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综合原料的热物理性能分析和配比设计,实现了C/C复合材料载体孔隙体积的精细控制,采用热压-熔渗两步法在低温条件下制备了具有高致密、低残余Si含量特征的短碳纤维增强C/C-SiC复合材料。系统解析了C/C-SiC复合材料成型过程中的结构演变行为,研究了短纤维增强C/C-SiC复合材料的力学性能和失效机制。结果表明:多孔C/C复合材料载体孔隙的孔径呈双极分布特征,添加芳纶纤维可提高网络孔隙结构的连通性,具有显著的孔隙结构调控作用。SiC基体以网络骨架形态分布于C/C-SiC复合材料内部,与纤维束形成了强界面结合钉扎结构,高含量纤维协同作用下使C/C-SiC复合材料具有优异的综合力学性能,添加芳纶纤维可明显增加复合材料内部裂纹扩展路径,提高C/C-SiC复合材料的断裂韧性。碳纤维的面内各向同性分布及陶瓷相层间均匀分布对C/C-SiC复合材料承载、摩擦稳定性提升均具有积极作用。  相似文献   

Ti_(2)AlNb基合金由于具有优异的高温比强度、高温抗蠕变性能和较高的断裂韧度,因而被认为是替代传统镍基高温合金最具潜力的材料。采用电子束选区熔化(selective electron beam melting,SEBM)技术成形Ti-22Al-25Nb合金,通过工艺优化获得高致密度(5.42-5.43 g/cm^(3))的成形试样。研究了沉积态和热等静压(hot isostatic pressing,HIP)态试样的显微组织演变、物相演变及其对力学性能的影响。结果表明:沉积态和HIP态组织呈现出沿成形方向的柱状晶结构,且均由B2,O和α_(2)相组成,沉积态试样中的O/α_(2)相自上而下逐渐增加,HIP后组织趋于均匀化,且相对沉积态,析出相的宽度缩小、数量减少。沉积态试样中析出相较多的下部区域具有更高的显微硬度((345.87±5.09)HV),HIP后试样硬度值增加至388.91-390.48HV。沉积态试样室温抗拉强度和伸长率分别为(1061±23.71)MPa和(3.67±1.15)%,HIP后抗拉强度增加至(1101±23.07)MPa,伸长率降低至3.5%。  相似文献   

以乙烯基功能化的SiO2粒子(Vinyl-SiO2)为种子,苯乙烯(St)和甲基丙烯酸十三氟辛酯(FOMA)为共聚单体,通过乳液聚合法制备了SiO2/含氟聚合物(SiO2/PFS)复合材料。采用傅里叶变换红外光谱、扫描电镜、透射电镜等方法对产物的化学组成及形态进行了表征。结果表明,含氟聚合物成功接枝在SiO2粒子的表面,SiO2/PFS复合材料呈不规则的核壳结构。对SiO2/PFS复合材料进行水接触角测定,结果显示,FOMA的用量对SiO2/PFS复合材料的疏水性有较大的影响。当m(FOMA)/m(St)=0.3时,SiO2/PFS复合材料在1~14的pH范围内具有很好的化学稳定性,且接触角高达171°。  相似文献   

采用等温等压化学气相浸渗法(ICVI)制备了二维碳纤维增韧碳化硅碳二元基复合材料(2D Cf/(SiC-C)).利用扫描电镜(SEM)和背散射电子成像(BSE)研究了其基体的微观结构, 并与二维碳纤维增韧碳化硅陶瓷基复合材料(2D Cf/SiC)比较了室温力学性能和断口形貌.结果表明:2D Cf/(SiC-C)复合材料的基体是由SiC与热解碳(PyC)组成的多层结构, PyC基体层分布均匀而连续, 且与SiC基体层结合紧密.纤维束内部PyC基体层较厚的2D Cf/(SiC-C)复合材料具有较高的强韧性, 其拉伸强度、断裂应变、断裂韧性和断裂功分别比2D Cf/SiC复合材料的提高了3%、142%、22%和58%.SiC与PyC组成的多层基体使2D Cf/(SiC-C)复合材料的纤维在拔出过程中发生了两次集中拔出, 且第一次集中拔出的纤维对复合材料的强韧性起主要作用.  相似文献   

