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The North Sea is becoming increasingly attractive to wind energy developers and investors, with 38 wind farms belonging to five different countries and representing over€35 billion of assets. Concerns about offshore wind turbines being damaged by extreme windstorms pose a challenge to insurers, investors and regulators. Catastrophe modeling can adequately quantify the risk. In this study, a Monte Carlo simulation approach is used to assess the number of turbines that buckle using maximum wind speeds reaching each wind farm. Damage assessment is undertaken for each wind farm using a log‐logistic damage function and a left‐truncated Weibull distribution. The risk to offshore wind power in the North Sea is calculated using an exceedance probability (EP) curve for the portfolio of wind farms. The European Union Solvency II directive requires insurance companies to hold sufficient capital to guard against insolvency. The solvency capital requirement (SCR) is based on a value‐at‐risk measure calibrated to a 99.5% confidence level over a 1‐year time horizon. The SCR is estimated at €0.049 billion in the case of yawing turbines. Simulations are repeated for different climate change scenarios. If wind speeds grow by 5% and the frequency of storms increases by 40%, the SCR is seen to rise substantially to €0.264 billion. Relative to the total value of assets, the SCR is 0.14% compared with 0.08% for European property, confirming that these wind farm assets represent a relatively high risk. Furthermore, climate change could increase the relative SCR to levels as high as 0.75%.  相似文献   

Offshore wind offers a very large clean power resource, but electricity from the first US offshore wind contracts is costlier than current regional wholesale electricity prices. To better understand the factors that drive these costs, we develop a pro-forma cash flow model to calculate two results: the levelized cost of energy, and the breakeven price required for financial viability. We then determine input values based on our analysis of capital markets and of 35 operating and planned projects in Europe, China, and the United States. The model is run for a range of inputs appropriate to US policies, electricity markets, and capital markets to assess how changes in policy incentives, project inputs, and financial structure affect the breakeven price of offshore wind power. The model and documentation are made publicly available.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to put forward a methodology in order to evaluate the Cost Breakdown Structure (CBS) of a Floating Offshore Wind Farm (FOWF). In this paper CBS is evaluated linked to Life-Cycle Cost System (LCS) and taking into account each of the phases of the FOWF life cycle. In this sense, six phases will be defined: definition, design, manufacturing, installation, exploitation and dismantling. Each and every one of these costs can be subdivided into different sub-costs in order to obtain the key variables that run the life-cycle cost. In addition, three different floating platforms will be considered: semisubmersible, Tensioned Leg Platform (TLP) and spar. Several types of results will be analysed according to each type of floating platform considered: the percentage of the costs, the value of the cost of each phase of the life-cycle and the value of the total cost in each point of the coast. The results obtained allow us to become conscious of what the most important costs are and minimize them, which is one of the most important contributions nowadays. It will be useful to improve the competitiveness of floating wind farms in the future.  相似文献   

Wind resource availability determines the financial performance of wind farms as it is directly related to production. Offshore wind developers require great investments to design, build, operate and dismantle offshore wind farms. Furthermore, the investments in the offshore floating wind sector are expected to increase in the future. Because of that, the assessment of the variability of the investments, mainly because of the wind resource variability, seems to be a crucial step in the design methodology. Consequently, a flexible methodology for supporting offshore floating wind farm optimal location assessment is presented in this paper. The proposed methodology is focused on including the offshore wind resource variability and its influence on the power production of floating wind farms, as well as on the main financial indicators (internal rate of return, net present value, pay‐back period and cost of energy). The methodology is applied to the north coast of Spain, and it allows to identify the most promising sites for offshore wind farms deployment. Differences on the cost of energy up to 100% can be found in the area under study. The methodology proposed has been conceived to be site‐independent and applied at any spatial and time horizon. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

