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鲜茧处理工作是蚕茧收购中的必要环节,此工作的好坏直接影响到茧质保全及制丝工业的工艺、产量、质量、消耗和经济效益。对现有鲜茧处理方法与茧丝品质关系进行探索、研究分析,寻找较好的鲜茧处理方法,为制丝工业提供优势蚕茧打下基础,并进一步提高生丝的品质。  相似文献   

周建勇 《丝绸》2002,(5):30-31,35
制丝工业的污水治理必须根据自身的排污特点和治理要求来选择适用的技术方案。文中评述了生化物化结合处理、生物氧化塘处理和高效生化处理三种常用技术的特点及实用效果,并分析了制丝业污水治理的趋势。  相似文献   

刘华平 《丝绸》2003,(6):38-40
综述了制丝用水中有机物的存在对制丝生产造成危害的各种表现形式,针对水中不同类型的有机物和含量,提出了采用混凝、澄清、过滤处理的工艺技术路线,并简介了有机物吸附法及有机物清除器的原理。  相似文献   

刘华平 《丝绸》2003,(4):22-25,29
分析了不同水质水中所含溶解物质对制丝生产的危害,介绍了采用药剂软化法、离子交换法、膜分离法等几种有针对性的制丝特种水质处理的工艺案例及其一般工作原理与工艺流程。  相似文献   

苏柏 《丝绸》1995,(8):22-23
在丝厂常规给水处理净化工艺的基础上,开发应用了适合制丝生产水源水质处理的组合沉淀过滤池。其特点为小型化、低能耗、投资省、占地少,管理操作方便。  相似文献   

江苏海安县丝绸公司江顺年和海安县仁桥丝厂张贤网,来稿介绍了地处苏北的仁桥丝厂制丝用水净化处理的情况,也谈到了制丝废水处理和利用的经验,现摘录如下。1.水的净化处理仁桥丝厂自建厂开始,均使用河水为制丝用水,由于小河水源不足,需从如海交通运河引水以作补充,水的浑浊度高,难以在短时间  相似文献   

栾丽华  李刚  杜创义  胡康 《丝绸》2002,(2):20-22
阐述了修订生丝标准的必要性,分析了生丝新标准对制丝业的影响,提出了制丝企业应采取的技术措施,对确保生丝新标准的顺利实施,促进我国制丝业的健康发展有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

为使卷烟企业可根据产品的特性灵活选择和安排处理工序,实现各个制丝处理工序的“单元化”和“模块化”,拓宽对于新产品的适应性,提出了基于ISA-SP95的柔性制丝线批次管理模式,并结合柔性制丝工艺的特征建立批次管理模型.通过MES系统与制丝集控系统的应用集成实现批次调度功能;基于批次控制软件实现制丝生产批次的精确化、智能化控制.柔性制丝批次管理模式应用于龙岩卷烟厂“精品线”技改项目,实现了生产管理与过程控制的整体集成和融合应用,满足了柔性制丝线分组加工、精确控制的工艺要求,较好地解决了原系统中生产资源调整困难和新产品研发适应性差等问题.  相似文献   

在制丝生产过程中,实行量化和考核烟丝合格率办法,使制丝质量与产量挂钩,解决好生产管理与工艺管理的矛盾;实行各工种定员、定岗、定额管理,优化劳动组合,深化生产、工艺与设备管理;实行A、B、C类维修验收和Q、w类修旧利废奖励制度以及各种设备保养制度,把维修人员的维修质量同工艺及其它指标挂钩,使制丝生产与设备管理紧紧围绕制丝工艺展开,有效发挥了设备的先进功能,提高了制丝质量,设备有效作业率由61%提高到75%。  相似文献   

市场巡礼盼丝涨价又怕涨制丝业在经历了翘首待涨的惨淡经营后,直至今春还未盼到制丝业的明媚春光。如果说去冬乃至更早时期厂丝的价格上浮,有助于弥补制丝业倒挂经营形成的空亏的话,那么经过一个严寒冬季的一再失望后,制丝生产经营者对厂丝价格的看法又发生了新的变化...  相似文献   

使用不同水质(自来水、纯水、天然矿泉水)对大米进行蒸煮,测定并表征不同水质蒸煮对米饭外观及质构特性、糊化特性、风味特性、感官特性的影响。结果表明,从米饭外观及质构特性上分析,使用天然矿泉水和纯水蒸煮在黏度、平衡、外观评分上显著高于使用自来水蒸煮;从大米粉糊化特性上分析,使用纯水组大米粉糊化温度更低,而使用自来水和天然矿泉水组的大米粉凝胶体系有着低的回生值和高的最终黏度;由米饭风味物质主成分分析得出整体风味得分为自来水>纯水>天然矿泉水;从米饭感官特性上分析,使用自来水和纯水蒸煮有着较好的风味,而使用纯水和天然矿泉水蒸煮有着较好的颜色和黏性;综合而言,使用纯水蒸煮得到的米饭有着较好的综合品质。  相似文献   

