the stability of the VFBC increases with bed weight and primary air flow rate, but decreases with bed temperature.  相似文献   

In this research, co-combustion of coal and rice husk was studied in a circulating fluidized bed combustor (CFBC). The effects of mixed fuel ratios, primary air and secondary air flow rates on temperature and gas concentration profiles along riser (0.1 m inside diameter and 3.0 m height) were studied. The average particle size of coal from Maetah used in this work was 1,128 mm and bed material was sand. The range of primary air flow rates was 480–920 l/min corresponding to U g of 1.0–2.0 m/s for coal feed rate at 5.8 kg/h. The recirculation rate through L-valve was 100 kg/hr. It was found that the temperatures along the riser were rather steady at about 800–1,000 degrees Celsius. The introduction of secondary air improved combustion and temperature gradient at the bottom of the riser, particularly at a primary air flow rate below 1.5 m/s. Blending of coal with biomass, rice husk, did improve the combustion efficiency of coal itself even at low concentration of rice husk of 3.5 wt%. In addition, the presence of rice husk in the feed stocks reduced the emission of both NO x and SO2.  相似文献   

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