用静电纺丝和氢气还原法制备FeCo/SnO_(2)复合纳米纤维并使用X射线衍射、扫描电子显微镜、振动样品磁强计和矢量网络分析仪等手段分析表征其结构、形貌、磁性及电磁特性,研究了SnO_(2)含量对复合纳米纤维的吸波性能的影响。结果表明,添加适量的SnO_(2)可显著提高FeCo纳米纤维的吸波性能。用SnO_(2)摩尔含量为20%的复合纳米纤维制备的厚度仅为1.4 mm的涂层,在频率10.95 GHz处最小反射损耗(RL)为-40.2 dB,有效吸收带宽(RL≤-10 dB)为2.64 GHz (9.75-12.39 GHz),厚度减小到1.0 mm的涂层其最大有效吸收带宽为4.16 GHz,频率范围为13.84~18.00 GHz。涂层吸波性能优异的主要原因,是阻抗匹配的改善、磁性FeCo合金与介电SnO_(2)的电磁损耗协同作用、加强的界面极化驰豫以及纳米纤维形成的三维网络结构产生的多重反射与散射。  相似文献   

对物理法制备的再生铜合金粉末进一步合金化,通过机械合金化(MA)结合放电等离子烧结(SPS)的方法制备了(Fe_(40)Ni_(40)Mn_(20))_(50)Cu_(50),(Fe_(38)Ni_(38)Ni_(38)Mn_(19)Al_(5))_(50)Cu_(50),(Fe_(36)Ni_(36)Mn_(18)Al_(10))50 Cu_(50)和(Fe_(32)Ni_(32)Mn_(16)Al_(20))_(50)Cu_(50)四种中熵合金块体,并研究了Al元素的含量对中熵合金微观组织与力学性能的影响。结果表明:在高能球磨60 h之后合金粉末完成合金化,四种中熵合金粉末均形成单一FCC相的过饱和固溶体且有微量WC杂质。经SPS烧结后,(Fe_(40)Ni_(40)Mn_(20))_(50)Cu_(50),(Fe_(38)Ni_(38)Mn_(19)Al_(5))_(50)Cu_(50)和(Fe_(36)Ni_(36)Mn_(18)Al_(10))50 Cu_(50)形成了由富Cu的FCC1相和富Fe-Ni的FCC2相组成的双相FCC结构,并具有超细晶+微米晶的多尺度结构;而(Fe_(32)Ni_(32)Mn_(16)Al_(20))_(50)Cu_(50)由富Cu的FCC主相和少量富Fe-Mn的FCC2相及富Ni-Al的BCC相(B2)组成。随着Al含量的提高,四种中熵合金的塑性逐渐降低,而强度和硬度逐渐提高。(Fe_(40)Ni_(40)Mn_(20))_(50)Cu_(50)合金的压缩屈服强度、抗压强度和维氏硬度分别为878 MPa,1257 MPa和248.5HV。与(Fe_(40)Ni_(40)Mn_(20))_(50)Cu_(50)相比,(Fe_(32)Ni_(32)Mn_(16)Al_(20))_(50)Cu_(50)的压缩屈服强度和硬度分别提高了50.1%和50.4%,断裂应变由19.55%下降至8.31%。  相似文献   

祝海  杨丽  刘洪波  陈惠  夏笑虹 《无机材料学报》2016,31(11):1223-1229
以Ni(NO3)2为Ni源, 利用液相浸渍法在氧化石墨层间吸附Ni2+, 通过H2热还原制备出Ni/还原氧化石墨纳米复合材料。采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)及网络矢量分析仪等对样品的结构及性能进行分析和表征, 研究了Ni(NO3)2浓度对材料微观形貌及电磁性能的影响。结果表明, 所制备材料为纳米级Ni颗粒与RGO的复合体, 具有优良的微波吸收性能; 当Ni(NO3)2浓度为1.5 mol/L时, 材料电磁吸收性能最佳, 在2~18 GHz频率范围内, 材料厚度为2 mm时, 反射损耗(RL)小于-5 dB的频率范围可达9 GHz, RLmax可达-40 dB。  相似文献   