分别以中水和清水为抄造用水,模拟白水的不同循环次数,对两者的水质变化特性以及它们对纸机湿部化学的影响进行了研究。结果表明,模拟白水循环时,中水的总溶解固体、电导率、悬浮固体和硬度等指标显著高于清水,化学耗氧量、浊度、阳离子需求量等比清水略高;用中水抄造时浆料的滤水和留着性能比用清水抄造时差。通过对纸张抄造性能的比较发现,用中水抄纸,除填料留着率较低外,在光学性能、强度指标和施胶度等方面,与用清水没有明显差别。用中水代替清水进行抄造,对纸机湿部化学以及抄造系统的白水封闭循环以及纸张的物理性能影响不大。  相似文献   

基于低场核磁共振技术监测谷子萌发过程中内部水分变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究谷子在萌发过程中水分分布及变化规律,本研究采用低场核磁共振技术(LF-NMR)对谷子浸泡和发芽过程进行了动态监测。结果表明,谷子浸泡过程中,内部水分以结合水为主,部分结合水逐渐转化为自由水,总水、自由水及结合水含量均快速增加后趋于稳定,确定浸泡最佳时间为10 h。谷子发芽过程中,内部水分以半结合水和结合水为主,部分结合水、自由水逐渐转化为半结合水,结合水小幅度减少的同时总水、半结合水及自由水明显增多。本研究所揭示的谷子浸泡和发芽过程中内部水分变化规律,为小米发芽产品的开发和应用奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

目的 对广东地区2018年市售的包装饮用水及天然矿泉水铜绿假单胞菌污染情况进行分析及检测。方法 采用国标《GB 8538-2016食品安全国家标准饮用天然矿泉水检验方法》对实验室2018年抽检的包装饮用水及天然矿泉水进行铜绿假单胞菌项目检测及分析。结果 275份包装饮用水及天然矿泉水中23份样品检出铜绿假单胞菌, 总阳性率为8.36%; 包装饮用水、天然矿泉水的阳性率分别为9.87%、1.92%; 包装饮用水中桶装水的阳性率为100%, 共检出76株阳性菌株, 菌株形态主要为蓝绿色。结论 包装饮用水中铜绿假单胞菌污染状况比天然矿泉水严重, 且集中在桶装包装饮用水中。建议桶装饮用水生产企业采取控制措施, 相关监督部门应加强监督管理。  相似文献   

基于LF-NMR的糙米发芽过程水分状态变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究应用低场核磁共振(LF-NMR)技术,测定了不同发芽时间糙米的横向弛豫时间T2反演谱,分析了糙米发芽过程的内部水分状态及变化规律。实验表明:浸泡过程糙米存在结合水向自由水迁移趋势,其总含水量、结合水和自由水含量均不断上升,自由水变化幅度更大,糙米含水量与T2信号总幅值存在高相关性(R20.96)。发芽过程总含水量和自由水含量持续波动上升,结合水含量则逐步下降。粳糙米结合水含量高于籼糙米,但籼糙米自由水变化幅度高于粳糙米。LF-NMR技术为糙米发芽过程中各相态水分分布及变化规律提供了直观的参考依据。  相似文献   

