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A popular model of decoherence based on the linear coupling to harmonic oscillator heat baths is analysed and shown to be inappropriate in the regime where decoherence dominates over energy dissipation, called pure decoherence regime. The similar mechanism essentially related to the energy conservation implies that, on the contrary to some recent conjectures [21], chaotic environments can be less efficient decoherers than regular ones. Finally, the elastic scattering mechanism is advocated as the simplest source of pure decoherence.  相似文献   

We consider the classical algebra of observables that are diagonal in a given orthonormal basis, and define a complete decoherence process as a completely positive map that asymptotically converts any quantum observable into a diagonal one, while preserving the elements of the classical algebra. For quantum systems in dimension two and three any decoherence process can be undone by collecting classical information from the environment and using such an information to restore the initial system state. As a relevant example, we illustrate the quantum eraser of Scully et al. [Nature 351, 111 (1991)] as an example of environment-assisted correction, and present the generalization of the eraser setup for d-dimensional systems. Presented at the 38th Symposium on Mathematical Physics “Quantum Entanglement & Geometry”, Toruń, June 4–7, 2006.  相似文献   

本文探讨了把量子广义测量和无消相干子空间 (DFS) 结合起来抑制消相干的潜力. 证实了: 把量子广义子空间投影测量 (QGSPM) 和量子广义分类投影测量 (QGCPM) 与 DFS 算子条件结合起来, 可以有效增强 Markovian 和非 Markovian 量子开放系统抑制消相干的能力. 强调了量子测量可以作为操控量子态的重要手段. 本方法的优点在于可以构造性地设计相干控制哈密顿量.  相似文献   

量子纠缠和量子计算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
钱辰 《计算机科学》2006,33(12):230-234
量子纠缠是量子力学中的一种非经典现象。本文从介绍纠缠和纠缠态出发,着重讨论纠缠的本质和非定域性概念。文末还讨论了纠缠在量子计算中的作用:它是量子计算优于经典计算的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

张云洁 《计算机科学》2006,33(10):216-220
本文的讨论主要集中在量子力学中测量部分,首先从量子力学的几大公设出发,着重分析测量公设的含义。然后提出量子力学争论的焦点问题之一——测量问题,并通过分别阐述塌缩原理、非塌缩原理以及对二者的比较来分析各种说法的合理性。接下来简要讨论同时测量问题。最后简略描述测量在不同量子计算模型中的体现,并对测量带来的问题做了思考。  相似文献   

It is reasonable to assume that quantum computations take place under the control of the classical world. For modelling this standard situation, we introduce a Classically-controlled Quantum Turing Machine (CQTM) which is a Turing machine with a quantum tape for acting on quantum data, and a classical transition function for a formalized classical control. In CQTM, unitary transformations and quantum measurements are allowed. We show that any classical Turing machine is simulated by a CQTM without loss of efficiency. Furthermore, we show that any k-tape CQTM is simulated by a 2-tape CQTM with a quadratic loss of efficiency. The gap between classical and quantum computations which was already pointed out in the framework of measurement-based quantum computation (see [S. Perdrix, Ph. Jorrand, Measurement-Based Quantum Turing Machines and their Universality, arXiv, quant-ph/0404146, 2004]) is confirmed in the general case of classically-controlled quantum computation. In order to appreciate the similarity between programming classical Turing machines and programming CQTM, some examples of CQTM will be given in the full version of the paper. Proofs of lemmas and theorems are omitted in this extended abstract.  相似文献   

We describe a model for the interaction of the internal (spin) degree of freedom of a quantum lattice-gas particle with an environmental bath. We impose the constraints that the particle-bath interaction be fixed, while the state of the bath is random, and that the effect of the particle-bath interaction be parity invariant. The condition of parity invariance defines a subgroup of the unitary group of actions on the spin degree of freedom and the bath. We derive a general constraint on the Lie algebra of the unitary group which defines this subgroup, and hence guarantees parity invariance of the particle-bath interaction. We show that generalizing the quantum lattice gas in this way produces a model having both classical and quantum discrete random walks as different limits. We present preliminary simulation results illustrating the intermediate behavior in the presence of weak quantum noise  相似文献   

We analyze how measured quantum dynamical systems store and process information, introducing sofic quantum dynamical systems. Using recently introduced information-theoretic measures for quantum processes, we quantify their information storage and processing in terms of entropy rate and excess entropy, giving closed-form expressions where possible. To illustrate the impact of measurement on information storage in quantum processes, we analyze two spin-1 sofic quantum systems that differ only in how they are measured.  相似文献   

基于相干控制的二能级量子系统退相干抑制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张靖  李春文 《控制与决策》2006,21(5):508-512
对于二能级开放量子系统,研究了利用相干控制抑制退相干效应的问题.首先讨论了二能级开放量子系统在相干控制下的建模问题,将退相干抑制归结为与环境噪声解耦的控制问题.然后,引入开环控制抑制退相干,并证明该控制可使系统状态中的部分分量与环境噪声渐近解耦.最后引入反馈控制,使得系统状态的相应分量可以与环境精确解耦,同时能够避免测量引入的量子噪声的影响.  相似文献   

