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黄志文  张宇 《风能》2012,(7):74-77
本文基于国际能源署(IEA)课题30"海上风电机组动态学仿真软件和模型的比较"项目第一阶段桁架式支撑结构的海上风电机组仿真结果,针对海上风电模型复杂的特点,给出桁架式支撑结构细节,研究用BladedV3.80建立桁架式支撑结构的海上风电机组模型。与其他软件建立的模型比较质量和模态,验证海上风电机组的模型。  相似文献   

  目的  在加快推动沿海能源清洁化转型、调整产业结构趋势下,海上风电由于其风资源丰富、利用小时数高、消纳便利等优点,将成为沿海省份电力能源安全、清洁、高效转型的重要支撑。  方法  文章对海上风电产业现状与未来发展前景进行全面分析,预测了未来近海浅水区和深远海海风产业综合降本的趋势。  结果  结果表明,广东海域“十四五”期间能否实现平价上网与年均综合降本速度相关;广东部分风资源条件较好的深远海项目至“十四五”末期能够实现平价上网,同时在规模效应下仍有进一步降本空间。  结论  我国海上风电产业链逐步完善,但仍有许多关键部件、核心技术依赖进口,需要不断开展国产化研究,实现产业成本的有效降低。  相似文献   

为更精确研究桁架式大型海上风力机在地震载荷作用下的结构动力学响应,建立桩土模型,描述土体物理性质与桩-土间的相互作用,以桁架式支撑结构的美国可再生能源实验室(NREL)5 MW海上风力机为研究对象,建立有限元模型并分析在湍流风与地震联合作用下的动力学响应.结果 表明:相较于湍流风,地震作用对桁架式海上风力机动力学响应的...  相似文献   

海上风力发电进展   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
近年来风力发电工业发展迅速,海上风能以其突出的优势受到重视。本文对近年来国外几种典型的海上风能资源评估方法做出述评,简要叙述了国外海上风电技术发展与应用的现状,分析了海上风能利用的经济性,并介绍了一些主要国家进一步发展海上风电的计划。  相似文献   

  目的  目前,我国的海上风电工程中,随着工程开发逐步走向深远海,风电机组最常用的基础结构是桩基础,而最常用的上部结构为导管架结构,两者的结合构成了风电机组的基础支撑体系。在一些深水的浅覆盖层地区,大直径导管架基础的应用需求尤其强烈,而下部桩基础的设计直接决定了方案的可行性及结构的安全性,为验证导管架大直径短桩桩基承载力问题,提出采用孔压静力触探试验(CPTU)的计算方法应用。  方法  通过API规范推荐的CPTU计算方法中的UWA-05方法,进行承载力计算,进一步结合广东某风场高应变实测数据与公式计算结果进行对比分析,并对公式本身端阻差异较大的情况进行了参数拟合。  结果  结果表明:采用CPTU方法计算导管架大直径短桩桩身侧阻时,与实测数据拟合度较好。导管架大直径短桩难以形成有效土塞,在采用CPTU方法计算端阻时,建议仅考虑端部环面积。  结论  由此采用CPTU方法计算导管架大直径短桩承载力是可靠的方法,但在使用时候建议结合试桩数据对比验证,为后续深远海风场利用CPTU进行大直径短桩承载力计算应用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

For the future, a large‐scale expansion of offshore wind energy is expected in Europe. To collect this wind energy and to enable electricity trading between countries, an offshore network will be implemented in the North Sea. Maintaining a high level of security of supply at affordable costs is one of the key objectives in the design and operation of power systems and therefore, the reliability of offshore grids is an important topic of discussion. Whereas onshore, the security of supply is assured by reliability criteria like n‐1 redundancy, the same n‐1 redundancy might not be an economical solution for offshore networks. For todays (small) offshore networks, n‐1 redundancy is hardly economically justifiable, seen from a wind farm owner's point of view. The question then arises how the reliability of large‐scale offshore networks should be evaluated and what measures can be taken to maintain a high security of supply onshore. This paper aims at discussing this topic by reviewing the results of recent research work. It is found that whereas for smaller offshore networks reliability evaluation is mainly an economic analysis seen from a wind farm owner's point of view, for large‐scale offshore networks, it is necessary to consider the interaction of offshore–onshore networks in reliability analysis. It is proposed to analyze the reliability of combined offshore–onshore power systems in an integrated approach, such that various (offshore and onshore) measures can be considered to find the most economical solution. This article is categorized under:
  • Wind Power > Systems and Infrastructure
  • Energy Infrastructure > Systems and Infrastructure
  • Energy Systems Economics > Systems and Infrastructure

