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非晶合金材料具有出色的低损耗特性,适于用作高频电机的铁心,但PWM逆变器供电会导致高频电机谐波损耗严重增加。在电机初始设计阶段,快速准确计算出谐波损耗是轴向磁通非晶合金永磁电机设计及优化的关键。针对3D时步有限元计算耗时长的问题,改进现有多环等效模型的计算方法,推导了考虑PWM逆变器供电高次谐波电流影响的气隙磁通密度解析计算方法,并在此基础上推导了定子铁心损耗及考虑涡流反作用影响的转子涡流损耗的解析计算方法。将谐波损耗的解析计算值与样机实验值以及3D有限元计算值进行对比,结果显示谐波损耗的平均计算误差仅为9.69%,解析模型具有较高的计算精度。  相似文献   

级联型逆变器相移PWM的相移量与输出谐波关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了相移PWM技术在级联型逆变器中的应用,并对相移PWM中各单体逆变器的相移与级联型逆变器输出频谱之间的关系进行了分析:当相移量为T1/m时,输出谐波频率为原有的m倍。仿真和实验结果证实了分析的正确性。  相似文献   

PWM逆变器供电异步电机端部过电压的分析和仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PWM逆变器供电时电机的端电压出现幅值增高和振荡现象,对电机的匝间绝缘造成很大的威胁,本文提出了一种可以判断PWM逆变器供电异步电机端部过电压波形的实用仿真方法,该方法根据PWM逆变器供电电机系统的特征建立系统的仿真模型,将电机用实测的等效的阻抗频率特性来替代,将三相电缆等效成一个二端口网络,通过傅立叶分析计算电机端部的暂态过电压。与实测波形的对比,证明这种方法的仿真结果可以与实际情况良好地吻合。  相似文献   

降低谐波损耗的异步电机转子槽设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在变频调速电机的应用中,电源中的高次谐波电流将引起集肤效应,使转子导条电阻及铜损耗增加,这是造成电机效率降低的根本原因,因此必须针对逆变器供电的特殊性设计异步电机。在对国外提出的一种带U形铁心桥的转子槽进行分析的基础上得出确定其尺寸的表达式,并通过电磁场有限元分析来验证,结果表明,这种转子槽能极大降低转子谐波电流、转子谐波损耗。最后,总结出转子槽尺寸与转子导条谐波损耗之间的变化规律,对以后设计该种转子槽具有指导意义。  相似文献   

为了研究过电压条件下谐波磁场对异步电机附加损耗的影响,以一台Y132S-4、5.5kW电机为例,利用时步有限元法研究了过电压下定转子铁心谐波磁密和转子导条谐波电密在额定负载时的变化规律及产生原因,进一步分析其对附加损耗的影响。结果显示,在附加铁耗方面,过电压引起磁路饱和,导致定子铁心轭部、齿身3次谐波磁场和磁导谐波磁场增加,同时受定转子绕组电流降低的影响,由其产生的齿谐波磁场在定转子铁心齿顶区域引起的附加铁耗降低,两者共同作用导致附加铁耗由380V时的44W降低到420V时的35W;在附加铜耗方面,过电压引起角接绕组3次谐波电流及相应定子附加铜耗增加,受转子绕组电流降低的影响,由其引起的齿谐波磁场在转子导条中感生的高频电流及相应附加铜耗降低。通过满载时不同电压下各项损耗进行实测对比,验证了文中分析正确性。  相似文献   

中点钳位型三电平逆变器通态损耗分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了中点钳位型三电平逆变器通态损耗的一种简单计算方法.根据电流、电压关系确定器件导通规律,进而计算出器件导通占空比,由此推导出用于分析计算的导通损耗表达式.该表达式与器件静特性、功率因数、调制度及负载电流有关,利用其计算不同载波调制下通态损耗时只需改动导通占空比.另外,采用该损耗模型对正弦波调制和三次谐波注入法调制下的三电平逆变器通态损耗进行了分析比较,所得结论为三电平逆变器损耗研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

逆变器供电的笼型异步电动机中损耗和效率计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Carrier harmonic losses that consist of iron loss, eddy current loss, and ac copper loss are produced in a permanent magnet machine driven by a PWM inverter. It is already known that a higher motor inductance can lead to lower carrier harmonic losses. This paper investigates the carrier harmonic loss composition of two motors with identical dimensions but different inductances. The results of finite element analysis (FEA) showed that the eddy current loss in the iron core accounts for most of the carrier harmonic loss. It is also shown that the carrier harmonic loss of the iron core is quantifiable using theoretical calculations.  相似文献   

Multilevel inverters have very attractive features, such as lower harmonics in the output, lower EMI, and reduction of the required voltage rating of power semiconductor devices. Among them, lower harmonics in the output can reduce the volume of the output harmonic filter and additional losses caused by the harmonics. Therefore, multilevel inverters are expected to realize higher power density and higher efficiency. In this paper, as a basis of the quantitative investigation of these features, the harmonics in the PWM output voltage of multilevel inverters are analyzed theoretically. As an application of the theoretical results, the usefulness of the theoretical results is verified by the prediction of the harmonic contents of the load current.  相似文献   