Water properties of soft contact lens materials.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The properties of water in soft contact lenses such as the water content, free-to-bound water ratio, and the extent to which soft lenses dehydrate during wear, are key determinants of their in eye performance and oxygen transmissibility characteristics. This study describes clinical and laboratory experiments that were conducted in order to examine the state of water in eight soft contact lenses manufactured from different materials. Specifically, lenses made from the following eight materials (and nominal water contents) were used: HEMA/VP 40%, HEMA/VP 55%, HEMA/VP 70%, VP/MMA 55%, VP/MMA 70%, HEMA 40%, HEMA/MAA 55% and HEMA/MAA 70% [HEMA = 2-hydroxy-ethyl methacrylate, VP = vinyl pyrrolidone, MMA = methyl methacrylate, MAA = methacrylic acid]. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used for measuring the free water content in the materials listed above. Some noticeable differences in water properties among soft contact lens materials having approximately the same water contents were revealed. Low water content materials exhibited a simple endotherm and all water melted around 0 degrees C. On the other hand, medium and high water content materials exhibited multiple melting endotherms, representing a broad range of interactions between water and the polymer. Low water content soft contact lenses have approximately the same amount of bound water as those with much higher water contents. Six subjects were then fitted with the same lenses for one day. In vitro measurements of water content and oxygen transmissibility were taken at 35 degrees C, both before lens fitting and after 6 h of lens wear. Water content and oxygen transmissibility were correlated with the water properties of the soft contact lens materials. The relative change in lens water content (%deltaWC) and relative change in lens oxygen transmissibility (%deltaDk/t) were calculated and correlated with the water properties of the eight soft contact lens materials. It was concluded that (a) oxygen transmissibility, free water content and free-to-bound water ratio are increased when the water content of a contact lens is increased and (b) water content, free water content and free-to-bound water ratio cannot be used for the prediction of soft contact lens dehydration in vivo.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in the phenomenon of water insecurity, yet a relative paucity of tools to assess the occurrence and severity of water insecurity at the household level. We sought to assess the validity and reliability of a household water insecurity scale in a rural Ethiopian context. Secondary data on water insecurity from up to 1934 rural Ethiopian households that had participated in a water and sanitation intervention was analysed. Exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha were used to assess dimensionality of the water insecurity responses and parametric and non-parametric tests used to test for differences in household water insecurity scores across household types and objective measures of household water access. Factor analysis revealed one dominant factor and the Cronbach’s alpha of the water insecurity scale was 0.94. Households with access to improved water sources, that lived close to water collection points, that did not farm, and that felt they had “enough” water all scored as significantly more water secure on the household water insecurity scale (P < 0.05). The household water insecurity scale also predicted the occurrence of diarrhea among children in the household (aOR 1.2, 95 % CI 1.08, 1.33) whereas no other measure of water access did. Finally, household water insecurity scores improved by 55 % after a water and sanitation intervention.Our results suggest the possibility of an effective water insecurity tool, which might be deployed to assess the epidemiology of water insecurity including its causes and consequences. Future research should aim to validate the tool against behavioral observations and to link shifts in water insecurity to changes in health and wellbeing.  相似文献   

M. Koseki    A. Nakagawa    Y. Tanaka    H. Noguchi    T. Omochi 《Journal of food science》2003,68(1):354-358
ABSTRACT: The sensory evaluation of alkali‐ion water and bottled mineral water was performed by panelists and their preferences for the taste of alkali‐ion water was surveyed. Consequently, alkali‐ion water made from tap water was found to taste better than any bottled mineral water; however, the activated carbon filtration water, which was also made from tap water, was found to taste better than alkali‐ion water. Furthermore, smell, taste, feeling in the throat, aftertaste, and general impression of the mineral water, alkali‐ion waters, and activated carbon filtration water were evaluated using the 1‐pair comparison method. Consequently, alkali‐ion water and activated carbon filtration water were more highly rated than commercial bottled mineral water.  相似文献   

Lactating dairy cows metabolize large amounts of water and are affected rapidly by water deprivation. Total body water, half-life of body water, size of component pools, and exchanges among them have been quantitated in several studies. The data underscore the dynamic nature of water metabolism in lactating cows. Water is lost in milk, urine, feces, and various forms of evaporation. Sources of water include drinking, feed, and metabolic (oxidation) water. Factors that have been shown to influence drinking behavior include eating pattern, water temperature, whether water is given in a trough or water bowl, flow rates into water bowls, animal dominance if water bowls are shared, and stray voltage. Important environmental factors modulating water consumption of dairy cattle are DMI, nature of the diet, milk production, temperature, and humidity. Equations have been proposed to predict water consumption based on measures of some of these variables. Water is of paramount importance both physiologically and nutritionally; therefore, it is not surprising that its metabolism indirectly may affect many feeding and management decisions. Ample water of acceptable quality must be provided to maximize milk production.  相似文献   

电生功能水在豆腐生产工艺上的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大豆表皮附带着大量土壤中的微生物,其中包含芽孢杆菌等耐热微生物^[1,2],这些芽孢杆菌在豆腐的杀菌工艺中很难被全部杀死菌能力,本文将酸性水和碱性水应用在豆腐生产中的大豆浸泡工艺,实验结果表明,用酸性水浸泡后大豆的的微生物总数,与自来水相比,降低了1.8个对数值,采用相同的后续工艺制得的豆腐,细菌总数也降低了1.5个数值,而且用酸性水浸泡后的大豆制得的豆腐,口感细腻,质地良好,与普通豆腐相比,无任何不良影响,因此,酸性水在豆制吕的工业生产中具有潜在使用价值。  相似文献   

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