提出一种利用半潜驳进行导管架基础立式运输安装的新型施工工艺,采用半潜驳下潜为导管架基础提供向上浮力以减小吊机起吊力的方式解决现场设备适用性的难题.基于该新型运输安装工艺,采用三维势流理论建立半潜驳运输安装导管架基础的水动力模型,通过数值仿真研究下潜深度与有义波高等因素变化对导管架基础-半潜驳系统运动及受力的影响规律,对...  相似文献   

以中国福建某较深海域风电场为背景,提出一种海上风电宽浅型三筒导管架基础结构,继而通过建立考虑分层土体的基础整体有限元模型,对分层土中宽浅型三筒导管架基础静动力特性及浮运稳性展开研究。研究结果表明,正常荷载作用下此基础结构法兰倾斜率为3.98‰,满足规范要求:极限荷载作用下,基础结构各部位应力满足要求;基础-塔筒-机组整体共振校核满足要求:基础可在4级风浪以内的海况下进行自浮远距离拖航浮运;等效疲劳荷载作用下,基础结构疲劳损伤满足要求。  相似文献   

Wind energy conversion system, aiming to convert mechanical energy of air flow into electrical energy has been widely concerned in recent decades. According to the installation sites, the wind energy conversion system can be divided into land-based wind conversion system and offshore wind energy conversion (OWEC) system. Compared to land-based wind energy technology, although OWEC started later, it has attracted more attentions due to its significant advantages in sufficient wind energy, low wind shear, high power output and low land occupancy rate. In this paper, the principle of wind energy conversion and the development status of offshore wind power in the world are briefly introduced at first. And then, the advantages and disadvantages of several offshore wind energy device (OWED), such as horizontal axis OWED, vertical axis OWED and cross axis OWED are compared. Subsequently, several major constraints, such as complex marine environment, deep-sea power transmission and expensive cost of equipment installation faced by offshore wind conversion technology are presented and comprehensively analysed. Finally, based on the summary and analysis of some emerging technologies and the current situation of offshore wind energy utilization, the development trend of offshore wind power is envisioned. In the future, it is expected to witness multi-energy complementary, key component optimization and intelligent control strategy for smooth energy generation of offshore wind power systems.  相似文献   

受设计工作范围分工和责任的制约,风电机组设备厂商和风电场建设单位分别设计塔筒和导管架,这种分离式设计通过塔筒底部载荷传递并反复迭代确定结构型式及尺寸。此外,现有的海上风电机组导管架设计参考海洋石油平台等规范,忽略了海上风电机组的受力特点。上述两层原因较大程度上制约了支撑结构的力学性能,且设计迭代次数较多,并无法准确获取整体结构的动态响应。为解决上述问题,提出基于拓扑优化的导管架结构设计方法,并通过改变塔筒和导管架分界面位置,即扩大拓扑优化设计空间进一步提高结构性能。选取NREL 5 MW海上风电机组为研究对象,分别对比参考结构、拓扑优化结构和一体化设计结构的固有频率和不同极限工况下的最大变形。结果证明了所提出支撑结构一体化设计方法的有效性和优越性。  相似文献   

