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The performances of three different strains of male and female broiler or roaster chickens immunized at 1 day of age with a drug-resistant field isolate of Eimeria maxima were evaluated in battery and floorpen immunization trials. No difference in immunization potential was seen between these strains or sexes of day-old chickens immunized with 2500 oocysts/bird of E. maxima and challenged at 10 days of age with 25,000 oocysts/bird of the same isolate in two separate battery trials. All immunized birds showed significant protection for the parameters of weight gain and midintestinal lesion scores at 7 days post challenge (PC) when compared with nonimmunized challenged controls. In two separate floorpen trials, one broiler bird strain (designated strain 2) immunized by the same procedure and challenged at 21 days of age with the equivalent of 25,000 oocysts/bird of the same isolate showed significant protection for weight gain and lesion scores at 7 days PC when compared with nonimmunized controls. Birds in these same floorpen experiments immunized with E. maxima and then fed three different anticoccidial shuttle diets (narasin and nicarbazin 90 grams/ton (g/t) in starter feed and narasin 72 g/t + roxarsone 45.4 g/t in grower feed; nicarbazin 113 g/t in starter feed and narasin 72 g/t + roxarsone 45.4 g/t in grower feed; and monensin 100 g/t in starter and grower feed) showed no interference with elicited immunity with E. maxima challenge for the same parameters measured. No significant difference was seen between any floorpen immunized bird groups for total weight gain at trial terminations (49 days of age).  相似文献   

Several methods for inducing dissociation in the laboratory were examined in a sample of 78 undergraduate students. Participants scoring high or low on the Dissociative Experiences Scale participated in three dissociation challenge conditions: (a) dot-staring task, (b) administration of pulsed photic and audio stimulation and (c) stimulus deprivation. Participants recorded their dissociative experiences both before and after each of the three challenge conditions. Across conditions, high DES participants reported significantly more dissociative sensations than low DES participants, even after controlling for pre-challenge dissociation. Moreover, regardless of DES status, pulsed photo and audio stimulation produced the greatest level of dissociative symptoms. The findings suggest that the induction of dissociative symptoms in a nonclinical sample is easily accomplished in the laboratory and that those who report more dissociative symptoms in their day-to-day life exhibit more pronounced dissociative symptoms when undergoing dissociative challenge in the laboratory. Implications for the study and treatment of dissociative symptoms are discussed.  相似文献   

Fas is a surface receptor that can transmit signals for apoptosis. Using retroviral cDNA library-based functional cloning we identified a gene, toso, that blocks Fas-mediated apoptosis. Toso expression was confined to lymphoid cells and was enhanced after cell-specific activation processes in T cells. Toso appeared limited to inhibition of apoptosis mediated by members of the TNF receptor family and was capable of inhibiting T cell self-killing induced by TCR activation processes that up-regulate Fas ligand. We mapped the effect of Toso to inhibition of caspase-8 processing, the most upstream caspase activity in Fas-mediated signaling, potentially through activation of cFLIP. Toso therefore serves as a novel regulator of Fas-mediated apoptosis and may act as a regulator of cell fate in T cells and other hematopoietic lineages.  相似文献   

