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港口是城市发展的推进器,城市的诞生、发展和繁荣,大都是伴随着港口的形成、港口经济的发展而发展的。本文通过对清浦港业新城概念性规划设计的介绍,探讨了以港口产业的为核心的港业新城的打造途径,以及其对社会经济发展的推动作用。  相似文献   

杜春宇  汪利 《城市建筑》2014,(29):26-27
港口是城市发展的推进器,城市的诞生、发展和繁荣,大都是伴随着港口的形成、港口经济的发展而发展的。本文通过对清浦港业新城概念性规划设计的介绍,探讨了以港口产业的为核心的港业新城的打造途径,以及其对社会经济发展的推动作用。  相似文献   

再现城市活力的港口改造--德国汉堡港口新城规划简评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张曙 《新建筑》2005,(1):28-31
通过对德国汉堡港口新城规划及实施情况的介绍,了解当前西方发达国家如何通过对城市中心区的改造,充分挖掘城市的潜力,增加就业机会,改善居住环境,从而提升城市综合竞争力。  相似文献   

汉堡,作为一个拥有辉煌历史的港口城市,在2000年启动了港口新城项目,作为其21世纪城市发展的引擎。至今,项目的建设已取得了初步成果,显现出了其对城市经济、城市形象以及城市空间起到的积极作用。历史上,港口新城所在的港口区本是汉堡城市发展的起点,与中心城区是相互融合的关系。后来由于政策转变,港口区逐渐与中心城区分离。本文重点探讨了港口新城在建设中如何通过各种策略实现与中心城区的重新融合,从而打造了一个更大的汉堡中心都市圈。  相似文献   

陈挚 《规划师》2013,29(Z1)
城市更新层面的生态策略,有助于城区环境的改善及城市的可持续发展.汉堡港口新城采取对污染土壤进行整治、高效利用土地、推行公共交通和非机动车交通出行、采取低碳供热及构建环保建筑认证体系等生态规划策略,将生态规划、建设、运营及宣传有机结合,取得了棕地改造项目的成功.  相似文献   

西方国家大城市内城改造与新城规划案例分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文对国外内城改造和新城规划案例进行分析,可以起到人们学习国外先进的技术和经验的目的,在我国城市内城改造和新城规划中值得借鉴。  相似文献   

介绍了从1990年代中期到2008年金融危机期间,哥本哈根市对老工业港口的改造和?restad新城等建设中,哥本哈根X引领的关于这些建设活动的公共空间质量的大讨论以及对城市规划实践的反思。并指出,过去10年哥本哈根X在塑造城市空间的理论与实践中发挥着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

1 规划背景 1.1 必要性 1.1.1 金山新城是新一轮上海市城市总体规划所论证的规模最大的新城之一,是依托石油化工、港口发展为现代化、综合性、多功能的中等城市。这一论证,为金山卫地区的建设、发展提出了规划依据。 1.1.2 金山新城总体规划曾于1994年由上海市城市规划设计研究院编制完成,当时称为金山卫城  相似文献   

近些年,中国新城集中建设取得了一些成绩,但在新时期背景下,适应未来高品质、高标准的规划理念与实施管控策略尚需进一步疏理,将城市可持续发展与以人为本的开发建设理念相融合,是后续新城规划目标和技术标准制定的关键点。文章以德国汉堡港口新城为例,从公众参与、社会融合、文化汇集三方面加以策略总结,进而提出基于时空双维下的新城规划建设管控手段。  相似文献   

宁波市东部新城门户区委托项目与旧城中心改造竞赛宁波大约始建于公元前4800年,作为杭州湾南部一座极速增长的城市,它也是中国历史最悠久的城市之一。尽管如此,宁波也一直都是重要的港口城市,1842年第一次鸦片战争结束时签订的《南京条约》就将宁波划定为中国最重要的5处开埠城市之一。今天,宁波港已是全球仅次于上海和新加坡的第三大中转港口。随着中国的经济发展与其国际地位的提高,中国城市面临的现代化压力也与日俱增,在上海作为大都市的发展过程中就可清楚地看到这一点。  相似文献   

如何构建一个有利于吸引全球投资资本的城市形象是地方在推动城市全球化发展中的重要问题。以汉堡港口新城为例,从全球竞争下汉堡都市区发展背景出发,分析汉堡以巨型工程建设为全球化发展战略实施点,通过采取塑造欧洲都市发展新典范、展现项目建设过程、举办国际建筑竞赛与创造文化资本的营销策略体系构建了一种有利于吸引投资资本的全球形象,揭示了地方政府推进城市国际化发展的一种作用方式,即利用重点发展项目建设,结合地方历史和文化特征,通过合适的营销策略体系构建城市的全球形象是吸引全球投资资本、促进城市国际化建设的有效方式。  相似文献   

卢艳来 《中外建筑》2013,(8):104-105
通过对汉堡港口新城滨水空间的城市设计的考察和分析,从多板块多特性为脉络,以滨水特色为切入点,探索了其滨水区在规划设计、岸线营造、滨水设计风格等方面,对于今后中国滨水城市的发展和建设,加以印证和借鉴。  相似文献   

杨猛 《室内设计》2010,(3):41-45
本文以笔者亲身考察过的欧洲巴塞罗那滨水区、汉堡港口新城、巴黎海滩与不来梅港口复兴等四个具体案例为研究对象,分析研究了其所分别代表的不同滨水空间的复兴策略与实践经验:通过事件的滨水复兴、通过文化的滨水复兴、通过场所营造的滨水复兴和通过主题营造的滨水复兴。  相似文献   