M. El‐Shimy 《风能》2014,17(2):279-295
The analysis of reactive power for offshore and onshore wind farms connected to the grid through high‐voltage alternating‐current transmission systems is considered in this paper. The considered wind farm is made up with doubly fed induction generators (DFIGs). Modeling and improved analysis of the effective reactive power capability of DFIGs are provided. Particularly, the optimal power‐tracking constraints and other operational variables are considered in the modeling and analysis of the DFIG reactive power capability. Reactive power requirements for both overhead and cable transmission systems are modeled and compared with each other as well as with the reactive power capability of the wind farms. Possibility of unity power factor operation suggested by the German Electricity Association (VDEW) is investigated for both types of installations. Aggregate reactive power demands on both wind farms are assessed such that the bus voltages remain within an acceptable bandwidth considering various operational limits. The reactive power settings for both types of wind farm installations are determined. In addition, the minimum capacity and reactive power settings for reactive power compensation required for cable‐based installations are determined. Several numerical examples are given to illustrate the reactive power characteristics and capability of DFIGs, performance of transmission lines and reactive power analysis for DFIG‐based grid‐connected wind farms. A summary of the main outcomes of the work presented in this paper is provided in the conclusions section. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the correlation between the frequency components of the wind speed Power Spectral Density. The results extend an already existing power fluctuation model that can simulate power fluctuations of wind power on areas up to several kilometers and for time scales up to a couple of hours, taking into account the spectral correlation between different wind turbines. The modelling is supported by measurements from two large wind farms, namely Nysted and Horns Rev. Measurements from individual wind turbines and meteorological masts are used. Finally, the models are integrated into an aggregated model which is used for estimating some electrical parameters as power ramps and reserves requirements, showing a quite good agreement between simulations and measurement. The comparison with measurements generally show that the inclusion of the correlation between low frequency components is an improvement, but the effect is relatively small. The effect of including the low frequency components in the model is much more significant. Therefore, that aggregated model is useful in the power system planning and operation, e.g. regarding load following and regulation. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Operation and maintenance play an important role in maximizing the yield and minimizing the downtime of wind turbines, especially offshore wind farms where access can be difficult due to harsh weather conditions for long periods. It contributes up to 25–30% to the cost of energy generation. Improved operation and maintenance (O&M) practices are likely to reduce the cost of wind energy and increase safety. In order to optimize the O&M, the importance of data exchange and knowledge sharing within the offshore wind industry must be realized. With more data available, it is possible to make better decisions, and thereby improve the recovery rates and reduce the operational costs. This article describes the development of a framework for data integration to optimize the remote operations of offshore wind farms.  相似文献   

Operations and maintenance (O&M) of floating offshore wind farms (FOWFs) poses various challenges in terms of greater distances from the shore, harsher weather conditions, and restricted mobility options. Robotic systems have the potential to automate some parts of the O&M leading to continuous feature-rich data acquisition, operational efficiency, along with health and safety improvements. There remains a gap in assessing the techno-economic feasibility of robotics in the FOWF sector. This paper investigates the costs and benefits of incorporating robotics into the O&M of a FOWF. A bottom-up cost model is used to estimate the costs for a proposed multi-robot platform (MRP). The MRP houses unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to conduct the inspection of specific FOWF components. Emphasis is laid on the most conducive O&M activities for robotization and the associated technical and cost aspects. The simulation is conducted in Windfarm Operations and Maintenance cost-Benefit Analysis Tool (WOMBAT), where the metrics of incurred operational expenditure (OPEX) and the inspection time are calculated and compared with those of a baseline case consisting of crew transfer vessels, rope-access technicians, and divers. Results show that the MRP can reduce the inspection time incurred, but this reduction has dependency on the efficacy of the robotic system and the associated parameterization e.g., cost elements and the inspection rates. Conversely, the increased MRP day rate results in a higher annualized OPEX. Residual risk is calculated to assess the net benefit of incorporating the MRP. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis is conducted to find the key parameters influencing the OPEX and the inspection time variation. A key output of this work is a robust and realistic framework which can be used for the cost-benefit assessment of future MRP systems for specific FOWF activities.  相似文献   