The efficacy of oral co-amoxyclav, administered twice daily for up to 12 weeks either at the manufacturer's dose rate of 12.5 mg/kg or at 25.0 mg/kg, in curing the lesions of canine folliculitis, furunculosis and cellulitis was compared in a blind study. A total of 97 dogs entered the trial and 67 completed it. There was no significant difference in the rate of cure or the duration of therapy. The lesions of folliculitis were cured in 91.5 per cent of cases, in a mean period of 25.3 days. Furunculosis and cellulitis were cured respectively in 87.5 per cent and 60.0 per cent of the dogs, in mean periods of 37.6 and 44.7 days. The standard dose rate was very effective in folliculitis and furunculosis and there was no benefit in doubling the dose. Too few cases of cellulitis were treated to provide a reliable dose comparison.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There has been a widespread development of community multi-disciplinary teams aimed to deliver coordinated comprehensive mental health care, yet there is little published evidence on the quality of care and economics of providing such care for people with severe mental illness. METHOD: This is a clustered randomized controlled economic comparison of the quality of care for patients with chronic schizophrenia by a multi-disciplinary community team with close links with primary care, and a traditional psychiatric service in a district general hospital psychiatric unit. RESULTS: Two years after it was established, patients with access to the community team had more of their needs met; they had fewer unmet needs; and they were more satisfied with the care they had received. They had more service contacts and received more interventions. The community team resulted in savings in the use of some hospital resources but these were not sufficient to offset the cost of the new service. The community team successfully directed care to patients with more needs, whereas no such relationship was evident for the traditional hospital-based service. Four years after the team was established, it met a greater proportion of needs for underactivity, daily living skills, use of public amenities and managing finances. CONCLUSIONS: Better quality care was provided at 2 and 4 years after its establishment by the multi-disciplinary community service than the traditional hospital-based service. Resources were targeted more efficiently by the community service.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To provide a review of the unique features of both Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in pediatric and geriatric patient populations. Treatment approaches and nursing care interventions at the extremes of age will be discussed. DATA SOURCES: Review articles, research studies, and book chapters. CONCLUSIONS: Lymphoma is a highly heterogeneous malignancy whose classification and management have undergone significant evolution. Of particular concern has been lymphoma's prevalence and treatment at the extremes of age. Appropriate treatment by age and subtype remains controversial. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING PRACTICE: The nursing care of pediatric and geriatric patients with lymphoma presents numerous challenges in education, symptom management, and supportive care.  相似文献   

We report two similar rare types of fracture of the lower end of the humerus sustained in fit young adults while throwing a ball. Both cases were seen within 1 week in a busy accident and emergency (A&E) department. The types of fracture in each case are unusual and, in the past, have been attributed to fatigue or to a repetitive strain pattern.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the pharmacokinetic profile of gentamicin given as a once daily dose as against the conventional twelve hourly dose in preterm neonates. DESIGN: Randomized double blind study. SETTING: Tertiary level Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. SUBJECTS: Eighteen preterms admitted during the period January 1994 to May 1994. METHODS: The babies were randomly assigned to receive either the once daily (plan O, 4 mg/kg Q 24 h) or the conventional (plan C, 2.5 mg/kg Q 12 h) gentamicin dosage regimen. Blood was collected for the first peak level one hour after the first dose of gentamicin. Trough and peak-2 levels were collected before and one hour after the dose due at 48 hours, respectively. Assays were done using fluorescence immunoassay and the pharmacokinetic estimations were calculated using the three measured levels on a simplified one-compartment open model. Serum concentration time curves were plotted using the computerized Bayesian forecasting. Student 't' and Mann-Whitney U tests were applied as required. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Initial peak levels and steady state trough and peak levels in both groups. RESULTS: Optimum therapeutic peak level after the first dose was achieved only with the once daily gentamicin regimen (mean level 5.88 vs 3.88 micrograms/ml p = 0.000). Mean trough levels remained over 2 micrograms/ml in the conventional regimen (2.76 vs 1.96 micrograms/ml p = 0.019) group. Mean peak levels at the steady state were not significantly different in either regimen (6.65 vs 5.45 micrograms/ml in conventional p = 0.177). None of the neonates showed nephrotoxicity. CONCLUSION: Once daily dose (4 mg/kg) of gentamicin has logistic and monetary benefits in addition to the obvious pharmacokinetic advantage.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Follow-up compliance is critical in febrile children because they may harbor unrecognized life-threatening illnesses. This study compares follow-up rates between 2 systems: Wilford Hall Medical Center (WHMC), with preset appointments after ED release, and free medical care; and Fairfax Hospital (FFX), where parents must arrange follow-up appointments after ED release, and are responsible for payment for their follow-up visits. The study also investigated factors associated with follow-up compliance. METHODS: This was a prospective, observational study of febrile children seen in 2 EDs with different systems for patient follow-up. From ED records and parental phone calls, diagnosis, follow-up compliance, and demographics were collected. Data were analyzed using logistic regression and chi2. RESULTS: 423 children met entrance criteria, and 330 parents were successfully contacted after the child's ED release (146 from WHMC; 184 from FFX). The WHMC children were more likely to comply with follow-up than were the children in the FFX system (92% vs 67% follow-up, odds ratio 2.5, 95% CI 1.1-5.3). Other factors associated with noncompliance with recommended follow-up were: Hispanic ethnicity, non-English-speaking parents, and follow-up suggested for >24 hours after ED release. For FFX, self-pay, lack of a follow-up physician, parents' dissatisfaction with the ED medical care, and diagnosis of otitis media were also significant factors found associated with noncompliance. CONCLUSION: Febrile children evaluated in a medical system with prearranged follow-up appointments and free medical care are more likely to comply with recommended follow-up than are those evaluated in a system where payment and appointments are the responsibility of the parents. Efforts should be made to improve follow-up compliance by modeling the WHMC system.  相似文献   

