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In this work a new technology to produce microparticles, as well as the equipment suitable for its application, is described. This technique, called hot air coating (HAC), was developed to overcome the drawbacks of the conventional spray-congealing technique and consists of a special venturimeter, deliberately designed to prevent any hindrance along the axial path through which the powder is conveyed. In HAC technology, the raw material is a solid, generally small granules, which is aspirated through the “Venturi effect” and accelerated in a flux of hot air to soften and then to melt the excipient, especially on the particle surface. The microparticles then solidify during falling in air at room temperature. Model formulations, containing acetaminophen or theophylline as drugs and glycerilmonostearate, stearic acid, or carnauba wax as coating waxes, were tested. The choice of the optimal operating parameters was found to be a function of the formulation and of the particle size of the starting material. A pressure of 3 atm and a temperature of 20-60°C above the melting point of the excipient were found generally to be the optimal parameters for the coating process. The morphology, the in vitro dissolution profile, and the possible drug/excipient interactions of formulations containing different percentages (30%, 50%, and 70% w/w) of acetaminophen were evaluated. The results show that the morphology and dissolution profiles of the microparticles were quite different from those of the starting material; in particular the best coating was achieved by microparticles lower than 500 µm. Therefore, the HAC process could be a viable alternative to the conventional spray-congealing technique to produce microparticles with a high drug content.  相似文献   

Microindentation (depth of indents = 500 nm) is performed on a longitudinal section of a semi-hard copper sheet, which was broken in a tensile machine [B. Guelorget, M. François, C. Vial-Edwards, G. Montay, L. Daniel, J. Lu, Mater. Sci. Eng., A Struct. Mater.: Prop. Microstruct. Process. 415 (2006) 234.]. As expected, the shorter the distance between the measured point and the fracture, the higher the hardness, due to the work hardening. However, the main goal of our investigation was to observe the variation of Young's modulus, that could be induced by damage evolution. It was found, indeed, that Young's modulus decreases by 36% within a distance of 300 μm from the fracture and is constant beyond. The corresponding evaluated damage is 0.36, with an accuracy better than 0.02. Thus, the measurement of the local variation of Young's modulus through microindentation can be used as a new way of determination of local damage.  相似文献   

测量接触角的一种新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文把图像处理技术引入接触角测量中,大大提高了接触角测量的精度。基于此所研制的接触角测量仪具有精度高、重复性好、操作简单、使用方便等一系列优点。  相似文献   

A method for determining the dielectric properties of infinite half-space of generally lossy dielectric materials is described. This method utilizes the measurement of the admittance of a rectangular waveguide radiating into such dielectrics. It is shown that the real part of the admittance is relatively insensitive to the variations of the imaginary part of the dielectric constant. A numerical procedure is initiated which provides a simple and fast-converging approach for calculating the dielectric properties. This numerical procedure lends itself to implementation by personal computers. The theoretical formulation for the expression of the admittance of an open-ended waveguide and the numerical procedure are discussed in detail. Results of several measurements of freespace and lossy dielectric samples (rubber with carbon black) to verify the theory and the numerical scheme are given. The results give good agreement with other measurement schemes. Comments on the accuracy of the results are also provided  相似文献   

This paper explores the nano-scratch technique for measuring the adhesion strength of a single osteoblast cell on a hydroxyapatite (HA) surface reinforced with carbon nanotubes (CNTs). This technique efficiently separates out the contribution of the environment (culture medium and substrate) from the measured adhesion force of the cell, which is a major limitation of the existing techniques. Nano-scratches were performed on plasma sprayed hydroxyapatite (HA) and HA-CNT coatings to quantify the adhesion of the osteoblast. The presence of CNTs in HA coating promotes an increase in the adhesion of osteoblasts. The adhesion force and energy of an osteoblast on a HA-CNT surface are 17 ± 2 μN/cell and 78 ± 14 pJ/cell respectively, as compared to 11 ± 2 μN/cell and 45 ± 10 pJ/cell on a HA surface after 1 day of incubation. The adhesion force and energy of the osteoblasts increase on both the surfaces with culture periods of up to 5 days. This increase is more pronounced for osteoblasts cultured on HA-CNT. Staining of actin filaments revealed a higher spreading and attachment of osteoblasts on a surface containing CNTs. The affinity of CNTs to conjugate with integrin and other proteins is responsible for the enhanced attachment of osteoblasts. Our results suggest that the addition of CNTs to surfaces used in medical applications may be beneficial when stronger adhesion of osteoblasts is desired.  相似文献   

The conditions are described for carrying out an experiment that should permit the accuracy of determination of the gravitational constant to be increased by an order of magnitude.Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 9, pp. 7–8, September, 1993.  相似文献   