The CNOT gate is asymmetric with respect to parity. It requires interaction with the environment, and cannot be realized as an isolated quantum collision.  相似文献   

We introduce simple qubit-encodings and logic gates which eliminate the need for certain difficult single-qubit operations in superconducting phase-qubits, while preserving universality. The simplest encoding uses two physical qubits per logical qubit. Two architectures for its implementation are proposed: one employing N physical qubits out of which N/2 are ancillas fixed in the |1 state, the other employing N/2+1 physical qubits, one of which is a bus qubit connected to all others. Details of a minimal set of universal encoded logic operations are given, together with recoupling schemes, that require nanosecond pulses. A generalization to codes with higher ratio of number of logical qubits per physical qubits is presented. Compatible decoherence and noise suppression strategies are also discussed. PACS: 03.67.Lx; 85.25.Hv; 03.67.-a; 89.70.+c  相似文献   

A universal quantum computer can be constructed using abelian anyons. Two qubit quantum logic gates such as controlled-NOT operations are performed using topological effects. Single-anyon operations such as hopping from site to site on a lattice suffice to perform all quantum logic operations. Anyonic quantum computation might be realized using quasiparticles of the fractional quantum Hall effect. PACS: 03.65-Lx  相似文献   

This tutorial is the first part of a series of two articles on quantum computation. In this first paper, we present the field of quantum computation from a broad perspective. We review the mathematical background and informally discuss physical implementations of quantum computers. Finally, we present the main primitives used in quantum algorithms.  相似文献   


In this article we present an ongoing effort to formalise quantum algorithms and results in quantum information theory using the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL. Formal methods being critical for the safety and security of algorithms and protocols, we foresee their widespread use for quantum computing in the future. We have developed a large library for quantum computing in Isabelle based on a matrix representation for quantum circuits, successfully formalising the no-cloning theorem, quantum teleportation, Deutsch’s algorithm, the Deutsch–Jozsa algorithm and the quantum Prisoner’s Dilemma. We discuss the design choices made and report on an outcome of our work in the field of quantum game theory.


量子计算及量子算法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
量子相干性和量子纠缠等特性为量子计算带来了完全不同于经典计算的独特运算方式,量子计算表现出的并行性更是令经典运算望尘莫及。Shor算法的提出完全展示了量子算法在解决某些经典问题时的优势,接踵而至的Grover搜索算法进一步诠释了量子计算的威力。此后,算法“量子化”在国际上掀起了研究的热潮,尤其在量子智能算法方面取得了不错的成果。文章首先介绍量子计算的发展现状和基本原理;然后列举三种典型的量子算法,展示量子计算的优越性;最后介绍该领域的研究进展。  相似文献   

In the framework of the spin-network simulator based on the SUq(2) tensor algebra, we implement families of finite state quantum automata capable of accepting the language generated by the braid group, and whose transition amplitudes are coloured Jones polynomials. The automaton calculation of the polynomial of a link L on n strands at any fixed root of unity q is bounded from above by a linear function of the number of crossings of the link, on the one hand, and polynomially bounded in terms of the braid index n, on the other.  相似文献   

量子计算与量子密码是基于量子效应的计算技术和密码技术.1984年Bennett和Brassard提出了第一个量子密钥分发协议,开启了量子密码学的研究,此后相继在量子加密、量子签名等领域进行了大量研究.1994年,Shor利用量子Fourier变换,设计了第一个实用的量子算法,在多项式时间内对大整数进行因子分解.1996年,Grover提出了量子搜索算法,能够对无结构数据进行二次加速.Shor算法和Grover算法的提出不仅体现了量子计算的优越性,还对传统基于数学困难问题的密码学体制造成威胁.经过半个世纪的发展,量子计算与量子密码在理论与实践的研究上都取得了丰硕的成果.从量子力学的数学框架、基本概念和原理、量子计算基本思想、量子密码研究进展及主要思想等方面进行总结梳理.  相似文献   

李继容 《微计算机信息》2006,22(27):275-277
对量子计算的最新研究方向进行了介绍,简述了量子计算和量子信息技术的重要应用领域。分析了量子计算机与经典计算机相比所具有的优点和目前制约量子计算机应用发展的主要因素,最后展望了其未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

We report an ensemble nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) implementation of a quantum lattice gas algorithm for the diffusion equation. The algorithm employs an array of quantum information processors sharing classical information, a novel architecture referred to as a type-II quantum computer. This concrete implementa-tion provides a test example from which to probe the strengths and limitations of this new computation paradigm. The NMR experiment consists of encoding a mass density onto an array of 16 two-qubit quantum information processors and then following the computation through 7 time steps of the algorithm. The results show good agreement with the analytic solution for diffusive dynamics. We also describe numerical simulations of the NMR implementation. The simulations aid in determining sources of experimental errors, and they help define the limits of the implementation. PACS: 03.67.Lx; 47.11.+j; 05.60.-k  相似文献   

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