Prilocaine (Citanest) has been shown to be a satisfactory alternative to lignocaine, with certain important advantages, including superior diffusion. The latter may be especially important in peribulbar anesthesia, where the level of diffusion is a critical factor in providing a timely, high-quality block. In a prospective randomized study, we compared the effectiveness of peribulbar vs retrobulbar administration of prilocaine. Eighty-seven patients undergoing elective intraocular surgery were randomized to receive either retrobulbar or peribulbar anesthesia with prilocaine 3% with felypressin and hyaluronidase. Pain of injection, akinesia, and anesthesia were evaluated at predetermined intervals after injection. Except for the fact that lid akinesia occurred earlier in the peribulbar group, there was no difference in the quality or rate of onset of overall akinesia in the two groups. Nor were there any differences in the pain associated with injection. Both groups had excellent operative anesthesia and akinesia.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to determine the relative importance of the different life-cycle stages of Eimeria maxima in the induction of immunity and also those stages most affected by the immune response of the host. In one experiment the life-cycle was controlled by chemotherapy but in all other experiments partial life-cycles were induced by transfers of infected mucosa between hosts. The results indicated that the second generation schizont stage is probably that most concerned in the induction of protective immunity and that sexual stages are most susceptible to immune inhibition. After initial inhibition in the immune host the earlier asexual stages were able to resume development when transferred to a susceptible host. The longer the period of exposure to the immune environment, the less able was the parasite to recover.  相似文献   

Cucumber mosaic cucumovirus is a plant virus in which a typical satellite RNA system is present, displaying a dualistic biological behaviour. In fact, it has been shown that satRNA is able either to aggravate or attenuate the viral disease symptomatology with a modulating capability going from death of the host plant to a surprising absence of symptoms. D-satRNA and S-satRNA have been considered the prototype necrogenic and non necrogenic satRNAs respectively. On the basis of circular dichroism spectroscopy, it is suggested that the different biological behaviours can be explained by taking into account the different capabilities exerted by S- and D-satRNAs in inducing structuring effects onto CMV-S and CMV-D genomic RNAs.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the long-term effect of photoastigmatic refractive keratectomy (PARK) on mild keratoconus. SETTING: Laser Unit, Ein Tal Eye Center, Tel Aviv, Israel. METHODS: Eight eyes of 6 patients with stable compound myopic astigmatism and topography features of keratoconus were treated with a VISX Twenty-Twenty excimer laser. The laser beam slit width ranged between 4.8 and 5.0 mm according to the degree of cylinder. Preoperative slitlamp examination did not reveal significant thinning, ectasia, or scarring. Astigmatism ranged between -2.00 and -7.50 diopters and follow-up, between 36 and 48 months. RESULTS: In 7 of 8 eyes, uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) before PARK ranged between 6/30 and finger counting. After PARK, it ranged between 6/9(-) and 6/15, and patients could manage in most of their daily activities without using spectacles. In 2 eyes, the final UCVA was 6/15(-) and 6/15. In 1 eye, treatment failed to improve UCVA and corneal topography revealed progression of the keratoconus. CONCLUSIONS: Photoastigmatic keratectomy was partially effective in eyes with mild stable keratoconus. However, the long-term results may be altered by progression of corneal thinning and ecstatic disease. In addition to the mild nature of the keratoconus, this is a small series and further studies are needed to confirm these results.  相似文献   