Expansion of offshore wind power plays a significant role in the energy policies of many EU countries. However, offshore wind farms create visual disamenities. These disamenities can be reduced by siting wind farms at larger distances from the coast—and accepting higher costs per kWh produced. In this paper willingness to pay for reducing the visual disamenities from future offshore wind farms is elicited using the economic valuation method Choice Experiments. The valuation scenario comprises the location of 720 offshore wind turbines (equivalent to 3600 MW) in farms at distances equal to: 12, 18 or 50 km from the shore, relative to an 8 km baseline. Using a fixed effect logit model average willingness to pay amounts were estimated as: 46, 96 and 122 Euros/household/year for having the wind farms located at 12, 18 and 50 km from the coast as opposed to 8 km. The results also reveal that WTP deviates significantly depending on the age of respondents and their experiences with offshore wind farms.  相似文献   

与陆上风电场相比,海上风电场建设和运行维护成本较高,在总结海上风电机组主要部件故障的基础上,对比了定期维护、停机维护和状态监N3种维护方案的优缺点,介绍了国内外海上风电场运行维护管理的现状,并分析了影响海上风电场运行维护成本的主要因素,最后对这一领域的发展趋势进行了探讨。  相似文献   

近海区域风速数值模拟试验分析   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:16  
在可持续能源发展战略的实施中,风能等可再生能源的开发利用是重要的战略选择。其中风能资源的评估是其开发利用的关键,如何利用有限的观测资料进行资源评估和分析就成为迫切需要解决的问题。该文利用中尺度气象模式MM5对海上风场进行模拟分析,模拟结果在风的分布趋势很好与多年平均实况吻合,为我国海上风资源的开发利用提供有力的科学依据。  相似文献   

  目的  单桩式基础是目前近海海上风电场应用最广泛的支撑结构。中国海洋环境多为浅水和中等水深,受到非线性波浪影响较为明显。与行进波相比,聚焦波可以在短时间内形成一个作用在桩柱上、比常规波浪力大的冲击力,从而影响海上风机的运行性能和疲劳寿命。文章旨在探究强非线性波浪作用下海上风机单桩基础荷载特性,掌握聚焦波与基础相互作用规律,为工程设计提供参考。  方法  文章采用水池模型试验的方法对NREL 5 MW单桩海上风机开展研究,缩尺比例为1∶80。结合我国东部沿海风电场的海洋环境条件,选取了三种典型聚焦波模型,通过浪高仪器和测力天平分别记录了不同工况下单桩周围波浪爬高和底部受力变化情况。  结果  结果表明:桩基所受的水平波浪力具有很强的瞬态性;单桩基础所受水平波浪力在聚焦波的作用下会突然增大,在波谷会受到反向冲击力。  结论  文章揭示了聚焦波引起的海上风机单桩基础荷载变化规律,证实了非线性波浪对于风机基础动力特性的重要影响,相关成果具有较高的理论和工程应用价值。  相似文献   

Wind turbines must be designed in such a way that they can survive in extreme environmental conditions. Therefore, it is important to accurately estimate the extreme design loads. This paper deals with a recently proposed method for obtaining short‐term extreme values for the dynamic responses of offshore fixed wind turbines. The 5 MW NREL wind turbine is mounted on a jacket structure (92 m high) at a water depth of 70 m at a northern offshore site in the North Sea. The hub height is 67 m above tower base or top of the jacket, i.e. 89 m above mean water level. The turbine response is numerically obtained by using the aerodynamic software HAWC2 and the hydrodynamic software USFOS . Two critical responses are discussed, the base shear force and the bending moment at the bottom of the jacket. The extreme structural responses are considered for wave‐induced and wind‐induced loads for a 100 year return‐period harsh metocean condition with a 14.0 m significant wave height, a 16 s peak spectral period, a 50 m s ? 1 (10 min average) wind speed (at the hub) and a turbulence intensity of 0.1 for a parked wind turbine. After performing the 10 min nonlinear dynamic simulations, a recently proposed extrapolation method is used for obtaining the extreme values of those responses over a period of 3 h. The sensitivity of the extremes to sample size is also studied. The extreme value statistics are estimated from the empirical mean upcrossing rates. This method together with other frequently used methods (i.e. the Weibull tail method and the global maxima method) is compared with the 3 h extreme values obtained directly from the time‐domain simulations. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