Wind resource assessments are used to estimate a wind farm's power production during the planning process. It is important that these estimates are accurate, as they can impact financing agreements, transmission planning, and environmental targets. Here, we analyze the challenges in wind power estimation for onshore farms. Turbine wake effects are a strong determinant of farm power production. With given input wind conditions, wake losses typically cause downstream turbines to produce significantly less power than upstream turbines. These losses have been modeled extensively and are well understood under certain conditions. Most notably, validation of different model types has favored offshore farms. Models that capture the dynamics of offshore wind conditions do not necessarily perform equally as well for onshore wind farms. We analyze the capabilities of several different methods for estimating wind farm power production in 2 onshore farms with non‐uniform layouts. We compare the Jensen model to a number of statistical models, to meteorological downscaling techniques, and to using no model at all. We show that the complexities of some onshore farms result in wind conditions that are not accurately modeled by the Jensen wake decay techniques and that statistical methods have some strong advantages in practice.  相似文献   

Reactive power management and control of distant large-scale offshore wind power farms connected to the grid through high-voltage alternating current (HVAC) transmission cable are presented in this paper. The choice of the transmission option is based on the capacity of the considered wind farm (WF) and the distance to the onshore grid connection point. The WF is made up of identical doubly-fed induction generators (DFIGs). Modelling and improved analysis of the effective reactive power capability of DFIGs as affected by various operational constraints are provided. In addition, modelling and analysis of the reactive power demands, balance, and control are presented. The minimum capacity and reactive power settings for reactive power compensation required for the system are determined. Possibility of unity power factor operation suggested by the German electricity association (VDEW) is investigated. A summary of the main outcomes of the work presented in this paper is provided in the conclusions section.  相似文献   

This paper presents a Decision Support System (DSS) for maintenance cost optimisation at an Offshore Wind Farm (OWF). The DSS is designed for use by multiple stakeholders in the OWF sector with the overall goal of informing maintenance strategy and hence reducing overall lifecycle maintenance costs at the OWF. Two optimisation models underpin the DSS. The first is a deterministic model that is intended for use by stakeholders with access to accurate failure rate data. The second is a stochastic model that is intended for use by stakeholders who have less certainty about failure rates. Solutions of both models are presented using a UK OWF that is in construction as an example. Conclusions as to the value of failure rate data are drawn by comparing the results of the two models. Sensitivity analysis is undertaken with respect to the turbine failure rate frequency and number of turbines at the site, with near linear trends observed for both factors. Finally, overall conclusions are drawn in the context of maintenance planning in the OWF sector.  相似文献   

提出了一种新的适用于海上风电场并网的新型高压直流输电(Voltage Source Converter based HVDC,VSC-HVDC)系统的比例谐振(Proportional Resonant,PR)控制策略。该方法充分利用PR控制器能够在αβ坐标系下对交流输入信号无静差控制的特点,将矢量控制策略下的有功电流和无功电流分量转换到αβ坐标系下进行调节,实现风电场和电网侧换流器维持直流电压稳定以及有功、无功功率的解耦控制。与常用的双闭环PI控制相比,该策略无需多次坐标变换和前馈解耦控制,且易于实现对系统谐波电流的补偿,降低了实现难度,提高了系统的鲁棒性和并网电能质量,为海上风电场并网VSC-HVDC系统提供了一种优化的控制方案。  相似文献   