对莫来石纤维增强SiO_(2)气凝胶复合材料开展面外方向单轴压缩实验,研究不同极限应变、热暴露温度对压缩回弹行为与变形恢复能力的影响,基于微观结构形貌变化阐释内在机制,对加载和卸载阶段的变形行为建立唯像力学模型。结果表明:莫来石纤维增强SiO_(2)气凝胶复合材料的压缩回弹行为呈现非线性特征,极限应变越大,变形恢复能力越差;高温热暴露预处理会对压缩回弹性能产生影响,热暴露温度越高,变形恢复能力越差,基体颗粒-团簇结构的聚集、大尺寸孔洞的形成和塌陷是主要原因;所建立的唯像力学模型可以用来描述材料在压缩加载-卸载时的应力-应变曲线,拟合结果与实验数据吻合较好。  相似文献   

以6-氨基己酸(6-AC)、己二酸(AA)和乙二醇(EG)为原料,采用熔融缩聚法合成了可生物降解聚酯酰胺(PEAs),对处理提纯后的共聚物用红外光谱进行了结构表征;利用差示扫描量热法表征了共聚物的熔融过程和结晶过程,并研究了产物的吸水性和水解降解行为。结果表明,红外光谱图中共聚物中酯键吸收峰的强度随着酯含量的增加而增强;聚合物的熔点(Tm)、熔融焓(ΔHm)和结晶温度(Tc)、结晶焓(ΔHc)随着酯含量的增加而明显降低。共聚物的组成对吸水率影响不大,其降解速率随酯含量的增加而加快;共聚物在酸性溶液中降解速率最快,在碱性溶液中降解速率次之,在近于中性溶液中降解速率最慢。  相似文献   

以(聚苯乙烯(PS)-g-线型低密度聚乙烯(LLDPE))-g-马来酸酐(MAH)为相容剂,改变混合方法,制备了具有不同微观结构的尼龙6(PA6)/LLDPE/PS(60/20/20,质量分数)三元共混物。根据热力学、动力学因素,预判了共混物的微观结构;再结合扫描电镜和力学性能测试,考察了微观结构对力学性能的影响。结果表明,简单共混时,因界面张力的作用,在PA6中PS会包裹LLDPE形成壳核结构;该增容剂黏度大,增容时合适的混合方法,使其更易扩散至相界面,有利于阻碍PS包裹LLDPE,使两相独立分散;预判结果与测试结果相一致;壳核结构的出现,会掩盖LLDPE(核)的韧性,使材料呈现出硬而脆的特点;两相独立分散,在保证材料刚性的同时又能提高韧性;采用(PS-g-LLDPE)-g-MAH先与PS、LLDPE混合再与PA6混合的共混法时,增容效果最好,其缺口冲击强度相较于简单共混物提高了近5倍,材料整体表现出硬而韧的特点。  相似文献   

磁控溅射制备Cu2O和Cu2O/TiO2复合膜及其光催化活性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用直流反应磁控溅射的方法在普通玻璃上沉积得到Cu2O、TiO2和Cu2O/TiO2复合薄膜.用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和X射线能谱仪(EDS)对薄膜的晶体结构、表面形态和薄膜元素组成进行了分析.XRD结果表明,当反应溅射时间为5 min时,Cu2O薄膜由单一的(111)晶面组成;反应时间的延长促进了Cu2O(110)和(220)晶面的生长.通过计算得出Cu2O(111)更有利于对O2的吸附.进一步使用氙灯作为光源,用薄膜对亚甲基蓝(MB)的降解率来表征光催化活性.结果表明,Cu2O/TiO2复合薄膜的光催化效果随着Cu2O含量的增加升高而后降低,当Cu2O含量为2.6mol%时,光催化活性最高.光催化效率的提高主要归因于Cu2O的加入引起光生电子-空穴的分离,而过量的Cu2O会延长光生电子迁移到Cu2O/TiO2界面和空穴迁移至表面所需要的时间,使电子和空穴复合的几率增大,从而降低了量子效率.  相似文献   