Time‐dependent set‐up of piles considering as example the Elb‐philharmonica. The extension of the Kaispeicher in the Hafencity Hamburg to the Elb‐philharmonica leads to a local load increase of the existing pile foundation. To determine the load bearing behaviour of the existing piles and the need for any extension of the foundations pile load tests on three piles have been performed. A comparison of the results with the data of three old pile load tests from the construction of the building in 1963 reveals that the bearing capacity as well as the stiffness of the piles have increased significance. A finite‐element‐analysis of the pile load tests based on additional measurements shows that the capacity increase can be partly explained by different boundary conditions of the load tests like e.g. pre‐loading, but that a big part of the increase must be due to other time‐dependent mechanisms. Most plausible explanations for this set‐up effect is the relaxation of hoop stresses around the pile after installation as well as a densification of the sand at the pile shaft due to cyclic ground water fluctuation.  相似文献   

结合德国汉堡组织的威廉斯堡国 际建筑展和港口新城的两个案例,本文对汉 堡近年来平衡经济增长和强化社会认同的多 重城市设计工作进行了总结。文章首先阐释了 多元合作城市设计工作模式的内涵,同时指出 西方国家城市面临经济结构调整、社会群体 多元化和全球化的挑战,满足多元人群差异 化需求的城市设计策略在地方政府的发展政 策中占据了核心地位,国际建筑展成为发掘地 方需求,推动多样性发展的重要工具。威廉 斯堡在汉堡市政府支持下,通过一系列城市设 计项目与当地居民加强沟通,鼓励社区实现差 异化发展,重视培育居民对当地的认同感,提 升环境的质量和可持续性。港口新城则在以 前港口用地进行再开发的过程中,强调功能混 合和强化城市多样性的目标,提出了较为灵活 的城市设计原则,帮助人们在开发和施工过程 中不断改进,以确保城市开发的多样性。  相似文献   

本文以广州新会金诺城市综合体规划项目为例,从项目出发,研究城市综合体建筑体验空间设计的有关问题,以人在城市综合体建筑中的体验行为和如何创造主题性体验空间为研究基础,从场所感认知、空间尺度秩序、人性化主题特色、功能设施布局以及细部节点要素设计等方面进行分析研究,探索出有场所精神的人性化的城市综合体体验空间设计策略。  相似文献   

This paper compares the different ways in which the cities of Hamburg and Rotterdam are taking preemptive action to adapt to climate change. Literature, interviews, secondary data, official statistics, project reports and policy briefs were used to identify institutional arrangements used by the city governments to encourage innovations in climate adaptation strategies and involve the private sector in climate change policy implementation. We focus on cases that create positive opportunities; exploring how innovations are facilitated within the theoretical frameworks of the Porter hypothesis and eco-innovation. We examine two possible pathways of climate change governance, firstly strict regulation and formal enforcement, and secondly institutional eco-innovation and voluntary measures. We found that different emphasis is placed on the preferred pathway in each of the case studies. Hamburg focuses on formal enforcements while the Rotterdam city government encourages institutional eco-innovation by acting as a platform and also providing incentives. Our findings suggest that a well-designed institutional framework can enhance innovation and increase environmental and business performance. The framework could vary in instruments and patterns, using both formal constraints and incentives to increase voluntary actions to shape policy. The formal rules could be stringent or incentivising to shape the climate change measures. The research aims to contribute to both practice and science by providing examples that might motivate and inspire other cities to design appropriate institutions for climate change policy implementation.  相似文献   

Increasingly crowded conditions in European cities have increased the use of underground buildings for a variety of purposes. Underground structures serve economic and functional purposes that permit the realization of larger structural volumes when planned as part of the city structure areas; and, therefore, constitute an important component of modern urban architecture. This paper presents examples of underground space uses in Germany, including a street tunnel and a canteen building in Bonn; the Kö-Galerie shopping arcade in Düsseldorf; the harbour park house in Hamburg; the Altstadt/Dom-Rhein project; and the Basar de Cologne; arcade in Cologne; as well as the Arnulf-Klett Arcade in Stuttgart.  相似文献   

Here we report indoor and outdoor concentrations of NO2 for Erfurt and Hamburg and assess the contribution of the most important indoor sources (e.g. the presence of gas cooking ranges, smoking) and outdoor sources (traffic exhaust emissions). We examined the relative contribution of the different sources of NO2 to the total indoor NO2 levels in Erfurt and Hamburg. NO2 indoor concentrations in Hamburg were slightly higher than those in Erfurt (i.e. living room: 15 microg m(-3) for Erfurt and 17 microg m(-3) for Hamburg). A linear regression model including the variables, place of residence, season and outdoor NO2 levels, location of the home within the city, housing and occupant characteristics accounted for 38% of the NO2 variance. The most important predictors of indoor NO2 concentrations were gas in cooking followed by other characteristics, such as ventilation or outdoor NO2 level. Residences in which gas was used for cooking, or in which occupants smoked, had substantially higher indoor NO2 concentrations (41 or 18% increase, respectively). An increase in the outdoor NO2 concentration from the 25th to the 75th-percentile (17 microg m(-3)) was associated with a 33% increase in the living room NO2 concentration. Multiple regression analysis for both cities separately illustrated that use of gas for cooking was the major indoor source of NO2. This variable caused a similar increase in the indoor NO2 levels in each city (43% in Erfurt and 47% in Hamburg). However, outdoor sources of NO2 (motor vehicle traffic) contributed more to indoor NO2 levels in Hamburg than in Erfurt.  相似文献   

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