The optimization of wind farms with respect to spatial layout is addressed experimentally. Wake effects within wind turbine farms are well known to be deleterious in terms of power generation and structural loading, which is corroborated in this study. Computational models are the predominant tools in the prediction of turbine‐induced flow fields. However, for wind farms comprising hundreds of turbines, reliability of the obtained numerical data becomes a growing concern with potentially costly consequences. This study pursues a systematic complementary theoretical, experimental and numerical study of variations in generated power with turbine layout of an 80 turbine large wind farm. Wake effects within offshore wind turbine arrays are emulated using porous discs mounted on a flat plate in a wind tunnel. The adopted approach to reproduce experimentally individual turbine wake characteristics is presented, and drag measurements are argued to correctly capture the variation in power generation with turbine layout. Experimental data are juxtaposed with power predictions using ANSYS WindModeller simulation suite. Although comparison with available wind farm power output data has been limited, it is demonstrated nonetheless that this approach has potential for the validation of numerical models of power loss due to wake effects or even to make a direct physical prediction. The approach has even indicated useful data for the improvement of the physics within numerical models. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Focused on offshore wind energy operation and maintenance applications, this work presents a detailed accessibility analysis of the North Sea. After a review of existing normative dedicated to inspection and access of offshore wind turbines, a rigorous mathematical formulation of relevant accessibility parameters is given by means of the set theory. Long‐term and high‐resolution metocean data are extracted from reanalysis databases and used to evaluate spatial and temporal variability of such parameters. Respectively restricted by significant wave height and mean wind speed, access by workboat and helicopter is evaluated. Being affected by both wave height and wind speed. Access by offshore crane is also analyzed. It resulted that the UK coast and the southern region of the North Sea are highly accessible, while the coast of Denmark and Norway undergoes more severe metocean conditions. This is, however, balanced by a higher wind resource. Moreover, a strong seasonality is ascertained, together with a drastic reduction of accessibility during daytime in a vast part of the basin. Accessibility during daytime in winter and autumn is very difficult for the whole North Sea. Among the studied farms, Dogger Bank is by far the one with the highest resource and lowest accessibility, while Thorntonbank III the one with the lowest resource and highest accessibility. In addition, accessibility is non‐linearly related to wind speed and wave height limits chosen for the access strategies covered. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents specific life cycle GHG emissions from wind power generation from six different 5 MW offshore wind turbine conceptual designs. In addition, the energy performance, expressed by the energy indicators Energy Payback Ratio (EPR) Energy Payback Time (EPT), is calculated for each of the concepts.There are currently few LCA studies in existence which analyse offshore wind turbines with rated power as great as 5 MW. The results, therefore, give valuable additional environmental information concerning large offshore wind power. The resulting GHG emissions vary between 18 and 31.4 g CO2-equivalents per kWh while the energy performance, assessed as EPR and EPT, varies between 7.5 and 12.9, and 1.6 and 2.7 years, respectively. The relatively large ranges in GHG emissions and energy performance are chiefly the result of the differing steel masses required for the analysed platforms. One major conclusion from this study is that specific platform/foundation steel masses are important for the overall GHG emissions relating to offshore wind power. Other parameters of importance when comparing the environmental performance of offshore wind concepts are the lifetime of the turbines, wind conditions, distance to shore, and installation and decommissioning activities.Even though the GHG emissions from wind power vary to a relatively large degree, wind power can fully compete with other low GHG emission electricity technologies, such as nuclear, photovoltaic and hydro power.  相似文献   

Environmental problems, population growth, and the recent energy crisis have emphasized the need for zero-emission technologies while also ensuring economic feasibility. This work presents the economic advantages of using wind energy for power generation in Iran. A theoretical model is developed, which predicts the output power under various geographical and operating conditions. The wind data (speed and direction) of 2-h interval long-term period from December 2010 to October 2015 was adopted and analyzed to evaluate the levelized costs of electricity (COE) for power generation from wind farms (Arsanjan, Lamerd, and Abadeh) for the year 2018 per time. The influence of two important geographical factors namely winds speed and air humidity on output power also was studied. The results showed that the output power increases continuously when the wind speed varies from 2.0 to 2.6 m/s probably due to the compression of air passing through the wind turbine.  相似文献   