详细讨论了大型风电场与燃气轮机组成的互补发电系统发电成本的主要影响因子及其对系统的敏感性。通过对互补发电系统发电成本理论公式的研究,推导了互补系统中各项影响因子相对于发电成本的数学方程和影响尺度,得到了影响发电成本几个关键的影响因子。通过采用敏感性分析原理,对这些主要的影响因子在不同变化条件下对互补发电系统发电成本的影响进行了详细的分析与讨论,提出降低系统发电成本的可行性措施及其努力的方向,为在新疆地区实现这种互补发电系统提供经济分析上的基础。  相似文献   

Risk of hurricane damage is an important factor in the development of the offshore wind energy industry in the United States. Hurricane loads on an offshore wind turbine (OWT), namely wind and wave loads, not only exert large structural demands, but also have temporally changing characteristics, especially with respect to their directions. Waves are less susceptible to rapid changes, whereas wind can change its properties over shorter time scales. Misalignment of local winds and ocean waves occurs regularly during a hurricane. The strength capacity of non‐axisymmetric structures such as jackets is sensitive to loading direction and misalignment relative to structural orientation. As an example, this work examines the effect of these issues on the extreme loads and structural response of a non‐operational OWT during hurricane conditions. The considered OWT is a 5 MW turbine, supported by a jacket structure and located off the Massachusetts coast. A set of 1000 synthetic hurricane events, selected from a catalog simulating 100,000 years of hurricane activity, is used to represent hurricane conditions, and the corresponding wind speeds, wave heights and directions are estimated using empirical, parametric models for each hurricane. The impact of wind and wave directions and structural orientation are quantified through a series of nonlinear static analyses under various assumptions for combining the directions of wind and wave and structural orientation for the considered example structure. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

随着海上风电并网规模的不断增大,高渗透率风电引起的线路潮流阻塞问题已成为制约风电并网规模的重要因素之一.针对高渗透率海上风电区域的输电线路阻塞问题,文章提出一种含高渗透率海上风电电网的分布式静态串联补偿器(DSSC)优化配置与运行控制策略.该策略包含两个阶段:第一阶段为考虑多场景下DSSC的优化配置,以线路阻塞程度最小...  相似文献   

Hoon Hwangbo  Andrew Johnson  Yu Ding 《风能》2017,20(9):1501-1513
We quantify the productive efficiency of a wind turbine, using power output and environmental variable data, measured either at the turbine or at a meteorological mast near the turbine. The methods described can potentially help with decision makings in asset procurement, maintenance planning, or wind turbine control optimization. The current recommendation from the International Electrotechnical Commission regarding turbine performance evaluation is to use a power curve or power coefficient. What is commonly used in practice is the average performance power curve or power coefficient. When using the power curve to quantify productive efficiency, one crucial shortcoming is the lack of a common best performance benchmark, while the power coefficient approach uses an absolute efficiency measure that is not achievable. We introduce a new approach for efficiency quantification based upon production economics' concepts which provides estimates of a best performance benchmark. Our specific approach has two main components: (a) a best performance power curve is estimated and used together with the average performance curve to show how well a turbine has performed relative to its full potential; and (b) a covariate matching procedure is developed to control for environmental influences for the comparison of turbine performances over different periods. Through a simulation study, we demonstrate that the proposed efficiency is more sensitive to potential changes in the turbine. When analyzing multi‐year wind turbine data, we observe that the turbine's efficiency is improving during the first 2 years of operation and then remains relatively constant during years 3 and 4. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

韩东东  王文华  李昕 《太阳能学报》2022,43(12):256-264
基于多体动力学理论,通过二次开发,基于FAST-SC建立漂浮式风力机-多重调谐质量阻尼器(MTMD)耦合振动控制模型FAST-SC-MTMD。以驳船式海上风力机为研究对象,基于线性调频优化方法完成布置于机舱和平台位置的TMD参数设计。以漂浮式风力机结构运动响应控制率为评价指标,研究在随机荷载激励下将TMD和MTMD应用于在驳船式风力机的减振效果。研究发现,采用机舱和平台同时布置MTMD的减振控制策略,可有效降低驳船式风力机塔基荷载和运动响应。  相似文献   

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