1. The effects of subchronic methamphetamine (MAP) treatment and restraint stress on the behavioral sensitization in stereotypy (stereotypy sensitization) and cliff avoidance reaction (CAR) were examined in two inbred strains of male rats; Fischer 344/N (F344), and Lewis/N (LEW). 2. In experiment 1, the animals received 4 mg/kg/day MAP for 30 days. LEW rats developed stereotypy sensitization earlier than F344 rats. However, both strains plateaued at the same stereotypy rating score. Furthermore, F344 rats were susceptible to CAR impairment as a result of MAP treatment, whereas LEW rats were not. 3. In experiment 2, the animals were exposed to daily restraint stress of 2hr for 4 weeks. MAP was administered (4mg/kg) 7 days after the last treatment day. Repeated restraint stress induced almost the same degree of stereotypy sensitization in both strains. F344 rats were susceptible to CAR impairment induced by repeated stress, whereas LEW rats were not. 4. The effects of psychostimulant and stressors appear to be similar not only with respect to stereotypy sensitization but also CAR impairment. Differences in MAP- or stress-induced CAR impairment between the two inbred strains may be genetically linked and may be involved in the development of psychotic behavior.  相似文献   

The Fawn-Hooded rat (FH) strain has attracted the attention of some psychopharmacologists because of reports of its exaggerated immobility in the swim test, hypercortisolemia, excessive voluntary intake of alcohol, platelet and central serotonin abnormalities and subsensitivity to serotonergic agonists. However, there appears to be some controversy over several behavioral and physiological characteristics of these rats. The present paper proposes that the lack of reproducible findings can be traced to there being several distinct inbred strains of FH rats. Of the two compared in this communication, the FH/Wjd strain is more immobile in the forced swim test, spends more time in the open arms of the elevated plus maze, and drinks more saccharin and alcohol voluntarily than the FH/Har (Iowa Reactive) strain. Future workers are cautioned to report the source of their FH rats.  相似文献   

The chloroplasts of euglenophytes and dinoflagellates have been suggested to be the vestiges of endosymbiotic algae acquired during the process of evolution. However, the evolutionary positions of these organisms are still inconclusive, and they have been tentatively classified as both algae and protozoa. A representative gene of the mitochondrial genome, cytochrome oxidase subunit I (coxI), was chosen and sequenced to clarify the phylogenetic positions of four dinoflagellates, two euglenophytes and one apicomplexan protist. This is the first report of mitochondrial DNA sequences for dinoflagellates and euglenophytes. Our COXI tree shows clearly that dinoflagellates are closely linked to apicomplexan parasites but not with algae. Euglenophytes and algae appear to be only remotely related, with euglenophytes sharing a possible evolutionary link with kinetoplastids. The COXI tree is in general agreement with the tree based on the nuclear encoded small subunit of ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) genes, but conflicts with that based on plastid genes. These results support the interpretation that chloroplasts present in euglenophytes and dinoflagellates were captured from algae through endosymbioses, while their mitochondria were inherited from the host cell. We suggest that dinoflagellates and euglenophytes were originally heterotrophic protists and that their chloroplasts are remnants of endosymbiotic algae.  相似文献   

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