为使测量光电开关发出的数字脉冲宽度的精度达到1 ns和掌握光电开关的实时工作状态。该文通过基于FPGA精确测量法的直接计数法和移相计数法进行测量,得出移相计数法的测量误差在1 ns左右,并验证其设计的正确性和有效性。设计通信系统和上位机软件进行实时监控,通信系统采用成熟的串口RS232通信方式,用PFGA设计串口通信模块,实现将数据传输到工控机;再用LabVIEW编写上位机软件,便于工作人员直观观察数据并存储数据到Excel,实验结果证明测量系统可靠、有效。  相似文献   

Cell contraction force plays an important role in wound healing, inflammation, angiogenesis and metastasis. This study describes a novel method to quantify single cell contraction force in vitro using human aortic adventitial fibroblasts embedded in a collagen gel. The technique is based on a depth sensing nano-indentation tester to measure the thickness and elasticity of collagen gels containing stimulated fibroblasts and a microscopy imaging system to estimate the gel area. In parallel, a simple theoretical model has been developed to calculate cell contraction force based on the measured parameters. Histamine (100 µM) was used to stimulate fibroblast contraction while the myosin light chain kinase inhibitor ML-7 (25 µM) was used to inhibit cell contraction. The collagen matrix used in the model provides a physiological environment for fibroblast contraction studies. Measurement of changes in collagen gel elasticity and thickness arising from histamine treatments provides a novel convenient technique to measure cell contraction force within a collagen matrix. This study demonstrates that histamine can elicit a significant increase in contraction force of fibroblasts embedded in collagen, while the Young''s modulus of the gel decreases due to the gel degradation.  相似文献   

《Composites Part A》2007,38(1):71-79
The elastic modulus of fibres used in composite materials is a parameter of prime importance in the determination of overall mechanical behaviour. However, evaluation of Young’s modulus, E, of a fibre is a delicate operation given the small dimensions (diameter typically a few tens of microns), and therefore low forces involved in tensile testing. This article treats a novel method of modulus assessment involving the bending of fibres, clamped at one extremity, by forced vibrations. The fibre behaves as a beam, and when the forced oscillations approach (one of) the resonant frequency(ies) of the fibre, the bending amplitude increases. Classical beam theory allows evaluation of Young’s modulus from knowledge of resonant frequency, and fibre dimensions and density. Preliminary application of the technique using fibres of E-glass, having well known elastic characteristics, has given good results and shown its inherent potential. Subsequently, the technique developed was used on recycled fibres in order to obtain their Young’s modulus and to assess their loss of mechanical properties when compared to virgin fibres.  相似文献   

The model of a binary ordering alloy, developed previously based on the conventional distribution method, is used for describing spatially inhomogeneous multiphase equilibrium systems of gas-solid, liquid-gas or crystal-liquid types, including the structure of an interphase transition layer. General results are illustrated by specific predictions for a two-phase crystal-gas system.Academic Scientific Complex A. V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute of the Belarussian Academy of Sciences, Minsk. Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 65, No. 2, pp. 198–206, August, 1993.  相似文献   

To obtain a proper heat seal is an important requirement in packaging, since seal failure is a more frequent cause of product deterioration than the package itself. Different kinds of seal, such as peelable or non‐peelable, can be obtained by changing the conditions under which a material is sealed. Therefore, identifying these conditions is very important. A new technique, the m ethod for m easuring t emperature of m elting s urface (MTMS), was used to predict the strongest peelable seal on various packaging commercial films. The temperature of the seal interface was measured using a thermocouple. The time–temperature profile, which was obtained by means of a thermocouple, was electronically processed so as to obtain the derivatives of the profile. The inflection point, also called the fusion point, was located on these profiles. This inflection point is associated with the physical change of the state of the material being sealed. The inflection point analysis was done using two different methods: (a) the MTMS method, based on the second derivative of temperature data with time; (b) ‘Table Curve’ software, based on non‐linear regression. This technique was successfully used to evaluate widely used packaging films such as LDPE, HDPE, LLDPE and CPP. The inflection point for these films was identified and the seal strength was verified using a universal testing machine. This method appears to be applicable to design the strongest peelable heat seals for many packaging materials. It also seems to have promise as a method of process measurement and validation for heat seal processes. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

对国内外电流脉冲加热技术的发展状况进行了综述评价.针对获取温度方法不同,主要介绍了黑体法、积分球法和激光偏振法三种基本形式的测量系统,进而介绍了扩展参数测量装置.又较为详细地介绍了作者自己研制的测量装置和特点.最后作者展望了电流脉冲加热技术的最新研究动态和发展方向.  相似文献   