Growth behavior and optical properties of N-doped Cu2O films   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
N-doped Cu2O films are deposited by sputtering a CuO target in the mixture of Ar and N2. The structures zand optical properties have been studied for the films deposited at different temperatures. It is found that N-doping can suppress the formation of CuO phase in the films. The films are highly (100) textured at low temperatures and gradually change to be highly (111) textured at the temperature of 500 °C. With the analysis of (111) and (100) grain sizes, the surface free energy and grain size of critical nuclei are suggested to dominate the film texture. The analysis of the atomic force microscopy shows that the film growth can be attributed to the surface-diffusion-dominated growth. The forbidden rule of band gap transition is found disabled in the N-doped Cu2O films, which can be attributed to the occupation of 2p electrons of nitrogen at the top of valence band. The optical band gap energy is determined to be 2.52 ± 0.03 eV for the films deposited at different temperatures.  相似文献   

RuO2-CeO2 composite thin films are deposited on various Si substrates by a radiofrequency magnetron sputtering technique. Compacted polycrystalline pellets of the nanostructured CeO2-RuO2 composite system are used as standard samples for comparative electrical analyses. All films and composite samples are analyzed by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Electrical measurements of radiofrequency sputtering of thin films are performed as a function of the RuO2 fraction and of the temperature (between 25 and 400 °C). A nonlinear variation in the electrical conductivity of the RuO2-CeO2 composite thin films as a function of the RuO2 volume fraction (Φ) is observed and discussed. It is interpreted in terms of a power law (in (Φ − Φc)m ), where m and Φc are parameters characteristic of the distribution of the conducting phase in a composite medium.  相似文献   

A simulation study based on a concentric cylindrical model is presented for the prediction of the percolation threshold in anisotropic composites containing electrically conducting fibers in an insulating matrix. The present study uses both cubic and non-cubic control volumes to model the composite material rather than only cubic ones that have been employed in most earlier investigations. The use of non-cubic boxes has been shown to balance the disparity in the ratios of fiber to control volume (sample) dimensions in the three orthogonal directions for anisotropic fiber orientations. The finite size scaling (FSS) approach was found to be applicable for these non-random fiber orientations with the correlation length exponent being 0·89. The extrapolated threshold volume fractions for percolation in the three principal directions were found to be essentially the same for infinitely large systems. However, the slopes of the FSS curves were significantly different. These slopes, together with effective shape constants for the control volume, were used to predict the trend in threshold values for finite anisotropic systems such as those encountered experimentally. These theoretical arguments are among the first to explain several experimental results that have been reported in the literature for the electrical conductivity of short-fiber composites.  相似文献   

Cu2O and Cu nanoparticles were deposited on the surface of multi-walled carbon nanotubes with a diameter range of 15–90 nm by the impregnate method. Multi-wall carbon nanotubes with a length of 200 μm and a diameter range of 70–110 nm were grown inside of quartz tubing by the spray pyrolysis method using ferrocene/benzene under argon flow. The nanotubes were then treated with nitric acid to clean the surface and generate carboxylic groups. The copper was impregnated on multi-walled carbon nanotubes using a xylene solution of copper(I) phenylacetylide as the precursor. Copper and cuprous oxide nanoparticles were obtained during thermal treatment.  相似文献   

TiN-Al2O3纳米复合材料的力学性能和导电性能   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以纳米TiN和α-Al2O3粉体为原料,采用球磨混合法制备了纳米TiN-Al2O3复合粉体,通过热压烧结得到致密烧结体.研究了纳米TiN颗粒对Al2O3材料力学性能和导电性能的影响,实验结果表明:在Al2O3基体中加入15vol%TiN纳米颗粒时,Al2O3材料的弯曲强度和断裂韧性分别从370MPa和3.4MPa·m1/2提高到690MPa和5.1MPa·m1/2,随着TiN添加量的增加,复合材料的电阻率逐渐降低,在25vol%TiN时达到最低值(6.5×10-3Ω·cm).  相似文献   