In recent years, remarkable advancement of new power semiconductor devices, such as SiC and GaN, enables the increase of switching frequency of power converters, and hence the volume of passive components, such as ac filters and transformers, can be reduced. However, temperature rise caused by the inductor loss is increasing, and hence iron loss evaluation of the inductor is one of the most important issues to realize high power density converters. Conventionally, an improved generalized Steinmetz equation (iGSE) has proposed in order to calculate the iron loss under a pulse voltage magnetizing condition. However, accurate iron loss calculation of the ac filter inductor used in a PWM inverter cannot be realized. The authors have proposed two methods of iron loss evaluation of ac filter inductors. The first one is a loss map method which can calculate the iron loss without using a real PWM inverter. Another one is an ILA (Inductor Loss Analyzer) which can measure the iron loss in every switching period in a real PWM inverter. In this paper, comparisons of the iron loss between the ILA and the loss map method on both the single‐phase and three‐phase inverters are studied. It is found that iron loss of the ac filter inductor in the three‐phase PWM inverter which is calculated by the loss map method cause a large error on a specific condition. In order to prevent the calculation error, the authors proposed a revised loss map method and proved the effectiveness of the method.  相似文献   

PWM变频器供电交流励磁发电机输出谐波分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究由交-直-交固定载波型PWM变频器供电励磁的发电系统的谐波特性,给出SPWM、SVPWM调制模式下变频器输出谐波的解析表达;根据交流励磁电机谐波电路模型,导出定子侧“电源谐波”的解析表达;通过计算实例分析和比较SPWM与SVPWM两种模式下的谐波特性,为励磁变频器类型选择和谐波抑制策略提供依据。  相似文献   

在经典Bertotti三项式常系数铁耗计算模型的基础上,基于谐波分析原理,引入涡流损耗、磁滞损耗和附加损耗补偿系数,提出了一种计及高次谐波影响的高密度永磁同步电机(PMSM)铁耗计算模型。该模型中的补偿系数均随磁密幅值、频率和畸变率变化,能较好地反映基波及谐波磁场对铁耗的影响。为了验证该模型的有效性及准确性,以48槽/8极内转子和36槽/48极外转子两台PMSM为研究对象,将模型的计算值、有限元仿真结果和试验数据进行对比分析。结果表明,铁耗计算模型有较高的精度,特别适用于磁密幅值与频率变化范围大的场合。  相似文献   

PWM控制下多电平混合逆变电路的脉宽调制及拓扑分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
PWM和多电平变换是在高压大功率电力电子变换中应用较多的两种技术 ,本文在试验一种新型混合逆变电路的基础上 ,通过分析PWM控制下的多电平混合逆变电路调制方法 ,提出了一种混合单元间电压比取值的方法 ,理论上试图涵盖可能出现的混合逆变电路拓扑  相似文献   

随机频率PWM逆变器的分析设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用随机PWM方法可以使逆变器的输出电压频谱呈连续分布而不影响基波分量,这样由逆变器供电的电动机的声学噪声和机械振动就会大大减小。然而,由于RPWM机理的分析和设计对于一般工程师来讲是比较繁琐的,这就限制了RPWM的应用。本文提出了一种用于驱动感应电机的随机频率PWM逆变器,并给出了可实现的设计程序。首先,直观分析了随机信号对逆变器输出电压频谱的影响,其次,进行了相关的量化设计,最后,采用SIMULINK仿真和实验的手段对整个系统进行了分析。仿真和实验结果表明本文提出的RFPWM设计方案中,逆变器输出电压的频谱是均匀随机分布的,而且声学噪声和机械振动都得到有效抑制。  相似文献   

Because of the improved performance of power devices, the volume of the ac filter inductors used in high‐frequency PWM inverters has been reduced. However, the temperature rise in the filter inductor due to this miniaturization has become more pronounced. Therefore, we have proposed an iron loss calculation method for the ac filter inductor. However, the accuracy of the value calculated via the loss map method cannot be verified, because the iron loss arising during each switching period cannot be measured with conventional power measuring instruments. In order to resolve this problem, we developed an inductor loss analyzer (ILA), which allows precise measurement of the iron loss in the inductor during each switching period. The accuracy of the calculation of iron loss in the filter inductor by the loss map method was verified with the ILA. We found that the value calculated by the loss map method differed slightly from the value measured with the ILA. However, these differences can be reduced if we take into account the accurate flux density calculation and the effect of the duty ratio of PWM pulses on the loss. Finally, we verified that the loss map method can provide accurate iron loss calculations.  相似文献   

在PWM逆变器 -交流电机系统中接入滤波器是减小电机过电压的有效方法。本文研究了逆变器输出脉冲的不同上升 (下降 )时间、脉宽与接入的RC滤波器功率损耗的关系 ;在实测半个基波周期内逆变器输出电压波形的基础上 ,分析估计出半周期内每个脉冲的上升和下降时间 ,从而得出滤波器功率损耗的仿真计算方法 ,并用温度等效法试验进行了验证 ;讨论了RC滤波器的参数对过电压大小的影响。  相似文献   

基于等面积法的多电平逆变器SPWM方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从脉宽调制的基本原理——冲量定理出发,针对1/4周期对称波形,根据分区内PWM波形与参考信号波形的重心相对位置,选三种典型多电平PWM方案,以五电平逆变器为例,研究并发现了在较低开关频率下输出电压谐波含量与基波控制精度随1/4周期内每个分区中PWM波重心位置的变化规律,以此为依据,提出了基于等面积法的数字化PWM控制的最优算法,可以同时实现高基波控制精度和低波形畸变系数。该PWM方法不受拓扑结构和电平数的约束,适用于所有的多电平逆变器,并且具有计算简单、易于编程和实现等优点,特别适用于对快速性、灵活性和输出波形质量有较高要求的应用场合。以五电平逆变器为例,对多电平逆变器的新型PWM方法进行了仿真和实验研究,结果证明了该PWM方法的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

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