Ion behavior confined in extended nanospace (10(1)-10(3) nm) is important for nanofluidics and nanochemistry with dominant surface effects. In this paper, we developed a new measurement technique of ion distribution in the nanochannel by super-resolution-laser-induced fluorescence. Stimulated emission depletion microscopy was used to achieve a spatial resolution of 87 nm higher than the diffraction limit. Fluorescein was used for ratiometric measurement of pH with two excitation wavelengths. The pH profile in a 2D nanochannel of 410 nm width and 405 nm depth was successfully measured at an uncertainty of 0.05. The excess protons, showing lower pH than the bulk, nonuniformly distributed in the nanochannel to cancel the negative charge of glass wall, especially when the electric double layer is thick compared to the channel size. The present study first revealed the ion distribution near the surface or in the nanochannel, which is directly related to the electric double layer. In addition, the obtained proton distribution is important to understand the nanoscale water structure between single molecules and continuum phase. This technique will greatly contribute to understanding the basic science in nanoscale and interfacial dynamics, which are strongly required to develop novel miniaturized systems for biochemical analysis and further applications.  相似文献   

讨论一种基于宽频分析技术进行水声测量的方法——宽频噪声比较法。该方法从频域分析的角度出发,根据水声测量的实际需要,通过修改Welch法理论,以噪声为信号源,运用现代信号处理技术和数字化硬件系统,实现了水听器的宽频噪声比较法校准系统在宽频范围内的快速高效测量,是对单频脉冲比较法的一个重要补充。对于高Q值水声换能器的测量,避免信号瞬态效应的影响,采用宽频噪声技术更有优势。还对不同采样频率条件下的测量结果进行了比较.结果表明宽频噪声比较法采用脉冲序列内多个脉冲处理结果累加取平均的方法,可以降低对采样频率的要求,或者在设备最高采样频率一定条件下可以实现更高频率范围的测试。  相似文献   

An apparatus is described for the measurement of specific heats, by an adiabatic technique, from liquid helium to room temperature. The method is particularly applicable to radio-active samples where the heat generation due to decay within the specimen may be very large.The adiabatic shield, which surrounds the sample, is automatically regulated to the same temperature as the specimen, which may be heating at 20K min?1. The apparatus is automated such that all data is read out in a form suitable for computer handling.  相似文献   

The CellChip is a microstructured polymer scaffold, which favours a three-dimensional cultivation of cells within an array of cubic microcontainers. The manufacturing process used so far is microinjection moulding combined with laser-based perforation. In a first attempt to simplify the process, costly perforation was avoided by using commercially available, inexpensive microfiltration membranes for the bottom of the microcavities. Microthermoforming is a promising novel technique which allows the CellChip to be produced from thin film. Working pressures of approximately 4000 kPa were required for the adequate moulding of 50 microm thick films from three different polymers (polystyrene, polycarbonate, cyclo-olefin polymer). Integrating drafts and chamfers in micromoulds is not going to eliminate an uneven thickness profile, but reduces demoulding forces. Microthermoformed CellChips of polycarbonate were perforated by an ion track technique to guarantee a sufficient supply of medium and gases to the cells. The prestructured CellChips were irradiated with 1460 MeV xenon ions at a fluence of a few 10(6) ions/cm2. The tracks were etched in an aqueous solution of 5 N NaOH at 30 degrees C, which resulted in cylindrical pores approximately 2 microm in diameter. Microinjection-moulded, membrane-bonded and thermoformed CellChips were subjected to comparative examination for viability in a cell culture experiment with parenchymal liver cells (HepG2). The cells stayed viable over a period of more than 20 days. No significant differences in viability between injection-moulded, membrane-bonded, and thermoformed CellChips were observed.  相似文献   

A novel method of measurement of L and C   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A novel method of measurement of component values of inductors and capacitors is described. The technique is independent of the voltage across or current through the unknown inductor or capacitor, as it involves only a set of phase measurements. The unknown capacitor/inductor is connected in series with a known standard resistance and this series circuit is excited by a source of required voltage and frequency. The resistive and reactive parts of the unknown component are measured by measuring the phase displacement between the three voltages, namely, voltage applied, voltage across the inductor/capacitor and the voltage across standard resistance. The proposed scheme is verified both by simulation as well as by building a prototype. The relationship between the range of the measurement and obtainable accuracy level is established. For the prototype built, with a one decade span in the measurement range, a commercially acceptable accuracy of ±2.0% was achieved. However, this accuracy can be further improved by suitable circuit modifications  相似文献   

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