短切碳纤维导电复合材料渗流和PTC行为的唯象分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为研究短切碳纤维含量和温度对导电复合材料渗流行为的影响,通过Landau相变理论导出了复合材料电导率与填料体积分数及温度的方程,并用该方程分析了短切碳纤维/乙烯基酯树脂复合材料的渗流和PTC行为。结果表明:复合材料的渗流阈值随温度升高而增加,PTC温度随碳纤维含量增加而上升。当温度由24.6℃上升到108.4℃时,其渗流阈值的理论值由1.06%增加到1.60%;当碳纤维体积分数由3.1%增加到4.6%时,其PTC温度的理论值由120℃上升到170℃。复合材料渗流阈值和PTC温度理论值与实验值符合得很好。   相似文献   

This study uses a continuum model to predict the percolation threshold of composites consisting of electrically conducting fibers in an insulating matrix. The influence of preferred orientations (resulting from differences in processing conditions) on the threshold volume fractions is discussed. The model consists of an impenetrable cylindrical core surrounded by a fully penetrable soft shell. The hard core represents a physical fiber whereas the soft shell represents an effective range for electrical conduction in the otherwise insulating matrix. The simulation procedure consists of the addition of fibers to a control volume to probe the formation of a 3-D interconnected network. Finite size scaling (FSS) theory is used to predict the threshold volume fractions for infinite systems. The correlation length exponent was found to be 0·89, in agreement with values reported in our earlier study for particulate composites as well as in other literature studies. For transversely isotropic composites, the threshold values were found to be anisotropic for finite systems. However, the anisotropy vanishes as the system size becomes infinitely large. The correlation length exponent for these transversely isotropic composites was also found to be 0·89. The effect of shell thickness on the threshold volume fractions is investigated. The influence of fiber aspect ratio on percolation behavior is discussed, and the simulation results are compared with experimental results reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Thermal conductivity of SiCp/Cu composites was usually far below the expectation, which is usually attributed to the low real thermal conductivity of matrix. In the present work, highly pure Cu matrix composites reinforced with acid washed SiC particles were prepared by the pressure infiltration method. The interfacial microstructure of SiCp/Cu composites was characterized by layered interfacial products, including un-reacted SiC particles, a Cu–Si layer, a polycrystalline C layer and Cu–Si matrix. However, no Cu3Si was found in the present work, which is evidence for the hypothesis that the formation of Cu3Si phase in SiC/Cu system might be related to the alloying elements in Cu matrix and residual Si in SiC particles. The thermal conductivity of SiCp/Cu composites was slightly increased with the particle size from 69.9 to 78.6 W/(m K). Due to high density defects, the real thermal conductivity of Cu matrix calculated by H–J model was only about 70 W/(m K). The significant decrease in thermal conductivity of Cu matrix is an important factor for the low thermal conductivity of SiCp/Cu composites. However, even considered the significant decrease of thermal conductivity of Cu matrix, theoretical values of SiCp/Cu composites calculated by H–J model were still higher than the experimental results. Therefore, an ideal particle was introduced in the present work to evaluate the effect of interfacial thermal resistance. The reverse-deduced effective thermal conductivities of ideal particles according to H–J model was about 80 W/(m K). Therefore, severe interfacial reaction in SiCp/Cu composites also leads to the low thermal conductivity of SiCp/Cu composites.  相似文献   

Cu2O/Cu nanocomposites (NCs) with flowerlike nano-architecture were prepared using template-free stepwise solvent-thermal synthesis route with Cu(NO3)2·3H2O as a precursor. With the precursor concentration increasing gradually from 0.01 to 0.1 M, the morphology of the NCs evolves from nano-flower to microsphere. The content of Cu in the NCs can be easily controlled by adjusting the concentration of precursor and synthesis time. Using photocatalytic degradation of monoazo dye Procion Red MX-5B (PR) and phenol as the probe molecules under visible-light illumination, we have investigated the influence of Cu on the photocatalytic activity of Cu2O. When the content of Cu lies in the range of 27–71 wt%, the samples exhibit higher photocatalytic performance, indicating that these flowerlike Cu2O/Cu NCs are promising candidates for pollutant processing.  相似文献   

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