The current load shedding in Ghana has led to decreasing productivity leading to economic and social crisis due to Ghana’s dependency on hydroelectric power as its main source of power. Incorporating renewable energy sources to the grid installed capacity will ease the burden on Ghanaians. In this study, the potentiality and economic feasibility of wind farm project were evaluated in 11 locations in Ghana. The study employed wind-speed data using Meteonorm 7 software in a Typical Meteorological Year 2 format and analyzed with RETScreen Clean Energy Project Analysis modeling software. 10 MW of VESTAS V90 Wind turbine model with a rated power of 2,000 kW was proposed, which, when developed and harnessed, will drastically boost productivity of businesses, industries, and the transport sector in Ghana whilst making significant contribution to the export earnings of the country.  相似文献   

Energy planners have shifted their attention towards offshore wind power generation and the decision is supported by the public in general, which in the literature has a positive attitude towards offshore wind generation. However, globally only a few offshore wind farms are operating. As more wind farms start operating and more people become experienced with especially the visual impacts from offshore wind farms, the public positive attitude could change if the experienced impacts are different from the initially perceived visual interference. Using a binary logit model, the present paper investigates the relation between different levels of prior experience with visual disamenities from offshore wind farms and perception of visual impacts from offshore wind farms. The differences in prior experience are systematically controlled for sampling respondents living in the areas close to the large scale offshore wind farms Nysted and Horns Rev and by sampling the a group of respondents representing the Danish population, which has little experience with offshore wind farms. Compared to previous results in the literature, the present paper finds that perception of wind power generation is influenced by prior experience. More specifically, the results show that people with experience from offshore wind farms located far from the coast have a significant more positive perception of the visual impacts from offshore wind farms than people with experience from wind farms located closer to the coast. These results are noteworthy on two levels. First of all, the results show that perceptions of offshore wind generation are systematically significantly influenced by prior experience with offshore wind farms. Secondly, and in a policy context, the results indicate that the future acceptance of future offshore wind farms is not independent of the location of existing and new offshore wind farms. This poses for caution in relation to locating offshore wind farms too close to the coast.  相似文献   

Turbulence characteristics of the wind farm inflow have a significant impact on the energy production and the lifetime of a wind farm. The common approach is to use the meteorological mast measurements to estimate the turbulence intensity (TI) but they are not always available and the turbulence varies over the extent of the wind farm. This paper describes a method to estimate the TI at individual turbine locations by using the rotor effective wind speed calculated via high frequency turbine data.The method is applied to Lillgrund and Horns Rev-I offshore wind farms and the results are compared with TI derived from the meteorological mast, nacelle mounted anemometer on the turbines and estimation based on the standard deviation of power. The results show that the proposed TI estimation method is in the best agreement with the meteorological mast. Therefore, the rotor effective wind speed is shown to be applicable for the TI assessment in real-time wind farm calculations under different operational conditions. Furthermore, the TI in the wake is seen to follow the same trend with the estimated wake deficit which enables to quantify the turbulence in terms of the wake loss locally inside the wind farm.  相似文献   

Different capacity allocation regimes have a strong impact on the economics of offshore wind farms and on interconnectors in offshore grids. Integrating offshore generation in offshore grids is currently a subject of discussion for different regions, e.g. the North Sea. A novel question is how the interconnector capacity should be allocated for wind generation and for international power trading. The main difficulty arises from the stochastic nature of wind generation: in a case with radial connections to the national coast, the wind park owner has the possibility of aggregating the offshore wind park with onshore installations to reduce balancing demand. This is not necessarily the case if the interconnector capacity is sold through implicit or explicit auctions. Different design options are discussed and quantified for a number of examples based on Danish, Dutch, German and Norwegian power markets. It is concluded that treating offshore generation as a single price zone within the interconnector reduces the wind operator's ability to pool it with other generation. Furthermore, a single offshore price zone between two markets will always receive the lower spot market price of the neighbouring zones, although its generation flows only to the high‐price market. Granting the high‐price market income for wind generation as the opposite design option reduces congestion rents. Otherwise, compensation measures through support schemes or different balancing responsibilities may be discussed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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